225 research outputs found

    Association between ultrasound assessment of glenohumeral subluxation and shoulder pain, muscle strength, active range of movement and upper limb function in people with stroke

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    Background: Glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) is a commonly reported post-stroke complication which has a negative effect on rehabilitation. Objective: To explore the association between GHS and other clinical outcomes in people with post-stroke hemiplegia. Methods: Patients with post-stroke hemiplegia (n=105, 71±11 years, median time since stroke 5.6 weeks), who gave informed consent, were recruited. GHS was assessed by the ultrasound method. Assessment of shoulder pain (visual analogue scale), active range of movement (AROM), muscle strength (Medical Research Council Scale), muscle tone (Modified Ashworth Scale) and the upper limb section of the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) was undertaken. Results: GHS was present in 65 (62%) patients. There was a moderate negative correlation between GHS and muscle strength (r=-0.54,

    Niacin or Ezetimibe for Patients with, or at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

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    Coronary heart disease treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors has been very successful. There is increasing interest in adding other lipid lowering therapy, primarily as additional therapy onto HMG-CoA reductase therapy. This paper will examine two of the more popular secondary agents, ezetimibe and niacin, and describe their research data and potential for usefulness in further reducing cardiovascular events

    Monitoring of heart failure: comparison of left atrial pressure with intrathoracic impedance and natriuretic peptide measurements in an experimental model of ovine heart failure

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    Monitoring of HF (heart failure) with intracardiac pressure, intrathoracic impedance and/or natriuretic peptide levels has been advocated. We aimed to investigate possible differences in the response patterns of each of these monitoring modalities during HF decompensation that may have an impact on the potential for early therapeutic intervention. Six sheep were implanted with a LAP (left atrial pressure) sensor and a CRT-D (cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator) capable of monitoring impedance along six lead configuration vectors. An estimate of ALAP (LAP from admittance) was determined by linear regression. HF was induced by rapid ventricular pacing at 180 and 220 bpm (beats/min) for a week each, followed by a third week with daily pacing suspensions for increasing durations (1–5 h). Incremental pacing induced progressively severe HF reflected in increases in LAP (5.9 ± 0.4 to 24.5 ± 1.6 mmHg) and plasma atrial (20 ± 3 to 197 ± 36 pmol/l) and B-type natriuretic peptide (3.7 ± 0.7 to 32.7 ± 5.4 pmol/l) (all P<0.001) levels. All impedance vectors decreased in proportion to HF severity (all P<0.001), with the LVring (left ventricular)-case vector correlating best with LAP (r2=0.63, P<0.001). Natriuretic peptides closely paralleled rapid acute changes in LAP during alterations in pacing (P<0.001), whereas impedance changes were delayed relative to LAP. ALAP exhibited good agreement with LAP. In summary, impedance measured with an LV lead correlates significantly with changes in LAP, but exhibits a delayed response to acute alterations. Natriuretic peptides respond rapidly to acute LAP changes. Direct LAP, impedance and natriuretic peptide measurements all show promise as early indicators of worsening HF. ALAP provides an estimate of LAP that may be clinically useful

    Modelling the impact of compliance with dietary recommendations on cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada

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    Abstract: Objectives: Despite strong evidence indicating that unbalanced diets relate to chronic diseases and mortality, most adults do not comply with dietary recommendations. To help determine which recommendations could yield the most benefits, we estimated the number of deaths attributable to cardiovascular diseases and cancer that could be delayed or averted in Canada if adults changed their diet to adhere to recommendations. Study Design: Macrosimulation based on national population-based survey and vital statistics data. Methods: We used a macrosimulation model to draw age- and sex-specific changes in relative risks based on the results of meta-analyses of relationship between food components and risk of cardiovascular disease and diet-related cancers. Inputs in the model included Canadian recommendations (fruit and vegetable, fiber, salt, and total-, monounsaturated-, polyunsaturated-, saturated-, and trans-fats), average dietary intake (from 35 107 participants with 24-h recall), and mortality from specific causes (from Canadian Vital Statistics). Monte Carlo analyses were used to compute 95% credible intervals (CI). Results: Our estimates suggest that 30 540 deaths (95% CI: 24 953, 34 989) per year could be averted or delayed if Canadians adhered to their dietary recommendations. By itself, the recommendation for fruit and vegetable intake could save as many as 72% (55-87%) of these deaths. It is followed by recommendations for fibers (29%, 13-43%) and salt (10%, 9-12%). Conclusions: A considerable number of lives could be saved if Canadians adhered to the national dietary intake recommendations. Given the scarce resources available to promote guideline adhesion, priority should be given to recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake

    A 10 year study of hospitalized atrial fibrillation-related stroke in England and its association with uptake of oral anticoagulation

