244 research outputs found

    Effect of microparticulated whey proteins on milk coagulation properties

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    The enhancement of milk coagulation properties (MCP) and the reuse of whey produced by the dairy industry are of great interest to improve the efficiency of the cheese-making process. Native whey proteins (WP) can be aggregated and denatured to obtain colloidal microparticulated WP (MWP). The objective of this study was to assess the effect of MWP on MCP; namely, rennet coagulation time (RCT), curd-firming time, and curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition. Six concentrations of MWP (vol/vol; 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0%) were added to 3 bulk milk samples (collected and analyzed during 3 d), and a sample without MWP was used as control. Within each day of analysis, 6 replicates of MCP for each treatment were obtained, changing the position of the treatment in the rack. For control samples, 2 replicates per day were performed. In addition to MCP, WP fractions were measured on each treatment during the 3 d of analysis. Milk coagulation properties were measured on 144 samples by using a Formagraph (Foss Electric, Hillerød, Denmark). Increasing the amount of MWP added to milk led to a longer RCT. In particular, significant differences were found between RCT of the control samples (13.5 min) and RCT of samples with 3.0% (14.6 min) or more MWP. A similar trend was observed for curd-firming time, which was shortest in the control samples and longest in samples with 9.0% MWP (21.4 min). No significant differences were detected for curd firmness at 30 min across concentrations of MWP. Adjustments in cheese processing should be made when recycling MWP, in particular during the coagulation process, by prolonging the time of rennet activity before cutting the curd

    AxIOM: Amphipod crustaceans from insular <i>Posidonia oceanica</i> seagrass meadows

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    Background The Neptune grass, Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813, is the most widespread seagrass of the Mediterranean Sea. This foundation species forms large meadows that, through habitat and trophic services, act as biodiversity hotspots. In Neptune grass meadows, amphipod crustaceans are one of the dominant groups of vagile invertebrates, forming an abundant and diverse taxocenosis. They are key ecological components of the complex, pivotal, yet critically endangered Neptune grass ecosystems. Nevertheless, comprehensive qualitative and quantitative data about amphipod fauna found in Mediterranean Neptune grass meadows remain scarce, especially in insular locations. New information Here, we provide in-depth metadata about AxIOM, a sample-based dataset published on the GBIF portal. AxIOM is based on an extensive and spatially hierarchized sampling design with multiple years, seasons, day periods, and methods. Samples were taken along the coasts of Calvi Bay (Corsica, France) and of the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Italy). In total, AxIOM contains 187 samples documenting occurrence (1775 records) and abundance (10720 specimens) of amphipod crustaceans belonging to 72 species spanning 29 families. The dataset is available at http://ipt.biodiversity.be/resource?r=axiom

    Plant-derived peptides rubiscolin-6, soymorphin-6 and their c-terminal amide derivatives: pharmacokinetic properties and biological activity

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    The aim of this work is to investigate the pharmacokinetic properties, antinociceptive and antioxidant activities of rubiscolin-6, soymorphin-6 and their C-terminal amides; The four peptides were synthesized following Fmoc-SPPS strategy to give the final peptides in excellent overall yields and purity following analytical RP-HPLC analysis. None of them shows antioxidant activity and α-tyrosinase inhibition in vitro. All compounds are able to activate G-protein coupled receptor at the δ-opioid receptor (DOR) at 100 μM concentration however, rubiscolin-6-amide exhibits significative antinociceptive effect after i.c.v. administration in the tail flick test (TF) and s.c. administration in the formalin test (FT). Rubiscolin-6 shows the best in vitro intestinal bioavailability in CaCo2 cell monolayer and stability to the brush border exopeptidases in the apical compartment. In silico experiments show the interaction of rubiscolin-6 and rubiscolin-6 amide at the binding cavity of DOR compared with the crystallographic ligand TIPP-NH2

    Busulfan and melphalan as conditioning regimen for autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission

