401 research outputs found

    Mobility of high-power solitons in saturable nonlinear photonic lattices

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    We theoretically study the properties of one-dimensional nonlinear saturable photonic lattices exhibiting multiple mobility windows for stationary solutions. The effective energy barrier decreases to a minimum in those power regions where a new intermediate stationary solution appears. As an application, we investigate the dynamics of high-power gaussian-like beams finding several regions where the light transport is enhanced.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Optics Letter

    KRIVIČNA ODGOVORNOST LEKARA ZA NESAVESNO PRUŽANJE LEKARSKE POMOĆI Uporednopravna analiza krivičnih zakonodavstava nekih zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope

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    In this essay the author gives an overview and an analysis of the criminal law provisions related to the medical mistakes and medical malpractice in the territory of the countries of the South East Europe. The author compares the Serbian legal norms in this field with the related legal norms in Croatia, Montenegro and Republika Srpska.U ovom članku autorka daje prikaz i analizu krivičnopravnih odredaba vezanih za lekarske greške i nesavesno lečenje bolesnika na prostorima zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope. Autorka upoređuje pravne odredbe iz ove materije u Srbiji, sa odgovarajućim odredbama u Republici Hrvatskoj, Crnoj Gori, Republici Srpskoj

    ORGANIZOVANI KRIMINAL U REGIONU JUGOISTOČNE EVROPE (etiološka obeležja, zajedničke karakteristike i najčešći pojavni oblici)

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    During the nineties of the past century, the organized crime appeared аs a consequence of economic and political changes in the Southeastern Europe region. Transition processes were influenced by the war events and so the changes were additionally burdened. Since the processes were followed by the violence caused by the war and the lack of the vision, the legal institution activities were replaced by different activities, including criminal activities. From the historical point of view, the organized crime presents the new activity in this area, but it reached and even overcame its competitors. Although the organized crime in the Southeastern Europe region had all main caracteristics of the organized crime in general, started by the purposes, methods and organization, those caracteristics were improved and adapted to the Southeastern Europe’s conditions. Thus this negative structure made of the professional criminals, corrupt politicians and subordinate policemen became a specific “Balkan” criminal company. In the other word, the organized crime was marked by the Balkan mentality. Thus, the profit goes beyond the earnings of many powerful international corporations and National Income of many countries. So, the organized crime in the Southeastern Europe region became one of the most powerful international crime gangs and a powerful competitor, not only to the other international criminal groups, but to the legal state economies, as well. As far as it raises power, especially financial power and influence of the organized crime to the legal social structures and to economic and political situation, the need of organized opposition to this very dangerous criminal organization is bigger. Thus the fight against the organized crime is a very important duty of each country, including the countries from the region. In that sense, a special attention should be paid to the fight against the organized crime, beginning with the normative regulation, trough the special organs and procedures oriented to the suppression of this social evil incarnated in the form of the organized crime.Organizovani kriminal u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope nastao je devedesetih godina prošlog veka kao posledica ekonomskih i političkih promena koje su se na ovom prostoru odigravale u dramatičnim okolnostima. Tranzicioni procesi bili su opterećeni i ratnim zbivanjima što je ove promene dodatno opterećivalo. U takvim okolnostima, kada je te procese pratilo nasilje izazvano ratom, kao i nedostatak vizije, nije neobično što su različite, pa i kriminalne delatnosti zamenile aktivnosti legalnih društvenih institucija. Sve to je uslovilo da organizovani kriminal, mada istorijski posmatrano predstavlja noviju pojavu na ovim prostorima, veoma brzo sustigne, pa čak i prevaziće svoje konkurente. Iako je organizovani kriminal na prostoru Jugoistočne Evrope prihvatio sve osnovne karakteristike organizovanog kriminala počev od ciljeva, odnosno motiva, metoda, organizacije, on ih je pritom ih unapredio i prilagodio sopstvenim okolnostima. Na taj način, ta negativna sprega profesioalnih kriminalca, korumpiranih političara i podređenih policajaca dodala je jednu novu dimenziju koja je tu spregu pretvorila u specifično kriminalno „balkansko“ preduzeće. Drugim rečima, balkanski mentalitet dao je poseban pečat organizovanom kriminalu. Na taj način ostvaren je profit koji po visini prevazilazi zarade mnogih snažnih međunarodnih korporacija i nacionalne dohotke mnogih država. Tako je organizovani kriminal na prostoru Jugoistočne Evrope postao jedan od moćnih gangova međunarodnog kriminala i moćni konkurent, ne samo drugim međunarodnim kriminalnim udruženjima, nego i legalnim društvenim i državnim privredama. Ukoliko raste snaga, posebno finansijka moć i uticaj organizovanog kriminala na legalne društvene strukture i na ekonomske i političke prilike u državi, utoliko je potreba organizovanog suprostavljanja ovoj veoma opasnoj kriminalnoj organizaciji veća. Zato je borba protiv organizovanog kriminala veoma znaačajna obaveza svake države, pa i država u regionu. U tom smislu ona zaslužuje posebnu pažnju i napor u svim elementima, počev pod normativne sfere, preko posebnih organa i procedura usmerenih na suzbijanje ovog društvenog zla oličenog u organizovanom kriminalu

