99 research outputs found

    Neįprastos disertacijos neįprastas gynimas

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    Apie Ramūno Labanausko daktaro disertacijos „Jaunųjų katalikų sąjūdžio genezė, ideologiniai principai ir jų realizavimo praktika (1918–1940)“ ir jos gynim

    Ilgai lauktas naujas puslapis sovietmečio krikščionybės istorijoje

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    Darius Petkūnas. The Repression of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania during the Stalinist Era. Klaipėda, 2011. – 255 p.Sovietų režimo antireliginės politikos tyrimų lauke per paskutinį dešimtmetį Lietuvoje nusistovėjo tam tikras sąstingis. Po praėjusio dešimtmečio pradžioje paskelbtų publikacijų, nubrėžusių pagrindinius šios tematikos kontūrus, daugiau taip ir nepasirodė iškilesnių studijų, kuriose būtų analizuojama religinių bendruomenių padėtis sovietmečiu. Todėl praėjusių metų pabaigoje pasirodžiusi Dariaus Petkūno monografija apie Lietuvos liuteronų bendruomenės likimą stalinizmo metais buvo maloni staigmena šių eilučių autoriui, akademinę biografiją pradėjusiam būtent šioje srityje. Dvigubai džiugu dėl to, kad knyga buvo išleista anglų kalba, kas liudija Lietuvos Bažnyčios istorikų – sovietologų pastangas aktyviau dalyvauti tarptautiniame akademiniame diskurse

    Psichosomatiniai cukrinio diabeto aspektai

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    Diabetes mellitus is commonly considered to be a disease that is incurable, but may be properly controlled. It is a kind of chronic psychosomatic disease, the management and self-care of which is presumed to be influenced greatly by the patients beliefs, emotions and his active participation in the treatment. Literature on psychosomatic aspects of diabetes is reviewed in the paper. The study suggests that patients with diabetes have a markedly increased trait and state anxiety, as well as neurotization. The very notable feature of these patients is an inadequate reaction to their disease, self-care, which doesn't show any changes during somatic-oriented medication.Cukrinis diabetas laikomas nepagydoma, bet kontroliuojama liga. Tai lėtinė psichosomatinė liga, jos valdymas ir savirūpa yra stipriai veikiami paciento įsitikinimų, emocijų ir aktyvaus dalyvavimo gydyme. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami psichosocialiniai diabeto aspektai. Analizė rodo, kad pacientai, sergantys diabetu, pasižymi aukštesniu nerimo lygiu, o taip pat neurotiškumu. Šiems pacientams būdingas neadekvatus požiūris į savo ligą, savirūpą, ir tai nesikeičia į somatnius simptomus orientuoto gydymo metu

    Counter-intelligence in a command economy

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    This article provides the first thick description of the counter-intelligence function in a command economy of the Soviet type. Based on documentation from Soviet Lithuania, the article considers the KGB (secret police) as a market regulator, commissioned to prevent the disclosure of secret government business and forestall the disruption of government plans. Where market regulation in open societies is commonly intended to improve market transparency, competition, and fair treatment of consumers and employees, KGB regulation was designed to enforce secrecy, monopoly, and discrimination. One consequence of KGB regulation of the labour market may have been adverse selection for talent. Here it is argued that the Soviet economy was designed to minimize costs

    Lietuvos katalikų pilietinio aktyvumo pavyzdžiai ir ribos XX amžiuje

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    The historical experience of the 20th century indicates that democratic thought and mature activities in Lithuania flourished in the decades when society confronted challenges caused by forms of non-democratic political governance. These were the 4th–5th decades (1930–1953: strengthening and crisis of nationalists of the authoritarian regime, soviet and Nazi aggression, partisan war) and the 8th–9th decades (1968–1990: strengthening of public civil resistance and Sąjudis). The article analyses the second period, however, it also discusses general aspects of the development of the earlier civil consciousness. On the eve of the liberation movement, Lithuanian society was fragmented to a large extent. The majority of its members were passive in terms of citizenship and politics. In its depth, usually under the cover of the Church, civil groups were gradually uniting. They were surrounded by rather wide yet weakly articulated informal atmosphere consisting of academic youth and intelligentsia. The historical paradox can be seen in the way this society, which had been unprepared for structural changes, managed to free itself from the Soviet power. With the regime having slightly enhanced the limits of publicity, the layer of civil resistance firstly activated the informal environment, and later occupied wider social layers creating a mass social movement, which later destroyed the communist political regime in the region

    Lietuvos intelektualų elitas lemtingų politinių lūžių metais (1940-1945)

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    The report seeks to throw light on a different response of the groups of intellectuals to the occupations of Lithuania in 1940 and to deny statements that sometimes are made about almost universal collaboration of the Lithuanian elite with the soviet invaders in 1940 – 1941. A more differentiated glance at this problem reveals an obvious tendency that the intellectuals of Catholic orientation had fewer illusions with respect to the occupation regime. Some of them withdrew to Germany; those who remained either did not participate in public life at all or became engaged in an underground activity, or were repressed. Among the intellectuals of pro-communist orientation who actively assisted the invaders there were mainly intellectuals of liberal views who had got under a political and cultural influence of the soviets still in the years of independence. Catholic intellectuals took an active part in anti-Nazi resistance activity because the intellectuals who became compromised during the first soviet years fearing repressions avoided underground activities

    Assessment of technologies for processing and usage of coarse-stem and fibrous plants for energy purposes

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    Šalims vystantis ir siekiant darnaus ekonomikos augimo, vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas atsinaujinantiems energijos ištekliams. Vėjo, saulės, vandens ir geoterminė energija žengia sykiu su biomasės panaudojimu. Lietuvoje ypač gera niša medienos, šiaudų ir energetinių augalų energijai. Jau nuo seno pagrindinis kuras buvo miško mediena, tačiau šiandien galima bandyti naudoti ir augalų biomasę. Lietuvoje daug dirvonuojančios žemės, o užsėjus ją, pavyzdžiui rūgtimis, būtų gaunamas kokybiškas ir kaloringas kuras. Tyrimai buvo atlikti su trimis grupėmis augalų: stambiastiebiais – sida, drambliažole, geltonžiedžiu legėstu, rūgtimi, sosnovskio barščiu ir šunažole; pluoštiniais – pluoštinėmis kanapėmis – USO 31, Felina 32, Finola, Bialobzreskie, Epsilon 68 ir pluoštinėmis dilgėlėmis; nendriniais – nendrėmis, švendrais ir nendriniu dryžučiu. Užaugę, nupjauti ir išdžiovinti augalai buvo smulkinami su būgniniu smulkintuvu Maral 125. Gautas pjaustinys malamas su Retsh SM 200 malūnu. Gauti miltai granuliuojami mažo našumo granuliatoriumi. Gautos granulės buvo naudotos atliekant tyrimus, nustatant jų mechanines – fizikines, chemines ir šilumines savybes. Buvo nustatomas granulių tankis, drėgnis, atsparumas gniuždymui, peleningumas, šilumingumas, elementinė sudėtis, emisijos deginant. Taip pat buvo tyrinėjami pelenai, jų lydumas ir cheminė sudėtis. Buvo atliktas būvio ciklo vertinimas.Energy is the basis on which the goals for growth, employment and sustainability may be achieved for the development of the countries and well-being of the humanity. Lithuania does not have many fossil fuel resources (coal, natural gas or oil) that can meet country’s energy needs; so, these fossils have to be imported. However, Lithuania has opportunities to make active use of local and renewable energy sources - biofuel. Compared to traditional fuel, biofuel has a lower calorific value and is widespread over a large area, as well as using unprocessed plant biomass makes it very difficult to control and automate the combustion process. Therefore, biomass should be prepared for combustion in order to be competitive and technological. The studies were performed with three groups of plants: coarse-stem - sida, elephant grass, cup plant, giant knotweed, giant hogweed and cocksfoot; fibrous hemp - USO 31, Felina 32, Finola, Bialobzreskie, Epsilon 68 and fibrous nettle; reeds - reeds, bulrush and reed canary grass. Grown, cut and dried plants were shredded with a Maral 125 drum shredder. The resulting cut is milled with a Retsh SM 200 mill. The resulting flour is granulated with a low throughput granulator. The obtained granules were used in the research to determine their mechanical - physical, chemical and thermal properties. Pellet density, moisture, compressive strength, ash content, calorific value, elemental composition, emissions during combustion were determined. Ash, its meltability and chemical composition were also studied. A life cycle assessment was performed.Žemės ūkio inžinerijos fakultetasŽemės ūkio inžinerijos ir saugos instituta

