574 research outputs found

    Limit of the Solutions for the Finite Horizon Problems as the Optimal Solution to the Infinite Horizon Optimization Problems

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    We aim to generalize the results of Cai and Nitta (2007) by allowing both the utility and production function to depend on time. We also consider an additional intertemporal optimality criterion. We clarify the conditions under which the limit of the solutions for the finite horizon problems is optimal among all attainable paths for the infinite horizon problems under the overtaking criterion, as well as the conditions under which such a limit is the unique optimum under the sum-of-utilities criterion. The results are applied to a parametric example of the one-sector growth model to examine the impacts of discounting on optimal paths

    Análisis de la heurística en la contratación empresarial a través de una cartera de derivados reales

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    Departing from the notion that labour legislation should be founded in the generation of job stability a model for recruitment is presented in which the employer is likened to the holder of an investment portfolio containing two real derivatives – swap or the option of sale. This model allows us on one hand to analyze sensitivity to the variables that are at play in an employment contract and, on the other, look at the effects that the most recent reforms in Spanish labour laws have had on contracting decisions made by employers. The results are clear: social security benefits are shown to be the most sensitive variable on the work contract, and applying the changes proposed in the latest labour reforms, this effect is upheld. The study concludes that reducing the costs of dismissal does not increase the likelihood of employers’ taking on new staff.Dada la situación actual y partiendo del supuesto que como herramienta para una correcta política de empleo la legislación laboral debe sentar las bases sólidas para que en el momento de recuperación económica se generen puestos de trabajo estables, se presenta un modelo de simulación de contratación que nos va a permitir un análisis de sensibilidad de las distintas variables a tener en cuenta en una regulación del mercado laboral. El modelo consiste en asimilar el comportamiento del empresario al del propietario de una cartera de inversión compuesta por dos derivados reales, un swap y una opción de venta americana. Este modelo nos permite, por un lado, hacer un análisis de sensibilidad de las diferentes variables que intervienen en la contratación, y, por otro lado, analizar los efectos que la última reforma laboral española tiene sobre la decisión de contratar del empresario. Los resultados son claros, la variable que más sensibilidad presenta sobre la contratación es la cuota patronal de la seguridad social, y aplicando los cambios propuestos en esta última reforma laboral, se concretan estos efectos y también se concluye que la reducción de los costes de despido no acelera la decisión de contratar.Dada a situação atual e partindo do suposto que como ferramenta para uma correta política de emprego, a legislação laboral deve instituir as bases sólidas para que, no momento da recuperação econômica, se gerem postos de trabalho estáveis, se apresentem um modelo de simulação de contratação que nos permitirá uma análise de sensibilidade das diferentes variáveis a considerar em uma regulação do mercado laboral. O modelo consiste em assimilar o comportamento do empresário ao do proprietário de uma carteira de investimento composto por dois derivados reais, um swap e uma opção de venda americana. Esse modelo nos permite, por um lado, fazer uma análise de sensibilidade das diferentes variáveis que intervêm na contratação e, por outro lado, analisar os efeitos que a última reforma laboral espanhola tem sobre a decisão de contratar do empresário. Os resultados são claros, a variável que mais sensibilidade apresenta sobre a contratação é a cota patronal da previdência social e aplicando as mudanças propostas nesta última reforma laboral, concretizam-se esses efeitos e também se conclui que a redução dos custos de demissão não acelera a decisão de contrata

    Firms' Main Market, Human Capital and Wages

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    Recent international trade literature emphasizes two features in characterizing the current patterns of trade: efficiency heterogeneity at the firm level and quality differentiation. This paper explores human capital and wage differences across firms in that context. We build a partial equilibrium model predicting that firms selling in more-remote markets employ higher human capital and pay higher wages to employees within each education group. The channel linking these variables is firms’ endogenous choice of quality. Predictions are tested using Spanish employer-employee matched data that classify firms according to four main destination markets: local, national, European Union, and rest of the World. Employees’ average education is increasing in the remoteness of firm’s main output market. Market–destination wage premia are large, increasing in the remoteness of the market, and increasing in individual education. These results suggest that increasing globalization may play a significant role in raising wage inequality within and across education groups

    The Price of Land and the Process of Expropriation

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    This paper applies a game theoretic model to situations in which the Dutch government expropriates land from some farmers in order to create a new public project. The model is a version of a finite period bargaining model with asymmetric information and one-sided offers. It is shown that the model can explain some casual observations as the fact that usually, but not always, the government and the farmers settle by agreement

    Environmental Mortality and Long-Run Growth

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    There is emerging evidence that environmental degradation increases human mortality. This paper provides a long-run consumer optimization model in which mortality is endogenous to emissions generated by production. Emissions are assumed to follow the EKC path, first rising and then falling along with ouput. In the optimum, some deaths are accepted as an exchange for consumption. The model is estimated for the European outdoor air pollution data, showing that Europe has reached the downward sloping sement of the EKC. Economic growth will thus decrease rather than increase air pollution and the associted deaths in most countries in Europe
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