78 research outputs found

    South Asian monsoon history over the past 60 kyr recorded by radiogenic isotopes and clay mineral assemblages in the Andaman Sea

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    The Late Quaternary variability of the South Asian (or Indian) monsoon has been linked with glacial‐interglacial and millennial scale climatic changes but past rainfall intensity in the river catchments draining into the Andaman Sea remains poorly constrained. Here we use radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions of the detrital clay‐size fraction and clay mineral assemblages obtained from sediment core NGHP Site 17 in the Andaman Sea to reconstruct the variability of the South Asian monsoon during the past 60 kyr. Over this time interval εNd values changed little, generally oscillating between −7.3 and −5.3 and the Pb isotope signatures are essentially invariable, which is in contrast to a record located further northeast in the Andaman Sea. This indicates that the source of the detrital clays did not change significantly during the last glacial and deglaciation suggesting the monsoon was spatially stable. The most likely source region is the Irrawaddy river catchment including the Indo‐Burman Ranges with a possible minor contribution from the Andaman Islands. High smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratios (up to 14), as well as low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.711) for the Holocene period indicate enhanced chemical weathering and a stronger South Asian monsoon compared to marine oxygen isotope stages 2 and 3. Short, smectite‐poor intervals exhibit markedly radiogenic Sr isotope compositions and document weakening of the South Asian monsoon, which may have been linked to short‐term northern Atlantic climate variability on millennial time scales

    South Asian monsoon history over the past 60 kyr recorded by radiogenic isotopes and clay mineral assemblages in the Andaman Sea

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    The Late Quaternary variability of the South Asian (or Indian) monsoon has been linked with glacial-interglacial and millennial scale climatic changes but past rainfall intensity in the river catchments draining into the Andaman Sea remains poorly constrained. Here we use radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions of the detrital clay-size fraction and clay mineral assemblages obtained from sediment core NGHP Site 17 in the Andaman Sea to reconstruct the variability of the South Asian monsoon during the past 60 kyr. Over this time interval eNd values changed little, generally oscillating between 27.3 and 25.3 and the Pb isotope signatures are essentially invariable, which is in contrast to a record located further northeast in the Andaman Sea. This indicates that the source of the detrital clays did not change significantly during the last glacial and deglaciation suggesting the monsoon was spatially stable. The most likely source region is the Irrawaddy river catchment including the Indo-Burman Ranges with a possible minor contribution from the Andaman Islands. High smectite/(illite1chlorite) ratios (up to 14), as well as low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.711) for the Holocene period indicate enhanced chemical weathering and a stronger South Asian monsoon compared to marine oxygen isotope stages 2 and 3. Short, smectite-poor intervals exhibit markedly radiogenic Sr isotope compositions and document weakening of the South Asian monsoon, which may have been linked to short-term northern Atlantic climate variability on millennial time scales

    Zum mikrochemischen Nachweis von Beryllium mit Ammoniummolybdat

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    Interactions between electromagnetic fields and matter

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    Interactions between Electromagnetic Fields and Matter deals with the principles and methods that can amplify electromagnetic fields from very low levels of signals. This book discusses how electromagnetic fields can be produced, amplified, modulated, or rectified from very low levels to enable these for application in communication systems. This text also describes the properties of matter and some phenomenological considerations to the reactions of matter when an action of external fields results in a polarization of the particle system and changes the bonding forces existing in the matter

    Des Theologen Faust : ein neuzeitliches Historienspiel / Von Karl Stumpf. Aus dem Nachlaß hrsg. von Gustav Molbtiez. Mit 12 Porträtzeichn. von Cornelia Bloßfeldt

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    DES THEOLOGEN FAUST : EIN NEUZEITLICHES HISTORIENSPIEL / VON KARL STUMPF. AUS DEM NACHLASS HRSG. VON GUSTAV MOLBTIEZ. MIT 12 PORTRÄTZEICHN. VON CORNELIA BLOSSFELDT Des Theologen Faust : ein neuzeitliches Historienspiel / Von Karl Stumpf. Aus dem Nachlaß hrsg. von Gustav Molbtiez. Mit 12 Porträtzeichn. von Cornelia Bloßfeldt (3) Einband (3) Titelseite (4) Einleitung (6) Zueignung - Nacht der Orthodoxie (13) Vor dem Tor der Orthodoxie - Königsberger Studirzimmer (28) Stiftskeller zu Tübingen - Der Garten der Glaubenslehre (43) Am Brunnen der Schleiermacherschule - Trüber Tag des Pessimismus. Ödes Feld (62) Materialistische Nacht. Offenes Feld des Positivismus - Die hell erleuchteten Säle des harnackschen Christentums (78) Der Lustgarten der Greifswalder Liebe und Hallenser Versöhnung - Am oberen Peneios der Religionsphilosophie (94) Heilige Felsbuchten der Religionsphänomenologie, Lutherrenaissance und Bibeltheologie - Innerer Burghof von Weimar (111) Alpines Hochgebirge der kirchlichen Dogmatik. - Offene Gegend des hermeneutischen Gesprächs (136) Am Tische zu Drei, in der Gartenlaube der Hermeneutik - Statt eines Nachspiels (154) Dramatis personae illustrissimae (175