    AIDS, Caregiving and Kinship: The Queer “Family” in Bill Sherwood’s Parting Glances

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    As a counterpoint to the emerging homonormativity of the twenty-first century, this paper seeks to identify and reevaluate the potential of queer chosen families as they are cinematically mediated, and historically located, in the context of the AIDS epidemic. With Bill Sherwood’s 1986 film Parting Glances as a case study, the paper argues that the melodramatic mode of these films, with the repetition of tropes such as caregiving, mourning and funerals, ushers an alternative mode of familiality into queer narratives and champions the queer chosen family. In this sense, it is argued that to look at the evolution of queer familial life means to look at a long process of transference of one social modality to another, and the AIDS film specifically as a place where familial relationality is emulated and transformed through relations based in love, friendship and parrhesia

    Transition to miscibility in linearly coupled binary dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate effects of dipole-dipole (DD) interactions on immiscibility-miscibility transitions (IMTs) in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) trapped in the harmonic-oscillator (HO) potential, with the components linearly coupled by a resonant electromagnetic field (accordingly, the components represent two different spin states of the same atom). The problem is studied by means of direct numerical simulations. Different mutual orientations of the dipolar moments in the two components are considered. It is shown that, in the binary BEC formed by dipoles with the same orientation and equal magnitudes, the IMT cannot be induced by the DD interaction alone, being possible only in the presence of the linear coupling between the components, while the miscibility threshold is affected by the DD interactions. However, in the binary condensate with the two dipolar components polarized in opposite directions, the IMT can be induced \emph{without} any linear coupling. Further, we demonstrate that those miscible and immiscible localized states, formed in the presence of the DD interactions, which are unstable evolve into robust breathers, which tend to keep the original miscibility or immiscibility, respectively. An exception is the case of a very strong DD attraction, when narrow stationary modes are destroyed by the instability. The binary BEC composed of co-polarized dipoles with different magnitudes are briefly considered too.Comment: 10 figure

    Istraživanje mogućnosti boriranja površina tvrdih metala

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    U radu su opisana mehanička svojstva i kemijska postojanost tvrdih metala. Prikazan je detaljan pregled inženjerstva površina tvrdih metala. Navedene su prednosti i nedostaci najučestalijih postupaka prevlačenja tvrdih metala. Dan je i prikaz dosad istraženih radova u području modificiranja površine tvrdih metala. Opisan je postupak boriranja s naglaskom na boriranje u praškastom mediju. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada korišteni su uzorci WC-Co tvrdih metala koji su podvrgnuti toplinskoj obradi otplinjavanja, a zatim i boriranja u praškastom mediju u Laboratoriju za toplinsku obradu Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Priprema uzoraka za metalografsku analizu i analiza mikrostrukture pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom izvršena je u Laboratoriju za materijalografiju Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Kemijska analiza uzoraka izvršena je u Laboratoriju za elektronsku mikroskopiju Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ispitivanjem je utvrđena neznatna promjena mikrostrukture nakon boriranja u odnosu na početno stanje te na površini nije potvrđen nastanak boridnog sloja

