56 research outputs found

    The Role of Objective Good Faith in Current Contract Law: For a General Duty of Inter Partes Cooperation and Solidarity

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    Seen from the historical-cultural perspective, theoretical models of modernity, still present in law, are anachronistic before the increasingly complex and dynamic contemporary reality. In this scenario, and with the aim of providing a renewal of Brazilian Civil Law, the 2002 Civil Code was developed with several general clauses. Among them is the general clause of objective good faith and in the midst of its practical uses is its role in establishing the “attached duties”. The doctrine that discusses this topic, however, runs counter to the epistemological assumptions adopted in this study and thereby is insufficient and contradictory in relation to the understanding of today\u27s contractual reality. Therefore, it is important to build a new rationale for objective good faith, starting from the critical-methodological approach. In this perspective, there is the need to think of an inter partes general duty. This, in turn, should find its foundation on cooperation and solidarity, in view of the prospective constitutionalization of the national civil law and the quest for civil law as an effective tool of autonomous but responsible human fulfillment

    Minas do hip hop: um olhar sobre a cena feminina no Rio de Janeiro

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    A série de entrevistas Minas do hip hop busca dar mais visibilidade à participação de mulheres negras na cultura brasileira. Yas Werneck, DJ Kennya Rosa, MC Unika e Mc Dall Farra, são mulheres negras que cantam, tocam, escrevem, rimam, resistem e provam que a intelectualidade não está ligada à academia. O trabalho tem como objetivo trazer para o meio acadêmico e digital informações sobre mulheres que pensam, escrevem e produzem cultura contra-hegemônica na cidade, e também apresentar suas produções musicais. Assim, comprovam que há intelectuais negras em todas as camadas sociais. A série de entrevistas volta o olhar para as mulheres que compõem a cena hip hop do Rio de Janeiro. Essa obra desenvolve-se a partir de entrevistas feitas no primeiro semestre de 2017, disponíveis na plataforma de publicação de conteúdo online Medium, pelo perfil da revista Ponto de Escambo

    Study of Gaseous Emissions Derived from the Combustion of Diesel/Beef Tallow Biodiesel Blends

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    Air pollution is one of the main environmental problems of modern society. The road and transportation segment is a key source of polluting gases worldwide. In its research for transportation’s emission reduction alternatives, the Brazilian government instituted a wide-spread biodiesel, adding 7% (B7) of biodiesel to the diesel used in the country. Therefore, studies such as this must be carried out to guarantee the environmental sustainability of the new matrix of renewable energies, with the useof biofuels, as well as evaluate the gases emitted to for the environment by the combustion of the same ones. This work was detected CO, CO2 and NO gas emissions released into the atmosphere from the combustion of blends diesel/beef tallow biodiesel in a bench-scale engine. Using electrochemical sensors, the of these gases concentration were successfully registered for two modes of operation of the engine diesel, low rotation, 3500 rpm, and high rotation, 7000 rpm. The CO levels in this experiment in low rotation varied between values minimum and maximum range of 866.7 to 1333.3 ppm, and in high rotation, ranging of 666 and 1000 ppm respectively. For the CO2 concentration in low rotation varied between values minimum and maximum range of 2.1 to 2.4%, and high rotation, ranging of 2.2 to 2.5%, and for NO concentrations of the samples for the mode low rotation had a variation of 83 to 109.5 ppm, and for high rotation were 81.7 to 98.7 ppm respectively

    Desenvolvimento de processos fermentativos e análise sensorial no ensino de engenharia química: uma experiência no ensino remoto / Development of fermentative processes and sensory analysis in teaching chemical engineering: an experience in remote teaching

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    O presente trabalho investigou a aplicação de práticas de ensino com o intuito de perceber a aceitação e aprendizagem dos estudantes. Foram utilizadas aulas formais expositivas referentes aos temas de bioquímica aplicada a fenômenos de fermentação e lançado o desafio aos estudantes de desenvolvimento de um processo fermentativo com recursos caseiros. Os processos selecionados foram: cerveja, cachaça, vinho, iogurte, queijo e pão. Os grupos de no máximo seis estudantes se reúnem remotamente e desenvolvem algum dos processos selecionados, elaboraram POPs (procedimentos operacionais padrão) e elaboram um plano de aplicação em escala. As variáveis dos processos são investigadas pelos estudantes a fim de ampliar a formação do engenheiro tirando-os do lugar de conhecimentos fragmentados para uma formação por competências.Os processos realizados pelos estudantes em suas residências se mostraram eficaz do ponto de vista da aprendizagem assim como o estudo de análise sensorial que se mostrou eficaz com aplicação de produtos caseiros de baixo custo com substituição ao comparado com análises realizadas em laboratório com soluções adequadas

