170 research outputs found

    Marketing kao faktor reputacije preduzeća

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    This dissertation depicts the importance of marketing in the process of creating corporate reputation (in this case reputation of banks), as well as significance of thus formed reputation in everyday modern business on a global scale. Corporate reputation consists of company’s past, present and future activities, which make perceptual representation of a company in stakeholders’ minds and form their opinion and attitude towards company during time. Reputation of any company which provides long-term competitive advantage on the market is a result of adequate and successful management of all business activities, based on a continuous commitment to improve competitive position in the public eye, by building recognizable and attractive features of company’s goodwill that lead to reputation. A significant number of scholars in this scientific field agree that marketing has a key role in reputation management process in every company. Main task of marketing strategy is to transform company’s identity into desired external perception and to adjust desires, attitudes and opinions of consumers and other stakeholders with company’s strategic position and its vision. Adoption of new-age marketing concept and holistic approach in marketing activities enables company to form reputation, which results in positive attitude of consumers and other stakeholders towards company, as well as harmonization of business goals and objectives of the society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR), as one of the most important elements of sustainable development, brings another dimension to the concept of corporate responsibility. It is a common knowledge that reputation comes with responsibilities and in modern business, this means being responsible not only to your customers, but to whole society, environment and stakeholders. The significance of holistic marketing is that it covers all activities required by the demands of sustainable development. By doing so, holistic marketing activities create the so called “bigger picture”, which results in better understanding of what needs to be done in order to gain not only positive business results and reputation, but the overall survival as well

    Revealing complex relations between personality and fitness: HEXACO personality traits, life-time reproductive success and the age at first birth

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    HEXACO personality framework represents one of the most prominent models of human personality traits. Despite of this, there are no empirical studies that estimate the fitness outcomes of HEXACO traits, although this topic represents a basic foundation for the study of the contemporary evolution of personality. In the present research we explored the relations between HEXACO personality traits, and three fitness indicators: the number of children, the number of grandchildren and the age at first birth. Participants were selected from the community population of individuals in a post-reproductive stage (N = 255; Mage = 64.9 years). Results from the regression analyses showed that the number of children was associated with lower scores on Honesty and Openness and higher scores on Emotionality; Agreeableness was positively associated with this criterion but only in males. The number of grandchildren was predicted by low Openness and marginally by high Conscientiousness, while Honesty had positive zero-order correlation with the criterion measure. Individuals with higher Extraversion tended to reproduce earlier in their lifetime. Findings contribute to the empirical data which suggest that personality is related to biological fitness in contemporary human populations: this means that personality is likely under natural selection and hence, it continues to evolve.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Međedović, J.; Šoljaga, M.; Stojković, A.; Gojević, I. Revealing Complex Relations between Personality and Fitness: HEXACO Personality Traits, Life-Time Reproductive Success and the Age at First Birth. Pers. Individ. Differ. 2018, 129, 143–148. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.014

    How children tell a lie: gender and school achievement differences in children's lie-telling

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    Research about children’s lie-telling mainly include the so-called “temptation resistance paradigm”. However, this procedure implicits only short, simple answers that do not require in-depth elaboration of lies. Aim of this study was to enforce a new procedure for measuring children’s ability to lie and investigate gender and school achivement differences in children’s lie telling. New procedure is designed to measure the degree of ability to lie, based on a person’s persuasiveness while telling a story of false autobiographical events. The fulfillment of this task requires the ability to construct detailed, coherent and plausible content of the story in a short period of time and the ability to present this content as convincing in order to persuade others that the event really took place.TSPC2016: Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 4th 201

    Tyre Design and Optimization by Dedicated CAD Tyre Model

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    Structural optimization by Finite Elements (FE) is proved very effective in tyre design. For that purpose, major tyre manufacturers use in-house applications. An alternative solution, involving dedicated CAD tyre model (DCTM), is here proposed. DCTM concept permits to easily change the FE tyre models, concerning shape and structure, by moving a part of pre-processing from FE analysis to CAD. No special skills regarding CAD or FEA are required. For every new tyre design, only a new DCTM and a corresponding FE model must be built. All subsequent model changes are automatically performed by mapping and translation routines. To test this concept, DTCM models of an existing tyre were created and used within a pilot design study

