12 research outputs found

    Assessment of the capacity for flood monitoring and early warning in Enlargement and Eastern/ Southern Neighbourhood countries of the European Union

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    Flooding is a natural disaster that can damage large areas in the vicinity of rivers, and in the case of flash floods, also in the vicinity of smaller streams. The Global Risks Report 2017 lists extreme weather events, of which flooding is the main risk in most countries, as the risk with the second highest potential impact and the highest likelihood of occurrence. It furthermore seems likely that climate change will aggravate flood impacts in many regions. This report presents an assessment of the capacity for flood monitoring and early flood warning in 17 of the 22 countries which belong to the Eastern and Southern neighbourhood policy of the European Union and the enlargement candidate countries. Many of these receive external funding to improve their systems, but this is often on an ad hoc basis and through individual projects.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Lateglacial and Holocene climate and environmental change in the northeastern Mediterranean region: Diatom evidence from Lake Dojran (Republic of Macedonia/Greece)

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    The juncture between the west-east and north-south contrasting Holocene climatic domains across the Mediterranean is complex and poorly understood. Diatom analysis of Lake Dojran (Republic of Macedonia/Greece) provides a new insight into lake levels and trophic status during the Lateglacial and Holocene periods in the northeastern Mediterranean. Following a very shallow or even desiccated state at the core base at ca. 12,500 cal yr BP, indicated by sedimentological and hydro-acoustic data, diatoms indicate lake infilling, from a shallow state with abundant benthos to a plankton-dominated relatively high lake level and eutrophic state thereafter. Diatom-inferred shallowing between ca. 12,400 - 12,000 cal yr BP and a very low lake level and eutrophic, oligosaline state between ca. 12,000 - 11,500 cal yr BP provide strong evidence for Younger Dryas aridity. The earliest Holocene (ca. 11,500 - 10,700 cal yr BP) was characterised by a high lake level, followed by a lake-level reduction and increased trophic level between ca. 10,700-8,500 cal yr BP. The lake was relatively deep and exhibited peak Holocene trophic level between ca. 8,500-3,000 cal yr BP, becoming shallow thereafter. The diatom data provide more robust evidence and strengthen previous lake-level interpretation based on sedimentological and geochemical data during the earliest, mid and late Holocene, and also clarify previous uncertainty in interpretation of Lateglacial and early-Holocene lake-level change. Our results are also important in disentangling regional climate effects from local catchment dynamics during the Holocene, and to this end we exploit extant regional palynological evidence for vegetation change in the highlands and lowlands. The importance of seasonality in driving Holocene climate change is assessed by reference to the summer and winter latitudinal temperature gradient (LTG) model of Davis and Brewer (2009). We suggest that increased precipitation drove the high lake level during the earliest Holocene. The early- Holocene low lake level and relatively high trophic state may result climatically from high seasonality of precipitation and locally from limited, nutrient-rich catchment runoff. We argue that the mid- Holocene relatively deep and eutrophic state was driven mainly by local vegetation succession and associated changes in catchment processes, rather than showing a close relationship to climate change. The late-Holocene shallow state may have been influenced by a temperature-induced increase in evaporative concentration, but was coupled with clear evidence for intensified human impact. This study improves understanding of Lateglacial and Holocene climate change in the northeastern Mediterranean, suggests the important role of the LTG on moisture availability during the Holocene, and clarifies the influence of catchment processes on palaeohydrology

    The application of promaint software for the operation monitoring and maintenance of load-haulage mechanization in the Sasa Mine - Makedonska Kamenica

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    In this paper will be presented internal software called ProMaint produced by Atlas Copco Swedish Company. This software is used at the operation monitoring and maintenance of load, haulage and drilling equipment produced by Atlas Copco Company. More precisely, the paper will demonstrate the application of ProMaint software for monitoring the parameters of operation and maintenance on the load-haulage mechanization in the conditions of the Sasa Lead and Zinc Mine in Makedonska Kamenica

    Succession planning in a family business

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    V diplomskem projektu smo obravnavali planiranje nasledstva v družinskem podjetju in kako se na le-tega pripravljajo v družinskem podjetju Avtokomplet Igor Pintarič s.p.. V teoretičnem delu smo tako podrobneje predstavili posebnosti družinskega podjetja, kakšne so specifike organizacije le-tega ter kakšna je vloga družinskih članov v podjetju. Večjo pozornost v diplomskem projektu smo namenili nasledstvu oziroma problematiki načrtovanja nasledstva in dejavnikom za uspešen prenos družinskega podjetja na naslednjo generacijo, bodisi družinskemu članu, nedružinskemu članu ali pa celo prenehanje delovanja družinskega podjetja. Predstavili smo nekatere napake, ki se pojavljajo pri načrtovanju prenosa nasledstva in razloge za neuspeh, kot tudi uspešen prenos podjetja.In the diploma project we discussed succession planning in a family business and how they prepare for it in the family business Avtokomplet Igor Pintarič s.p.. We paid more attention to succession or the issue of succession planning and factors for the successful transfer of a family business to the next generation, either a family member, a non-family member or even the termination of the family business. We have presented some of the errors that occur in planning a succession transfer and the reasons for failure, as well as the successful transfer of a business


