10,171 research outputs found

    Group assessments: dilemmas facing lecturers in multicultural tertiary classrooms

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    'Group is good, and group is good for curing all social ills' was the cynical observation of one of the lecturers in this study. Her comment reflects the uneasiness of lecturers at tertiary institutions with the notion that the educational advantages of group assessments far outweigh the disadvantages, and that such an approach promotes the integration of minority groups in multicultural universities. The dilemmas facing lecturers in multicultural tertiary classrooms are reflected on in this paper, when they adopt group assessment as a means of evaluation and highlight those challenges that often jeopardize the successful implementation of this type of practice

    Rare mutations and potentially damaging missense variants in genes encoding fibrillar collagens and proteins involved in their production are candidates for risk for preterm premature rupture of membranes

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    Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is the leading identifiable cause of preterm birth with ~ 40% of preterm births being associated with PPROM and occurs in 1% - 2% of all pregnancies. We hypothesized that multiple rare variants in fetal genes involved in extracellular matrix synthesis would associate with PPROM, based on the assumption that impaired elaboration of matrix proteins would reduce fetal membrane tensile strength, predisposing to unscheduled rupture. We performed whole exome sequencing (WES) on neonatal DNA derived from pregnancies complicated by PPROM (49 cases) and healthy term deliveries (20 controls) to identify candidate mutations/variants. Genotyping for selected variants from the WES study was carried out on an additional 188 PPROM cases and 175 controls. All mothers were self-reported African Americans, and a panel of ancestry informative markers was used to control for genetic ancestry in all genetic association tests. In support of the primary hypothesis, a statistically significant genetic burden (all samples combined, SKAT-O p-value = 0.0225) of damaging/potentially damaging rare variants was identified in the genes of interest—fibrillar collagen genes, which contribute to fetal membrane strength and integrity. These findings suggest that the fetal contribution to PPROM is polygenic, and driven by an increased burden of rare variants that may also contribute to the disparities in rates of preterm birth among African Americans

    Noncommutative waves have infinite propagation speed

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    We prove the existence of global solutions to the Cauchy problem for noncommutative nonlinear wave equations in arbitrary even spatial dimensions where the noncommutativity is only in the spatial directions. We find that for existence there are no conditions on the degree of the nonlinearity provided the potential is positive. We furthermore prove that nonlinear noncommutative waves have infinite propagation speed, i.e., if the initial conditions at time 0 have a compact support then for any positive time the support of the solution can be arbitrarily large.Comment: 15 pages, references adde

    Is avolition in schizophrenia associated with a deficit of dorsal caudate activity? A functional magnetic resonance imaging study during reward anticipation and feedback

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    BACKGROUND: The neurobiological underpinnings of avolition in schizophrenia remain unclear. Most brain imaging research has focused on reward prediction deficit and on ventral striatum dysfunction, but findings are not consistent. In the light of accumulating evidence that both ventral striatum and dorsal caudate play a key role in motivation, we investigated ventral striatum and dorsal caudate activation during processing of reward or loss in patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study brain activation during a Monetary Incentive Delay task in patients with schizophrenia, treated with second-generation antipsychotics only, and in healthy controls (HC). We also assessed the relationships of ventral striatum and dorsal caudate activation with measures of hedonic experience and motivation. RESULTS: The whole patient group had lower motivation but comparable hedonic experience and striatal activation than HC. Patients with high avolition scores showed lower dorsal caudate activation than both HC and patients with low avolition scores. A lower dorsal caudate activation was also observed in patients with deficit schizophrenia compared to HC and patients with non-deficit schizophrenia. Dorsal caudate activity during reward anticipation was significantly associated with avolition, but not with anhedonia in the patient group. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that avolition in schizophrenia is linked to dorsal caudate hypoactivation

    Особливості управлінння персоналом в сучасних організаціях

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    Головним ресурсом підприємства є люди. Саме від персоналу залежить якість продукції, рівень обслуговування, загальний ріст і розвиток компанії. Система управління персоналом підприємства представляє собою сукупність прийомів, методів, управлінських дій спрямованих на організації роботи з персоналом. При формуванні системи управління персоналом організації необхідно враховувати такі моменти: організація є відкритою системою і на її діяльність впливають фактори зовнішнього середовища, такі, як ринкова кон’юнктура, ринок праці, правові норми, потреби споживачів, конкуренти; внутрішнє середовище організації характеризується такими складовими, як: місія організації, ціль діяльності, задачі, люди, організаційна структура та корпоративна культура; результат діяльності організації залежить від кваліфікації, досвіду, компетенцій персоналу організації; конкурентоздатність організації залежить не лише від конкурентоздатності продукції чи послуг, а і від конкурентоздатності персоналу організації

    Towards a dynamic interactive model of resilience (DIMoR) for education and learning contexts

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    This paper explores a range of theoretical models of resilience and human development to understand the concept of resilience as it has developed over time and how it is understood today. These include both classic and contemporary ideas such as those of Bronfenbrenner (1995), Masten (1994), Rutter (2013) and, more recently, Downes (2017) and Ungar (2018). Building on this analysis, the paper proposes a new model, taking key elements of established theories to offer a dynamic and interactive model of resilience (DIMoR). This model recognises individual agency and its complex reciprocal interactions both with other individuals but also with the wider system within which the individual is situated. This paper positions the DIMoR as a means of understanding resilience in a range of educational contexts

    Maximising transparency in a doctoral thesis: The complexities of writing about the use of QSR*NVIVO within a grounded theory study

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    This paper discusses the challenges of how to provide a transparent account of the use of the software programme QSR*NVIVO (QSR 2000) within a Grounded Theory framework (Glaser and Strauss 1967; Strauss and Corbin 1998). Psychology students are increasingly pursuing qualitative research projects such to the extent that the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) advise that students should have skill in the use of computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) (Economic and Social Research Council 2001). Unlike quantitative studies, rigid formulae do not exist for writing-up qualitative projects for doctoral theses. Most authors, however, agree that transparency is essential when communicating the findings of qualitative research. Sparkes (2001) recommends that evaluative criteria for qualitative research should be commensurable with the aims, objectives, and epistemological assumptions of the research project. Likewise, the use of CAQDAS should vary according to the research methodology followed, and thus researchers should include a discussion of how CAQDAS was used. This paper describes how the evolving process of coding data, writing memos, categorising, and theorising were integrated into the written thesis. The structure of the written document is described including considerations about restructuring and the difficulties of writing about an iterative process within a linear document

    The operationalized psychodynamic diagnostics system. Clinical relevance, reliability and validity

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    In this paper, we present a multiaxial system for psychodynamic diagnosis, which has attained wide usage in Germany in the last 10 years. First we will discuss the 4 operationalized psychodynamic diagnostics (OPD) axes: illness experience and treatment assumptions, relationships, mental conflicts, and structure, then clinical applications will be outlined. Focus psychodynamic formulations can be employed both with inpatients and with outpatients. Studies show good reliability in a research context and acceptable reliability for clinical purposes. Validity will be separately summarized as content, criterion, and construct validity. Validity studies indicate good validity for the individual axes. Numerous studies on the OPD indicate areas of possible improvement, for example for clinical purposes the OPD should be more practically formulated