1,511 research outputs found

    Terahertz dynamics of a topologically protected state: quantum Hall effect plateaus near cyclotron resonance in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction

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    We measure the Hall conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas formed at a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction in the terahertz regime close to the cyclotron resonance frequency by employing a highly sensitive Faraday rotation method coupled with electrical gating of the sample to change the electron density. We observe clear plateau-and step-like features in the Faraday rotation angle vs. electron density and magnetic field (Landau-level filling factor), which are the high frequency manifestation of quantum Hall plateaus - a signature of topologically protected edge states. The results are compared to a recent dynamical scaling theory.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    an annotated, synonymic inventory, with links to the protologues and mention of original material

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    Background An inventory is presented of all names so far validly published in Cynoglossum sensu lato and its segregate genera: Adelocaryum, Afrotysonia, Kuschakewiczia, Lindelofia, Mattiastrum, Paracaryum, Rindera, Solenanthus, Trachelanthus, and their synonyms. Names and designations that were not validly published in the cited place, and later isonyms, are accounted for when they have been included in the International Plant Name Index (IPNI). Problems with IPNI entries, including errors and omissions, are discussed, and the hope is expressed that the present inventory may be of use for fixing them. New information The inventory, generated from a list of structured data, is presented in two Supplements, as a searchable HTML document comprising a sequence of entries with internal cross-links and links to external sources, in particular to protologues accessible online or, copyright restrictions permitting, made available as scanned documents via DOIs, and as machine- readible file. With minor exceptions, all names have been verified in their original place of publication, and all were nomenclaturally assessed. Colour coding is used to distinguish between names (in green) pertaining to Cynoglossum sensu lato, for which complete synonymies are provided; and names (in orange) pertaining to other genera but published under Cynoglossum or its segregates. They are listed together with their basionym and the corresponding correct name (if it exists), but without complete synonymy. Acceptable, potentially correct names appear in bold-face type, both under a broadly defined Cynoglossum (for which purpose validation of 81 new combinations and the name of 1 new species was necessary) and under one or more of its segregates. When a name was published for a new taxon, original material is indicated, usually by direct quotation from the protologue. New type designations are exceptional (two cases), whereas former type designations are cited whenever known. Furthermore, types and original specimens, especially when their digital images are available online, are mentioned with their locations and accession numbers. Comments are added whenever appropriate, especially to explain nomenclatural assessments that are not self-evident

    31P-NMR spectroscopy of phosphate compartmentation during ischaemia in hearts protected by cardioplegic treatment.

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    Four tissue compartments, differing in proton and inorganic phosphate concentration, were resolved by 31P-NMR spectroscopy in samples from dog hearts after cardioplegic treatment with HTK solution. Inversion of the physiological cytoplasmic-mitochondrial pH gradient was observed. The considerable ensuing acidosis of the matrix is discussed with regard to a possible delocalisation of ferrous ions

    Aerosol indirect effects from shipping emissions: sensitivity studies with the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM-HAM

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    In this study, we employ the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM-HAM to globally assess aerosol indirect effects (AIEs) resulting from shipping emissions of aerosols and aerosol precursor gases. We implement shipping emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2), black carbon (BC) and particulate organic matter (POM) for the year 2000 into the model and quantify the model's sensitivity towards uncertainties associated with the emission parameterisation as well as with the shipping emissions themselves. Sensitivity experiments are designed to investigate (i) the uncertainty in the size distribution of emitted particles, (ii) the uncertainty associated with the total amount of emissions, and (iii) the impact of reducing carbonaceous emissions from ships. We use the results from one sensitivity experiment for a detailed discussion of shipping-induced changes in the global aerosol system as well as the resulting impact on cloud properties. From all sensitivity experiments, we find AIEs from shipping emissions to range from ĝ̂'0.32 0.01 W mĝ'2 to ĝ'0.07 ± 0.01 W mĝ̂'2 (global mean value and inter-annual variability as a standard deviation). The magnitude of the AIEs depends much more on the assumed emission size distribution and subsequent aerosol microphysical interactions than on the magnitude of the emissions themselves. It is important to note that although the strongest estimate of AIEs from shipping emissions in this study is relatively large, still much larger estimates have been reported in the literature before on the basis of modelling studies. We find that omitting just carbonaceous particle emissions from ships favours new particle formation in the boundary layer. These newly formed particles contribute just about as much to the CCN budget as the carbonaceous particles would, leaving the globally averaged AIEs nearly unaltered compared to a simulation including carbonaceous particle emissions from ships

    Can models robustly represent aerosol–convection interactions if their cloud microphysics is uncertain?