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    Vinte e dois pacientes consecutivos portadores de leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA) em primeira remissão completa (1ªRC) submetidos a transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas autogênico (TCTH Auto) condicionados com bussulfano e melfalano (Bu/Mel) foram selecionados entre 1993 e 2006. A probabilidade de sobrevida global (SG) pelo método de Kaplan-Meier foi de 57,5% após 36 meses, com "plateau" aos 20 meses após o transplante. Fatores como sexo, classificação Franco-Americana-Britânica (FAB) da LMA, tratamento de indução, consolidação intensiva, remissão após o primeiro ciclo de indução e fonte de células não tiveram impacto na sobrevida. Pela análise citogenética, um paciente de mau prognóstico submetido ao procedimento, foi a óbito um ano após o transplante. Nove pacientes foram a óbito, oito por recidiva e um por hemorragia. Morte antes dos 100 dias ocorreu em dois pacientes, um por recidiva e outro por hemorragia decorrente da plaquetopenia refratária, relacionada ao procedimento. Concluímos que o regime de condicionamento Bu/Mel é opção válida ao uso de outros regimes de condicionamento, apresentando excelente taxa da sobrevida.Twenty-two consecutive patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission submitted to autologous hematopoietic stem cells transplantation conditioned with busulfan and melphalan were evaluated between 1993 and 2006. The overall survival, according to the Kaplan-Meier curve, was 57.5% at 36 months, with a "plateau" at 20 months after transplant. Factors such as gender, French-American-British (FAB) classification of acute myeloid leukemia, induction therapy, intensive consolidation, remission after the first cycle of induction and source of cells had no impact on survival. One patient with poor prognosis before the procedure died a year after transplantation. Nine patients died, eight by relapse and one because of bleeding. Death before 100 days occurred for two patients, one due to relapse and the other bleeding caused by refractory thrombocytopenia related to the procedure. In conclusion, the conditioning regiment with busulfan and melphalan is a valid option compared to the other conditioning regimens, with an excellent overall survival

    Demography and disorders of German Shepherd Dogs under primary veterinarycare in the UK

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    The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) has been widely used for a variety of working roles. However, concerns for the health and welfare of the GSD have been widely aired and there is evidence that breed numbers are now in decline in the UK. Accurate demographic and disorder data could assist with breeding and clinical prioritisation. The VetCompassTM Programme collects clinical data on dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK. This study included all VetCompassTM dogs under veterinary care during 2013. Demographic, mortality and clinical diagnosis data on GSDs were extracted and reported

    Correlations between the alpha-Gal antigen, antibody response and calcification of cardiac valve bioprostheses: experimental evidence obtained using an alpha-Gal knockout mouse animal model

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    IntroductionPreformed antibodies against αGal in the human and the presence of αGal antigens on the tissue constituting the commercial bioprosthetic heart valves (BHVs, mainly bovine or porcine pericardium), lead to opsonization of the implanted BHV, leading to deterioration and calcification. Murine subcutaneous implantation of BHVs leaflets has been widely used for testing the efficacy of anti-calcification treatments. Unfortunately, commercial BHVs leaflets implanted into a murine model will not be able to elicit an αGal immune response because such antigen is expressed in the recipient and therefore immunologically tolerated.MethodsThis study evaluates the calcium deposition on commercial BHV using a new humanized murine αGal knockout (KO) animal model. Furtherly, the anti-calcification efficacy of a polyphenol-based treatment was deeply investigated. By using CRISPR/Cas9 approach an αGal KO mouse was created and adopted for the evaluation of the calcific propensity of original and polyphenols treated BHV by subcutaneous implantation. The calcium quantification was carried out by plasma analysis; the immune response evaluation was performed by histology and immunological assays. Anti-αGal antibodies level in KO mice increases at least double after 2 months of implantation of original commercial BHV compared to WT mice, conversely, the polyphenols-based treatment seems to effectively mask the antigen to the KO mice’s immune system.ResultsCommercial leaflets explanted after 1 month from KO mice showed a four-time increased calcium deposition than what was observed on that explanted from WT. Polyphenol treatment prevents calcium deposition by over 99% in both KO and WT animals. The implantation of commercial BHV leaflets significantly stimulates the KO mouse immune system resulting in massive production of anti-Gal antibodies and the exacerbation of the αGal-related calcific effect if compared with the WT mouse. DiscussionThe polyphenol-based treatment applied in this investigation showed an unexpected ability to inhibit the recognition of BHV xenoantigens by circulating antibodies almost completely preventing calcific depositions compared to the untreated counterpart