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    Aims: To determine whether changing patterns of anticoagulant use in atrial fibrillation (AF) have impacted on stroke rates in England. Methods and results: English national databases, 2006–2016, were interrogated to assess stroke admissions and oral anticoagulant use. The number of patients with known AF increased linearly from 692 054 to 983 254 (prevalence 1.29% vs. 1.71%). Hospital episodes of AF-related stroke/100 000 AF patients increased from 80/week in 2006 to 98/week in 2011 and declined to 86/week in 2016 (2006–2011 difference 18.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 17.9–18.1, 2011–2016 difference −12.0, 95% CI −12.1 to −11.9). Anticoagulant use amongst patients with CHA2DS2-VASc ≥2 increased from 48.0% to 78.6% and anti-platelet use declined from 42.9% to 16.1%; the greatest rate of change occurred in the second 5 year period (for anticoagulants 2006–2011 difference 4.8%, 95% CI 4.5–5.1%, 2011–2016 difference 25.8%, 95% CI 25.5–26.1%). After adjustment for AF prevalence, a 1% increase in anticoagulant use was associated with a 0.8% decrease in the weekly rate of AF-related stroke (incidence rate ratio 0.992, 95% CI 0.989–0.994). Had the use of anticoagulants remained at 2009 levels, 4068 (95% CI 4046–4089) more strokes would have been predicted in 2015/2016. Conclusion: Between 2006 and 2016, AF prevalence and anticoagulant use in England increased. From 2011, hospitalized AF-related stroke rates declined and were significantly associated with increased anticoagulant uptake

    Cardiovascular risk among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal smoking male prisoners: inequalities compared to the wider community

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) were collected as part of a randomised controlled trial of a multi-component intervention to reduce smoking among male prisoners. Cross-sectional baseline data on CVRF were compared among smoking male prisoners and males of similar age in the general population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>425 smoking prisoners were recruited (n = 407 in New South Wales; 18 in Queensland), including 15% of Aboriginal descent (mean age 33 years; median sentence length 3.6 years). We measured CVRF such as smoking, physical activity, blood pressure, risky alcohol use, symptoms of depression, and low socioeconomic status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that 39% of prisoners had 3+ CVRF, compared to 10% in a general community sample of most disadvantaged men of a similar age. Significantly more Aboriginal prisoners had 3+ CVRF than non-Aboriginal prisoners (55% vs 36%, p < 0.01) and were twice as likely to have 4+ CVRF (27% vs 12%). In addition to all prisoners in this study being a current smoker (with 70% smoking 20+ cigarettes per day), the prevalence of other CVRF was very high: insufficient physical activity (23%); hypertension (4%), risky drinking (52%), symptoms of depression (14%) and low socioeconomic status (SES) (44%). Aboriginal prisoners had higher levels of risky alcohol use, symptoms of depression, and were more likely to be of low SES.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Prisoners are at high risk for developing cardiovascular disease compared to even the most disadvantaged in their community and should be the focus of specific public health interventions.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>This trial is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12606000229572.aspx">ACTRN#12606000229572</a>.</p

    The Anti-Ischemic and Anti-Anginal Properties of Statins

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    Angina pectoris resulting from myocardial ischemia afflicts half of all patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Chronic angina remains a major public health burden despite state-of-the-art therapies, and improvement in survival from myocardial infarction and CHD has only increased its prevalence. There is growing experimental and clinical evidence pointing to the anti-ischemic and anti-anginal properties of statins. Some data suggest that the degree of anti-ischemic efficacy of statins may be comparable to the current standard pharmacologic and mechanical strategies. The pleiotropic effects of statins are postulated to be primarily responsible for their anti-ischemic and anti-anginal properties. These include improvement of endothelial function, enhancement of the ischemic vasodilatory response, modulation of inflammation, and protection from ischemia-reperfusion injury. The anti-ischemic effects of statins further strengthen their role as a crucial component of the optimal medical therapy for CHD

    Executive summary: heart disease and stroke statistics--2013 update: a report from the American Heart Association.

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    Each year, the American Heart Association (AHA), in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and other government agencies, brings together the most up-to-date statistics on heart disease, stroke, other vascular diseases, and their risk factors and presents them in its Heart Disease and Stroke Statistical Update*The Statistical Update is a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, healthcare policy makers, media professionals, the lay public, and many others who seek the best national data available on heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular disease-related morbidity and mortality and the risks, quality of care, medical procedures and operations, and costs associated with the management of these diseases in a single document*Indeed, since 1999, the Statistical Update has been cited \u3e10 500 times in the literature, based on citations of all annual versions*In 2011 alone, the various Statistical Updates were cited ≈1500 times (data from ISI Web of Science)*In recent years, the Statistical Update has undergone some major changes with the addition of new chapters and major updates across multiple areas, as well as increasing the number of ways to access and use the information assembled*For this year\u27s edition, the Statistics Committee, which produces the document for the AHA, updated all of the current chapters with the most recent nationally representative data and inclusion of relevant articles from the literature over the past year*This year\u27s edition also implements a new chapter organization to reflect the spectrum of cardiovascular health behaviors and health factors and risks, as well as subsequent complicating conditions, disease states, and outcomes*Also, the 2013 Statistical Update contains new data on the monitoring and benefits of cardiovascular health in the population, with additional new focus on evidence-based approaches to changing behaviors, implementation strategies, and implications of the AHA\u27s 2020 Impact Goals*Below are a few highlights from this year\u27s Update . © 2013 American Heart Association, Inc