1,099 research outputs found

    Filtering Deterministic Layer Effects in Imaging

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    Sensor array imaging arises in applications such as nondestructive evaluation of materials with ultrasonic waves, seismic exploration, and radar. The sensors probe a medium with signals and record the resulting echoes, which are then processed to determine the location and reflectivity of remote reflectors. These could be defects in materials such as voids, fault lines or salt bodies in the earth, and cars, buildings, or aircraft in radar applications. Imaging is relatively well understood when the medium through which the signals propagate is smooth, and therefore nonscattering. But in many problems the medium is heterogeneous, with numerous small inhomogeneities that scatter the waves. We refer to the collection of inhomogeneities as clutter, which introduces an uncertainty in imaging because it is unknown and impossible to estimate in detail. We model the clutter as a random process. The array data is measured in one realization of the random medium, and the challenge is to mitigate cumulative clutter scattering so as to obtain robust images that are statistically stable with respect to different realizations of the inhomogeneities. Scatterers that are not buried too deep in clutter can be imaged reliably with the coherent interferometric (CINT) approach. But in heavy clutter the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low and CINT alone does not work. The “signal,” the echoes from the scatterers to be imaged, is overwhelmed by the “noise,” the strong clutter reverberations. There are two existing approaches for imaging at low SNR: The first operates under the premise that data are incoherent so that only the intensity of the scattered field can be used. The unknown coherent scatterers that we want to image are modeled as changes in the coefficients of diffusion or radiative transport equations satisfied by the intensities, and the problem becomes one of parameter estimation. Because the estimation is severely ill-posed, the results have poor resolution, unless very good prior information is available and large arrays are used. The second approach recognizes that if there is some residual coherence in the data, that is, some reliable phase information is available, it is worth trying to extract it and use it with well-posed coherent imaging methods to obtain images with better resolution. This paper takes the latter approach and presents a first attempt at enhancing the SNR of the array data by suppressing medium reverberations. It introduces filters, or annihilators of layer backscatter, that are designed to remove primary echoes from strong, isolated layers in a medium with additional random layering at small, subwavelength scales. These strong layers are called deterministic because they can be imaged from the data. However, our goal is not to image the layers, but to suppress them and thus enhance the echoes from compact scatterers buried deep in the medium. Surprisingly, the layer annihilators work better than intended, in the sense that they suppress not only the echoes from the deterministic layers, but also multiply scattered ones in the randomly layered structure. Following the layer annihilators presented here, other filters of general, nonlayered heavy clutter have been developed. We review these more recent developments and the challenges of imaging in heavy clutter in the introduction in order to place the research presented here in context. We then present in detail the layer annihilators and show with analysis and numerical simulations how they work

    Balancing equity and efficiency in the Dutch basic benefits package using the principle of proportional shortfall

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    Economic evaluations are increasingly used to inform decisions regarding the allocation of scarce health care resources. To systematically incorporate societal preferences into these evaluations, quality-adjusted life year gains could be weighted according to some equity principle, the most suitable of which is a matter of frequent debate. While many countries still struggle with equity concerns for priority setting in health care, the Netherlands has reached a broad consensus to use the concept of proportional shortfall. Our study evaluates the concept and its support in the Dutch health care context. We discuss arguments in the Netherlands for using proportional shortfall and difficulties in transitioning from principle to practice. In doing so, we address universal issues leading to a systematic consideration of equity concerns for priority setting in health care. The article thus has relevance to all countries struggling with the formalization of equity concerns for priority setting

    Structural Uncertainty in Onchocerciasis Transmission Models Influences the Estimation of Elimination Thresholds and Selection of Age Groups for Seromonitoring

