254 research outputs found

    Physiological parameters of professional football players in teams of various levels

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    Background and study aim. Soccer is a demanding sport which, in addition to technical and motor characteristics, also requires exceptional functional abilities of athletes to play at a high level. The aim of this study: 1) To analyze the disparities in physiological parameters among professional soccer players in teams of varying levels. 2) To explore potential connections between team ranking positions and the physiological attributes of professional soccer players. Material and Methods. 91 professional soccer players who compete in Serbian Super league (age 24.14±5.15) were included in the study. Participants were classified into two groups. The first group consisted of players from teams that were ranked from third to sixth place at the end of 2021/2022 competitive season (n=49). The second group of participants consisted of the players of the teams that were ranked in the last two places at the end of the above-mentioned season (n=42). Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), as well as running speeds and heart rates at first and second ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2) were obtained by performing maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. Results. The results showed a statistically significant difference in terms of VO2max values, running speeds and heart rates at VT1 and VT2 when the top and bottom ranked teams were compared (p < 0.001). Conclusion. The results of the study imply that playing high-level soccer requires exceptional functional abilities, which go beyond technical and tactical characteristics. These exceptional abilities enable players to continuously perform at high intensities during the games in order to achieve top results. Coaches should be aware of the importance of high aerobic capacity for achieving top results, especially if the team consists of less talented players

    Maximizing the Probability of Delivery of Multipoint Relay Broadcast Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with a Realistic Physical Layer

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    It is now commonly accepted that the unit disk graph used to model the physical layer in wireless networks does not reflect real radio transmissions, and that the lognormal shadowing model better suits to experimental simulations. Previous work on realistic scenarios focused on unicast, while broadcast requirements are fundamentally different and cannot be derived from unicast case. Therefore, broadcast protocols must be adapted in order to still be efficient under realistic assumptions. In this paper, we study the well-known multipoint relay protocol (MPR). In the latter, each node has to choose a set of neighbors to act as relays in order to cover the whole 2-hop neighborhood. We give experimental results showing that the original method provided to select the set of relays does not give good results with the realistic model. We also provide three new heuristics in replacement and their performances which demonstrate that they better suit to the considered model. The first one maximizes the probability of correct reception between the node and the considered relays multiplied by their coverage in the 2-hop neighborhood. The second one replaces the coverage by the average of the probabilities of correct reception between the considered neighbor and the 2-hop neighbors it covers. Finally, the third heuristic keeps the same concept as the second one, but tries to maximize the coverage level of the 2-hop neighborhood: 2-hop neighbors are still being considered as uncovered while their coverage level is not higher than a given coverage threshold, many neighbors may thus be selected to cover the same 2-hop neighbors

    Uticaj pčela polenarica na količinu legla, meda i polena u vreme cvetanja (Sophora japonica)

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    The research was conducted in order to determine the influence of pollen bees on the quantity of brood, honey and pollen at the time of flowering of Sophora japonica. The experiment was conducted on the apiary belonging to the Faculty of Agriculture of Belgrade in the period from 20 July to 10 August 1997/1999. The autochtonous bees breed Apis mellifera caraica Pollman was used in the experiment. The research established that the greatest inflow of pollen was recorded in the morning between 8 and 10 o'clock AM. The correlation between the number of pollen bees and the brood surface is strong; in the langstrooth hives bee colonies the correlation coefficient is 0.8127, while in the dadant blatt hive type bee colonies the coefficient is 0.8060. For the honey surface to be increased by 1 dm2 it takes 5.4 pollen bees more in the langstrooth hive, while it takes 10.52 bees less in the dadant blatt hive type to achieve the same goal.U radu je ispitivan uticaj polenarica na količinu legla, meda i polena u vreme cvetanja Sophora japonica. Ogled je postavljen na pčelinjaku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu u periodu od 20.07.-10.08.1997/99. godine. U ogledu je korišćena autothona rasa pčela Apis mellifera carnica Pollman. U istraživanjima je utvrđeno da je najveći unos polena bio u jutarnjim časovima od 8 do 10 časova. Korelaciona zavisnost broja polenarica i površine legla je jaka i kod pčelinjih zajednica u langstrooth košnicama iznosi 0,8127, dok kod pčelinjih zajednica u dadant blatt tipu košnica iznosi 0,8060. Za povećanje površine meda od 1 dm2 kod langstrooth tipa košnica potrebno je 5,4 polenarica vise, dok je u dadant blatt tipu košnica bilo potrebno 10,52 polenarice manje

