15 research outputs found

    Effect of fuel thermal pretreament on the electrochemical performance of a direct lignite coal fuel cell

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    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics SSI-20The impact of fuel heat pretreatment on the performance of a direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) is investigated by utilizing lignite (LG) coal as feedstock in a solid oxide fuel cell of the type: lignite | Co–CeO2/YSZ/Ag | air. Four LG samples are employed as feedstock: (i) pristine lignite (LG), and differently heat treated LG samples under inert (He) atmosphere at (ii) 200 °C overnight (LG200), (iii) 500 °C for 1 h (LG500) and (iv) 800 °C for 1 h (LG800). The impact of several process parameters, related to cell temperature (700–800 °C), carrier gas type (He or CO2), and molten carbonate infusion into the feedstock on the DCFC performance is additionally explored. The proximate and ultimate analysis of the original and pretreated lignite samples show that upon increasing the heat treatment temperature the carbon content is monotonically increased, whereas the volatile matter, moisture, sulfur and oxygen contents are decreased. In addition, although volatiles are eliminated upon increasing the treatment temperature and as a consequence more ordered carbonaceous structure remained, the heat treatment increases the reactivity of lignite with CO2 due mainly to the increased carbon content. These modifications are reflected on the achieved DCFC performance, which is clearly improved upon increasing the treatment temperature. An inferior cell performance is demonstrated by utilizing inert He instead of reactive CO2 atmosphere, as purging gas in the anode compartment, while carbonate infusion always results in ca. 70–100% increase in power output (15.1 mW cm− 2 at 800 °C). The obtained findings are discussed based also on AC impedance spectroscopy measurements, which revealed the impact of LG physicochemical characteristics and DCFC operating parameters on both ohmic and electrode resistances.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the European project “Efficient Conversion of Coal to Electricity — Direct Coal Fuel Cells”, which is funded by the Research Fund for Carbon & Steel (RFCR CT-2011-00004).Peer reviewe

    Mixed proton and electron conducting double perovskite anodes for stable and efficient tubular proton ceramic electrolysers.

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    [EN] Hydrogen production from water electrolysis is a key enabling energy storage technology for the large-scale deployment of intermittent renewable energy sources. Proton ceramic electrolysers (PCEs) can produce dry pressurized hydrogen directly from steam, avoiding major parts of cost-driving downstream separation and compression. However, the development of PCEs has suffered from limited electrical efficiency due to electronic leakage and poor electrode kinetics. Here, we present the first fully operational BaZrO3-based tubular PCE, with 10 cm(2) active area and a hydrogen production rate above 15 Nml min(-1). The novel steam anode Ba1-xGd0.8La0.2+xCo2O6-delta exhibits mixed p-type electronic and protonic conduction and low activation energy for water splitting, enabling total polarization resistances below 1 Omega cm(2) at 600 degrees C and Faradaic efficiencies close to 100% at high steam pressures. These tubular PCEs are mechanically robust, tolerate high pressures, allow improved process integration and offer scale-up modularity.The work leading to these results has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (grant 236828) and from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative under grant agreement 621244 ('ELECTRA') and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement 779486 ('GAMER'). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe research.Vøllestad, E.; Strandbakke, R.; Tarach, M.; Catalán-Martínez, D.; Fontaine, M.; Beeaff, D.; Clark, DR.... (2019). Mixed proton and electron conducting double perovskite anodes for stable and efficient tubular proton ceramic electrolysers. Nature Materials. 18(7):752-759. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-019-0388-2S75275918

    High-temperature structural and electrical properties of BaLnCo2O6 positrodes

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    The application of double perovskite cobaltites BaLnCoO (Ln = lanthanide element) in electrochemical devices for energy conversion requires control of their properties at operating conditions. This work presents a study of a series of BaLnCoO (Ln = La, Pr, Nd) with a focus on the evolution of structural and electrical properties with temperature. Symmetry, oxygen non-stoichiometry, and cobalt valence state have been examined by means of Synchrotron Radiation Powder X-ray Diffraction (SR-PXD), thermogravimetry (TG), and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). The results indicate that all three compositions maintain mainly orthorhombic structure from RT to 1000 °C. Chemical expansion from Co reduction and formation of oxygen vacancies is observed and characterized above 350 °C. Following XAS experiments, the high spin of Co was ascertained in the whole range of temperatures for BLC, BPC, and BNC.The research has been supported by the National Science Centre Poland (2016/22/Z/ST5/00691), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PCIN-2017-125, RTI2018-102161 and IJCI-2017-34110), and the Research Council of Norway (Grant n 272797 “GoPHy MiCO”) through the M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2016. We acknowledge the CERIC-ERIC Consortium for the access to MCX beamline at Elettra Sinchrotrone Trieste (proposal no 20187079). We also acknowledge Solaris National Radiation Centre Poland for access to the XAS/PEEM beamline (proposal no 181MS001)

    The synergistic catalyst-carbonates effect on the direct bituminous coal fuel cell performance

