356 research outputs found

    Quality assessment of ultra-thin CMOS sensors for the Micro Vertex Detector of the CBM experiment at FAIR

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    DUPLICADO DE LA IMAGEN Nº 3029FOTO POSTAL DE "GRAN CANARIA LAS PALMAS VISTA GENERAL" (COLOREADA) IMAGEN PARECIDA A 3034Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Development of ultra-light pixelated ladders for an ILC vertex detector

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    The development of ultra-light pixelated ladders is motivated by the requirements of the ILD vertex detector at ILC. This paper summarizes three projects related to system integration. The PLUME project tackles the issue of assembling double-sided ladders. The SERWIETE project deals with a more innovative concept and consists in making single-sided unsupported ladders embedded in an extra thin plastic enveloppe. AIDA, the last project, aims at building a framework reproducing the experimental running conditions where sets of ladders could be tested

    Correlation length scalings in fusion edge plasma turbulence computations

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    The effect of changes in plasma parameters, that are characteristic near or at an L-H transition in fusion edge plasmas, on fluctuation correlation lengths are analysed by means of drift-Alfven turbulence computations. Scalings by density gradient length, collisionality, plasma beta, and by an imposed shear flow are considered. It is found that strongly sheared flows lead to the appearence of long-range correlations in electrostatic potential fluctuations parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field.Comment: Submitted to "Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

    Decontamination of black peppercorn (Piper nigrum L.) using microwave-generated low pressure air plasma

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    The preliminary results show that microwave-generated low pressure air plasmas could be a very efficient method for the decontamination of spices since the population of a microorganism (Bacillus subtilis) commonly found in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) was significantly reduced on test substrates in a very short period of time. Based on the experimental results, a laboratory apparatus was developed for the sterilisation of spices

    Y2Y4 Receptor Double Knockout Protects Against Obesity Due to a High-Fat Diet or Y1 Receptor Deficiency in Mice

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    Neuropeptide Y receptors are critical regulators of energy homeostasis, but the functional interactions and relative contributions of Y receptors and the environment in this process are unknown. We measured the effects of an ad libitum diet of normal or high-fat food on energy balance in mice with single, double, or triple deficiencies of Y1, Y2, or Y4 receptors. Whereas wild-type mice developed diet-induced obesity, Y2Y4 double knockouts did not. In contrast, Y1 knockout or Y1Y2 or Y1Y4 receptor double knockout mice developed an exacerbated diet-induced obesity syndrome. Remarkably, the antiobesity effect of Y2Y4 deficiency was stronger than the obesogenic effect of Y1 deficiency, since Y1Y2Y4 triple knockouts did not develop obesity on the high-fat diet. Resistance to diet-induced obesity in Y2Y4 knockouts was associated with reduced food intake and improved glucose tolerance in the absence of changes in total physical activity. Fecal concentration of free fatty acids was significantly increased in Y2Y4 knockouts in association with a significantly reduced bile acid pool and marked alterations in intestinal morphology. In addition, hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin expression was decreased in diet-induced obesity (in both wild-type and Y1 receptor knockout mice) but not in obesity-resistant Y2Y4 receptor knockout mice fed a high-fat diet. Therefore, deletion of Y2 and Y4 receptors synergistically protects against diet-induced obesity, at least partially via changes in food intake and hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin expression

    A large area timing RPC prototype for ion collisions in the HADES spectrometer

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    We present a resistive plate chamber (RPC) prototype for time-of-flight measurements over large areas and at high occupancies, minimizing the inter-channel cross-talk.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJM-4D75GPD-9/1/a6fe40c114a867a0f98e2fec0f13350

    Two-dimensional turbulence in magnetised plasmas

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    In an inhomogeneous magnetised plasma the transport of energy and particles perpendicular to the magnetic field is in general mainly caused by quasi two-dimensional turbulent fluid mixing. The physics of turbulence and structure formation is of ubiquitous importance to every magnetically confined laboratory plasma for experimental or industrial application. Specifically, high temperature plasmas for fusion energy research are also dominated by the properties of this turbulent transport. Self-organisation of turbulent vortices to mesoscopic structures like zonal flows is related to the formation of transport barriers that can significantly enhance the confinement of a fusion plasma. This subject of great importance in research is rarely touched on in introductory plasma physics or continuum dynamics courses. Here a brief tutorial on 2D fluid and plasma turbulence is presented as an introduction to the field, appropriate for inclusion in undergraduate and graduate courses.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in European Journal of Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/29/5/00