1,507 research outputs found

    The Region of Validity of Homogeneous Nucleation Theory

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    We examine the region of validity of Langer's picture of homogeneous nucleation. Our approach is based on a coarse-grained free energy that incorporates the effect of fluctuations with momenta above a scale k. The nucleation rate I = A_k exp(-S_k) is exponentially suppressed by the action S_k of the saddle-point configuration that dominates tunnelling. The factor A_k includes a fluctuation determinant around this saddle point. Both S_k and A_k depend on the choice of k, but, for 1/k close to the characteristic length scale of the saddle point, this dependence cancels in the expression for the nucleation rate. For very weak first-order phase transitions or in the vicinity of the spinodal decomposition line, the pre-exponential factor A_k compensates the exponential suppression exp(-S_k). In these regions the standard nucleation picture breaks down. We give an approximate expression for A_k in terms of the saddle-point profile, which can be used for quantitative estimates and practical tests of the validity of homogeneous nucleation theory.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. v2: Final version with extended discussio

    Vacuum oscillations of quasi degenerate solar neutrinos

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    The atmospheric neutrino oscillations and the vacuum oscillation solution of the solar neutrino problem can be consistently described by a doubly or triply degenerate neutrino spectrum as long as the high level of degeneracy required is not spoiled by radiative corrections. We show that this is the case for neutrino mass matrices generated by symmetries. This imposes a strong constraint on the mixing angles and requires the mixing should be close to bi-maximal. We briefly discuss the relevance of our results for the measurability of the neutrino spectrum.Comment: 6 pages. Final version, more clear presentatio

    Graviton loops and brane observables

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    We discuss how to consistently perform effective Lagrangian computations in quantum gravity with branes in compact extra dimensions. A reparametrization invariant and infrared finite result is obtained in a non trivial way. It is crucial to properly account for brane fluctuations and to correctly identify physical observables. Our results correct some confusing claims in the literature. We discuss the implications of graviton loops on electroweak precision observables and on the muon g-2 in models with large extra dimensions. We model the leading effects, not controlled by effective field theory, by introducing a hard momentum cut-off.Comment: 9 pages + 4 eps figures, JHEP style latex document. The paper is composed by a theoretical part, followed (after page 21) by a phenomenological part. v2: version published in JHEP, few typos corrected. v3: few additional typos corrected in the Appendi

    The Minimal Set of Electroweak Precision Parameters

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    We present a simple method for analyzing the impact of precision electroweak data above and below the Z-peak on flavour-conserving heavy new physics. We find that experiments have probed about ten combinations of new physics effects, which to a good approximation can be condensed into the effective oblique parameters Shat, That, Uhat, V, X, W, Y (we prove positivity constraints W, Y >= 0) and three combinations of quark couplings (including a distinct parameter for the bottom). We apply our method to generic extra Z' vectors.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Next-to-leading order corrections to gauge-mediated gaugino masses

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    We compute the next-to-leading order corrections to the gaugino masses MiM_i in gauge-mediated models for generic values of the messenger masses M and discuss the predictions of unified messenger models. If M<100 TeV there can be up to 10% corrections to the leading order relations MiαiM_i\propto \alpha_i. If the messengers are heavier there are only few % corrections. We also study the messenger corrections to gauge coupling unification: as a result of cancellations dictated by supersymmetry, the predicted value of the strong coupling constant is typically only negligibly increased

    Quark masses without Yukawa hierarchies

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    A model based on the local gauge group SU(3)_c x SU(3)_L x U(1)_X without particles with exotic electric charges is shown to be able to provide the quark mass spectrum and their mixing, by means of universal see-saw mechanisms, avoiding a hierarchy in the Yukawa coupling constants.Comment: 7 pages, 1 eps figure. Published in Europhysics Letter

    Thermal production of gravitinos

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    We reconsider thermal production of gravitinos in the early universe, adding to previously considered 2 -> 2 gauge scatterings: a) production via 1 -> 2 decays, allowed by thermal masses; b) the effect of the top Yukawa coupling; c) a proper treatment of the reheating process. Our final result behaves physically (larger couplings give a larger rate) and is twice larger than previous results, implying e.g. a twice stronger constraint on the reheating temperature. Accessory results about (supersymmetric) theories at finite temperature and gravitino couplings might have some interest

    Constraints on extra-dimensional theories from virtual-graviton exchange

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    We study the effective interactions induced by loops of extra-dimensional gravitons and show the special role of a specific dimension-6 four-fermion operator, product of two flavour-universal axial currents. By introducing an ultraviolet cut-off, we compare the present constraints on low-scale quantum gravity from various processes involving real-graviton emission and virtual-graviton exchange. The LEP2 limits on dimension-6 four-fermion interactions give one of the strongest constraint on the theory, in particular excluding the case of strongly-interacting gravity at the weak scale

    The likelihood for supernova neutrino analyses

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    We derive the event-by-event likelihood that allows to extract the complete information contained in the energy, time and direction of supernova neutrinos, and specify it in the case of SN1987A data. We resolve discrepancies in the previous literature, numerically relevant already in the concrete case of SN1987A data.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in PR