30 research outputs found


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    Disertační práce se zaměřuje na aktuálnost problému stanovení obvyklého tržního nájemného bytu na základě tržní ceny bytu. Základním předpokladem práce je získat databázi cen bytů a parametry těchto bytů porovnat co nejpřesnějším způsobem. Tato oblast byla již několikrát řešena, avšak pouze v některých městech a není zcela prozkoumána. Závěry disertační práce uvádějí, jaký je vztah obvyklého nájemného a obvyklé ceny bytu, dále potom porovnání vývoje tohoto vztahu před ekonomickou krizí, tj. v cenových úrovních roku 2008 a současných v roce 2013. Na základě těchto dat je také možno určit míru kapitalizace v jednotlivých krajských městech i s přihlédnutím k průměrné mzdě v jednotlivých krajských městech.The dissertation focuses on the problem of determining the timeliness of the normal market rent an apartment at the market price of the apartment. The basic premise is obtain a database of prices of flats and apartments to compare these parameters the most accurate way. This area has been addressed several times, but only in some cities and not fully explored. The conclusions of the dissertation indicate what the relationship is normal and usual rental price of the apartment, then further comparison of the development of this relationship before the economic crisis, ie the price levels of 2008 and the present. Based on these data, it is also possible to determine the level of capitalization in each regional cities with regard to the average wage in each regional cities.

    Pretok taline skozi keramične filtre

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    It is important to clean melts by filtering them with ceramic filters. Particular attention must be paid to the hydraulic conditions as the melt flows through the filter. The Bernouilli equation is used to describe the filtration of the melts. The physical regularities of the capillary melt can be seen in the flow. The Hagen-Poiseuille law and Darcy’s law have been applied. The characteristics of laminar flow have been examined, as have the attributes of turbulent flow. There are dimensionless criteria characterising the melt flow through a ceramic filter. The principal mechanisms of melt filtration are assessed.Pomembnost čiščenja kovinske taline s filtriranjem skozi keramični filter. Hidravlični pogoji pretoka taline skozi filter. Uporaba Bernouillijeve enačbe za opis filtriranja taline. Fizikalne zakonitosti kapilarnega toka taline. Hagen-Poiseuillejev in Darcyjev zakon. Značilnosti laminarnega toka. Atributi turbulentnega toka. Brezdimenzijska merila, karakteristična za pretok taline skozi keramični filter. Glavni mehanizmi filtriranja kovinskih talin

    Uporaba teorije fizikalne podobnosti za opis filtriranja kovinske taline

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    The Bernoulli equation is the basis for the primary description of the flow of a real metallic melt through the pouring system for the filling of the casting mould with an inserted ceramic filter. In principle, a modified, dimensionless form of the Bernoulli equation can be used for the determination of the loss coefficient as a general function of the dimensionless criteria – the Reynolds, Froude and Euler numbers. It was verified by modelling the flow of the modelling liquid (in this case water) through ceramic filters. In the same interval of Reynolds numbers the loss coefficient was greater for foam filters than for filters with direct holes (strainers); however, the outlet coefficient μ of the foam filters was, in identical conditions, significantly lower than that of filters with direct holes.Bernoullijeva enačba je podlaga za opis pretoka taline skozi livni sistem z vstavljenim keramičnim filtrom. Načeloma je mogoče uporabiti modificirano brezdimenzijsko obliko Bernoullijeve enačbe za določitev koeficienta izgube kot funkcije brezdimenzijskega kriterija – Reynoldsovega, Froudovega ali Eulerjevega števila. S pretokom modelne tekočine (vode) je bilo preverjeno, da je pri enakem intervalu Reynoldsovih števil koeficient izgube večji pri penastem filtru kot pri filtru z direktnimi luknjicami, vendar pa je izhodni koeficient μ za penaste filtre pri enakih pogojih pomembno nižji kot pri filtrih z neposrednimi luknjicami

    Role of orthoptics and scoring system for orbital floor blowout fracture: surgical or conservative treatment

