5,748 research outputs found

    The numerical analysis of the rotational theory for the formation of lunar globules

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    The morphology of lunar globules is studied through the application of a numerical analysis of their rotation in space during cooling. It is assumed that molten rock is shot from the surface of the moon, solidifies in space above the moon and then falls back to the surface. The rotational theory studied makes the following assumptions: the volume of the molten rock does not change during cooling; the angular momentum is conserved; there are no internal motions because of the high viscosity of the molten rock, i.e., in equilibrium the globule is rotating as a rigid body; finally, the kinetic reaction of the globule to the forces is fast relative to the rate of cooling, i.e., the globule reaches equilibrium at constant energy. These assumptions are subjected to numerical analysis yielding good agreement between the actual globule shapes and the numerical results, but leaving some doubt as to the validity of the rotational theory due to the failure to establish the existence of true local minima and an incomplete understanding of the thermokentics

    Income Inequality and Economic Growth: The Case of India

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    L'entorn econòmic de l'Índia ha canviat significativament a partir de la seva independència de Gran Bretanya l'any 1947. Després de més de tres dècades de creixement econòmic mediocre, els 80 va marcar el començament d'una nova etapa d'altes taxes de creixement econòmic a partir de noves polítiques econòmiques més orientades a una més competitiva economia de mercat. Tot i la millora en taxes de creixement, aquest model de creixement es basava en gran mesura en un gran protagonisme per part de la despesa pública, el que va precipitar la crisi financera de 1991. Com a resultat d'aquesta crisi i l'assistència proporcionada pel FMI, es van introduir reformes desreguladores i liberalitzadores. La dècada dels 90 va ser acompanyada de taxes de creixement encara més altes que la dècada anterior. En la dècada més recent, els 2000, l'obertura estable de l'economia Índia ha permès taxes de creixement més altes que en les dècades anteriors. Desafortunadament, aquest gran creixement econòmic ha anat acompanyat amb un augment important dels nivells de desigualtat d'ingrés durant aquest mateix període, tant a nivell nacional com entre els estats que formen part de l'Índia. Aquesta tesi es concentra en l'estudi de la relació entre creixement econòmic i desigualtat de l'ingrés, tant a nivell nacional com entre els estats. Aquest projecte de recerca també inclou cobertura exhaustiva respecte a l'evolució d'altres variables macroeconòmiques als dos nivells: nacional i inter-estatal.El entorno económico de la India ha cambiado significativamente a partir de su independencia de Gran Bretaña en el año 1947. Después de más de tres décadas de crecimiento económico mediocre, los 80 marcó el comienzo de una nueva etapa de altas tasas de crecimiento económico a partir de nuevas políticas económicas más orientadas a una más competitiva economía de mercado. A pesar de la mejora en tasas de crecimiento, dicho modelo de crecimiento se basaba en gran medida en un gran protagonismo por parte del gasto público, lo que precipitó la crisis financiera de 1991. Como resultado de dicha crisis, y la asistencia proporcionada por el FMI se introdujeron reformas desreguladoras y liberalizadoras. La década de los 90 fue acompañada de tasas de crecimiento aún más altas que la década anterior. En la década más reciente, los 2000, la apertura estable de la economía India ha permitido tasas de crecimiento más altas que en las décadas anteriores. Desafortunadamente, este gran crecimiento económico ha ido acompañado con un aumento importante de los niveles de desigualdad de ingreso durante este mismo periodo, tanto a nivel nacional como entre los estados que forman parte de la India. Esta tesis se concentra en el estudio de la relación entre crecimiento económico y desigualdad del ingreso, tanto a nivel nacional como entre los estados. Dicho proyecto de investigación también incluye cobertura exhaustiva con respecto a la evolución de otras variables macroeconómicas a los dos niveles: nacional e inter-estatal.India’s economic climate has experienced significant change since its independence from Great Britain in 1947. After more than three decades of mediocre economic growth, the 1980s ushered in a new era of accelerated growth rates by way of promoting a more efficient pro-business model. Despite the improvement in growth rates, the 1980s were fueled by over zealous public spending, precipitating the well-known financial crisis in 1991. As a result of the crisis, and the IMF supplied aid contingent on the introduction of gradual deregulatory reforms of the Indian economy, the 1990s brought about even greater economic growth rates than the previous decade. Into the 2000s, India’s continued and steady opening has afforded even further acceleration in growth rates. Despite these positive developments in the Indian economy, the unfortunate truth is that income inequality has likewise been increasing over this same period, most notably across the states. This dissertation endeavors to apply the established macroeconomic field dedicated to the study of income inequality’s effect on economic growth to the case of India, both at the national level and even more critically at the state level. Our research also includes exhaustive coverage regarding the evolution of other relevant macroeconomic variables across states, as well as nationally

    Irreversible stochastic processes on lattices

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    Models for irreversible random or cooperative filling of lattices are required to describe many processes in chemistry and physics. Since the filling is assumed to be irreversible, even the stationary, saturation state is not in equilibrium. The kinetics and statistics of these processes are described by recasting the master equations in infinite hierarchial form. Solutions can be obtained by implementing various techniques involving, e.g., truncation or formal density expansions. Refinements in these solution techniques are presented;Problems considered include random dimer, trimer, and tetramer filling of 2D lattices, random dimer filling of a cubic lattice, competi- tive filling of two or more species, and the effect of a random distribu- tion of inactive sites on the filling. We also consider monomer filling of a linear lattice with nearest neighbor cooperative effects and solve for the exact cluster-size distribution for cluster sizes up to the asymptotic regime. Additionally, we develop a technique to directly determine the asymptotic properties of the cluster-size distribution;Finally, we consider cluster growth via irreversible aggregation involving random walkers. In particular, we provide explicit results for the large-lattice-size asymptotic behavior of trapping probabilities and average walk lengths for a single walker on a lattice with multiple;traps. Procedures for exact calculation of these quantities on finite lattices are also developed; *DOE Report IS-T-1230. This work was performed under Contract W-7405-eng-82 with the Department of Energy

