102 research outputs found

    The theory of the electric field induced in deep ocean currents

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    The Problem. Due to the fact that the water in the ocean is a conductor, and that it is everywhere under the influence of the earth\u27s magnetic field, we should expect, by the law of electric induction, that wherever the water is in motion electric potentials and currents will be established. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the theory of these phenomena in the deep ocean and to indicate certain analytical solutions of the problem which demonstrate the important physical aspects of electlic fields associated with ocean currents

    Trajectories of small bodies sinking slowly through convection cells

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    Mr. J. C. Neess of the University of Wisconsin has indicated to the writer in a personal communication that he has often observed a greater variability in plankton tows taken up or down wind in a lake than when made across wind…

    An analogy to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

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    Introduction. In a survey article (Stommel 1957), the Antarctic Circumpolar Current was crudely pictured as a simple convergent poleward geostrophic flow at longitudes far removed from Drake Passage, with a higher order dynamical process through Drake Passage; however, no theoretical model was presented to describe analytically the nature of the flow through Drake Passage...

    Horizontal diffusion due to oceanic turbulence

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss some fundamental aspects of horizontal diffusion in the sea and to present some observations that were made especially to obtain quantitive data

    Note on the use of the T-S correlation for dynamic height anomaly computations

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    1. The convenience of the bathythermograph for making rapid detailed surveys of the thermal structure in vertical sections of the ocean is leading to an accumulation of data on ocean temperatures far exceeding that on the corresponding salinities…

    Examples of the possible role of inertia and stratification in the dynamics of the Gulf Stream system

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    An hypothesis is offered to explain certain major features of the Florida Current: (1) the large axial gradient of vorticity, (2) the fact that seasonal fluctuations in the Miami-Cat Key tide gauge difference are twice the amplitude of those in the Key West-Havana tide gauge difference, and (3) the fact that the Havana-Cat Key difference is at a maximum during the period of minimum flow-the opposite of what might ordinarily be expected. An elementary perturbation theory of meanders in a wide stratified current is presented and its possible application to Gulf Stream meanders is discussed...

    The acion of variable wind stresses on a stratified ocean

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    The forced response of a horizontally infinite ocean on a rotating earth to a transient wind system is investigated. In an equilibrium state, the ocean consists of two homogeneous layers of fluid of finite depth, the fluid in the lower layer being slightly denser than that in the upper. The wind system is periodic in space, and its time-dependence is periodic or is given by a step function...

    Preliminary look at feasibility of using marine reports of sea surface temperature for documenting climatic change in the western North Atlantic

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    The nature and quality of portions of the Marine Deck of sea-surface temperature (SST) records for Marsden Squares 114 and 78 (20°-40°N, 50°-60°W) have been examined to determine their suitability for historical analysis of SST, and for evidence of climatic variation. Apparently the data is numerous enough to demonstrate, using six-year means for individual months, a warming from 1910-1920 to a maximum in 1950-1960, and thereafter a cooling, coherent over both square (both in winter and summer), trends consistent with other sources of data

    Recirculation reconsidered

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    The Atlantis 50W IGY section is used to test ideas about the application of inverse methods to the determination of the absolute geostrophic circulation of the North Atlantic. We argue that the uncertainties in determining the imbalances of relative layer-transports in the deep layers are so great that the heavy weight given them in the Wunsch-Grant (1982) charts of absolute circulation yields results that are artificially dominated by qottom topography and are not realistic...

    Some properties of thermocline equations in a subtropical gyre

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    The functional dependence of solutions of a theoretical model of the subtropical oceanic thermocline upon the physical parameters and boundary conditions is exhibited: (1) in a limited range by a boundary layer approximation; and (2) in a wider range by numerical solutions of the nonlinear equations
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