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    Background. The World Health Organization recommends monitoring Ov16 serologyin children aged <10 years for stopping mass ivermectin administration. Transmission models can help to identify the most informative age groups for serological monitoring and investigate the discriminatory power of serology-based elimination thresholds.Model predictions will depend on assumed age-exposure patterns and transmission efficiency at low infection levels. Methods. The individual-based transmission model, EPIONCHO-IBM, was used toassess: i) the most informative age groups for serological monitoring using receiveroperator characteristic curves for different elimination thresholds under various age-dependent exposure assumptions, including those of ONCHOSIM (another widely-used model), and ii) the influence of within-human density-dependent parasite establishment (included in EPIONCHO-IBM but not in ONCHOSIM) on positive predictive values for different serological thresholds.Results. When assuming EPIONCHO-IBM exposure patterns, under-10s are themost informative age group for seromonitoring; when assuming ONCHOSIM’s exposure patterns, 5–15-year olds are the most informative (as published elsewhere).Omitting density-dependent parasite establishment results in more lenientseroprevalence thresholds, even for higher baseline infection prevalence and shorter treatment durations.Conclusions. Selecting appropriate seromonitoring age groups depends critically onage-dependent exposure patterns. The role of density dependence on elimination thresholds largely explains differing EPIONCHO-IBM and ONCHOSIM elimination predictions

    The effects of lead time and visual aids in TTO valuation: a study of the EQ-VT framework

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    __Abstract__ __Background__ The effect of lead time in time trade-off (TTO) valuation is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on health-state valuation of the length of lead time and the way the lead-time TTO task is displayed visually. __Methods__ Using two general population samples, we compared three lead-time TTO variants: 10 years of lead time in full health preceding 5 years of unhealthy time (standard); 5 years of lead time preceding 5 years of unhealthy time (experimental); and 10 years of lead time and 5 years of unhealthy time, presented with a visual aid to highlight the point where the lead time ends (experimental). Participants were randomized to receive one of the lead-time variants, as administered by a computer software program. __Results__ Health-state values generated by TTO valuation tasks using a longer lead time were slightly lower than those generated by tasks using a shorter lead time. When lead time and unhealthy time were presented with visual aids highlighting the difference between the lead time and unhealthy time, respondents spent more time considering health states with a value close to 0. __Conclusions__ Different lead-time time trade-off variants should be carefully studied in order to achieve the best measurement of health-state values using this new method

    Seismic tomography is locally ill-posed

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU concerning MSFD criteria for assessing Good Environmental Status, Descriptor 7

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    This report represents the result of the scientific and technical review of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU in relation to Descriptor 7. The review has been carried out by the EC JRC together with experts nominated by EU Member States, and has considered contributions from the GES Working Group in accordance with the roadmap set out in the MSFD implementation strategy (agreed on at the 11th CIS MSCG meeting). The report is one of a series of reports (review manuals) including Descriptor 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 that conclude phase 1 of the review process and, as agreed within the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy, are the basis for review phase 2, towards an eventual revision of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. The report presents the state of the technical discussions as of 30 April 2015 (document version 7.0: ComDecRev_D7_V7.0_FINAL.docx), as some discussions are ongoing, it does not contain agreed conclusions on all issues. The document does not represent an official, formal position of any of the Member States and the views expressed in the document are not to be taken as representing the views of the European Commission.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    How can onchocerciasis elimination in Africa be accelerated? Modelling the impact of increased ivermectin treatment frequency and complementary vector control

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    Background: Great strides have been made toward onchocerciasis elimination by mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin. Focusing on MDA-eligible areas, we investigated where the elimination goal can be achieved by 2025 by continuation of current practice (annual MDA with ivermectin) and where intensification or additional vector control is required. We did not consider areas hypoendemic for onchocerciasis with loiasis coendemicity where MDA is contraindicated. Methods: We used 2 previously published mathematical models, ONCHOSIM and EPIONCHO, to simulate future trends in microfilarial prevalence for 80 different settings (defined by precontrol endemicity and past MDA frequency and coverage) under different future treatment scenarios (annual, biannual, or quarterly MDA with different treatment coverage through 2025, with or without vector control strategies), assessing for each strategy whether it eventually leads to elimination. Results: Areas with 40%–50% precontrol microfilarial prevalence and ≥10 years of annual MDA may achieve elimination with a further 7 years of annual MDA, if not achieved already, according to both models. For most areas with 70%–80% precontrol prevalence, ONCHOSIM predicts that either annual or biannual MDA is sufficient to achieve elimination by 2025, whereas EPIONCHO predicts that elimination will not be achieved even with complementary vector control. Conclusions: Whether elimination will be reached by 2025 depends on precontrol endemicity, control history, and strategies chosen from now until 2025. Biannual or quarterly MDA will accelerate progress toward elimination but cannot guarantee it by 2025 in high-endemicity areas. Long-term concomitant MDA and vector control for high-endemicity areas might be useful