144 research outputs found

    A Note on Discrete Multitime Recurrences of Samuelson-Hicks Type

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    By this work, we aim at fostering further research on the applications of multitime recurrences. In particular, we shall apply this method by generalizing the Samuelson-Hicks model so as to make the new concept of time that this method proposes clear. In particular, the multitime approach decomposes a point of time into a vector, taking into account how different coordinates of time referring to the same date can affect the dynamics of a model

    Age and Gender Affect the Composition of Fungal Population of the Human Gastrointestinal Tract

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    The fungal component of the human gut microbiota has been neglected for long time due to the low relative abundance of fungi with respect to bacteria, and only recently few reports have explored its composition and dynamics in health or disease. The application of metagenomics methods to the full understanding of fungal communities is currently limited by the under representation of fungal DNA with respect to the bacterial one, as well as by the limited ability to discriminate passengers from colonizers. Here we investigated the gut mycobiota of a cohort of healthy subjects in order to reduce the gap of knowledge concerning fungal intestinal communities in the healthy status further screening for phenotypical traits that could reflect fungi adaptation to the host. We studied the fecal fungal populations of 111 healthy subjects by means of cultivation on fungal selective media and by amplicon-based ITS1 metagenomics analysis on a subset of 57 individuals. We then characterized the isolated fungi for their tolerance to gastrointestinal tract-like challenges and their susceptibility to antifungals. A total of 34 different fungal species were isolated showing several phenotypic characteristics associated with intestinal environment such as tolerance to body temperature (37°C), to acidic and oxidative stress and to bile salts exposure. We found a high frequency of azoles resistance in fungal isolates, with potential and significant clinical impact. Analyses of fungal communities revealed that the human gut mycobiota differs in function of individuals’ life stage in a gender-related fashion. The combination of metagenomics and fungal cultivation allowed an in-depth understanding of the fungal intestinal community structure associated to the healthy status and the commensalism-related traits of isolated fungi. We further discussed comparatively the results of sequencing and cultivation to critically evaluate the application of metagenomics-based approaches to fungal gut populations

    Empirical Challenges in Organizational Aesthetics Research: Towards a Sensual Methodology

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    Despite growing scholarly interest in aesthetic dimensions of organizational life, there is a lack of literature expressly engaging with the methodological mechanics of 'doing aesthetics research'. This article addresses that gap. It begins with an overview of the conceptual idiosyncrasies of 'aesthetics' as a facet of human existence and maps out the challenges these pose for empirical research methodology. A review of methodological approaches adopted to date in empirical studies of organizational aesthetics is then presented. The remainder of the article draws on the author's experiences and suggests methods and techniques to address both conceptual and practical challenges encountered during the execution of an organizational aesthetics research project. The article calls for a firmer focus on the aesthetic experiences of organizational members in addition to those of researchers and concludes with some suggestions as to the future of such 'sensual methodologies' </jats:p

    Penggunaan Media Model dalam Pembelajaran IPA

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    This study aims to describe the increase in interest and student learning outcomes in science teaching in primary schools. Classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisted of two meetings with the various forms of energy and material use. Research subjects elementary school students grade IV No 20 Gunung Pangilun Padang Utara. The instrument of this study is the observation sheet student\u27s interests, learning activities observation sheets, and achievement test students\u27 interest in learning the instrument. The results showed that students\u27 interest in learning science in one cycle is 64.4 percent, and in the second cycle of 82.2 percent. Student learning outcomes in a single cycle on average 63.5 and 83.5 in the two cycle becomes. Besides that, it also revealed that an increasing mastery learning students from one cycle is 45.8 percent and in the second cycle of 91.6 percent. Analysis of teachers in implementing learning activities in a cycle that is 79.1 per cent and 91.6 per cent of the second cycle. The use of models in the media can increase interest in science learning, learning outcomes and teacher activities . Therefore, the model can be used medium primary school teachers as one of the media in learning science . Besides, teachers also need to make a good plan in accordance with the science curriculum in elementary schools

    Who Controls the Looking Glass? Towards a Conversational Understanding of Organizational Theatre

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    This paper presents a longitudinal study of interactive organizational theatre. Managers of a large home care organization used 30 instances of organizational theatre over a one year period to effect organizational change. We found that neither management, who had hoped that employees would accept and internalize the messages accompanying the play, nor employees, who used the liminal spaces to express their own take on the organization’s issues, achieved their aims directly. Yet a year later, organizational performance and satisfaction were significantly improved—much of this was attributed to the play. To explain this, we develop a conversational theory of change, one where ‘conversation pieces’ are central. We also speculate on the properties that conversation pieces and conversational systems like organizational theatre must have if they are to effect change.N/

    Il Radgyro: un autogiro dedicato ad acquisizioni airborne multiparametriche

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    This study summarizes the main characteristic of the Radgyro, an auotgyro dedicated to multiparametric airborne acquisitions. This aircraft was imagined, designed and realized to host two cameras, an infrared camera, a thermographic camera, five gamma-ray spectrometers as well as a GPS antenna network, a inertial navigation system, a radar altimeter and the electronic system necessary to the automatic, simultaneous and independent use of the entire instrumentation. Thanks to a carrying capacity of 130 kg, 4 hours of flight autonomy and a low overhead, the Radgyro is the ideal vehicle for multiparametric surveys of wide areas, where the use of drones is limited by the carrying capacity and by the flight autonomy. Finally the results of preliminary photogrammetric surveys and the possible future applications of the aircraft are presented

    Implementation and performances of the IPbus protocol for the JUNO Large-PMT readout electronics

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large neutrino detector currently under construction in China. Thanks to the tight requirements on its optical and radio-purity properties, it will be able to perform leading measurements detecting terrestrial and astrophysical neutrinos in a wide energy range from tens of keV to hundreds of MeV. A key requirement for the success of the experiment is an unprecedented 3% energy resolution, guaranteed by its large active mass (20 kton) and the use of more than 20,000 20-inch photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs) acquired by high-speed, high-resolution sampling electronics located very close to the PMTs. As the Front-End and Read-Out electronics is expected to continuously run underwater for 30 years, a reliable readout acquisition system capable of handling the timestamped data stream coming from the Large-PMTs and permitting to simultaneously monitor and operate remotely the inaccessible electronics had to be developed. In this contribution, the firmware and hardware implementation of the IPbus based readout protocol will be presented, together with the performances measured on final modules during the mass production of the electronics