2,280 research outputs found

    Experimental implementation of bit commitment in the noisy-storage model

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    Fundamental primitives such as bit commitment and oblivious transfer serve as building blocks for many other two-party protocols. Hence, the secure implementation of such primitives are important in modern cryptography. In this work, we present a bit commitment protocol which is secure as long as the attacker's quantum memory device is imperfect. The latter assumption is known as the noisy-storage model. We experimentally executed this protocol by performing measurements on polarization-entangled photon pairs. Our work includes a full security analysis, accounting for all experimental error rates and finite size effects. This demonstrates the feasibility of two-party protocols in this model using real-world quantum devices. Finally, we provide a general analysis of our bit commitment protocol for a range of experimental parameters.Comment: 21 pages (7 main text +14 appendix), 6+3 figures. New version changed author's name from Huei Ying Nelly Ng to Nelly Huei Ying Ng, for consistency with other publication

    Thermally-Switchable Metalenses Based on Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum

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    Dynamic wavefront shaping with optical metasurfaces has presented a major challenge and inspired a large number of highly elaborate solutions. Here, we experimentally demonstrate thermo-optically reconfigurable, nonlocal metasurfaces using simple device architectures and conventional CMOS-compatible dielectric materials. These metasurfaces support quasi-bound states in the continuum (q-BICs) derived from symmetry breaking and encoded with a spatially varying geometric phase, such that they shape optical wavefront exclusively on spectrally narrowband resonances. Due to the enhanced light-matter interaction enabled by the resonant q-BICs, a slight variation of the refractive index introduced by heating and cooling the entire device leads to a substantial shift of the resonant wavelength and a subsequent change to the optical wavefront associated with the resonance. We experimentally demonstrate a metalens modulator, the focusing capability of which can be thermally turned on and off, and reconfigurable metalenses, which can be thermo-optically switched to produce two distinct focal patterns. Our devices offer a pathway to realize reconfigurable, multifunctional meta-optics using established manufacturing processes and widely available dielectric materials that are conventionally not considered "active" materials due to their small thermo-optic or electro-optic coefficients

    Leaky-wave metasurfaces for integrated photonics

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    Metasurfaces have been rapidly advancing our command over the many degrees of freedom of light within compact, lightweight devices. However, so far, they have mostly been limited to manipulating light in free space. Grating couplers provide the opportunity of bridging far-field optical radiation and in-plane guided waves, and thus have become fundamental building blocks in photonic integrated circuits. However, their operation and degree of light control is much more limited than metasurfaces. Metasurfaces integrated on top of guided wave photonic systems have been explored to control the scattering of light off-chip with enhanced functionalities - namely, point-by-point manipulation of amplitude, phase or polarization. However, these efforts have so far been limited to controlling one or two optical degrees of freedom at best, and to device configurations much more complex compared to conventional grating couplers. Here, we introduce leaky-wave metasurfaces, which are based on symmetry-broken photonic crystal slabs that support quasi-bound states in the continuum. This platform has a compact form factor equivalent to the one of conventional grating couplers, but it provides full command over amplitude, phase and polarization (four optical degrees of freedom) across large apertures. We present experimental demonstrations of various functionalities for operation at wavelengths near 1.55 microns based on leaky-wave metasurfaces, including devices for phase and amplitude control at a fixed polarization state, and devices controlling all four optical degrees of freedom. Our results merge the fields of guided and free-space optics under the umbrella of metasurfaces, exploiting the hybrid nature of quasi-bound states in the continuum, for opportunities to advance in disruptive ways imaging, communications, augmented reality, quantum optics, LIDAR and integrated photonic systems.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Clinical and functional change in multifocal motor neuropathy treated with IVIg

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    We determined the clinical progression, disability and outcome of 11 Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) patients from Malaysia. Mean patient age was 46.8 (SD 13.3), with mean disease duration of 108.0 months (SD 80.2). All reported unilateral limb weakness at onset. At diagnosis, after mean 49.9 months (SD 73.5) delay, 7 (63.6%) had more than 2 limbs involvement. Nine (90%) of 10 patients received induction IVIg dose of 2.0 gm/kg responded, demonstrated improvement in MRCSS of > 2 points or mRS score of > 1 point. We observed 38.5% drop in IVIg dose to mean 1.12 gm/kg/month after 12 months of treatment, and a further 34.8% drop upon 24th month treatment to mean dose of 0.73 gm/kg/month. This was in parallel with initial improvement in MRCSS and mRS, observed among 88.9% and 77.8% of the patients, and later further improvement (33.3%) or stabilization (66.7%) of mRS score toward 2nd year. During the same period, 50% of patients reported deterioration in ONLS, 33.3% in grip strength and 16.7% in MMN-RODS. Beyond 36th month, average annual IVIg dose increased at 0.12 gm/kg/year (SD 0.09) or 11.2%, up to the 84th months. Despite that, progressive deterioration was observed in term of number of limbs involvement, definite motor conduction blocks on electrophysiology study, and both clinical as well as functional scores. Although IVIg dose reduction for maintenance treatment in MMN is recommended, careful clinical assessment is required to prevent under-treatment. Use of reliable and responsive modern outcome measures is important to quantify clinically relevant change to guide therapy

    The Maguk protein, Pals1, functions as an adapter, linking mammalian homologues of Crumbs and Discs Lost

