129 research outputs found

    Acute and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Mothers and Fathers Following Childbirth: A Prospective Cohort Study.

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    Introduction: Up to 30% of women view their childbirth as traumatic. This experience can lead to acute stress disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. The negative impact of maternal post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth reaches beyond the mother, potentially affecting her child's development and the couple's relationship. Research on paternal post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth is scarce. Acute stress disorder is suggested to be an important predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder in mothers, but little is known about paternal acute stress disorder following childbirth. Furthermore, there is limited information about the comparison or relation of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth between parents. Aim: [1] To compare the prevalence rates and severity of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms between parents following childbirth by taking anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as obstetric variables and previous traumatic events into account and [2] To determine if acute stress disorder is a predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder. Method: A prospective population-based design was used. N = 647 participants were recruited from future parents who attended appointments at the Obstetrics and Gynecology unit at a Swiss university hospital. Self-report questionnaires were used: Post-traumatic Diagnostic Scale in the third trimester of pregnancy (T1) and 1 month post-partum (T3), Acute Stress Disorder Scale at 1 week post-partum (T2), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale at all time points. Obstetric and neonatal variables were retrieved from hospital records. Results: At T2, 63.9% of mothers and 51.7% of fathers presented symptoms of acute stress disorder. At T3, 20.7% of mothers and 7.2% of fathers had symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Acute stress disorder was a predictor of post-partum post-traumatic stress disorder (Odds ratio: 8.6, IC 95% [1.85; 40.42]). Depression symptoms was a significant confounder in the prediction of post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth, but not anxiety or previous perinatal loss. Conclusion: Little is known about parental differences in acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following childbirth. Results indicate that both parents may suffer from acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms after childbirth and that acute stress disorder is a predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth for both parents. Sensitization of maternity staff to these results may assist in earlier identification of and appropriate treatment for at-risk parents

    Investigating prenatal perceived support as protective factor against adverse birth outcomes: a community cohort study.

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    Studies show that prenatal maternal anxiety may act as a risk factor for adverse birth outcomes, whilst prenatal social support may rather act as a protective factor. However, studies examining prenatal anxiety symptoms, prenatal perceived support, and neonatal and/or obstetric outcomes are lacking. This study investigated whether, in a community sample, prenatal perceived support: (1) had a protective influence on birth outcomes (gestational age (GA), birthweight (BW), 5-minute Apgar score, and mode of delivery); (2) acted as a protective factor, moderating the relationship between anxiety symptoms and the aforementioned birth outcomes. During their third trimester of pregnancy, 182 nulliparous child-bearers completed standardized questionnaires of anxiety (HADS-A) and perceived support (MOS-SSS). Birth outcomes data was extracted from medical records. (1) Perceived support did not significantly predict any birth outcomes. However, perceived tangible support - MOS-SSS subscale assessing perceived material/financial aid - significantly positively predicted the 5-minute Apgar score. (2) Perceived support did not significantly moderate the relationship between anxiety symptoms and birth outcomes. However, perceived tangible support significantly moderated the relationship between anxiety symptoms and the 5-minute Apgar score. When experienced within non-clinical thresholds, prenatal anxiety symptoms do not increase the risk of adverse neonatal and obstetric outcomes when perceived support is present

    Reducing childbirth-related intrusive memories and PTSD symptoms via a single-session behavioural intervention including a visuospatial task: A proof-of-principle study.

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    Intrusive memories (IMs) of traumatic events are a key symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and contribute to its maintenance. This translational proof-of-principle study tested whether a single-session behavioural intervention reduced the number of childbirth-related IMs (CB-IMs) and childbirth-related PTSD (CB-PTSD) symptoms, in women traumatised by childbirth. The intervention was assumed to disrupt trauma memory reconsolidation. In this pre-post study, 18 participants, whose traumatic childbirth had occurred between seven months and 6.9 years before, received an intervention combining childbirth-related reminder cues (including the return to maternity unit) with a visuospatial task. They recorded their daily CB-IMs in the two weeks pre-intervention (diary 1), the two weeks post-intervention (diary 2; primary outcome), and in week 5 and 6 post-intervention (diary 3). CB-PTSD symptom severity was assessed five days pre-intervention and one month post-intervention. Compared to diary 1, 15/18 participants had ≥ 50% fewer CB-IMs in diary 2. The median (IQR) reduction of the number of CB-IMs was 81.89% (39.58%) in diary 2, and persisted in diary 3 (n = 17). At one month post-intervention, CB-PTSD symptom severity was reduced by ≥ 50% in 10/18 participants. Of the 8 participants with a CB-PTSD diagnosis pre-intervention, none met diagnostic criteria post-intervention. The intervention was rated as highly acceptable. The design limits the causal interpretation of observed improvements. This is the first time such a single-session behavioural intervention was tested for old and real-life single-event trauma. The promising results justify a randomized controlled trial, and may be a first step toward an innovative CB-PTSD treatment

    Maternal Mental Health Symptom Profiles and Infant Sleep: A Cross-Sectional Survey.