    Marsupijalizacija juvenilne paradentalne ciste - prikaz slučaja

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    Juvenile paradental cysts (JPC) are rare cystic lesions that usually develop on buccal, distal, or mesial side of first, and rarely second permanent mandibular molars. They occur during tooth eruption, in children aged 6 to 12 years, and belong to the group of inflammatory paradental cysts. Clinical symptomatology is scarce and often manifested as appearance of painless swelling on the buccal side of the offending tooth. Different therapeutic procedures could be used: enucleation, enucleation with tooth extraction or marsupialization. This study presents the marsupialization procedure of bilateral JPC attached to the first permanent lower molars in seven year old girl.Juvenilne paradentalne ciste (JPC) su retke cistične lezije koje se uglavnom razvijaju na bukalnoj, distalnoj ili mezijalnoj strani prvog, a znatno ređe drugog stalnog molara u donjoj vilici. Nastaju tokom njihovog nicanja kod dece uzrasta 6-12 godina i pripadaju grupi inflamatornih paradentalnih cista. Kliničkih simptoma je vrlo malo, a oboljenje se najčešće ispoljava u vidu bezbolnog otoka sa bukalne strane zahvaćenih zuba. Terapijski pristup podrazumeva enukleaciju, enukleaciju sa vađenjem zuba ili marsupijalizaciju. Prikazujemo slučaj marsupijalizacije bilateralne JPC prvih stalnih donjih molara kod sedmogodišnje devojčice

    Multi Criteria Analysis of the Reconstruction Variants of the Intersection on the County Road 5025 and Marinići Street in Viškovo

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    Osnovna svrha raskrižja u cestovnoj mreži jest spajanje dviju ili više prometnica, te omogućavanje sigurnog i efikasnog prometnog povezivanja jednog mjesta s drugim. Temeljem toga na području raskrižja dolazi do međusobne interakcije između raznih sudionika u prometu, što za posljedicu ima nastanak konfliktnih i opasnih situacija. Ukoliko se analizom pokaže da određeni projektno-oblikovni elementi raskrižja ne zadovoljavaju postavljene standarde ili ako se uoči nastajanje većeg broja prometnih nesreća, mora se pristupiti rekonstrukciji istog raskrižja.Tema ovoga rada jest detaljna analiza postojećeg stanja na raskrižju županijske ceste 5025 i ulice Marinići te na temelju provedene analize predložiti varijante rekonstrukcije. U radu su definirane tri varijante rekonstrukcije koje su simulirane u programskom alatu PTV Vissim te vrednovane postupcima višekriterijske analize. Nakon provedenih postupaka višekriterijske analize odabrana je optimalna varijanta te je provedena analiza osjetljivosti. Na kraju rada dan je osvrt glede izvora financiranja optimalnog projekta.The main purpose of an intersection in the road network is the connection of two or more roads and the enabling of a safer and efficient traffic connection between two places. On this basis, the place of the intersection sees a mutual interaction between various participants in traffic, which can often result in conflicting and dangerous situations. If an analysis shows that certain elements (connected with the project itself and the design) of the intersection do not meet the set standards or if there is a notice of a higher frequency of traffic accidents, the next course of action must be the reconstruction of the very intersection. The topic of this work is a detailed analysis on the current status of the intersection of the county road 5025 and Marinići street. The results of the analysis will provide the base for suggestions regarding the variants of the reconstruction. This work defines three variants of reconstruction which have been simulated in the "PTV Vissim" program and evaluated by the procedures of a multi-criteria analysis. After conducting the procedures of the multi-criteria analysis, the sensitivity analysis was conducted as it was chosen as the optimal variant. The end of the work is a review about the sources of financing the optimal project

