27 research outputs found

    Hematological Parameters in Cows in Early Lactation Treated with Ketoprofen and their Relationship with Lipid Mobilization and Ketogenesis

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    Background: Dairy cows are exposed to numerous hematological and biochemical changes, what is bringing cows into the state of increased metabolic activity and physiological adaptations. These adaptive processes have resulted in increased lipid mobilization and ketogenesis with increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). As a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ketoprofen produces anti-inflammatory effects. The main objective of the present study was to found relationship between hematological parameters and ketoprofen administration and high lipid mobilization and ketogenesis in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving.Materials, Methods & Results: Ketoprofen was used (3 mg/kg body weight) intramuscularly for three consecutive days post-partum on 15 cows of Holstein-Friesian breed. Cows of the control group (n = 15) were not treated with ketoprofen. Blood samples were collected at the day of calving, in the first and in the second week after parturition from the coccygeal vein of the both groups. Hematological parameters (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, neutrophils, lymphocytes and mean platelet volume) were determined on the automatic hematological counter. Metabolic parameters (NEFA, BHB) were determined by standard colorimetric kits using a semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer. Student’s t-test was used to determine the influence of the application of ketoprofen to the hematological parameters. The data analysis was performed using SPSS, version 19.0, software package for Microsoft Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The results of comparison with (P < 0.05) were considered to represent statistically significant differences. Difference in correlation test between NEFA and BHB and other blood parameters in experimental and control group of cows were determined by the Fischer r-to-z transformation. The research results show that there was a increased red blood cell count and a higher concentration of hemoglobin (P < 0.05), fewer neutrophils (P < 0.01), lower number of lymphocytes (P < 0.01) and fewer mean platelet volume in cows that received ketoprofen after calving than those of the control. Determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The correlation coefficients were significantly lower in the experimental group of cows. The intensity of the connection between hematological parameters and value of NEFA and BHB decreases.Discussion: It is well known that dairy cows with excessive adiposity manifest a low-grade inflammation and that elevated NEFA concentrations present positive risk factors for many proinflammatory diseases. Analyzing the results in this examination, it has been noticed that the increase of NEFA and BHB after calving were significantly lower in group of cows treated with ketoprofen. Also, determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The intensity of these connection decreases in ketoprofen treated cows. In current study, in cows treated with ketoprofen there is decrease in concentrations of inflammatory mediators such as neutrophils and lymphocytes. Red blood cell and hemoglobin concentration decreased in the peripartal period as a result of inflammation. In cows treated with ketoprofen these concentrations increased. In many inflammatory conditions mean platelets volume is increased while there is a decrease in ketoprofen treated cows. Presented results indicate strong relationship between the concentration of NEFA, as well as BHB and hematological parameters indicating that the dependence of hematological parameters of intensity of lipid mobilization and ketogenesis was significantly lower in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving

    Hematological Parameters in Cows in Early Lactation Treated with Ketoprofen and their Relationship with Lipid Mobilization and Ketogenesis

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    Background: Dairy cows are exposed to numerous hematological and biochemical changes, what is bringing cows into the state of increased metabolic activity and physiological adaptations. These adaptive processes have resulted in increased lipid mobilization and ketogenesis with increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). As a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ketoprofen produces anti-inflammatory effects. The main objective of the present study was to found relationship between hematological parameters and ketoprofen administration and high lipid mobilization and ketogenesis in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving.Materials, Methods & Results: Ketoprofen was used (3 mg/kg body weight) intramuscularly for three consecutive days post-partum on 15 cows of Holstein-Friesian breed. Cows of the control group (n = 15) were not treated with ketoprofen. Blood samples were collected at the day of calving, in the first and in the second week after parturition from the coccygeal vein of the both groups. Hematological parameters (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, neutrophils, lymphocytes and mean platelet volume) were determined on the automatic hematological counter. Metabolic parameters (NEFA, BHB) were determined by standard colorimetric kits using a semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer. Student’s t-test was used to determine the influence of the application of ketoprofen to the hematological parameters. The data analysis was performed using SPSS, version 19.0, software package for Microsoft Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The results of comparison with (P < 0.05) were considered to represent statistically significant differences. Difference in correlation test between NEFA and BHB and other blood parameters in experimental and control group of cows were determined by the Fischer r-to-z transformation. The research results show that there was a increased red blood cell count and a higher concentration of hemoglobin (P < 0.05), fewer neutrophils (P < 0.01), lower number of lymphocytes (P < 0.01) and fewer mean platelet volume in cows that received ketoprofen after calving than those of the control. Determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The correlation coefficients were significantly lower in the experimental group of cows. The intensity of the connection between hematological parameters and value of NEFA and BHB decreases.Discussion: It is well known that dairy cows with excessive adiposity manifest a low-grade inflammation and that elevated NEFA concentrations present positive risk factors for many proinflammatory diseases. Analyzing the results in this examination, it has been noticed that the increase of NEFA and BHB after calving were significantly lower in group of cows treated with ketoprofen. Also, determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The intensity of these connection decreases in ketoprofen treated cows. In current study, in cows treated with ketoprofen there is decrease in concentrations of inflammatory mediators such as neutrophils and lymphocytes. Red blood cell and hemoglobin concentration decreased in the peripartal period as a result of inflammation. In cows treated with ketoprofen these concentrations increased. In many inflammatory conditions mean platelets volume is increased while there is a decrease in ketoprofen treated cows. Presented results indicate strong relationship between the concentration of NEFA, as well as BHB and hematological parameters indicating that the dependence of hematological parameters of intensity of lipid mobilization and ketogenesis was significantly lower in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving

    Akutni inflamatorni odgovor krava u ranoj laktaciji i mogućnost njegove kontrole nesteroidnim antiinflamatornim lekovima

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    There is growing metabolic stress and signs of acute inflammation in cows in early lactation. The acute inflammatory response and metabolic status of cows are related to each other, so that dominance of homeorhetic process leads to the development of acute inflammatory response, which further emphasizes homeorhetic adaptation. These processes can significantly collapse state of health and the value of a productivity in cows. In this paper we described the possibility of interruption of the feedback using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in cows in early lactation. We have described effects of flunixin, ketoprofen and acetyl salicylic acid of the inflammatory response and the health of the cows.Kod krava u ranoj laktaciji postoji izražen metabolički stres i znaci akutne inflamacije. Akutni inflamatorni odgovor i metabolički status krava su u međusobnoj vezi, tako da dominacija homeretskih procesa dovodi do razvoja aktutnog inflamatornog odgovora, koji dalje potencira homeoretsku adaptaciju. Navedeni procesi mogu značajno da uruše zdravstveno stanje i produktivne vrednosti krava. U ovom preglednom radu opisana je mogućnost prekida ove povratne sprege upotrebom nesteroidnih antiinflamatornih lekova kod krava u ranoj laktaciji. Opisani su efekti fluniksina, acetilsalicilne kiseline i ketoprofena na inflamatorni odgovor i zdravlje krava

    “Derived Multiple Allogeneic Protein Paracrine Signaling (d-MAPPS)” Enhances T Cell-Driven Immune Response to Murine Mammary Carcinoma

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    Breast cancer is considered refractory to immunotherapy. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for the therapeutic use of new immunostimulatory agents which would enhance antitumor immune response against breast cancer cells. “Derived Multiple Allogeneic Protein Paracrine Signaling (d-MAPPS)” is a biological product whose activity is based on chemokines and cytokines that modulate homing and phenotype of immune cells. d-MAPPS contains high concentration of dendritic cell (DC) and T cell-attracting chemokine CXCL16 and potent T cell-activating cytokine IL-27 which enhance DC:T cell cross-talk in inflamed tissues. Herewith, we used 4T1 murine model of breast cancer to analyze d-MAPPS-dependent enhancement of T cell-driven antitumor immunity. 4T1+d-MAPPS-treated mice showed delayed mammary tumor appearance compared to 4T1+saline-treated animals. d-MAPPS significantly reduced tumor weight and volume and improved survival of 4T1-treated mice. Significantly increased concentration of CXCL16, IL-27, IFN-γ, and IL-17 and decreased concentration of immunosuppressive TGF-β and IL-10 were measured in serum samples and tumor tissues of 4T1+d-MAPPS-treated mice. d-MAPPS enhanced production of IL-12 and increased expression of MHC class II and costimulatory molecules on tumor-infiltrated DC, significantly improving their antigen-presenting properties. d-MAPPS in CXCL16-dependent manner promoted recruitment of antitumorigenic IFN-γ/IL-17-producing CD4+Th1/Th17 cells and in IL-27-dependent manner induced expansion of tumoricidal CD178+granzyme B-expressing CD8+CTLs and inhibited generation of tolerogenic DC, IL-10, and TGF-β-producing FoxP3-expressing T regulatory cells. In summing up, d-MAPPS, in CXL16- and IL-27-dependent manner, enhanced T cell-driven antitumor immune response and suppressed breast cancer growth in experimental mice

    Lumbar spinal stenosis: methods of treatment with emphasis on epidural steroid injections

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    Background and Purpose: The aim of the study was to compare two techniques of steroid application into epidural space to patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), a chronic degenerative spine disorder. Patients and Methods: Sixty LSS patients have been distributed into 2 groups: “BLIND” (n=30, interlaminar epidural steroid injection without RTG control) and “RTG” (n=30, transforaminal epidural injection with RTG control). All patients have received 80 mg of triamcinolon (Kenalog) into epidural space on L4/L5 level, together with 0,5% lidocain (patients in RTG group 3 ml and those in BLIND group 10 ml) in 3 week intervals. They were asked to describe the pain using visual analogue scales (VAS) at the beginning of treatment (VAS-0), after the first (VAS-1), the second (VAS-2) and the third epidural injection (VAS-3). The differences between groups were shown using t-test (age) and c2-test (gender). Medians of VAS scores were statistically described using non parametrial methods. P<0.05 was considered as a statistically significant. Results: There is no statistical difference among patients regarding to age (P=0.93), gender (P=0.12) and VAS-0 score before the first injection (P=0.27). There is a statistically significant reduction of pain in relation to VAS-0 in both groups (P<0.001). Both groups do not statistically differ when it comes to their effectiveness in regards to VAS scores. Conclusions: We did not find any statistical difference in postinterventional VAS scores among two groups of patients. Choice of technique depends on the experience of the anesthesiologist, as well as on the local technical possibilities (availibility of RTG devices)

    Comparison of Essential Metals in Different Pork Meat Cuts from the Serbian Market

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    AbstractPork consumption in Serbia accounts for a large share of total meat consumption. Pork is valuable sources of nutrients. We analyzed metal content in three different cuts of pork collected from the Serbian market during 2014. Analyses of the following isotopes: zinc (66Zn), copper (63Cu) and iron (57Fe) were performed by ICP-MS. Our data show that Zn, Cu and Fe were present in significantly different levels in hind leg, loin and shoulder, and that shoulder meat was richest in the analyzed metals. The differing mineral status of different pork cuts implies differences in their nutritional benefits for the human diet

    Živa u različitim vrstama morskih riba na srpskom tržištu

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    Proučavanje žive (Hg) u marinskim sistemima je od velikog interesa, s obzirom da je reč o toksičnom metalu koji ima sposobnost bioakumulacije i biomagnifikacije u lancu ishrane. Vodeni sistemi, a time i ribe, mogu biti kontaminirani živom kao posledicom zagađenja životne sredine prirodnim procesima (vulkanske erupcije, klimatske promene itd.) i antropogenim izvorima zagađenja (industrija, rudarstvo itd.). Živa (Hg) može postojati kao elementarna, neorganska i organska živa. Najtoksičniji oblik žive je metil živa (MetHg) koja čini od 70-100% ukupne Hg u ribi. Naučna ispitivanja ukazuju da velike količine žive u hrani mogu negativno uticati na razvoj fetusa i izazvati oštećenja mozga i jetre. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje sadržaja žive u jestivim delovima tri vrste morske ribe na tržištu Srbije: oslić - Merluccius merluccius (n=84), skuša - Scomber scombrus (n=35) i papalina - Sprattus sprattus (n=17)). Prosečna potrošnja ribe u Srbiji iznosi oko 5 kg po glavi stanovnika, što je znatno niže u poređenju sa EU prosekom (21 kg po glavi stanovnika). Svi uzorci uzeti su i analizirani tokom 2014. godine. Analiza sadržaja žive urađena je primenom induktivno-kuplovane plazme sa masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS), merenjem izotopa 202Hg. Najviša srednja vrednost sadržaja žive utvrđena je u uzorcima skuše (0,056 mg/kg), zatim kod oslića (0,034 mg/kg), a najniža kod papaline (0,016 mg/kg). Maksimalno dozvoljene količine Hg u ispitanim ribama, koje su definisane zakonskom regulativom Srbije [MDK (oslić, papalina) = 500 ng/g, MDK (skuša) = 1000 ng/g] nisu prekoračene u svim ispitanim uzorcima. Statističkom evaluacijom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da postoji statistički zanačajna razlika (p<0,005) u sadržaju Hg između oslića i skuše, kao i između skuše i papaline. Za procenu unosa Hg konzumiranjem ribe korišćeni su podaci iz „GEMS/Food Consumption Cluster Diets database“. Prema ovom izvoru, procenjena prosečna nedeljna potrošnja morske ribe u Srbiji iznosi 106,4 g. Koristeći podatke iz ove studije izračunat je nedeljni unos Hg, baziran na srednjoj vrednosti sadržaja Hg u konzumiranoj ribi i prosečnoj telesnoj težini čoveka od 70 kg. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti za nedeljni unos Hg (oslić: 0,051-0,208 µg/kg telesne težine; skuša: 0,086-0,289 µg/kg telesne težine; papalina: 0,025-0,050 µg/kg telesne težine) može se zaključiti da je unos žive pri konzumaciji oslića, skuše i papaline znatno niži od preporučenih graničnih vrednosti svetske zdravstvene organizacije (1,6 µg MetHg /kg telesne težine)