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    The distinct influence of different, but comorbid, maternal mental health (MMH) difficulties (postpartum depression, anxiety, childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder) on infant sleep is unknown, although associations between MMH and infant sleep were reported. This cross-sectional survey aimed: (1) to examine associations between MMH symptoms and infant sleep; (2) to extract data-driven maternal MMH symptom profiles from MMH symptoms; and (3) to investigate the distinct influence of these MMH symptom profiles on infant sleep when including mediators and moderators. Mothers of 3-12-month-old infants (n = 410) completed standardized questionnaires on infant sleep, maternal perception of infant negative emotionality, and MMH symptoms. Data was analyzed using: (1) simple linear regressions; (2) factor analysis; and (3) structural equation modelling. MMH symptoms were all negatively associated with nocturnal sleep duration and only postpartum depression and anxiety symptoms were associated with night waking. Three MMH symptom profiles were extracted: depressive, anxious, and birth trauma profiles. Maternal perception of infant negative emotionality mediated the associations between the depressive or anxious profiles and infant sleep but only for particular infant ages or maternal education levels. The birth trauma profile was not associated with infant sleep. The relationships between MMH and infant sleep may involve distinct mechanisms contingent on maternal symptomatology

    The pregnancy experiences and antenatal care services of Chinese migrants in Switzerland: a qualitative study.

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    Differences in reproductive health outcomes according to the mothers' origins have been reported in Switzerland, for example, women from European countries and non-European countries. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health has therefore called for specific Swiss-wide studies on migrant populations. This study explores the pregnancy and antenatal care experiences of Chinese migrants in Switzerland, intending to clarify their maternity care needs. In-depth interviews of 14 Chinese mothers and 13 family members were conducted in Chinese or English and audio recorded. All audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim. All Chinese transcripts were translated into English. Thematic analysis was performed with the assistance of the qualitative data analysis software, MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020. Five themes were extracted from the transcripts: (1) Motivations and concerns about having children, (2) The merits of the Swiss maternity care system, (3) The inconveniences and barriers of accessing Swiss maternity care services, (4) Strategies to deal with the inconveniences of the Swiss maternity care system, and (5) The need for culturally sensitive care. The results of our study provide new knowledge and understanding of pregnancy experiences and antenatal care services of Chinese mothers and their families in Switzerland. Their unique positive experiences included: family planning, the continuity of maternity services, humane care with the privacy respected, personalized sensitive care needs, preferences for female obstetricians and obstetricians of Asian origin. Several barriers were highlighted, such as information seeking difficulties, communication difficulties, and a rigid appointment system. Reducing barriers enabling access to maternity care services within the Swiss healthcare system is necessary to provide equal quality maternity care for individuals, irrespective of their origins

    Measurement and conceptualization of maternal PTSD following childbirth: Psychometric properties of the City Birth Trauma Scale-French Version (City BiTS-F).

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    The City Birth Trauma Scale (City BiTS) assesses posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following childbirth (PTSD-FC). Recent studies investigating the latent factor structure of PTSD-FC in women reported mixed results. No validated French questionnaire exists to measure PTSD-FC symptoms. Therefore, this study first aimed to validate the French version of the City BiTS (City BiTS-F). Second, it aimed to establish the latent factor structure of PTSD-FC. French-speaking women with infants aged 1 to 12 months old (n = 541) completed an online cross-sectional survey. Questionnaires included the City BiTS-F, the PTSD Checklist, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and the anxiety subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Additionally, sociodemographic and medical data were collected. The two-factor model with birth-related symptoms (BRS) and general symptoms (GS) fit the data well, whereas the four-factor model was not confirmed. The bifactor model with a general factor and the BRS and GS gave the best fit to the data, suggesting that use of the total score in addition to the BRS and GS subscales scores is justified. High reliability (α = .88 to .90) and good convergent and divergent validity were obtained. Discriminant validity was calculated with weeks of gestation, gravidity, history of traumatic childbirth and event, and mode of delivery. The City BiTS-F is a reliable and valid measure of PTSD-FC symptoms in French-speaking women. Both total score and BRS or GS subscale scores can be calculated. This psychometric tool is of importance for clinical and research purposes. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)