    Impronta ambientale degli allevamenti montani di vacche da latte

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    L’obiettivo era quello dianalizzare l’impronta ambientale (metodo Life Cycle Assessment) della produzione di latte inallevamenti bovini delle Alpi orientali. Lo studio (Progetto TOPValue, Programma Interreg V-A Italia-Austria 2014-2020)ha coinvolto 75 aziende (38±25 UBA, 20.9±5.4 kg/vacca/ddi latte corretto per il tenore di proteina e grasso), per le quali sono stati raccolti dati circa la gestione degli animali e dei reflui, le produzioni agrarie e gli approvvigionamenti extra-aziendali. Gli indicatori di sostenibilità sono stati i seguenti: impronta del carbonio (CC, kg CO2-eq), del potenziale eutrofizzante (EP, g PO4-eq), per 1 kg di latte (1.2±0.2 kg CO2-eq e 6.0±1.7 g PO4-eq) e per 1 m2di superficie agraria (0.5±0.2 kg CO2-eq e 2.7±1.0 g PO4-eq), e l’efficienza di conversione dell’energia grezza degli alimenti potenzialmente edibilida parte dell’uomo (HeECR, MJ alimenti/MJ latte). Gli indicatori sono stati testati per l’effetto della classe di dimensione aziendale (3 classi) e per l’effetto dell’uso del pascolo per le vacche in produzione (presenza/assenza). L’effetto dimensionale non è risultato significativo per nessun indicatore. Le aziende con vacche in produzione al pascolo presentano valori simili di impatto (CC e EP) per 1 kg di latte, significativamente inferiori (P<0.01) per 1 m2e circa HeECR (-41%), rispetto le aziende con vacche in stalla tutto l’anno. I risultati mostrano come le aziende a gestione più tradizionale (aziende di piccola scala che utilizzano il pascolo) riescano a sfruttare in modo ottimale le risorse foraggere locali senza penalizzazioni circa la loro impronta ambientale

    The nonlinear effect of somatic cell count on milk composition, coagulation properties, curd firmness modeling, cheese yield, and curd nutrient recovery

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between somatic cell count (SCC) in milk and several milk technological traits at the individual cow level. In particular, we determined the effects of very low to very high SCC on traits related to (1) milk yield and composition; (2) coagulation properties, including the traditional milk coagulation properties (MCP) and the new curd firming model parameters; and (3) cheese yield and recovery of milk nutrients in the curd (or loss in the whey). Milk samples from 1,271 Brown Swiss cows from 85 herds were used. Nine coagulation traits were measured: 3 traditional MCP [rennet coagulation time (RCT, min), curd firming rate (k20, min), and curd firmness after 30 min (a30, mm)] and 6 new curd firming and syneresis traits [potential asymptotic curd firmness at infinite time (CFP, mm), curd firming instant rate constant (kCF, % 7 min-1), syneresis instant rate constant (kSR, % 7 min-1), rennet coagulation time estimated using the equation (RCTeq, min), maximum curd firmness achieved within 45 min (CFmax, mm), and time at achievement of CFmax (tmax, min)]. The observed cheese-making traits included 3 cheese yield traits (%CYCURD, %CYSOLIDS, and %CYWATER, which represented the weights of curd, total solids, and water, respectively, as a percentage of the weight of the processed milk) and 4 nutrient recoveries in the curd (RECFAT, RECPROTEIN, RECSOLIDS, and RECENERGY, which each represented the percentage ratio between the nutrient in the curd and milk). Data were analyzed using a linear mixed model with the fixed effects of days in milk, parity, and somatic cell score (SCS), and the random effect of herd-date. Somatic cell score had strong influences on casein number and lactose, and also affected pH; these were traits characterized by a quadratic pattern of the data. The results also showed a negative linear relationship between SCS and milk yield. Somatic cell score influenced almost all of the tested coagulation traits (both traditional and modeled), with the exceptions of k20, CFP, and kSR. Gelation was delayed when the SCS decreased (slightly) and when it increased (strongly) with respect to a value of 2, as confirmed by the quadratic patterns observed for both RCT and RCTeq. The SCS effect on a30 showed a quadratic pattern almost opposite to that observed for RCT. With respect to the CFt parameters, kCF decreased linearly as SCS increased, resulting in a linear decrease of CFmax and a quadratic pattern for tmax. Milk SCS attained significance for %CYCURD, %CYWATER, and RECPROTEIN. As the SCS increased beyond 3, we observed a progressive quadratic decrease of the water retained in the curd (%CYWATER), which caused a parallel decrease in %CYCURD. With respect to RECPROTEIN, the negative effect of SCS was almost linear. Recovery of fat and (consequently) RECENERGY was characterized by a more evident quadratic trend, with the most favorable values associated with an intermediate SCS. Together, our results confirmed that high SCS has a negative effect on milk composition and technological traits, highlighting the nonlinear trends of some traits across the different classes of SCS. Moreover, we report that a very low SCS has a negative effect on some technological traits of mil
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