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    The current work explores the feasibility to improve the performance of a Direct Carbon Fuel Cell (DCFC): CO2 + bituminous coal|Co-CeO2/YSZ/Ag|Air by infusing a gasification catalyst (Co/CeO2) and/or Li-K carbonates mixture into the carbon fuel. The different fuel feedstock mixtures were characterized by various methods, involving chemical composition and proximate analysis, particle size distribution (PSD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption (BET method), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), to gain insight into the effect of catalyst and/or carbonates addition to fuel mixture physicochemical characteristics. An increase of the power output up to ca. 20 and 80% is achieved for carbon/catalyst and carbon/catalyst/carbonates mixtures, respectively, in comparison to bare carbon at 700 °C, demonstrating the pronounced effect of catalyst as well as its potential synergy with carbonates. It was also shown that the achieved maximum power density is directly associated with the CO formation rate, implying the importance of in situ formed CO on the electrochemical performance. The obtained findings are further discussed based also on the corresponding AC impedance spectroscopy studies, which revealed the beneficial effect of fuel feedstock additives (catalyst and/or carbonates) on ohmic and electrode polarization resistances. The present results clearly revealed the feasibility to improve the DCFC performance by concurrently infusing a gasification catalyst and carbonates mixture into fuel feedstock.This research has been co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: T1EDK-01894). Dr. Kaklidis' postdoctoral research was realized via the framework of “Grant Allowance for Post-Doctoral Researchers” of the operational programme “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, 2014–2020, implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ) and co-funded by the European Social Fund and the Hellenic state.Peer reviewe

    The combined impact of carbon type and catalyst-aided gasification process on the performance of a Direct Carbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

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    The combined impact of carbon type (anthracite coal, bituminous coal and pine charcoal) and in situ, catalyst-aided, carbon gasification process on the electrochemical performance of a Direct Carbon Fuel Cell (DCFC) is explored. The effect of operation temperature (700–800 °C) and catalyst (Co/CeO2) infusion to carbon feedstock under CO2 atmosphere at the anode chamber is systematically investigated in a cell of the type: Carbon + CO2|Cu-CeO2/YSZ/Ag|Air. All fuel samples were characterized, in terms of chemical composition, crystallite structure (XRD), pore structure (BET), surface morphology (SEM), particle size distribution (PSD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), in order to obtain a close relationship between the carbon characteristics and the DCFC performance. The results reveal that in the absence of catalyst, the optimum performance is obtained for the charcoal sample (Pmax ~ 12 mW/cm2), due to its high volatile matter, oxygen content, porosity and carbon disorder as well as its low amount of impurities. Catalyst infusion to carbon feedstock results in a considerable increase in the achieved cell power density up to 225%, which is more pronounced for the less reactive coals and low temperatures. The enhanced performance obtained by infusing Co/CeO2 catalyst into carbon is ascribed to the positive effect of catalyst on the in situ carbon gasification, through the reverse Boudouard reaction (C + CO2 → 2CO), and the subsequent faster diffusion and electro-oxidation of formed CO at the anodic three-phase boundary.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the ERANET-MED (call identifier RQ2-2016) project “Direct Conversion of Biomass to Electricity in MED area via an Internal Catalytic Gasification Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”, which is co-funded by the following Euro-Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey (ERANETMED2-72-246 DB-SOFC).Peer reviewe

    Structure and water uptake in BaLnCo2O6−δ (Ln =La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy)

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    The structure of BaLnCoO (Ln =La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy) was studied by the means of synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction, neutron powder diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), while water uptake properties were analysed with the use of thermogravimetry (TG) and water adsorption isotherms. The structure refinement revealed that the dominant phase in all compositions was orthorhombic with an ordering of the A-site cations along the c-axis and ordering of oxygen vacancies along the b-axis, which was also directly evidenced by TEM. It was shown that both unit cell volume and average Co-oxidation state at room temperature decrease linearly with decreasing Ln radius. TG water uptake experiments in humidified N–O gas mixture at 300 °C revealed that among all compositions, only BaLaCoO and BaGdCoO exhibit significant water uptake. Surface water adsorption studies showed that the α, a normalised parameter reflecting the surface hydrophilicity, mostly independently of Ln radius was close to 0.5, which means that the surface is neither hydrophobic nor hydrophilic. The results indicated that water uptake observed at 300 °C is a bulk process, which cannot be described by standard hydration/hydrogenation reaction and it is related to the layered structure of the perovskite lattice and characteristic to La or Gd being present in the lattice.The research has been supported by the National Science Centre Poland (2016/22/Z/ST5/00691), the Spanish Government (PCIN-2017-125), and the Research Council of Norway (Grant nᵒ 272797 “GoPHy MiCO”) through the M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2016. Funding from the Spanish Government (RTI2018-102161 and IJCI-2017-34110 grant) is kindly acknowledged. The authors acknowledge the skilful assistance from the staff of the Swiss–Norwegian Beamline (SNBL), at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France. Dr Cheng Li is at POWGEN, SNS, Oak Ridge, US and Dr Chiu C. Tang at beamline I11 at Diamond, Didcot, UK are gratefully acknowledged for PND and SR-PXD measurements, respectively, of BaGdCo2O6-δ. SLW and AMG acknowledge the CERIC-ERIC Consortium for the access to experimental facilities and the financial support (No 20187079). CG and MCI acknowledge the financial support from Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation in the frame of the Core Program PN19-03. SLW would like to express gratitude to Małgorzata Nadolska from Gdańsk University of Technology for support in surface measurements and analysis