    Oscillating Economic Sphere: Sustainable Limits of the Biosphere in the Face of Climate Change

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    This paper proposes a new geometric model to facilitate the understanding of the complex interaction between the economic system and the limits of the biosphere. The concept of the oscillating economic sphere is based on a central parameter of the economy, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In the model a hypothetical sphere was built, in which its radius (re) corresponds to the world GDP (economic sphere), and another hypothetical sphere with radius (rb) is also introduced to represent the size of the biosphere (sphere of life), on this geometric construction, these spheres are concentric (rb > re). Therefore, an expansion of the economic sphere will occupy the biosphere, since the fundamentals of economy predict unlimited growth of GDP. Thus we will have a limit to be reached because the biophysical forces oppose this expansion, creating harmful environmental effects such as climate change

    A Sulfur Hexafluoride Sensor Using Quantum Cascade and CO2 Laser-Based Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

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    The increase in greenhouse gas emissions is a serious environmental problem and has stimulated the scientific community to pay attention to the need for detection and monitoring of gases released into the atmosphere. In this regard, the development of sensitive and selective gas sensors has been the subject of several research programs. An important greenhouse gas is sulphur hexafluoride, an almost non-reactive gas widely employed in industrial processes worldwide. Indeed it is estimated that it has a radiative forcing of 0.52 W/m2. This work compares two photoacoustic spectrometers, one coupled to a CO2 laser and another one coupled to a Quantum Cascade (QC) laser, for the detection of SF6. The laser photoacoustic spectrometers described in this work have been developed for gas detection at small concentrations. Detection limits of 20 ppbv for CO2 laser and 50 ppbv for quantum cascade laser were obtained


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    Dada atual crise hídrica e energética brasileira que vem contribuindo para o aumento das tarifas de eletricidade e a intensificação das emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE), a utilização da geração distribuída (GD) por meio de fontes renováveis de energia (FRE) nos domicílios torna-se uma alternativa interessante para o cidadão. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de selecionar a melhor FRE para GD em domicílio situado na zona urbana do município de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ a partir de análise multicritério, considerando para a tomada de decisão aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos. Para isso, utilizou-se Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) para a tomada de decisão tendo como ferramenta de apoio o software IPÊ versão 1.0. Então, o problema foi formulado com duas alternativas (energia solar fotovoltaica e energia eólica) e os critérios considerados foram: econômico com subcritérios aquisição de equipamentos e manutenção; técnico com subcritérios de produção de energia, vida útil e espaço físico; ambiental com subcritérios de emissão de CO2 e potencial energético; e social com os subcritérios preferência e criação de empregos. O julgamento ficou realizado por especialistas de energia. E após análise foi concluído que a energia solar fotovoltaica era a melhor solução para o domicílio em questão, tendo o decisor (dono da residência) posteriormente instalado o sistema proposto pela análise multicritério

    Detection of Greenhouse Gas Precursors from Diesel Engines Using Electrochemical and Photoacoustic Sensors

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    Atmospheric pollution is one of the worst threats to modern society. The consequences derived from different forms of atmospheric pollution vary from the local to the global scale, with deep impacts on climate, environment and human health. Several gaseous pollutants, even when present in trace concentrations, play a fundamental role in important processes that occur in atmosphere. Phenomena such as global warming, photochemical smog formation, acid rain and the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer are strongly related to the increased concentration of certain gaseous species in the atmosphere. The transport sector significantly produces atmospheric pollution, mainly when diesel oil is used as fuel. Therefore, new methodologies based on selective and sensitive gas detection schemes must be developed in order to detect and monitor pollutant gases from this source. In this work, CO2 Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy was used to evaluate ethylene emissions and electrochemical analyzers were used to evaluate the emissions of CO, NOx and SO2 from the exhaust of diesel powered vehicles (rural diesel with 5% of biodiesel, in this paper called only diesel) at different engine rotation speeds. Concentrations in the range 6 to 45 ppmV for ethylene, 109 to 1,231 ppmV for carbon monoxide, 75 to 868 ppmV for nitrogen oxides and 3 to 354 ppmV for sulfur dioxide were obtained. The results indicate that the detection techniques used were sufficiently selective and sensitive to detect the gaseous species mentioned above in the ppmV range