82 research outputs found

    Determinants of delay and association with outcome in head and neck cancer:A systematic review

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    Introduction: Head and neck cancers (HNC) are relatively fast-growing tumours, and delay in treatment initiation is associated with tumour progression and adverse outcome. An overview of factors contributing to delay can provide critical insights on necessary adjustments to optimize care pathways. This systematic review aims to identify factors associated with delay and summarize the effect of delay on oncological outcome measures. Methods: A search strategy was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines to search electronic data-bases for studies assessing the carepathway interval (days between first visit in head and neck oncology center and treatment initiation) and/or time-to-treatment-initiation interval (days between histological diagnosis and treatment initiation) and 1) determinants of delay and/or 2) effect of delay on outcome within these timeframes. Due to heterogeneity between included studies, a meta-analysis was not possible. Results: Fifty-two studies were eligible for quantitative analysis. Non-Caucasian race, academic setting, Medicaid/no insurance and radiotherapy as primary treatment were associated with delay. Advanced tumour stage was related to increased time-to-treatment initiation in the four common sites combined (oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx). Separate determinants for delay in different tumour locations were identified. In laryngeal, oral cavity cancer and the four common HNC sites combined, delay in start of treatment is associated with decreased overall survival, although no cut-off time point could be determined. Conclusion: Race, facility type, type of insurance and radiotherapy as primary treatment were associated with delay and subsequent inferior survival in the four common sites combined. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Staging and grading of oral squamous cell carcinoma : An update

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a common malignancy of the head and neck region. OSCC has a relatively low survival rate and the incidence of the disease is increasing in some geographic areas. Staging and grading of OSCC are established prerequisites for management, as they influence risk stratification and are the first step toward personalized treatment. The current AJCC/UICC TNM staging (8th edition, 2017) of OSCC has included significant modifications through the incorporation of depth of invasion in the T stage and extracapsular spread/extranodal extension in the N stage. Further modifications for AJCC 8 have been suggested. On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) classification (4th edition, 2017) still endorses a simple, differentiation-based histopathologic grading system of OSCC (despite its low prognostic value) and ignores factors such as tumor growth pattern and dissociation, stromal reactions (desmoplasia, local immune response), and tumor-stroma ratio. The various controversies and possible developments of the current staging and grading criteria of OSCC are briefly discussed in this update together with possible applications of artificial intelligence in the context of screening and risk stratification.Peer reviewe

    A systematic review and recommendations on the use of plasma EBV DNA for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    Introduction: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is an endemic malignancy in Southeast Asia, particularly Southern China. The classical non-keratinising cell type is almost unanimously associated with latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Circulating plasma EBV DNA can be a useful biomarker in various clinical aspects, but comprehensive recommendations and international guidelines are still lacking. We conducted a systematic review of all original articles on the clinical application of plasma EBV DNA for NPC; we further evaluated its strengths and limitations for consideration as standard recommendations. Methods: The search terms 'nasopharyngeal OR nasopharynx', and 'plasma EBV DNA OR cell-free EBV OR cfEBV' were used to identify full-length articles published up to December 2020 in the English literature. Three authors independently reviewed the article titles, removed duplicates and reviewed the remaining articles for eligibility. Results: A total of 81 articles met the eligibility criteria. Based on the levels of evidence and grades of recommendation assessed, it is worth considering the inclusion of plasma EBV DNA in screening, pre-treatment work-up for enhancing prognostication and tailoring of treatment strategy, monitoring during radical treatment, post-treatment surveillance for early detection of relapse, and monitoring during salvage treatment for recurrent or metastatic NPC. One major limitation is the methodology of measurement requiring harmonisation for consistent comparability. Conclusions: The current comprehensive review supports the inclusion of plasma EBV DNA in international guidelines in the clinical aspects listed, but methodological issues must be resolved before global application. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Unilateral versus bilateral nodal irradiation:Current evidence in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

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    Cancers of the head and neck region often present with nodal involvement. There is a long-standing convention within the community of head and neck radiation oncology to irradiate both sides of the neck electively in almost all cases to include both macroscopic and microscopic disease extension (so called elective nodal volume). International guidelines for the selection and delineation of the elective lymph nodes were published in the early 2000s and were updated recently. However, diagnostic imaging techniques have improved the accuracy and reliability of nodal staging and as a result, small metastases that used to remain undetected and were thus in the past included in the elective nodal volume, will now be included in high-dose volumes. Furthermore, the elective nodal areas are situated close to the parotid glands, the submandibular glands and the swallowing muscles. Therefore, irradiation of a smaller, more selected volume of the elective nodes could reduce treatment-related toxicity. Several researchers consider the current bilateral elective neck irradiation strategies an overtreatment and show growing interest in a unilateral nodal irradiation in selected patients. The aim of this article is to give an overview of the current evidence about the indications and benefits of unilateral nodal irradiation and the use of SPECT/CT-guided nodal irradiation in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck

    Radiation-Induced Sarcomas of the Head and Neck : A Systematic Review

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    Introduction As a result of the increased use of radiotherapy (RT) and improved long-term overall survival of patients with cancers of the head and neck (HN), the frequency of radiation-induced sarcomas of the head and neck (RISHN) may be increasing. The main objective of this systematic review was to determine the existing evidence on the frequency, treatment, and outcome of RISHN. Methods Using PRISMA guidelines we conducted a systematic review of the literature published from 2000 to 2020. Results Our review includes data of 560 patients from 64 articles. The total frequency of RISHNs among the reviewed series was 0.15%. The most frequent location of the primary tumor treated by RT was the nasopharynx. The mean RT dose used was 62 Gy, mean latency interval between irradiation and occurrence of RISHN was 11.1 years, and the most common RISHN location was the sinonasal region. Osteosarcoma was the principal histology, followed by fibrosarcoma. Surgery was the most frequently applied treatment modality. Of all patients with RISHN, 40.7% died of this disease after a mean interval of 13.9 months. Conclusions Notwithstanding the increased use of RT, the number of reported RISHNs has not increased substantially during the past two decades. Surgery with wide margins forms the best therapeutic option for these cases, but the outcome remains poor.Peer reviewe

    The optimal utilization proportion of external beam radiotherapy in European countries: An ESTRO-HERO analysis

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    Background and purpose: The absolute number of new cancer patients that will require at least one course of radiotherapy in each country of Europe was estimated. Material and methods: The incidence and relative frequency of cancer types from the year 2012 European Cancer Observatory estimates were used in combination with the population-based stage at diagnosis from five cancer registries. These data were applied to the decision trees of the evidence-based indications to calculate the Optimal Utilization Proportion (OUP) by tumour site. Results: In the minimum scenario, the OUP ranged from 47.0% in the Russian Federation to 53.2% in Belgium with no clear geographical pattern of the variability among countries. The impact of stage at diagnosis on the OUP by country was rather limited. Within the 24 countries where data on actual use of radiotherapy were available, a gap between optimal and actual use has been observed in most of the countries. Conclusions: The actual utilization of radiotherapy is significantly lower than the optimal use predicted from the evidence based estimates in the literature. This discrepancy poses a major challenge for policy makers when planning the resources at the national level to improve the provision in European countrie

    Management of locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    As a consequence of the current excellent loco-regional control rates attained using the generally accepted treatment paradigms involving intensity-modulated radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), only 10-20% of patients will suffer from local and/or nodal recurrence after primary treatment. Early detection of recurrence is important as localized recurrent disease is still potentially salvageable, but this treatment often incurs a high risk of major toxicities. Due to the possibility of radio-resistance of tumors which persist or recur despite adequate prior irradiation and the limited tolerance of adjacent normal tissues to sustain further additional treatment, the management of local failures remains one of the greatest challenges in this disease. Both surgical approaches for radical resection and specialized re-irradiation modalities have been explored. Unfortunately, available data are based on retrospective studies, and the majority of them are based on a small number of patients or relatively short follow-up. In this article, we will review the different salvage treatment options and associated prognostic factors for each of them. We will also propose a treatment algorithm based on the latest available evidence and discuss the future directions of treatment for locally recurrent NPC.Peer reviewe

    The impact of cancer incidence and stage on optimal utilization of radiotherapy: Methodology of a population based analysis by the ESTRO-HERO project

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    Background and purpose: The impact of differences in the distribution of major cancer sites and stages at diagnosis among 4 European countries on the optimal utilization proportion (OUP) of patients who should receive external beam radiotherapy was assessed within the framework of the ESTRO-HERO project. Materials and methods: Data from Australian Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CCORE) were used. Population based stages at diagnosis from the cancer registries of Belgium, Slovenia, the Greater Poland region of Poland, and The Netherlands were used to assess the OUP for each country. A sensitivity analysis was carried out. Results: The overall OUP by country varied from the lowest of 48.3% in Australia to the highest of 53.4% in Poland; among European countries the variation was limited to 3%. Cancer site specific OUPs showed differences according to the variability in stage at diagnosis across countries. The most important impact on the OUP by country was due to changes in relative frequency of tumours rather than stage at diagnosis. Conclusions: This methodology can be adapted using European data, thus facilitating the planning of resources required to cope with the demand for radiotherapy in Europe, taking into account the national variability in cancer incidence

    Prognostic and predictive factors in recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma : A review of the literature

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    The pattern of clinical behaviour and response to treatment of recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is heterogeneous. Treatment strategies that can be employed vary from potentially curative salvage surgery and re-irradiation to palliative systemic therapies and best supportive care. The advent of new therapeutic options, in terms of more sophisticated surgical approaches and techniques, highly conformal and precise radiation techniques and immunotherapy may offer improved control of disease and longer survival. Moreover, the epidemiological changes during the last decades, including the increase of human papilloma virus-related oropharyngeal primary tumors, are also reflected in the recurrent and metastatic setting. In this complex context the identification of predictive and prognostic factors is urgently needed to tailor treatment, to increase its efficacy, and to avoid unnecessary toxicities. A better knowledge of prognosis may also help the patients and caregivers in decision making on the optimal choice of care. The purpose of our review is to highlight the current evidence and shortcomings in this field.Peer reviewe
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