    Parental attachment and externalising problems at high school students

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    Afektivno vezivanje za roditelje jedan je od porodičnih faktora koji se najčešće povezuje sa eksternalizovanim problemima u ponašanju. Iako se afektivne veze uspostavljaju na ranom uzrastu, u adolescenciji dolazi do specifičnih promena u njihovom kvalitetu, što je posebno izraženo u kontekstu ispoljavanja eksternalizovanih problema. Cilj istraživanja predstavlja utvrđivanje povezanosti dimenzija afektivnog vezivanja za majku i oca (Poverenje, Komunikacija, Otuđenost) sa sindromima eksternalizovanih problema (Agresivno ponašanje i Ponašanja kojima se krše pravila). Uzorak je činilo 507 učenika beogradskih srednjih škola uzrasta od 15 do 19 godina oba pola (AS= 16,69, SD= 1,119). Podaci o eksternalizovanim problemima prikupljani su putem Ahenbahovog sistema empirijski zasnovane procene (ASEBA), verzija za mlade (YSR/11–18), a о afektivnom vezivanju za roditelje putem Inventara afektivnog vezivanja za roditelje i vršnjake (IPPA). Dimenzije afektivnog vezivanja za majku i oca objašnjavaju ukupno 24,9% varijanse Ponašanja kojima se krše pravila (F(6,500)=27,67, p<0,001) i 17% varijanse Agresivnog ponašanja (F(6,500)=17,10, p<0,001). Jedini značajan prediktor Agresivnog ponašanja je Otuđenost od majke (β= 0,204), dok Poverenje u oca (β= -0,321), Otuđenost od majke (β =0,161) i Poverenje u majku (β= -0,149) predviđaju Ponašanja kojima se krše pravila. U skladu sa pretpostavljenim, afektivne veze sa oba roditelja važne su za psihosocijalno funkcionisanje srednjoškolaca, uz uočene razlike u ulogama majki i očeva u vezi sa ispoljavanjem eksternalizovanih problema. Date su preporuke za unapređivanje odnosa roditelj–dete uz prikaz najdelotvornijih programa za prevenciju eksternalizovanih problema.Parental attachment is one of the family factors most frequently associated with externalising problems. Although attachment is established at an early age, there are specific changes in quality of parental attachment in adolescence, especially in the context of externalising problems. The aim of the study is to determine the nature of relationship between the dimensions of attachment to mother and father (Trust, Communication, Alienation) and externalising problems syndromes (Aggressive Behaviour and Rule-breaking Behaviour). Sample of 507 Belgrade high school students of both genders aged from fifteen to eighteen (AS = 16.69, SD = 1.119) were administered selfreport measures. For the assessment of externalising problems, a part of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment – ASEBA, Youth Self-Report – (YSR/11-18) was used. The Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment, (IPPA) was used to collect data about parental attachment. The dimensions of attachment to mother and father explain for a total of 24.9% of the variance in Rulebreaking behaviour and 17% of the variance in Aggressive Behaviour. The only significant predictor of Aggressive Behaviour is Maternal Alienation (β = .204), whereas Trust in the Father (β = .- 321), Maternal Alienation (β = .161), and Trust in the Mother (β = .-149) predict Rule-breaking Behaviour. As assumed, attachment to both parents is important for the psycho-social wellbeing of Belgrade high school students, with spotted differences in the mothers’ and fathers’ roles with regard to externalising problems. Recommendations for enhancing parental attachment and the most effective programs for prevention of externalising problems are provided.Zbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksaBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    Cystic lesions of anterior mediastinum: Case report

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    © 2020, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Cystic lesions of the mediastinum are uncommon, comprising 12% to 18% of all primary mediastinal tumors and unless they attain a large size and cause compressive symptoms, these tumors are generally asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally upon radiologic investigation of some other condition. We present in this paper a case of cystic lesions of the mediastinum in a 70-year-old male patient who underwent a surgery for mediastinal mass removal. Histopathology report had shown it was the case of mature cystic teratoma of anterior mediastinum. Based on a review of the literature, as well as our experience, we conclude that best treatment for cystic lesions of anterior mediastinum is complete surgical resection if possible

    Presentation of an infant with nutritional deficiency dermatitis as the initial manifestation of cystic fibrosis