    Herstelmaatregelen in heideterreinen; invloed op de fauna

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    Aanleiding voor deze publicatie zijn de resultaten van het onderzoek naar de effecten van herstelmaatregelen op dieren van het heidelandschap. De afgelopen jaren werd steeds duidelijker dat het onderzoek en de toepassing daarvan moeten worden opgeschaald naar het niveau van het landschap. Dat is ook hier zichtbaar geworden: het gaat niet alleen over de droge en de natte heide, maar ook over vennen en over struwelen en bosranden. Kortom: het gaat over het complete heidelandschap, met al zijn variatie en (geleidelijke of abrupte) overgangen. En juist bij zo’n divers en samenhangend landschap is de fauna gebaa

    The relationship between early administration of morphine or nitrous oxide gas and PTSD symptom development.

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    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental health disorder. Certain drugs, such as morphine and nitrous oxide gas (N <sub>2</sub> O), are administered to individuals who just experienced a traumatic event (e.g., soldiers, injured civilians). It is therefore crucial to understand if they incidentally affect PTSD symptom development. Furthermore, such observations could pave the way for the development of pharmacological prevention strategies of PTSD. In this prospective population-based cohort study (n = 2,070), we examined the relationship between morphine or N <sub>2</sub> O administration during childbirth, and subsequent childbirth-related PTSD symptoms at eight weeks postpartum. Pain during labour, prior PTSD symptoms, and birth medical severity were included as covariates in the analyses. In women who developed PTSD symptoms, N <sub>2</sub> O administration during childbirth predicted reduced PTSD symptom severity (p < .001, small to medium effect size). A similar tendency was observed for morphine, but was not significant (p < .065, null to small effect size). Both drugs predicted increased PTSD symptoms when combined with severe pain during labour. This study was observational, thus drug administration was not randomised. Additionally, PTSD symptoms were self-reported. Peritraumatic N <sub>2</sub> O administration may reduce subsequent PTSD symptom severity and thus be a potential avenue for PTSD secondary prevention. This might also be the case for morphine. However, the role of severe peritraumatic pain in context of drug administration deserves further investigation

    Effect of the MySweetheart randomized controlled trial on birth, anthropometric and psychobehavioral outcomes in offspring of women with GDM.

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) may negatively affect offspring outcomes. A lifestyle intervention may therefore not only improve maternal, but also offspring outcomes. The effects of lifestyle interventions on birth, anthropometric, and psychobehavioral outcomes in offspring of women with GDM need further evidence. The MySweetheart trial is a monocentric single-blind randomized controlled trial in 211 women with GDM. It tested the effect of a pre- and postpartum multidimensional interdisciplinary lifestyle and psychosocial intervention focusing on both the mothers and their infants and its effects on maternal (primary outcomes) and offspring (secondary outcomes) metabolic and psychobehavioral outcomes compared with guidelines-based usual-care. This paper focuses on offspring's birth, anthropometric, and maternal report of psychobehavioral outcomes at singular timepoints. Women with GDM aged ≥18 years, between 24-32 weeks of gestation, speaking French or English were included and randomly allocated to either the intervention or to an active guidelines-based usual-care group using a 1:1 allocation ratio. The intervention lasted from pregnancy until 1 year postpartum and focused on improving diet, physical activity, and mental health in the mother. For the offspring it focused on supporting breastfeeding, delaying the timing of introduction of solid foods, reducing the consumption of sweetened beverages, increasing physical activity of the family, and improving parental responsiveness to infant distress, hunger, satiety and sleeping cues, and difficult behavior. Adverse birth and neonatal outcomes rarely occurred overall. There were no differences between groups in offspring birth, neonatal, anthropometric, or psychobehavioral outcomes up to one year. After adjustments for maternal age and the offspring's sex and age, there was a borderline significant between-group difference in birth length (β:-0.64, CI:-1.27; -0.01, p: 0.05), i.e., offspring of mothers in the intervention group were born 0.64 cm shorter compared to those in the usual-care group. This is the first pre- and postpartum multidimensional interdisciplinary lifestyle and psychosocial intervention in GDM focusing on both the mother and the offspring. It did not lead to a significant improvement in most birth, anthropometric, and psychobehavioral outcomes in offspring of women with GDM. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02890693