28 research outputs found

    Memory Utilization for a Dynamically Microprogrammed Computer

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    A Particular, Dynamically Microprogrammed Computer (Proposed by Tucker and Flynn in Commun. of ACM, April 1971) is Considered with Respect to Main Memory and Micro-Memory Utilization. a Dependency is Shown between Memory Utilization and Utilization of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit

    A Review of Directed Graphs as Applied to Computors

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    Data Compression in Microprocessor-Based Data Acquisition Systems

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    A First-Order Predictor Routine and an Encoding Routine Were Implemented on an Intel-8080-Based Microprocessor System to Determine their Ability to Compress Seismic Data. the Predictor Routine Obtained a Maximum Compression Ratio of 2.33. It Appears that Higher Order Predictors Offer No Significant Advantage over the First-Order Predictor in Compressing Seismic Data. the Encoder Routine Obtained a Larger Compression Ratio of 3.94. the Accuracy of Reconstructed Seismic Traces is Bounded by a Maximum Average Error Per Point. for the Predictor, the Maximum Average Error Per Point is Shown to Be Equal to the Specified User Tolerance. for the Encoder, It is Shown to Be Proportional to the Maximum Quantization Error Associated with the Ranges Used in the Encoding Algorithm. in General, the Average Error Per Point is Found to Be Equal to the Square Root of the Mean-Squared Error Regardless of the Compression Technique Used. a Design for a Basic Data Acquisition System Utilizing Data Compression to Reduce Memory Requirements is Proposed. Examination of the Design Indicates that Such a System Can Process No More Than Three Separate Data Channels at a 1-Ms Sampling Rate and that Such a System is Cost Effective Only When Small Numbers of Data Channels Are to Be Processed. Copyright © 1978 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    An Accurate Digital Instrument to Measure Reactor Period

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    At Facilities Having a Research-Training Reactor, such as the University of Missouri-Rolla Reactor (UMRR), One Finds It Necessary to Perform a Large Number of Rod Calibrations during the Course of the Year. in Practice Rod Worths Are Determined by Measuring the Reactor Period Created by an Incremental Withdrawal of the Rod under Calibration. Period is Then Related to Reactivity Thru the Use of a Publication Such as the AEC Publication, ID016485. This Frequent Measurement of Period Makes It Desirable to Have a Simple, Automatic and Accurate Method to Make Such Measurements. at UMRR We Have Designed, Constructed and Installed Such an Instrument. the Instrument Measures Doubling Time Rather Than Period But, Thru the Use of an Internal Time Base Conversion, displays a Four Bit Decimal Number that is the Reactor Period in Seconds. the Instrument is Simple in Concept and Utilizes the 7400 Series Integrated Circuits in the Largest Portion of the Unit. the Instrument is Easy to Operate and Once Initiated, Will Automatically Complete the Measurement of the Period Displaying the Results. Error in the Instrument Can Be Shown to Be Less Than 1.5%. Thus, the Unit Meets the Three Requirements of Simplicity, Accuracy and Ease of Operation and in Addition is Moderately Inexpensive, Less Than $120. Copyright © 1973 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    A Microprocessor-Controlled Message Display System

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    Designing HMO, an Integrated Hardware Microcode Optimizer

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    This Paper Discusses an Algorithm for Optimizing the Density and Parallelism of Micro coded Routines in Micro programmable Machines. Besides the Algorithm itself, the Algorithm\u27s Uses, Design Integration Problems, Architectural Requirements, and Adaptability to Conventional Machine Characteristics Are Also Discussed and Analyzed. Even Though the Paper Proposes a Hardware Implementation of the Algorithm, the Algorithm is Viewed as an Integral Part of the Entire Microcode Generation and Usage Process, from Initial High-Level Input into a Software Microcode Compiler Down to Machine-Level Execution of the Resultant Microcode on the Host Machine. It is Believed that, by Removing Much of the Traditionally Time-Consuming and Machine-Dependent Microcode Optimization from the Software Portion of This Process, the Algorithm Can Improve the overall Process

    Aircraft Vertical Profile Implementation using Directed-Graph Methods

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    Aircraft Vertical Profile Simulation is Realized using a Demand-Driven Minimal-Calculation Directed Graph Structure to Reduce Calculation Time and to Force Synchronization of the Performance Measurement Functions with the System State Variables. Performance-Directed Model Adaptation Makes Dynamic Vertical Profile Path Corrections, in the Presence of Fixed Drag Variations, Possible. Drag Variations Ranging from + 10 Percent to - 10 Percent Yielded Fuel Consumption Improvements of Less Than 1 Percent in the Majority of the Cases. Calculation Time Improvement for Path Simulation Ranges from a Factor of 1.19 in the Worst Case to 1.5 in the Best Case. © 1988 IEE

    Toward More Meaningful Laboratory Experiences in Digital Signal Processing and Digital Control

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    Digital Signal Processing and Digital Control Are of Utmost Importance for Electrical Engineering Students, for They Are Present in Many Aspects of Today\u27s Technical World. Complex Topics Like These Should Not Be Introduced into a Curriculum as a Crash Program but Taken as Steps in an Evolutionary Process. a Successful Example of This Evolutionary Process is Well Underway at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Copyright © 1979 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    A Microcomputer-Based Data Acquisition System with Hardware Capabilities to Calculate a Fast Fourier Transform

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    The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Has in Recent Years Become an Important Tool to the Engineer. There Are a Number of Algorithms Which Calculate the FFT. One Such Algorithm is the Cooley-Tukey FFT Algorithm (Radix-2) Which Lends itself Rather Easily to a Combination Software and Hardware Implementation. with a Microcomputer as the Controller of a Data Acquisition Module and Hardware Which Computes the Butterfly Associated with the FFT Algorithm, the FFT Can Be Calculated Efficiently. © 1979 IEE