    Effects of Ketoprofen Administration on Relation between Acute Phase Proteins and Metabolic Parameters in Cows during Early Lactation

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    Background: Acute phase proteins (APPs) are clinically useful parameters for measuring the occurrence and severity of inflammatory responses in cattle. As large group of proteins, APPs are mainly secreted by hepatocytes whose concentration increase or decrease as response to tissue injury, inflammation or infection. The transition from late pregnancy to early lactation is associated with a compromised immune status coupled with increased acute phase response. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used in treatment of inflammatory conditions. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the effects of a preventive administration of the NSAID (ketoprofen) in post-calving dairy cows on concentration of APPs (haptoglobin and fibrinogen) and their relationship with indicators of liver function.Materials, Methods &amp; Results: The treatment group (n = 15) was given an intramuscular injection of ketoprofen in the concentration of 3 mg/kg during three consecutive days after calving. The control group (n = 15) was not treated with ketoprofen. Blood samples were taken from coccygeal vein, on the first day of treatment and in the first and second week postpartum and they were analyzed for metabolic parameters (albumin and aspartat aminotransferaze) and APPs such as haptoglobin and fibrinogen. Compared with control, ketoprofen administration decrease the levels of haptoglobin and fibrinogen and AST activity. Increase in albumin concentration was recorded in experimental group of cows compared with control. Negative correlations (P &lt; 0.01) were found between the haptoglobin concentration and albumin concentration and aspartate aminotransferaze activity. Discussion: As inflammatory indicator in dairy cows, it is recorded that serum concentrations of haptoglobin is increased during mastitis. Beside haptoglobin, fibrinogen represents one of the APPs whose serum concentration increases during response in the acute phase. During the first and second week after partus, in cows with acute puerperal metritis, an increase in fibrinogen concentration was observed in relation to clinically healthy animals. Based on our results, it can be concluded that an intramuscular injection of ketoprofen (3 mg × kg. bw.-1) administered in cows in the first days following parturition reduces the concentration of some APPs (haptoglobin and fibrinogen). In regard to Hp concentration, the treatment success agreed with previous results using i.m. acetyl-lysine salicylate during the first 5 days of lactation. Reduction in APPs concentration in our research results could be attributed to the anti-inflammatory effect of ketoprofen. In addition, use of ketoprofen reduces the intensity of relationship between inflammatory markers and indicators of liver funcition. Impaired functional capacity of the liver may be associated with reduced albumin concentration in the peripartal period, and during inflammatory or infectious diseases. Increase in albumin concentration in experimental group of cows compared to the control in our research could be attributed to the anti-inflammatory effect of ketoprofen. Hence it can be concluded that the use of ketoprofen immediately after calving reduces the intensity of relationship between inflammatory marker liver function and that NSAID treatment could be used in in improving animal well-being and controlling of the occurence and intesity of postpartum diseases

    Economic basis of External Costs in Copper Production

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    The paper is based on the fact that external costs occur in the production of copper, that they are the result of degradation and damage to the environment and, therefore, have become a real necessity. Ecological external effects influence environmental media (air, water, soil) that have characteristics of public goods. All costs incurred due to environmental pollution are not included in the price of copper. From the point of view of economic prospects, general solution for external costs is their internalization. The principle of internalisation of external costs includes the addition of external costs to the cost of individual pollutants. Through internalization, external negative effects of pollutants are converted into internal effects. Bearing in mind these facts, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the interconnection between economic growth and environmental protection which together contribute to quality economic development