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    Membrane-associated guanylate kinase (Maguk) proteins are scaffold proteins that contain PSD-95–Discs Large–zona occludens-1 (PDZ), Src homology 3, and guanylate kinase domains. A subset of Maguk proteins, such as mLin-2 and protein associated with Lin-7 (Pals)1, also contain two L27 domains: an L27C domain that binds mLin-7 and an L27N domain of unknown function. Here, we demonstrate that the L27N domain targets Pals1 to tight junctions by binding to a PDZ domain protein, Pals1-associated tight junction (PATJ) protein, via a unique Maguk recruitment domain. PATJ is a homologue of Drosophila Discs Lost, a protein that is crucial for epithelial polarity and that exists in a complex with the apical polarity determinant, Crumbs. PATJ and a human Crumbs homologue, CRB1, colocalize with Pals1 to tight junctions, and CRB1 interacts with PATJ albeit indirectly via binding the Pals1 PDZ domain. In agreement, we find that a Drosophila homologue of Pals1 participates in identical interactions with Drosophila Crumbs and Discs Lost. This Drosophila Pals1 homologue has been demonstrated recently to represent Stardust, a crucial polarity gene in Drosophila. Thus, our data identifies a new multiprotein complex that appears to be evolutionarily conserved and likely plays an important role in protein targeting and cell polarity

    Bioavailable testosterone linearly declines over a wide age spectrum in men and women from the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging

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    Background: Age-related changes in testosterone levels in older persons and especially in women have not been fully explored. The objective of this study was to describe age-related trajectories of total testosterone (TT), ammonium sulfate precipitation-measured bioavailable testosterone (mBT), and sex hormone-binding glycoprotein (SHBG) in men and women from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, with special focus on the oldest adults. Methods: Participants included 788 White men and women aged 30-96 years with excellent representation of old and oldest old, who reported not taking medications known to interfere with testosterone. Longitudinal data were included when available. TT, mBT, and SHBG were assayed. Age-related trajectories of mBT were compared with those obtained using calculated bioavailable testosterone (cBT). Generalized least square models were performed to describe age-related trajectories of TT, mBT, and SHBG in men and women. Results: mBT linearly declines over the life span and even at older ages in both sexes. In men, TT remains quite stable until the age of 70 years and then declines at older ages, whereas in women TT progressively declines in premenopausal years and slightly increases at older ages. Differences in age-related trajectories between total and bioavailable testosterone are only partially explained by age changes in SHBG, whose levels increases at accelerated rates in old persons. Noteworthy, although mBT and cBT highly correlated with one another, mBT is a much stronger correlate of chronological age than cBT. Conclusion: In both men and women, mBT linearly declines over the life span and even at old ages. Its relationship with age-related phenotypes should be further investigated

    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: single-probe measurements from CMASS anisotropic galaxy clustering

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    With the largest spectroscopic galaxy survey volume drawn from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), we can extract cosmological constraints from the measurements of redshift and geometric distortions at quasi-linear scales (e.g. above 50 h1h^{-1}Mpc). We analyze the broad-range shape of the monopole and quadrupole correlation functions of the BOSS Data Release 12 (DR12) CMASS galaxy sample, at the effective redshift z=0.59z=0.59, to obtain constraints on the Hubble expansion rate H(z)H(z), the angular-diameter distance DA(z)D_A(z), the normalized growth rate f(z)σ8(z)f(z)\sigma_8(z), and the physical matter density Ωmh2\Omega_mh^2. We obtain robust measurements by including a polynomial as the model for the systematic errors, and find it works very well against the systematic effects, e.g., ones induced by stars and seeing. We provide accurate measurements {DA(0.59)rs,fid/rs\{D_A(0.59)r_{s,fid}/r_s Mpc\rm Mpc, H(0.59)rs/rs,fidH(0.59)r_s/r_{s,fid} kms1Mpc1km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, f(0.59)σ8(0.59)f(0.59)\sigma_8(0.59), Ωmh2}\Omega_m h^2\} = {1427±26\{1427\pm26, 97.3±3.397.3\pm3.3, 0.488±0.0600.488 \pm 0.060, 0.135±0.016}0.135\pm0.016\}, where rsr_s is the comoving sound horizon at the drag epoch and rs,fid=147.66r_{s,fid}=147.66 Mpc is the sound scale of the fiducial cosmology used in this study. The parameters which are not well constrained by our galaxy clustering analysis are marginalized over with wide flat priors. Since no priors from other data sets, e.g., cosmic microwave background (CMB), are adopted and no dark energy models are assumed, our results from BOSS CMASS galaxy clustering alone may be combined with other data sets, i.e., CMB, SNe, lensing or other galaxy clustering data to constrain the parameters of a given cosmological model. The uncertainty on the dark energy equation of state parameter, ww, from CMB+CMASS is about 8 per cent. The uncertainty on the curvature fraction, Ωk\Omega_k, is 0.3 per cent. We do not find deviation from flat Λ\LambdaCDM.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. The latest version matches and the accepted version by MNRAS. A bug in the first version has been identified and fixed in the new version. We have redone the analysis with newest data (BOSS DR12

    Large-scale meta-analysis highlights the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in the genetic regulation of menstrual cycle length

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    The normal menstrual cycle requires a delicate interplay between the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary. Therefore, its length is an important indicator of female reproductive health. Menstrual cycle length has been shown to be partially controlled by genetic factors, especially in the follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit (FSHB) locus. A genome-wide association study meta-analysis of menstrual cycle length in 44 871 women of European ancestry confirmed the previously observed association with the FSHB locus and identified four additional novel signals in, or near, the GNRH1, PGR, NR5A2 and INS-IGF2 genes. These findings not only confirm the role of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in the genetic regulation of menstrual cycle length but also highlight potential novel local regulatory mechanisms, such as those mediated by IGF2