94 research outputs found

    Norskfaget i endring : en sammenlikning av L97 og kunnskapsløftet

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    Oppgaven er bygd opp slik at jeg først gir en kort innføring i L97 og Kunnskapsløftet i innledningskapitlet, og etter det følger det et kapittel om teori og metode. Siden det er vanskelig å skille disse to, velger jeg å skrive om dem sammen. Etter dette kommer et kapittel om læreplaner i historisk perspektiv. Dette har jeg skrevet for å avdekke hvor Kunnskapsløftet plasserer seg i en eksisterende læreplantradisjon. Gjennom det kan jeg undersøke hvor det er mulig å trekke paralleller mellom L97, Kunnskapsløftet og tidligere læreplaner. Pendelen svinger fra epoke til epoke, og muligheten er der jo for at ting fra tidligere læreplaner kan finnes i L97 og Kunnskapsløftet også. Etter dette følger en utdypende sammenlikning av L97 og Kunnskapsløftet. Så kommer et kapittel der jeg forsøker å skissere hvordan rollen til norsklæreren kan bli som følge av Kunnskapsløftet. Avslutningsvis kommer et kapittel med oppsummering av oppgaven og konklusjon

    Quad-Polarimetric SAR for Detection and Characterization of Icebergs

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    Website for ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016.This paper evaluates the performance of fully polarimetric SAR data in iceberg detection and characterization. The study aims to explore the potential of RADARSAT-2 SAR data to detect icebergs and growlers in Svalbard that have broken off from the glaciers nearby. To be able to detect iceberg/growlers in a SAR image, a significant contrast between iceberg and background clutter is required. The sublook cross-correlation magnitude (SCM) is extracted from the complex cross-correlation between subapeture images and contrast between iceberg and sea clutter is measured. The results of target-to-clutter ratio from the SCM indicate that the sublook analysis has an impact on detection performance


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    Source at https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2649630In this report we summarize the capabilities and technical characteristics of our UAV-borne UWB radar system, designed for conducting snow surveys. We developed an ultrawideband snow sounder that is capable of imaging snow stratigraphy with a 5 cm range resolution. The radar can be carried by an octocopter UAV in order to carry out airborne snowpack surveys. During a demonstration on Andøya, we showed that the radar was capable of resolving snow stratigraphy in wet snow conditions, as well as detecting a buried person under 1.5 m of wet snow. In this report, we present the results of the demonstration in detail. We furthermore discuss capabilities and incapabilities of our radar system and offer a list of future steps to bring it to an operational status

    From glacier facies to SAR Backscatter Zones via GPR

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    Testing UAVs to perform aerial photographic survey of harp and hooded seals in the West Ice area

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    Survey report – KV “Svalbard” 16-26 March 2014The aim of the KV “Svalbard” survey was to test two UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to perform aerial photographic surveys of harp and hooded seal whelping patches on the drift ice in the West Ice area in the Greenland Sea. Digital cameras and a thermal infrared (IR) camera were used. We aimed to explore various survey altitudes and camera settings to obtain an optimal altitude and camera set up for photographing seal pups. Simultaneous use of digital and IR cameras enable us to explore combinations of those to detect and classify seals. Experience obtained from using the UAVs and the quality of the images taken, are promising. Both harp and hooded seals, including pups, were easily identified on the images taken at a flight altitude of 300 m. Also preliminary results from the IR camera are promising. It is, however, necessary to improve the range of the largest UAV and the methods for landing the aircraft on ice floes. Also some technical improvements on both aircrafts and operational equipment should be performe

    Safety and security of drones in the oil and gas industry

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    This paper describes safety and security challenges and best practices of the use of drones in the oil and gas industry, with consideration of the harsh weather conditions in the Northern Territories of Norway. We have described the present status of the use of drones in air, on water (surface) and under water. Drones are being used in the industry to reduce or remove dangerous, dirty or dull operations from humans and to increase quality of data collection. The Norwegian oil and gas industry and authorities have a high focus on continuous improvement of safety, security and environmental issues. This has for instance resulted in the offshore helicopter transport in Norway to be among the safest offshore transport worldwide. Use of drones in the safety conscious oil and gas industry, should help us to improve the safety practices of drone use in general. Our suggestions are to focus on systematic data reporting of the use of drones, establish guidelines for risk assessments and operations, improve the use and testing of drones in the industry (i.e. build more experience) and support improved robustness and resilience of drone use. In addition, we see the need for improved quality of the interfaces between human operators and drones to ensure meaningful human control.publishedVersio

    Bruk av droner i nordområdene

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    Formålet med denne rapporten er å vise eksempler på bruk av fjernstyrte og autonome droner i petroleumssektoren og vise hvilke utviklingstrender innen droneteknologi som er viktige. Utfordringer og muligheter for bruk av droner i nordområdene er spesielt vektlagt. Teknologi for og anvendelser av flyvende droner, droner på havoverflaten og droner under vann er behandlet i denne rapporten. Rapporten beskriver hvordan droner brukes i dag og oppgaver dronene kan løse fremover. Rapporten beskriver utfordringer ved bruk av droner innen petroleumsvirksomheten og forslag til tiltak