    The influence of basketball training on growth development and maturation of girls in period of ptberty and early adolescense

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    Полазећи од Деборове дефиниције (друштва) спектакла, Бахтинових претпоставки и представа о карневалу и карневализацији у књижевности и њихових даљих разрада, у раду се конципира хронотоп карневала као полазиште за анализу и тумачење Пролога Делиловог романа Подземље, у којем је, као симболична прекретница у америчкој историји и култури, минуциозно, мада фрагментарно приказана чувена бејзбол утакмица из 1951. Проналажење метафоричних и симболичних еквивалената елемената и категорија карневала и карневалског погледа на свет у појединим детаљима, стилским и наративним поступцима примењеним у Прологу, и њихово тумачење у светлости Бахтинове идеје о транспоновању „језика“ карневала на језик књижевностиводе ка разумевању Пролога (и приповетке из које је настао) не само као књижевноуметничке карневализације спектакла већ и као приказа неодлучивог и увек отвореног надметања између спектакла и карневала у култури

    Alocalized algorithm for bi-connectivity of connected mobilerobots

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    Teams of multiple mobile robots may communicate with each-other using a wireless ad-hoc network. Fault-tolerance in communication can be achieved by making the communication network bi-connected. We present the first localized protocol for constructing a fault-tolerant bi-connected robotic network topology from a connected network, in such a way that the total movement of robots is minimized. The proposed distributed algorithm uses p-hop neighbor information to identify critical head robots that can direct two neighbors to move toward each other and bi-connect their neighborhood. Simulation results show that the total distance of movement of robots decreases significantly (e.g. about 2.5 times for networks with density 10) with our localized algorithm when compared to the existing globalized one. Proposed localized algorithm does not guarantee bi-connectivity, may partition the network, and may even stop at connected but not bi-connected stage. However, our algorithm achieved 100% success on all networks with average degrees ≥10, and over 70% success on sparse networks with average degrees ≥

    The role of toxic metals in the development of prostate cancer: analysis of dose-response date using PROAST software

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    Увод: Према подацима из 2020. године, карцином простате представља други по учесталости дијагностикован карцином код мушкараца у свету. Етиологија овог карцинома и даље није довољно јасна. Сматра се да и утицај тешких метала спада у факторе ризика за настанак ове болести. Кадмијум (Cd) спада у 1. групу карциногена за људе према Интернационалној агенцији за истраживање карцинома, док се олово(Pb) сврстава у 2А групу као могући карциноген за људе према досадашњим истраживањима. Различити механизми су укључени у карциногенезу која је последица дејства ова два метала међу којима су механизми који нису везани за генотоксичне ефекте. Циљ рада: Испитивање улоге Cd и Pb у настанку карцинома простате и процена Benchmark дозе на бази сакупљених података у студији на људима. Материјал и методе: Као узорци коришћени су узорци крви две групе испитаника-пацијенти са дијагностикованим карциномом простате (случајеви) и контролна група у којој се налазе здрави испитаници (контроле). Обрада података вршена је применом софтверске интернет апликације PROAST 70.1 (PROASTweb). Рад овог софтвера заснован је на Benchmark приступу. Резултати: Софтверском обрадом података добијени су следећи Benchmark интервали поузданости за Cd: 0,261-1,55 и за Pb: 2,15-18,3 и утврђена дозна зависност за посматрани ефекат. Закључак: Према добијеним резултатима закључује се да ови метали потенцијално могу имати улогу у настанку карцинома простате. Такође, утврђивање Benchmark доза за овај ефекат указује на могућност коришћења овог начина обраде података у испитивању ризика од развоја карцинома за негенотоксичне карциногене коришћењем података добијених у студијама на људима.Introduction: According to data from 2020, prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in men across the world. The etiology of this cancer is still not clear enough. It is believed that the influence of heavy metals is one of the risk factors for the development of this disease. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, cadmium (Cd) belongs to the 1st group of carcinogens for humans, while lead (Pb) is classified in group 2A as a possible carcinogen for humans according to the previous research. Various mechanisms are involved in carcinogenesis resulting from the action of these two metals, among which are mechanisms that are not related to genotoxic effects. The Aim: Investigation of the role of Cd and Pb in the development of prostate cancer and estimation of the Benchmark dose based on data collected in a human study. Material and Methods: Blood samples were used from two groups of subjects-patients with diagnosed prostate cancer (cases) and a control group in which there were healthy individuals (control). Data processing was performed using the software internet application PROAST 70.1 (PROASTweb). The calculations are based on the Benchmark methodology. Results: The following Benchmark confidence intervals for Cd: 0.261-1.55 and for Pb: 2.15-18.3 were obtained by software data processing and also, the dose dependence for the observed effect was determined. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, it is concluded that these metals can potentially play a role in the development of prostate cancer. Also, the determination of Benchmark doses for this effect indicates the possibility of using this method of data processing in examining the risk of developing cancer for non-genotoxic carcinogens based on data collected in studies in humans

