372 research outputs found

    Influence of eardrum perforation position and eardrum perforation size on ear sound transfer function

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    Předložená práce se zabývá vlivem perforace bubínku na přenosovou funkci lidského ucha s ohledem na její velikost, polohu a případnou chirurgickou nápravu (myringoplastiku). Je provedena rešeršní studie odpovídající na praktické otázky problematiky tohoto zákroku a je diskutován vliv materiálových vlastností typů záplat na pooperační stav. Práce je doplněna matematickým modelováním, prováděném na kompletním 3D modelu lidského ucha v systému ANSYS pomocí MKP. Tento model byl patřičně upraven, aby odpovídal stavu perforovaného popř. záplatovaného bubínku. Pro jednotlivé varianty modelu (perforace, záplatování) jsou vypočítávány přenosové funkce reprezentující vliv perforace na sluch. Na závěr je uvedeno zpracování souboru audiologických vyšetření pacientů před a po myringoplastice a je provedeno srovnání výsledků matematického modelování s výsledky audiologie.This thesis describes influence of eardrum perforation and perforation patching (myringoplastics) on sound transfer function. Perforation size, perforation position and inluence of graft material on hearing are discussed. This thesis is completed with 3D mathematical modeling in ANSYS system. The 3D finite element model of human ear is remodeled to represent the perforated and graft covered stage. Mathematical modeling is used for sound transfer calculations and for the discussions of the influence of tympanic membrane perforation on hearing. Set of audiological examination is processed and it is made the comparison between mathematical modeling results and audiology results.

    Evaluation of criteria for allocating intelligent transport system check sites

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    The article analyzes a recent stage of the road network structure in the Slovak republic and suggests development trends in building highways and lower class roads. The route network structure, its qualitative parameters, negotiability and loading condition intensity change seasonally. These aspects have a cardinal influence on the loading condition development of route network, which consequently influences the necessity of allocation and sequence of means of transport check devices building

    Principles of computer simulation design for the needs of improvement of the raw materials combined transport system

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    This article is focused on computer simulation design for raw materials transportation. The creation of a simulation model of the combined transport system for the raw materials transportation has its own problematic parts. In general, these are parts, which represent transport nodes, i.e. parts of the system in which raw materials are reloaded from one vehicle to another. The given operations are in practice dependent on the preparedness of all transportation means, which participate in it. To locate operations of reloading of the raw materials from one vehicle to another and the check of the preparedness of the vehicles of the reloading in the simulation system is more demanding because it is necessary to take into consideration several aspects, such as an existence of a vehicle with raw materials, an existence of a vehicle to which it is to be reloaded a suitable freeloader, and so on. The article focuses on defining a procedure and correct steps at the creation of the simulation computer model of the combined raw materials transport system in the EXTENDSIM simulation system based on specific data from a real transport system. As is clear from the proposed procedure of the creation of the combined raw material transport system, as a check element of the transport system preparedness, it is suitable to use the "Gate" block and its features in the EXTENDSIM simulation system. As transpires from the results of simulation of the combined raw material transport system, about 322,000 tons of raw materials at 90-96% with the use of all vehicles is transported during the year.Web of Science23217416

    Electrochemistry of Selected Lanthanides in FLiBe and Possibilities of their Recovery on Reactive Electrode

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    AbstractAmong other applications, electrochemical based separation of actinides and lanthanides from molten salt media seems to be suitable method for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel in proposed future types of nuclear reactors such as Molten Salt Reactor. One of the most interesting features of the MSR concept is a circulation of liquid molten fluoride fuel mixture. It allows the fuel to be continuously (“on-line”) reprocessed as it is necessary for continuous reactor operation. The pyrochemical separation processes seem suitable for the “on-line” reprocessing technology and electrochemical separations are one of the most promising methods for separation of fissile material and fission products. This work is focused on electrochemical behaviour of several lanthanides (Sm, Gd) in FLiBe on inert (Mo, Mo) and reactive (Ni) electrodes. Electrochemical behaviour was studied by cyclic voltammetry and in the case of gadolinium, electrolytic product was analysed by SEM-EDX analysis. Specific interactions between rare earth elements and polymer-like structure of Be-based melt were taken into account and experimental results are interpreted. Evaluation of possibilities of lanthanides recovery on reactive electrode (Ni) is presented

