30 research outputs found

    Social Anxiety Modulates Subliminal Affective Priming

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    BACKGROUND: It is well established that there is anxiety-related variation between observers in the very earliest, pre-attentive stage of visual processing of images such as emotionally expressive faces, often leading to enhanced attention to threat in a variety of disorders and traits. Whether there is also variation in early-stage affective (i.e. valenced) responses resulting from such images, however, is not yet known. The present study used the subliminal affective priming paradigm to investigate whether people varying in trait social anxiety also differ in their affective responses to very briefly presented, emotionally expressive face images. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Participants (n = 67) completed a subliminal affective priming task, in which briefly presented and smiling, neutral and angry faces were shown for 10 ms durations (below objective and subjective thresholds for visual discrimination), and immediately followed by a randomly selected Chinese character mask (2000 ms). Ratings of participants' liking for each Chinese character indicated the degree of valenced affective response made to the unseen emotive images. Participants' ratings of their liking for the Chinese characters were significantly influenced by the type of face image preceding them, with smiling faces generating more positive ratings than neutral and angry ones (F(2,128) = 3.107, p<0.05). Self-reported social anxiety was positively correlated with ratings of smiling relative to neutral-face primed characters (Pearson's r = .323, p<0.01). Individual variation in self-reported mood awareness was not associated with ratings. CONCLUSIONS: Trait social anxiety is associated with individual variation in affective responding, even in response to the earliest, pre-attentive stage of visual image processing. However, the fact that these priming effects are limited to smiling and not angry (i.e. threatening) images leads us to propose that the pre-attentive processes involved in generating the subliminal affective priming effect may be different from those that generate attentional biases in anxious individuals

    The relationship between doses of mindfulness-based programs and depression, anxiety, stress, and mindfulness: a dose-response meta-regression of randomized controlled trials

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    Abstract Objectives: Research with mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) has found participating in an MBP to predict beneficial outcomes, however, there is currently mixed research regarding the most helpful dose. This review aimed to determine whether different doses related to MBPs significantly predict outcomes. Methods: Systematic literature searches of electronic databases and trial registration sites for all randomized controlled trials of MBPs identified 203 studies (N=15,971). Depression was the primary outcome at post-program and follow-up, with secondary outcomes being mindfulness, anxiety and stress. Doses examined related to session numbers, duration and length, facilitator contact and practice. Dose-response relationships were analyzed using meta-regression in R with separate analyses for inactive and active controls. Results: Initial meta-analyses found significant between-group differences favoring MBPs for all outcomes. Meta-regression results suggested significant dose-response relationships for the mindfulness outcome for doses relating to face-to-face contact (d=0.211; C.I.[0.064,0.358]), program intensity (d=0.895; C.I.[0.315,1.474]) and actual program use (d=0.013; C.I.[0.001,0.024]). The majority of results for psychological outcomes, including depression, were not significant. Conclusions: This meta-regression examines dose-response relationships for different types and doses relating to MBPs. Considered together, MBPs appeared helpful compared to controls, supporting previous research. Based on meta-regression results, there was no evidence that larger doses are more helpful than smaller doses for predicting psychological outcomes; a finding consistent with some previous research particularly with non-clinical populations. Additionally, greater contact, intensity and actual use of MBPs predicting increased mindfulness corresponds with previous research and theory. Potential limitations and recommendations for future research are explored

    Initial validation of the mindful eating scale

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    Published Mindfulness, 2013, 5(6), pp. 719-729. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12671-013-0227-5Self-report scales for mindfulness are now widely used in applied settings, and have made a contribution to research, for instance in demonstrating mediation effects. To date there are no convincing data as to whether mindfulness skills generalise fully across life domains, and so some researchers have developed mindfulness scales for particular domains of behaviour. We present the development of a self-report scale to measure mindfulness with respect to eating behaviours

    Social network and dominance hierarchy analyses at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest

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    Different aspects of sociality bear considerable weight on the individual- and group-level welfare of captive nonhuman primates. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a useful tool for gaining a holistic understanding of the dynamic social relationships of captive primate groups. Gaining a greater understanding of captive chimpanzees through investigations of centrality, preferred and avoided relationships, dominance hierarchy, and social network diagrams can be useful in advising current management practices in sanctuaries and other captive settings. In this study, we investigated the dyadic social relationships, group-level social networks, and dominance hierarchy of seven chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. We used focal-animal and instantaneous scan sampling to collect 106.75 total hours of associative, affiliative, and agonistic data from June to September 2016. We analyzed our data using SOCPROG to derive dominance hierarchies and network statistics, and we diagrammed the group\u27s social networks in NetDraw. Three individuals were most central in the grooming network, while two others had little connection. Through agonistic networks, we found that group members reciprocally exhibited agonism, and the group\u27s dominance hierarchy was statistically non-linear. One chimpanzee emerged as the most dominant through agonism but was least connected to other group members across affiliative networks. Our results indicate that the conventional methods used to calculate individuals\u27 dominance rank may be inadequate to wholly depict a group\u27s social relationships in captive sanctuary populations. Our results have an applied component that can aid sanctuary staff in a variety of ways to best ensure the improvement of group welfare

    The dot-probe task to measure emotional attention: A suitable measure in comparative studies?

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    Peering is not a formal indicator of subordination in bonobos (Pan paniscus)

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    It has been suggested that peering behavior in bonobos is a formal signal acknowledging social dominance status. We investigated whether peering meets the published criteria for a formal signal of subordination in five captive groups of bonobos. The degree of linearity in the set of peering relationships was significantly high in all study groups, and a linear rank order was found. However, unidirectionality was low, and there was little correspondence between the peering order and the agonistic dominance rank. Therefore, peering does not satisfy the criteria of a formal subordination indicator. We also studied the relation between peering and agonistic dominance rank, age, and sex. Animals directed peering significantly more often at high-ranking animals in four of the groups. We suggest that peering is indirectly related to dominance rank by the resource-holding potential of individuals. In contexts where dominant individuals can monopolize resources, peerers may direct their attention at those high-ranking animals. When resources are distributed more evenly, high-ranking animals may peer down the hierarchy. We speculate on the reasons why a formal dominance or subordination signal appears to be absent in bonobos.status: publishe

    Overvalued ideas and their impact on treatment outcome Idéias supervalorizadas e seu impacto no resultado do tratamento

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of overvalued ideas (OVI) in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been theoretically linked to poorer treatment outcome. However, to date there have not been any quantitative measures of overvalued ideas. Therefore, the relationship between OVI and outcome has been primarily hypothetical. Rudimentary assessments have been attempted by asking patients to rate their strength of belief from 1 to 10, clinically rating the fixity of beliefs from 1 to 5, and rating patients on item 11 (insight) on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between OVI, degree of severity of OCD symptoms, and improvement. METHOD: Twenty patients with OCD participated in the study. All patients were treated with six days a week of 90 minutes of exposure and response prevention (ERP) and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. No changes in medication were made during the course of treatment and all patients had been on their respective medications for at least three months prior to entering the study. Assessment scales consisted of the Overvalued Ideas Scale (OVIS), Y-BOCS, Beck Depression Inventory, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory. RESULTS: The results indicated that overvalued ideas did not necessarily correlate with severity of symptoms on the Y-BOCS. The higher the score on the OVIS, the less change on the Y-BOCS score. CONCLUSION: Overvalued ideas appear to be an important predictor of poor outcome.<br>INTRODUÇÃO: A existência de idéias superestimadas (IS) em pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) vem sendo teoricamente relacionada a resultado insatisfatório do tratamento. Como até o momento não existem medidas quantitativas das idéias superestimadas, a relação entre IS e resultado fica restrita ao campo hipotético. Houve algumas tentativas de avaliações simples. Era pedido aos pacientes que avaliassem a intensidade de suas convicções, em uma escala de 1 a 10. A seguir, fazia-se a avaliação clínica da fixidez das convicções de 1 a 5, e os pacientes eram classificados segundo o item 11 (insight) da Escala Yale-Brown de Sintomas Obsessivo-compulsivos (Y-BOCS). A proposta deste estudo era determinar a relação existente entre IS, gravidade dos sintomas do TOC e melhora. MÉTODO: Vinte pacientes com DOC participaram do estudo. Todos eles foram submetidos ao tratamento de prevenção de exposição e reação (PER), durante seis dias por semana, com sessões de 90 minutos, e medicados com inibidores seletivos de recaptação de serotonina. Os medicamentos não foram alterados durante o curso do tratamento. Antes de entrar no estudo, todos os pacientes já recebiam tratamento medicamentoso há, pelo menos, três meses. As escalas de avaliação usadas foram Escala de Idéias Superestimadas (OVIS), Y-BOCS, Inventário Beck para Depressão e Inventário Beck para Ansiedade. RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicaram que idéias superestimadas não se correlacionavam necessariamente com a gravidade dos sintomas, medidos pela Y-BOCS. Quanto maior o grau medido pela OVIS, menor era a variação na Y-BOCS. CONCLUSÃO: Idéias superestimadas parecem ser um importante fator de predição de um resultado insatisfatório para o tratamento