14 research outputs found

    Mapeamento de áreas de risco à saúde pública por meio de métodos geoestatísticos Public health risk maps using geostatistical methods

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma aplicação de métodos geoestatísticos na elaboração de mapas de risco à saúde pública, por meio da identificação de áreas com maior concentração de metais pesados. Foi escolhido o elemento chumbo (Pb), resultante do transporte aéreo ou do carregamento das partículas causado pela lixiviação do solo, em uma região com grande concentração urbana e industrial na Baixada Santista, São Paulo, Brasil. Elaboraram-se mapas das distribuições espaciais desse elemento por intermédio da krigagem ordinária; posteriormente, utilizando-se a krigagem indicativa, identificaram-se as áreas com valores de contaminação do solo superiores aos níveis máximos aceitáveis pelo órgão de controle ambiental do Estado de São Paulo, originando um mapeamento com áreas com maior probabilidade de risco à saúde pública. Os mapas resultantes mostraram-se ferramentas promissoras para auxiliar a tomada de decisão quanto a questões de políticas públicas relacionadas à saúde e ao planejamento ambiental.<br>The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate an application of geostatistical methods to public health risk maps through the identification of areas with elevated concentrations of heavy metals. The study focused on the element lead (Pb) from aerial transportation or loading of particles due to soil leaching in an area with major urban and industrial concentration in the Baixada Santista on the coastland of São Paulo State, Brazil. Maps with the spatial distribution of lead were produced using ordinary kriging; subsequently indicative kriging was performed to identify soil sites with contamination levels higher than the maximum acceptable level defined by the São Paulo State Environmental Control Agency. The resulting maps showed areas with increased probability of public health risk. The methodology proved to be a promising approach for decision-making related to health public policies and environmental planning

    Cloning and expression analysis of candidate genes involved in wax deposition along the growing barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf

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    The aim of the present study was to isolate clones of genes which are likely to be involved in wax deposition on barley leaves. Of particular interest were those genes which encode proteins that take part in the synthesis and further modification of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs), the precursors of waxes. Previously, it had been shown that wax deposition commences within a spatially well-defined developmental zone along the growing barley leaf (Richardson et al. in Planta 222:472–483, 2005). In the present study, a barley microarray approach was used to screen for candidate contig-sequences (www.barleybase.org) that are expressed particularly in those leaf zones where wax deposition occurs and which are expressed specifically within the epidermis, the site of wax synthesis. Candidate contigs were used to screen an established in-house cDNA library of barley. Six full-length coding sequences clones were isolated. Based on sequence homologies, three clones were related to Arabidopsis CER6/CUT1, and these clones were termed HvCUT1;1, HvCUT1;2 and HvCUT1;3. A fourth clone, which was related to Arabidopsis Fiddlehead (FDH), was termed HvFDH1;1. These clones are likely to be involved in synthesis of VLCFAs. A fifth and sixth clone were related to Arabidopsis CER1, and were termed HvCER1;1 and HvCER1;2. These clones are likely to be involved in the decarbonylation pathway of VLCFAs. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR confirmed microarray expression data. In addition, expression analyses at 10-mm resolution along the blade suggest that HvCUT1;1 (and possibly HvCUT1;2) and HvCER1;1 are involved in commencement of wax deposition during barley leaf epidermal cell development. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00425-007-0585-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users