    Chronotipes and carnevalisation in Don Delillo's novels

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    Рад се бави романима Дона ДеЛила од Американе (971) до Подземља (1997) у светлости Бахтинових концепција хронотопа и карневализације у књижевности и уметности. Ови су романи одабрани из целокупног досадашњег ДеЛиловог стваралаштва због тога што их повезују романескна форма и хладноратовски контекст настајања који је у њих унео низ заједничких феномена, миленијумски страх, предапокалиптичне слутње и ишчекивања и параноју, пре свега. Прво поглавље анализира Бахтинове текстове о хронотопу и њихова тумачења, прилагођавања или допуњавања како би се дошло до радне верзије овог протејског појма, његових функција, опсега и врста. Усваја се типологија хронотопа (подела на локалне, интрасубјективне, интерсубјективне, трансубјективне, микрохронотопе) коју је дао Џ. Ладин. Истражује се веза између хронотопа и мотива или жанра и степен њихове међусобне условљености. Наглашава се могућност да се хронотоп „користи и као средство изучавања односа између текста и његовог доба“ (Holquist, 2002, p. 111) тако да формални механизми конструисања времена и простора у романима буду анализирани у контексту културно-историјских услова под којима се јављају. Појмови „простор“ и „време“ користе се, дакле, тако да се њима означе приказане физичке, когнитивно-феноменолошке и друштвено конструисане категорије искуства. Посебна пажња посвећује се концепцији постмодерног хронотопа Пола Сметхарста, као могућем оквиру даље и детаљније анализе одабраних романа...The subject of research of this thesis will be Don DeLillo’s novels from Americana to Underworld in the light of Bakhtin’s theory of the chronotope and carnevalisation in literature. Novelistic form and Cold War as a context, with its fears, apocalyptic foreshadows, expectations of the end and paranoia, are common elements of the works chosen for the analysis. Chapter one analyses Bakhtin’s conception of literary chronotopes and its further elaborations, clarifications or supplements. The aim of the chapter is a working concept of the literary chronotope, its extent, types and functions. Ladin typology (e. g. classification of chronotopes into intra-, inter- and transsubjective, micro- and local chronotopes) is adopted with minor changes. Given that the idea of chronotope “used as a means for studying the relation between any text and its times” (Holquist, 2002, p. 111) is accepted, the analysis of formal devices for textual construction of space and time are connected with cultural and historical contexts and circumstances under which they have appeared. Thus, the terms “space” and “time” are used in a very broad sense, so that they designate space and time of physics, cognitive and phenomenological categories and socially constructed conditions/results of human experiences such as they are represented in the novels. In addition, special attention is given to Paul Smethurst’s theory of postmodern chronotope, as a possible frame of a further and more thorough and detailed analysis of DeLillo’s novels..

    The export of know-how at the (semi)peripheries: The case of Yugoslav-Iranian industrial collaboration and labor mobility (1980–1991)

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    The paper explores experiences of temporary labor migration that entailed Yugoslav export of know-how (highly skilled knowledge and expertise) between 1980 and 1991, a result of industrial collaboration between Mining and Smelting Combine Bor, a state-owned copper-processing ‘giant’ in former Yugoslavia, and the biggest copper company in Iran, National Iranian Copper Industries Company. Based on interviews with individuals engaged in the Yugoslav project, supplemented by analysis of documents and historic newspapers from that period, the paper analyzes everyday practices of managerial bureaucratic improvisations and improvisations at work. The article shows how such improvisations helped overcome excessive and rigid Yugoslav socialist bureaucracy and made Yugoslav entrepreneurial capitalist ventures possible. Moreover, it argues that the export of know-how was constitutive of silent acceptances of reproduction of capitalist relations, which helped consolidate the process of liberalization of the socialist market in the late 1980s. We argue that such temporary labor migration and the often improvised work carried out by the Yugoslav workers cannot be seen as a resistance or alternative to the Western/Northern hegemonies. Rather, we argue that such practices were facilitators of the capitalist ventures at semi-peripheries