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    AIM: To assess the role of orthoptics in referring patients with orbital floor blowout fracture (OFBF) for conservative or surgical treatment and based on the results, to propose a scoring system for such decision making. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 69 patients with OFBF was performed (35 treated conservatively, 34 surgically). The role of orthoptics in referring to surgery or conservative treatment was retrospectively evaluated, the factors with the highest significance for decision making were identified, and a scoring system proposed using Logistic regression. RESULTS: According to defined criteria, the treatment was unsuccessful in 2 (6%) surgically treated and only in one (3%) conservatively treated patient. The proposed scoring system includes the defect size and several values resulting from the orthoptic examination, the elevation of the eyebulb measured on Lancaster screen being the most significant. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrates the benefits of orthoptic examination when making decisions on conservative or surgical treatment and for diagnosing ocular motility disorder (with or without binocular diplopia) in OFBF patients. The proposed scoring system could, following verification in a prospective study, become a valuable adjunctive tool.Web of Science14121934192

    The use of a battery of examination methods for detection of cervical metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity

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    Introduction. In patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the orofacial area, the presence of cervical metastases represents a single most significant prognostic factor. This fact underlines the importance of thorough examination of the cervical lymph nodes for potential tumor involvement. To verify this, the most common investigative methods are physical examination (PE), sonography (US) and computed tomography (CT), which have also been used to assess the stage of the disease in the patients in our research. Objective. To evaluate the performance of individual methods (physical examination, sonography, computed tomography) and combinations. Method. Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, who had undergone physical, US and CT examinations at our department followed by radical neck dissection were included in this retrospective study. A total of 57 patients were included. Results. The sensitivity of PE, US and CT were 38%, 69% and 61%, respectively, however CT+US combination yielded 83% sensitivity and combination of all these methods 86% sensitivity. The number of false positives was however relatively high with specificity of the 3-way combination at 65%. Conclusion. A combination of our three widely available inexpensive methods detected 86% of metastases in cervical nodes. The large number of false positives however indicates that the method should rather be used for screening in selecting patients who need additional and more expensive imaging than for diagnosing cervical metastases. Also, as 14% of cervical metastases pass undetected using our method, we would recommend an additional examination at least by US+PE several weeks to a few months after the initial examination.Web of Science165222822

    Meeting Minutes

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    Meeting to discuss administrative assessment, sabbaticals and academic policies

    Čištění skleněných kanenů po přetmelení

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    Karl Popper and the Method of Causal Explanation in Historical Sciences

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    In the beginning, let me state the three main aims of my thesis: 1) to explain Popper's method of causal explanation with special regard to its application in historical sciences; 2) to examine a debate which took place shortly after its publication in the field of philosophy of history and philosophy of science; 3) to analyze the actual results of the application of this method through interpretation of Popper's book The Open Society and Its Enemies

    Soul and Cosmos in Plato's Timaeus

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    The aim of this thesis is to examine the problem of soul in Plato's Timaeus while paying due respect to its close connection with the topics of cosmology and cosmogony. The inquiry proceeds from the highest level of the cosmos itself to the lowest level of the souls of mortal beings. In the first chapter, an important question, whether the cosmos singularly came into being or not is being examined. In this context, two traditional approaches are distinguished and it is argued that a proper answer to this question has to contain some elements of them both. The second chapter examines the nature of Plato's maker of this world, the demiurge. It is argued that he is a primordial deity who should not be identified with any aspect of the created cosmos or the intelligible being and who not only creates the bodily world and its soul but serves as a sort of paradigm for the soul in respect to its capacities as well. The topics of soul and cosmos blend equally in the third chapter which is devoted to the world-soul. It concentrates on three main topics which are relevant also for the souls occupying a lower position in the hierarchy. These are the blending of the soul that explains its basic properties, the structuring of the soul and attributing it a particular motion and finally the problem of cognition..

    Issues of effectiveness and relevance of evaluation in the environment of educational organization

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    The aim of the final bachelor's thesis is to describe the approaches in employee appraisal and to consider its relevance and effectiveness on the basis of these sources. The research part of the thesis includes a questionnaire survey which focuses on examining the form of teaching staff appraisal, its effectiveness and relevance. The aim of the investigation is to quantitatively analyse the approaches to staff appraisal in different educational organisations and to map its impact on staff. The thesis examines whether it is even possible and appropriate to evaluate staff performance in an educational organisation setting and to take steps to improve effectiveness based on this evaluation. Effective appraisal aims at implementing measures that promote and maintain satisfactory job performance and prevent poor performance. It enables the organization to set up an internal system of employee training, or to identify the need for external training, and process improvement, to decide on the relevance of employee pay and job classification. Appraisal allows to detect the potential of employees to be promoted to a position where they can better use their competences and motivate them with career advancement. The questionnaire survey showed that more than half of the respondents carry out staff appraisals..