    Suvremeni trendovi u obradi tokarenjem

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati postupak obrade tokarenjem i suvremene trendove u obradi odvajanjem čestica. Postupak obrade tokarenjem prikazan je u drugom poglavlju u nekoliko podjela. Prikazana je definicija tokarenja, opisana su gibanja i parametri obrade kod tokarenja. Prikazani su alati kod tokarenja, osnovni elementi reznog dijela alata, kutevi alata te materijali koji se koriste kod izrade alata za obradu odvajanja čestica, tj. kod tokarenja. Treće poglavlje prikazuje obradu materijala povišene tvrdoće ili tvrdu obradu. Prikazani su materijali koji se koriste kod tvrde obrade (najviše je objašnjen kubični borov nitrid ili CB\N kao najbolji izbor) te geometrija reznog alata. Također su prikazani parametri obrade, sile rezanja, utjecaj suhe obrade. četvrto poglavlje prikazuje visokobrzinsku obradu. Prikazane su različite definicije visokobrzinske obrade kao i pojam visokobrzinske obrade, razlike u odnosu na konvencionalnu obradu osnovne značajke i kriterij kod visokobrzinske obrade. Također su prikazani zahtjevi alatnog stroja za visokobrzinsku obradu, utjecaj primjene SHIP-a, prednosti i mane te preporuke za primjenu visokobrzinske obrade. U petom poglavlju je prikaz eksperimentalnog dijela gdje su izvršena eksperimentalna istraživanja na čeliku za cementiranje koji je normaliziran. Ispitivanja su vršena postupkom tokarenja, a izvršeno je ispitivanje utjecaja veličina procesa na vrijednosti sila rezanja pri klasičnim i povišenim brzinama rezanja. Za dobivene rezultate je određen prikladni matematički model kojim se opisuje djelovanje veličina procesa na sile rezanja. Rezultati su prikazani u tablicama i grafički, a vrijede samo za promatrane uvjete rezanja, korišten alat i materijal

    Multi Criteria Analysis of the Reconstruction Variants of the Intersection on the County Road 5025 and Marinići Street in Viškovo

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    Osnovna svrha raskrižja u cestovnoj mreži jest spajanje dviju ili više prometnica, te omogućavanje sigurnog i efikasnog prometnog povezivanja jednog mjesta s drugim. Temeljem toga na području raskrižja dolazi do međusobne interakcije između raznih sudionika u prometu, što za posljedicu ima nastanak konfliktnih i opasnih situacija. Ukoliko se analizom pokaže da određeni projektno-oblikovni elementi raskrižja ne zadovoljavaju postavljene standarde ili ako se uoči nastajanje većeg broja prometnih nesreća, mora se pristupiti rekonstrukciji istog raskrižja.Tema ovoga rada jest detaljna analiza postojećeg stanja na raskrižju županijske ceste 5025 i ulice Marinići te na temelju provedene analize predložiti varijante rekonstrukcije. U radu su definirane tri varijante rekonstrukcije koje su simulirane u programskom alatu PTV Vissim te vrednovane postupcima višekriterijske analize. Nakon provedenih postupaka višekriterijske analize odabrana je optimalna varijanta te je provedena analiza osjetljivosti. Na kraju rada dan je osvrt glede izvora financiranja optimalnog projekta.The main purpose of an intersection in the road network is the connection of two or more roads and the enabling of a safer and efficient traffic connection between two places. On this basis, the place of the intersection sees a mutual interaction between various participants in traffic, which can often result in conflicting and dangerous situations. If an analysis shows that certain elements (connected with the project itself and the design) of the intersection do not meet the set standards or if there is a notice of a higher frequency of traffic accidents, the next course of action must be the reconstruction of the very intersection. The topic of this work is a detailed analysis on the current status of the intersection of the county road 5025 and Marinići street. The results of the analysis will provide the base for suggestions regarding the variants of the reconstruction. This work defines three variants of reconstruction which have been simulated in the "PTV Vissim" program and evaluated by the procedures of a multi-criteria analysis. After conducting the procedures of the multi-criteria analysis, the sensitivity analysis was conducted as it was chosen as the optimal variant. The end of the work is a review about the sources of financing the optimal project