    Information System as a Tool of Decision Support

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    The article deals with possibilities of creating system for support the activities of logistics systems. This system would serve as a means for decision support. In support of the activities of logistics systems is necessary to implement a large number of decisions. Decisions are realized on different management levels. Any decision on individual levels can cause improvement, respectively aggravation of system operation. The impacts of decisions can have local effect on the overall operation of logistics systems, but may also seriously affect the whole system, positively or negatively. Many experts and scientific literature define and argue that “logistics is only one” and is associated with ensuring of chain “purchase - production - sales”, or “supply - production - distribution”. All other activities are only for ensuring of activities of the main chain. Of course, that without the support activities should the main chain was unable to function effectively. For ensuring main and support activities for logistics needs is possible to use great number of methods from different branches. By joining of methods into one system, it is possible to create a universal program means for support decision and effective operation of logistics systems

    Definition of basic and supporting parts of Alfa foils, a.s. planning system

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    Aggregate planning cummulates into one target capacity, materials, economy and technology rules with aim to minimizesubjective approaches at the production plan designing and utilization of automatic (pseudoexpert) system for making productionplanning. Optimalization, equalizing and adaptation of customers capacity requests to production capacity possibilities is very bigproblem in many Slovak firms

    Maximally entangled proton and charged hadron multiplicity in Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We study the proposal by Kharzeev-Levin to determine entanglement entropy in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) from parton distribution functions (PDFs) and relates the former to the entropy of final state hadrons. We find several uncertainties in the current comparison to data, in particular uncertainties related to the overall normalization, the relation between charged versus total hadron multiplicity in the comparison to experimental results as well as different methods to determine the number of partons in Deep Inelastic Scattering. We further provide a comparison to data based on leading order HERA PDF as well as PDFs obtained from an unintegrated gluon distribution subject to next-to-leading order Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov and Baltisky-Kovchegov evolution. Within uncertainties we find good agreement with H1 data. We provide also predictions for entropy at lower photon virtualities, where non-linear QCD dynamics is expected to become relevant.Comment: 18 page

    Analysis of Employee Appraisal System in the M&P spol. s r.o. Company

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    Diplomová práca má za úlohu predniesť čitateľovi proces hodnotenia práce, jeho časti a zložky. Autor v nej rozoberá teoretické poznatky v oblasti hodnotenia zamestnancov, z ktorých spracováva praktickú časť. V teoretických poznatkoch ďalej objasňuje výhody a nevýhody systému hodnotenia zamestnancov. Autor rozdelil prácu na šesť kapitol. Praktická časť práce začína v tretej kapitole, kde objasňuje charakteristiku vybranej firmy. V štvrtej kapitole autor stanovuje cieľ práce a podrobne analyzuje súčasný stav firmy pomocou zvolených metód. Z výsledkov analýzy následne vyhodnocuje charakteristiky pracovných miest a systému hodnotenia. Výsledkom výskumu sú teda návrhy a podklady vhodné na realizáciu vo vybranej firme.Diploma thesis is designed to give the reader information about staff evaluation process, its parts and components. Author describe theoretical knowledge from the area of staff evaluation, which is used for practical part. Author explain the advantages and disadvantages of the staff evaluation system in the theoretical knowledge. Author divided work into six chapters. The practical part of the thesis starts in the third chapter, where author explains characteristics of the selected company. In the fourth chapter, author specify goal of the thesis and analyzes details of current situation in the company using selected methods. The results of the analysis evaluate the characteristics of the work and the staff evaluation system. The result of the research are suggestions and the materials suitable for implementation in the selected company.115 - Katedra managementudobř

    Design of technology for glueing of dynamically stressed drive shaft on the formula student prototype

