Multi Criteria Analysis of the Reconstruction Variants of the Intersection on the County Road 5025 and Marinići Street in Viškovo


Osnovna svrha raskrižja u cestovnoj mreži jest spajanje dviju ili više prometnica, te omogućavanje sigurnog i efikasnog prometnog povezivanja jednog mjesta s drugim. Temeljem toga na području raskrižja dolazi do međusobne interakcije između raznih sudionika u prometu, što za posljedicu ima nastanak konfliktnih i opasnih situacija. Ukoliko se analizom pokaže da određeni projektno-oblikovni elementi raskrižja ne zadovoljavaju postavljene standarde ili ako se uoči nastajanje većeg broja prometnih nesreća, mora se pristupiti rekonstrukciji istog raskrižja.Tema ovoga rada jest detaljna analiza postojećeg stanja na raskrižju županijske ceste 5025 i ulice Marinići te na temelju provedene analize predložiti varijante rekonstrukcije. U radu su definirane tri varijante rekonstrukcije koje su simulirane u programskom alatu PTV Vissim te vrednovane postupcima višekriterijske analize. Nakon provedenih postupaka višekriterijske analize odabrana je optimalna varijanta te je provedena analiza osjetljivosti. Na kraju rada dan je osvrt glede izvora financiranja optimalnog projekta.The main purpose of an intersection in the road network is the connection of two or more roads and the enabling of a safer and efficient traffic connection between two places. On this basis, the place of the intersection sees a mutual interaction between various participants in traffic, which can often result in conflicting and dangerous situations. If an analysis shows that certain elements (connected with the project itself and the design) of the intersection do not meet the set standards or if there is a notice of a higher frequency of traffic accidents, the next course of action must be the reconstruction of the very intersection. The topic of this work is a detailed analysis on the current status of the intersection of the county road 5025 and Marinići street. The results of the analysis will provide the base for suggestions regarding the variants of the reconstruction. This work defines three variants of reconstruction which have been simulated in the "PTV Vissim" program and evaluated by the procedures of a multi-criteria analysis. After conducting the procedures of the multi-criteria analysis, the sensitivity analysis was conducted as it was chosen as the optimal variant. The end of the work is a review about the sources of financing the optimal project

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