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    In this graduation thesis Sound Symbolism in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, I will be discussing the possible influence of sound symbolism in the Harry Potter books and sound symbolism in general. he novels are about a boy that is a wizard, who has to fight bad warlock to save the world. In a way it is a classic story between the battle good versus bad. In this thesis I wish to examine whether sound symbolism in the names of characters and objects has influence on reinforcing notions like good, bad, big, small, light, dark etc. In the beginning of the thesis I write about the research in the field done by scholars like Newman and Waugh. I continue with my own research done on sound symbolism. The first part of research discusses consonants and vowelsthe second part deals with consonant clusters. The third part is based on whole syllables with emphasis on vowels, and in the final section the names of the main characters in the novels of the Harry Potter series are dealt with. We were primarily interested in three main issues. How informants perceive sounds in terms of bright vs. dark, small vs. big, and good vs. bad. With this research, we wanted to see if the results are comparable with Newman’s and if according to these results, we can detect usage of sound symbolism in the names of the characters in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. In the last part I wrote about the analysis of the sounds and clusters in these names. I based this analysis on the research. The results show that use of sound symbolism can be observed the creation of the names in the mentioned works. When it comes to whole words, it is difficult to separate sound symbolic from lexical meaning, because they are too closely intertwined. For this reason, I examined also parts of words and single soundsV diplomski nalogi Sound Symbolism in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter (Fonetični simbolizem v J.K. Rowlingovem Harry Potterju) bom pisala o mogočem vplivu fonetičnega simbolizma v knjigah Harry Potter in o fonetičnem simbolizmu nasploh. Zgodba govori o najstniku, ki je čarovnik, in se mora spopasti s zlobnim čarovnikom, da bi rešil svet. Na nek način je to klasična zgodba o boju med dobrim in zlim. V tej diplomski nalogi želim preučiti ali ima fonetični simbolizem v imenih karakterjev in predmetov podpira ideje kot so dobre, slabe, male, velike, svetle in podobno. Na začetku diplomske naloge so zapisane raziskave, ki so jih opravili drugi strokovnjaki (kot na primer: Newman, Waugh). Nato sem zapisala svojo raziskavo o fonetičnem simbolizmu. Prvi del raziskave je potekal o soglasnikih in samoglasnikih. Drugi del se je osredotočil na skupke glasov (ti so temeljili na soglasnikih). Tretji del o skupkih se je osredotočil na samoglasnike. Zadnji del pa je bil o imenih, ki se pojavljajo skozi serijo Harry Potter. Zanimale so nas tri glavne stvari. Ali so udeleženci v raziskavi mislili, da so ti glasovi (ali imena) svetla ali temna, ali so mali ali veliki, ali so dobri ali slabi? S to raziskavo sem želela izvedeti, če je raziskava primerljiva z Newmanovo, in ali lahko vidimo uporabo fonetičnega simbolizma v imenih karakterjev. V zadnjem delu sem pisala o analizi glasov in skupkov v imenih, ki je temeljila na tej raziskavi. V zaključku je razvidno, da je fonetični simbolizem uporabljen pri ustvarjanju imen. Ko gre za cela imena, je težko ločiti fonetični simbolizem od leksikalnega pomena, ker sta tako tesno prepletena. Zaradi tega sem analizirala še posamezne glasove in skupke

    Modeling of the plans for development of underground mining facilities

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    There are many softwares and applications that can be used for the analysis of the plans for development and schedule of underground mining areas and facilities. In this manuscript will be presented a methodology for approach to the modeling of the plans for development of underground mining areas and facilities. It will also be presented a model of plan for development of production ramp, made in the software SimMine (demo version), where as a concept case study will be taken the underground mine "Sasa" - M.Kamenica

    The new approuche performance in maintenance of the mining mechanization in the Sasa mine

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    Во трудот се презентирани карактеристиките на новиот пристап во одржувањето на рударската механизација во рудникот “Саса” преку ангажирање на сервисна единица на главниот добавувач на рударска опрема - компанијата Atlas Copco. Примената на компјутерски подржано управување со одржувањето на рударската опрема е неопходен предуслов за успех во сервисирањето на опремата и постигнување на добри производни резултати