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    Introduction. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multisystemic autosomal recessive disease most frequently recognized by characteristic respiratory and/or digestive manifestations. Exceptionally rare, as is the case with the infant we are presenting, the initial sign of the disease can be nutritional deficiency dermatitis (NDD). Case Outline. A three-month-old male infant of young and healthy non-consanguineous parents, born at term after the first uneventful pregnancy, was hospitalized due to atopic dermatitis (AD)-like skin changes, failure to thrive and normochromic anemia (Hb 60 g/L). As exclusively breast-fed, failure to thrive was attributed to hypogalactia and skin changes to nutritional allergy, so that, besides exclusion of cow’s milk protein and other highly allergenic foods in mother’s diet, hypoallergenic milk formula was added to the child’s diet. However, dietetic measures were without effect, and the child was re-hospitalized at age 4.5 months, this time in the condition of severe malnutrition with hypoproteinemic edemas, extensive dermatitis, moderate hepatosplenomegaly and recurrent normochromic anemia (Hb 57 g/L). After plasma-free erythrocyte transfusion, correction of hypoalbuminemia and two-week parenteral and semi-elementary nutrition resulted in gradual recovery of the child, also including the resolution of skin changes. Having in mind the clinical course of the disease, as well as the response to applied therapeutic measures, CF was suspected as the cause of the child’s problems, which was also confirmed by a high level of sweat chlorine (92 mmol/L) and DNA analysis (∆F508/∆F508). Conclusion. Our experience indicates that NDD, as the initial manifestation of CF, should be also kept in mind in differential diagnosis of the infant’s AD-like changes

    Improvement of electrochemical properties of ZnO nanoparticles via composites with graphene oxide

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    Due to their tunable multifunctional properties zinc oxide (ZnO) based materials have attracted extensive scientific and technological attention. Since they combines different properties such as electrochemical activities, chemical and photochemical stability, non-toxicity, biocompatibility, etc. ZnO-based materials have been used for variety of applications in electronics, opto-electronics, biosensing, bioimaging, drug and gene delivery, implants, antimicrobial and anticancer agents, as well as sensing in environmental applications. The main aim of this study was to improve efficiency of ZnO particles toward both electrochemical sensing for environmental application and electrocatalysis. To vary electrochemical properties, series of zinc oxide/graphene oxide (ZnO/GO) composites were synthesized by microwave processing of precipitate in the presence of a different amount (0.1 and 0.5 wt.%) of previously prepared GO as well as reduced GO (rGO). The particles crystal structure and phase composition were investigated by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The particles morphology was observed with FE–SEM while the textural properties (BET surface area and pore volume) were determined by low-temperature adsorption-desorption of nitrogen. The optical properties were studied using UV–Vis DRS and PL spectroscopy. The electrochemical sensing activity of ZnO, ZnO/GO and ZnO/rGO electrodes was tested for detection of bisphenol A in water solution while electrocatalytic activity was tested for water splitting when samples were used as anode materials and evaluated by linear sweep voltammetry in several different electrolytes. Differences in electrochemical activity between the composites were correlated with presence of GO, particles morphology and textural properties

    Nutritional value, chemical composition, antioxidant activity and enrichment of cream cheese with chestnut mushroom Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing

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    A very well-known and appreciated mushroom, Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing, was the subject of chemical profiling, antioxidant assays and sensory evaluation test in creamcheese. Methanolic extract obtained from a wild sample of A. aegerita fruiting body was fully chemically identified. Sample was found to be rich in carbohydrates (84.51 g/ 100 g dw), ash and proteins (6.69 g/100 g dw and 6.68 g/ 100 g dw, respectively). Trehalose was the main free sugar while malic acid was the most abundant organic acid. Four isoforms of tocopherols were identified; γ- tocopherol was the dominant isoform with 86.08 μg/100 g dw, followed by β- tocopherol, δ-tocopherol and α-tocopherol (8.80 μg/ 100 g dw, 3.40 μg/100 g dw and 2.10 μg/100 g dw, respectively). Polyunsaturated fatty acids were predominant, with linoleic acid as the most prominent one (78.40 %). Methanolic extract of chestnut mushroom exhibited high antioxidant activity. Sensory evaluation test included grading by panelists and comparing the overall acceptability of cream cheese alone and enriched cream cheese with dry powder of A. aegerita. General conclusion of the participants was that the newly developed product was more likeable in comparison to cream cheese alone. Due to the health-beneficial effects of antioxidants and wealth of chemically identified nutrients, A. aegerita is a promising starting material for incorporation on larger scale products