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem, výrobou a testováním prototypu poloosy formule student, která byla z části tvořena kompozitním materiálem. V úvodu práce jsou v teoretické části rozebrány možnosti výroby poloosy jako celku, vhodné kompozitní materiály a technologie spojování kompozitních materiálů a oceli. Na základě tohoto rozboru je stanovena cesta, kterou je vhodné se ubírat při návrhu lepeného spoje mezi uhlíkovou trubkou, ze které je tvořen střed poloosy a ocelovými částmi. V praktické části je provedena série testů pomocí tahové zkoušky, s cílem vybrat nejlepší úpravy povrchu před lepením. Na základě těchto poznatků byly následně vyrobeny zkušební vzorky pro zkoušku krutem. Na základě výsledků je navržena délka lepeného spoje a vyroben první prototyp pro testování na motorové brzdě. V závěru jsou stanoveny závěry a doporučení pro další vývoj v dané oblasti.The bachelor thesis deals with the design, production and testing of a prototype of a student's semi-axle, which was partly made of composite material. The theoretical part of the thesis starts with a discussion of the production possibilities and suitable composite materials and the technology of joining composite materials and steel. On the basis of this analysis, the appropriate path to follow in the design of the bonded joint between the carbon tube from which the centre of the semi-axle is formed and the steel parts is determined. In the practical part, a series of tensile tests are carried out to clearly determine the best surface treatment before bonding. Based on these findings, test specimens are then produced for torsion testing. Based on the results, the length of the bonded joint is designed and a first prototype is produced for engine brake testing. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for further developments in the field are provided.632 - Katedra materiálů a technologií pro automobilyvýborn

    Computational modelling of high-frequency noise inside cabin of aircraft EV-55M

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    Předložená práce se zabývá určením vysokofrekvenčního hluku v části kabiny letounu EV–55M vyvíjeným společností Evektor Kunovice. Nejprve je provedeno stručné shrnutí metod vhodných k určování vysokofrekvenčního hluku. Podrobněji je rozebrána statistická energetická analýza (SEA), která je v této oblasti dominantní. V této kapitole je sestavena hlavní energetická rovnice SEA a uvedeno určení jednotlivých SEA parametrů (modální hustota, faktor tlumení, faktor ztráty ve vazbě a vstupní výkon). Dále jsou rozebrány hlavní zdroje hluku turbovrtulových a proudových letounů a uvedeny možnosti pasivní a aktivní protihlukové kontroly. Ve výpočtové části je uveden popis tvorby SEA modelu trupu letounu EV-55M v systému VA One. Byly vytvořeny dva modely, jeden odpovídající nevybavenému letounu a druhý, ve kterém jsou zohledněny vnitřní interiérové panely, s možností simulace protihlukových úprav. Součástí práce je také experimentální určení materiálových charakteristik porézních materiálů tvořících protihlukovou výplň stěny. Měření probíhalo v impedanční trubici s následným vyhodnocením získaných dat v systému FOAM – X. Takto určené materiálové charakteristiky byly použity jako vstupy do systému VA One a výpočtem byl určen vliv protihlukové úpravy na snížení hladiny akustického tlaku uvnitř trupu. Na závěr jsou určeny hlavní cesty přenosu hluku do trupu letounu a simulovány některé jejich úpravy.This thesis describes methods of high frequency noise and vibrations computation of cabin part of EV–55M (aircraft developed by Evektor Kunovice). There is a brief summary of methods used for determining high frequency noise and vibrations in the first part of the thesis. Detailed explanation is given for Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) which is nowadays the most dominant method in this area. The energy balance equation is derived in this chapter and SEA parameters such as modal density, damping loss factor, coupling loss factor and power input are introduced here. Next part deals with main noise sources of propeller driven and jet aircraft and passive and active noise controls are discussed. Practical part of this thesis deals with modeling aircraft EV–55M fuselage using VA One SEA module. Two models were created. First of them is only an outside fuselage with aircraft flooring and the second one is extended by interior trim panels and is applicable for simulation of noise control treatments. Computational modeling is accompanied by experimental measurement of passive noise control material characteristics. Postprocessing of information obtained from impedance tube measurement was performed in FOAM – X. Determined characteristics of porous material were used as inputs to VA One and reduction of sound pressure level in fuselage cavities by using noise control treatment was found. In conclusion there is a summary of noise transmission paths from sources to interior cavity and some treatments of them are simulated