    Political Censorship in the Soviet West

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    This study is based on a comparison of Soviet political censorship efforts in Lithuania and Latvia between 1944 and 1989. It seeks to answer the following questions: Was Soviet political censorship uniformly implemented or were there regional variations? Did the Soviet political censorship campaign develop similarly in all newly occupied western territories? The article is largely based on primary sources and consists of three comparative sections. First, it compares the changes in personnel of local Glavlit offices performing daily censorship activities, the criteria for the appointment and dismissal of office leaders, the latter’s relationship with the central Glavlit structure and with local Communist Party governments. Second, the article explores the dynamics of political censorship implemented in Soviet Lithuania and Latvia by comparing the republics in their relationship to the USSR. In the final section, it compares the republics’ political censorship interventions and seeks to answer the question whether Soviet censorship in the Baltic republics was in any way different from policies pursued throughout the rest of the empire.Cette étude est basée sur une comparaison des efforts déployés par l’Union soviétique en matière de censure politique en Lituanie et en Lettonie entre 1944 et 1989. Elle cherche à répondre aux questions suivantes : la censure politique soviétique était‑elle appliquée uniformément ou bien existait‑il des variantes régionales ? Les campagnes de censure politique soviétique furent‑elles développées de la même façon dans tous les territoires occidentaux nouvellement occupés ? L’article se fonde sur des sources primaires. Dans un premier temps, il propose de comparer les changements de personnel occupant des fonctions quotidiennes de censure dans les antennes locales de Glavlit, les critères de recrutement et de licenciement des responsables de bureaux, et les relations de ces responsables avec la structure centrale de Glavlit et les responsables locaux du parti communiste. Dans un deuxième temps, l’article explore les dynamiques de la censure politique appliquée dans les républiques soviétiques de Lituanie et de Lettonie, comparant les relations entretenues avec l’URSS. Enfin, il compare les interventions des républiques en matière de censure politique et cherche à comprendre si la politique de censure en place dans les républiques baltes se différenciait de celle appliquée dans le reste de l’empire

    Church in exile: bishop Julijonas Steponavičius : commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth and 20th anniversary of his death

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    Minint vyskupo Julijono Steponavičiaus (1911–1991) gimimo šimtųjų ir mirties dvidešimtųjų metinių minėjimus jo asmenybė vėl trumpam sugrįžo į istorinės atminties lauką. Šio ganytojo gimimo ir mirties datos įrėmina permainingos XX a. Bažnyčios istorijos Lietuvoje patirtį. Šį pasaulį būsimasis vyskupas pirmą kartą išvydo byrant carinei Rusijos imperijai, kai Bažnyčia kėlėsi naujam gyvenimui po kelis dešimtmečius trukusios priespaudos, o su juo atsisveikino sovietų imperijos agonijos dienomis, tautai ir Bažnyčiai viltingai žvelgiant į Dievo suteiktą dar vieną laisvo gyvenimo galimybę. Vysk. Steponavičiaus asmenybė glaudžiai susijusi su tautos ir Bažnyčios likimu nelaisvės sąlygomis. Vysk. Steponavičius ir istorinėje atmintyje yra išlikęs pirmiausia kaip vienas iš Bažnyčios pasipriešinimo sovietų režimui simbolių. Bažnyčios santykis su totalitariniu sovietų režimu buvo nevienareikšmiškas. Viena vertus, šio režimo strateginis tikslas – sugriauti institucines religijos struktūras ir visiškai ateizuoti visuomenę – paliko labai mažai galimybių pasiekti patvaresnį kompromisą. Kita vertus, agresyvi režimo antibažnytinė politika vertė tokio kompromiso ieškoti. Abi alternatyvos – kompromisas arba bekompromisis Bažnyčios teisių gynimas – buvo vienodai pavojingos. Remiantis religinį gyvenimą kontroliavusių sovietų valdžios institucijų archyviniais dokumentais, taip pat Vilniaus arkivyskupijos kurijos archyve išlikusiais negausiais Steponavičiaus vyskupavimo pėdsakais, šiame straipsnyje mėginama detaliau atkurti kelią, kurį minėtai dilemai spręsti rinkosi šis dvasininkas.When commemorating the 100th birth anniversary and the 20th death anniversary of Bishop Julijonas Steponavičius (1911–1991), his personality was again briefly recalled in the historical memory. The dates of birth and death of this pastor frame the experience of the variable 20th c. history of the Church in Lithuania. The bishop was born at the moment of collapse of the Tsar Russian Empire, when the Church rose for the new life after several decades of oppression, and he died on the eve of the agony of the Soviet Empire, when the people and the Church hopefully viewed another opportunity of independent life provided by God. The personality of Bishop Steponavičius is closely related to the fate of the nation and the Church in captivity. He is recalled in the historical memory primarily as one of the symbols of Church resistance to the Soviet regime. The relationship of the Church with the totalitarian Soviet regime was ambiguous. On the one hand, the strategic aim of the regime – to destroy institutional religious structures and fully atheise society – left few possibilities to reach a more stable compromise. On the other hand, the aggressive anti-Church policy pursued by the regime forced to search for such a compromise. Both alternatives – a compromise or uncompromising defence of the rights of the Church – were equally dangerous. Based on the archival documents of Soviet authorities that controlled religious life as well as the scarce traces of the bishopric of Steponavičius in the archives of Vilnius Archdiocese Curia, the paper attempts to reproduce the road that the bishop took to solve the dilemma