    The Effect of a One Time Imagery Intervention on Self-Efficacy and Exercise Frequency in a Non-Exercising Population

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    We all know physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, yet many people are still living sedentary lifestyles. One theory used to explain why some people exercise, while others do not is self-efficacy theory. Past research has indicated that people\u27s self-efficacy may be related to their exercise behavior. It has also been shown that imagery can positive affect self-efficacy. Past research has shown that there is a relationship between imagery, self-efficacy, and exercise frequency, however no intervention studies have assessed this relationship. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a one time imagery intervention on self-efficacy beliefs and exercise frequency in a currently inactive population. Fifty-four participants were separated into three different groups, an imagery group, a group that received information on exercise, and a control group. Participants completed an exercise information and background form, the Exercise Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, the Exercise Information Inventory-Revised and companion scale, pre-intervention (time 1), and then again seven days later (time two), and fourteen days later (time 3). Results revealed that the exercise frequency level increased for all groups. Those in the exercise information group increased their exercise frequency significantly more from time one to time three than those in the imagery group. For scheduling self-efficacy, regardless of the group the participants were in their scheduling self-efficacy scores significantly increased from time one to time three. Although the findings of this study were unexpected, they still add valuable information to the discussion on imagery, self-efficacy, and exercise. Specifically, because this is the first study to assess the above relationship through intervention based research, the findings have highlighted potential limitations for imagery interventions, but more importantly the findings have indicated what future research should focus on including imagery intervention length, individualization of the scripts, and matching the script to the persons current behavior level (e.g., adoption versus maintenance)

    Links Are Everywhere: Effects of Web-Based Groupings on Trust Transfer

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    One of the most ubiquitous examples of information technology is the World Wide Web. On the Web, hypertext links are everywhere, but trust may be hard to find. This research examines how the presentation of groups of links may affect consumers’ trust in organizations encountered on the Web. We use an experimental methodology to examine how the description of a hypertext list and the familiarity of members of the list may affect trust in both familiar and unknown target organizations. Our theoretical model is rooted in the literatures on trust transfer and entitativity, which is the extent to which individual entities are perceived as forming a group. Results are expected to answer practical questions with regard to the use and presentation of hypertext links and also to extend the trust transfer literature by examining factors not previously considered: super- dyadic transfer and potential negative effects of transfer

    The Influence of Data Resolution on Predicted Distribution and Estimates of Extent of Current Protection of Three 'Listed' Deep-Sea Habitats

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    Modelling approaches have the potential to significantly contribute to the spatial management of the deep-sea ecosystem in a cost effective manner. However, we currently have little understanding of the accuracy of such models, developed using limited data, of varying resolution. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of predictive models constructed using non-simulated (real world) data of different resolution. Predicted distribution maps for three deep-sea habitats were constructed using MaxEnt modelling methods using high resolution multibeam bathymetric data and associated terrain derived variables as predictors. Model performance was evaluated using repeated 75/25 training/test data partitions using AUC and threshold-dependent assessment methods. The overall extent and distribution of each habitat, and the percentage contained within an existing MPA network were quantified and compared to results from low resolution GEBCO models. Predicted spatial extent for scleractinian coral reef and Syringammina fragilissima aggregations decreased with an increase in model resolution, whereas Pheronema carpenteri total suitable area increased. Distinct differences in predicted habitat distribution were observed for all three habitats. Estimates of habitat extent contained within the MPA network all increased when modelled at fine scale. High resolution models performed better than low resolution models according to threshold-dependent evaluation. We recommend the use of high resolution multibeam bathymetry data over low resolution bathymetry data for use in modelling approaches. We do not recommend the use of predictive models to produce absolute values of habitat extent, but likely areas of suitable habitat. Assessments of MPA network effectiveness based on calculations of percentage area protection (policy driven conservation targets) from low resolution models are likely to be fit for purpose

    Efficient TV white space filter bank transceiver

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    Future devices operating in the TV white space (TVWS) spectrum will require to access different bands at different locations and times in order to avoid interference to incumbent users, requiring agility and sufficient spectral masks to satisfy regulators. Further, with very high-speed ADCs and DACs becoming reality, the purpose of this paper is to present a transceiver front-end capable of simultaneously up- and downconverting a significant portion of the UHF band. The proposed approach takes a two-stage filter-bank conversion for implementation on state-of-the-art FPGAs. We present three different parameterisations, which are compatible with the 40 TVWS channels between 470 and 790MHz in Europe, and compare them in terms of complexity and latency

    Design considerations for a filter bank based TVWS transceiver

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    This paper discusses the design of a filter bank based transceiver capable of simultaneously up- or downconverting the entire TV white space (TVWS) frequency band. The spectral mask requirements favour a filter bank based approach, whereby RF sampling and the use of an FPGA for digital up- and down-conversion dictates a two-stage approach. Some of the design considerations, including filter design approaches, are discussed in this contribution