11 research outputs found

    MusicPlayTherapy – A parent-child psychotherapy for children 0–4 years old

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    Die frühe Phase des Eltern-Kind-Beziehungsaufbaus ist von besonderer Wichtigkeit. Sie ist die Grundlage für die Entwicklung der Beziehungsfähigkeit des Kindes. Verschiedene Risikofaktoren können zu Interaktionsstörungen zwischen Eltern1 und Kind führen und die weitere Entwicklung der Beziehungsfähigkeit des Kindes und seine emotionale, soziale und kognitive Entwicklung stören. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist in dieser Lebensphase (0 bis ca. 4 Jahre) eine Intervention im Sinne einer Eltern-Kind-Psychotherapie bei früh auftretenden Interaktionsstörungen indiziert. Hier setzt das Konzept der MusikSpielTherapie (MST) an: Das frühe Beziehungsgeschehen ist vor allem von komplexen, alle Sinnesebenen ansprechenden präverbalen Kommunikationssequenzen gekennzeichnet. Das in die Therapie integrierte Medium Musik setzt im Bereich der vorsprachlichen Kommunikation an. Durch die Wirkungskomponenten von Musik (Rhythmus, Klang, Melodie, Dynamik) greifen wir die präverbalen Ausdrucks-, Spiel- und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten von Säuglingen und kleinen Kindern auf und eröffnen für den sinnlichen Ausdruck von Gefühlen und Erfahrungen einen Spiel-Raum. Wir arbeiten mit dem Kind und jeweils einem Elternteil in den MusikSpielTherapie-Sitzungen zusammen. Die Eltern werden wieder mit der Ebene des Spielens vertraut, sie lernen spielen und finden somit den Zugang zu einem emotionalen Erfahrungsaustausch mit ihrem Kind. Mit beiden Eltern führen wir zusätzliche Beratungsgespräche.(DIPF/Orig.)The early stage of building up the parent-child relationship is especially important. It is the basis for the child’s development of the ability to relate to others and his or her further emotional, social and cognitive development. In this important early phase various risk factors may alienate parents from their intuitive parental competence towards their children. Such interaction problems indicate an intervention in the form of parent-children psychotherapy. This constitutes an entry point for the concept of MusicPlayTherapy (MPT): The early relationship is characterized mainly by complex communication sequences that address the senses at all levels. Therefore, the MPT concept integrates music as medium to communicate and opens up a playing space for play that allows emotions and experiences to be expressed. The components of music such as rhythm, sound, and melody stimulate babies and toddlers to express, play, and communicate preverbally. We work with the child and a parent in the MusicPlayTherapy sessions. Parents learn again to play and thereby learn to reach their children emotionally and to communicate with them. We complement the therapy sessions by counselling sessions with both parents.(DIPF/Orig.

    Residual Humidity in Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Reduces Nucleic Acid Stability

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    Molecular diagnostics in healthcare relies increasingly on genomic and transcriptomic methodologies and requires appropriate tissue specimens from which nucleic acids (NA) of sufficiently high quality can be obtained. Besides the duration of ischemia and fixation type, NA quality depends on a variety of other pre-analytical parameters, such as storage conditions and duration. It has been discussed that the improper dehydration of tissue during processing influences the quality of NAs and the shelf life of fixed tissue. Here, we report on establishing a method for determining the amount of residual water in fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (fixed by neutral buffered formalin or a non-crosslinking fixative) and its correlation to the performance of NAs in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analyses. The amount of residual water depended primarily on the fixative type and the dehydration protocol and, to a lesser extent, on storage conditions and time. Moreover, we found that these parameters were associated with the qRT-PCR performance of extracted NAs. Besides the cross-linking of NAs and the modification of nucleobases by formalin, the hydrolysis of NAs by residual water was found to contribute to reduced qRT-PCR performance. The negative effects of residual water on NA stability are not only important for the design and interpretation of research but must also be taken into account in clinical diagnostics where the reanalysis of archived tissue from a primary tumor may be required (e.g., after disease recurrence). We conclude that improving the shelf life of fixed tissue requires meticulous dehydration and dry storage to minimize the degradative influence of residual water on NAs

    p62 Is a Common Component of Cytoplasmic Inclusions in Protein Aggregation Diseases

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    Exposure of cells to stress, particularly oxidative stress, leads to misfolding of proteins and, if they are not refolded or degraded, to cytoplasmic protein aggregates. Protein aggregates are characteristic features of a variety of chronic toxic and degenerative diseases, such as Mallory bodies (MBs) in hepatocytes in alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, neurofibrillary tangles in neurons in Alzheimer’s, and Lewy bodies in Parkinson’s disease. Using 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we identified p62 as a novel MB component. p62 and cytokeratins (CKs) are major MB constituents; HSP 70, HSP 25, and ubiquitinated CKs are also present. These proteins characterize MBs as a prototype of disease-associated cytoplasmic inclusions generated by stress-induced protein misfolding. As revealed by transfection of tissue culture cells overexpressed p62 did not induce aggregation of regular CK filaments but selectively bound to misfolded and ubiquitinated CKs. The general role of p62 in the cellular response to misfolded proteins was substantiated by detection of p62 in other cytoplasmic inclusions, such as neurofibrillary tangles, Lewy bodies, Rosenthal fibers, intracytoplasmic hyaline bodies in hepatocellular carcinoma, and α1-antitrypsin aggregates. The presence of p62 along with other stress proteins and ubiquitin in cytoplasmic inclusions indicates deposition as aggregates as a third line of defense against misfolded proteins in addition to refolding and degradation

    High Keratin 8/18 Ratio Predicts Aggressive Hepatocellular Cancer Phenotype

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    BACKGROUND amp; AIMS: Steatohepatitis (SH) and SH-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are of considerable clinical significance. SH is morphologically characterized by steatosis, liver cell ballooning, cytoplasmic aggregates termedMallory-Denk bodies (MDBs), inflammation, and fibrosis at late stage. Disturbance of the keratin cytoskeleton and aggregation of keratins (KRTs) are essential for MDB formation. METHODS: Weanalyzed livers of aged Krt18(-/-) mice that spontaneously developed in the majority of cases SH-associated HCC independent of sex. Interestingly, the hepatic lipid profile in Krt18(-/-) mice, which accumulate KRT8, closely resembles human SH lipid profiles and shows that the excess of KRT8 over KRT18 determines the likelihood to develop SH-associated HCC linked with enhanced lipogenesis. RESULTS: Our analysis of the genetic profile of Krt18(-/-) mice with 26 human hepatoma cell lines and with data sets of amp;gt;300 patients with HCC, where Krt18(-/-) gene signatures matched human HCC. Interestingly, a high KRT8/18 ratio is associated with an aggressive HCC phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: We can prove that intermediate filaments and their binding partners are tightly linked to hepatic lipid metabolism and to hepatocarcinogenesis. We suggest KRT8/18 ratio as a novel HCC biomarker for HCC.Funding Agencies|Kurt und Senta Herrmann Stiftung; Austrian Genome Programme GEN-AU; DFG [MA1316-15, MA1316-17, MA1316-19, MA1316-21, INST 268/230-1]; German Research Foundation [STR 1095/4-2]; Else Kroner Exzellenzstipendium; Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) [115234]; EFPIA companies</p