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    This study investigates the hydrometeor development and response to cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) perturbations in convection-permitting model configurations. We present results from a real-data simulation of deep convection in the Congo basin, an idealised supercell case, and a warm-rain large-eddy simulation (LES). In each case we compare two frequently used double-moment bulk microphysics schemes and investigate the response to CDNC perturbations. In the Congo basin simulations both microphysics schemes have large positive biases in surface precipitation, frequency of high radar reflectivities and frequency of cold cloud compared to observations. In all cases, differences in the simulated cloud morphology and precipitation are found to be significantly greater between the microphysics schemes than due to CDNC perturbations within each scheme. Further, we show that the response of the hydrometeors to CDNC perturbations strongly differs not just between microphysics schemes but also between different cases of convection. Sensitivity tests show that the representation of autoconversion is the dominant factor that drives differences in rain production between the microphysics schemes in the idealised precipitating shallow cumulus case and in a sub-region of the Congo basin simulations dominated by liquid-phase processes. In this region, rain mass is also shown to be relatively insensitive to the radiative effects of an overlying layer of ice-phase cloud. In the idealised supercell case, thermodynamic impacts on the storm system using different microphysics parameterisations can equal those due to aerosol effects. These results highlight the large uncertainty in cloud and precipitation responses to aerosol in convection-permitting simulations and have important implications not just for modelling studies of aerosol-convection interaction. These results indicate the continuing need for tighter observational constraints of cloud processes and response to aerosol in a range of meteorological regimes

    Eight-band calculations of strained InAs/GaAs quantum dots compared with one, four, and six-band approximations

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    The electronic structure of pyramidal shaped InAs/GaAs quantum dots is calculated using an eight-band strain dependent kp\bf k\cdot p Hamiltonian. The influence of strain on band energies and the conduction-band effective mass are examined. Single particle bound-state energies and exciton binding energies are computed as functions of island size. The eight-band results are compared with those for one, four and six bands, and with results from a one-band approximation in which m(r) is determined by the local value of the strain. The eight-band model predicts a lower ground state energy and a larger number of excited states than the other approximations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revtex, eps

    Submillimeter wavelength survey of the galactic plane from l = -5 deg to l = +62 deg: Structure and energetics of the inner disk

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    Results from a large scale survey of the first quadrant of the Milky Way galactic plane at wavelengths of 150, 250, and 300 microns with a 10x10 arcmin beam are presented. The emission detected in the survey arises from compact sources, most of which are identified with known peaks of 5 GHz and/or CO emission, and from an underlying diffuse background with a typical angular width of approximately 0.9 deg (FWHM) which accounts for most of the emission. A total of 80 prominent discrete sources were identified and characterized, of which about half were not previously reported at far infrared wavelengths. The total infrared luminosity within the solar circle is approximately 1 to 2x10 to the 10th power L sub 0, and is probably emitted by dust that resides in molecular clouds

    Development of a SiPM Camera for a Schwarzschild-Couder Cherenkov Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    We present the development of a novel 11328 pixel silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) camera for use with a ground-based Cherenkov telescope with Schwarzschild-Couder optics as a possible medium-sized telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The finely pixelated camera samples air-shower images with more than twice the optical resolution of cameras that are used in current Cherenkov telescopes. Advantages of the higher resolution will be a better event reconstruction yielding improved background suppression and angular resolution of the reconstructed gamma-ray events, which is crucial in morphology studies of, for example, Galactic particle accelerators and the search for gamma-ray halos around extragalactic sources. Packing such a large number of pixels into an area of only half a square meter and having a fast readout directly attached to the back of the sensors is a challenging task. For the prototype camera development, SiPMs from Hamamatsu with through silicon via (TSV) technology are used. We give a status report of the camera design and highlight a number of technological advancements that made this development possible.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Phase diagrams of La1xCaxMnO3\rm La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3 in Double Exchange Model with added antiferromagnetic and Jahn-Teller interaction

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    The phase diagram of the multivalent manganites La1xCaxMnO3\rm La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3, in space of temperature and doping xx, is a challenge for the theoretical physics. It is an important test for the model used to study these compounds and the method of calculation. To obtain theoretically this diagram for x<0.5x<0.5, we consider the two-band Double Exchange Model for manganites with added Jahn-Teller coupling and antiferromagnetic Heisenberg term. In order to calculate Curie and N\'{e}el temperatures we derive an effective Heisenberg model for a vector which describes the local orientation of the total magnetization of the system. The exchange constants of this model are different for different space directions and depend on the density of ege_g electrons, antiferromagnetic constants and the Jahn-Teller energy. To reproduce the well known phase transitions from A-type antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism at low xx and C-type antiferromagnetism to G-type antiferromagnetism at large xx, we argue that the antiferromagnetic exchange constants should depend on the lattice direction. We show that ferromagnetic to A-type antiferromagnetic transition results from the Jahn-Teller distortion. Accounting adequately for the magnon-magnon interaction, Curie and N\'{e}el temperatures are calculated. The results are in very good agreement with the experiment and provide values for the model parameters, which best describe the behavior of the critical temperature for x<0.5x<0.5.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure