853 research outputs found

    Flow-induced correlation effects within a linear chain in a polymer melt

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    A framework for a consistent description of the flow-induced correlation effects within a linear polymer chain in a melt is proposed. The formalism shows how correlations between chain segments in the flow can be incorporated into a hierarchy of distribution functions for tangent vectors. The present model allows one to take into account all the major relaxation mechanisms. Special cases of the derived set of equations are shown to yield existing models and shed some light on the connection between them. Consequences of several assumptions widely used in the literature are analyzed within the developed framework

    BlogForever D2.6: Data Extraction Methodology

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    This report outlines an inquiry into the area of web data extraction, conducted within the context of blog preservation. The report reviews theoretical advances and practical developments for implementing data extraction. The inquiry is extended through an experiment that demonstrates the effectiveness and feasibility of implementing some of the suggested approaches. More specifically, the report discusses an approach based on unsupervised machine learning that employs the RSS feeds and HTML representations of blogs. It outlines the possibilities of extracting semantics available in blogs and demonstrates the benefits of exploiting available standards such as microformats and microdata. The report proceeds to propose a methodology for extracting and processing blog data to further inform the design and development of the BlogForever platform

    Controlled Nanoparticle Formation by Diffusion Limited Coalescence

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    Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) have a great application potential in science and technology. Their functionality strongly depends on their size. We present a theory for the size of NPs formed by precipitation of polymers into a bad solvent in the presence of a stabilizing surfactant. The analytical theory is based upon diffusion-limited coalescence kinetics of the polymers. Two relevant time scales, a mixing and a coalescence time, are identified and their ratio is shown to determine the final NP diameter. The size is found to scale in a universal manner and is predominantly sensitive to the mixing time and the polymer concentration if the surfactant concentration is sufficiently high. The model predictions are in good agreement with experimental data. Hence the theory provides a solid framework for tailoring nanoparticles with a priori determined size.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of molecular weight on the phase behavior and structure formation of branched side-chain hairy-rod polyfluorene in bulk phase.

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    We report on an experimental study of the self-organization and phase behavior of hairy-rod π -conjugated branched side-chain polyfluorene, poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-fluorene-2,7-diyl]—i.e., poly[2,7–(9,9–bis(2–ethylhexyl)fluorene] (PF2∕6) —as a function of molecular weight (Mn) . The results have been compared to those of phenomenological theory. Samples for which Mn=3–147 kg∕mol were used. First, the stiffness of PF2∕6 , the assumption of the theory, has been probed by small-angle neutron scattering in solution. Thermogravimetry has been used to show that PF2∕6 is thermally stable over the conditions studied. Second, the existence of nematic and hexagonal phases has been phenomenologically identified for lower and higher Mn (LMW, Mn<Mn* and HMW, Mn>Mn* ) regimes, respectively, based on free-energy argument of nematic and hexagonal hairy rods and found to correspond to the experimental x-ray diffraction (XRD) results for PF2∕6 . By using the lattice parameters of PF2∕6 as an experimental input, the nematic-hexagonal transition has been predicted in the vicinity of glassification temperature (Tg) of PF2∕6 . Then, by taking the orientation parts of the free energies into account the nematic-hexagonal transition has been calculated as a function of temperature and Mn and a phase diagram has been formed. Below Tg of 80 °C only (frozen) nematic phase is observed for Mn<Mn*=104 g∕mol and crystalline hexagonal phase for Mn>Mn* . The nematic-hexagonal transition upon heating is observed for the HMW regime depending weakly on Mn , being at 140–165 °C for Mn>Mn* . Third, the phase behavior and structure formation as a function of Mn have been probed using powder and fiber XRD and differential scanning calorimetry and reasonable semiquantitative agreement with theory has been found for Mn≄3 kg∕mol . Fourth, structural characteristics are widely discussed. The nematic phase of LMW materials has been observed to be denser than high-temperature nematic phase of HMW compounds. The hexagonal phase has been found to be paracrystalline in the (ab0) plane but a genuine crystal meridionally. We also find that all these materials including the shortest 10-mer possess the formerly observed rigid five-helix hairy-rod molecular structure

    A molecular model for cohesive slip at polymer melt/solid interfaces

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    A molecular model is proposed which predicts wall slip by disentanglement of polymer chains adsorbed on a wall from those in the polymer bulk. The dynamics of the near-wall boundary layer is found to be governed by a nonlinear equation of motion, which accounts for such mechanisms on surface chains as convection, retraction, constraint release, and thermal fluctuations. This equation is valid over a wide range of grafting regimes, including those in which interactions between neighboring adsorbed molecules become essential. It is not closed since the dynamics of adsorbed chains is shown to be coupled to that of polymer chains in the bulk via constraint release. The constitutive equations for the layer and bulk, together with continuity of stress and velocity, are found to form a closed system of equations which governs the dynamics of the whole "bulk+boundary layer" ensemble. Its solution provides a stick-slip law in terms of the molecular parameters and extruder geometry. The model is quantitative and contains only those parameters that can be measured directly, or extracted from independent rheological measurements. The model predictions show a good agreement with available experimental data. © 2005 American Institute of Physics

    Phase behavior and structure formation of hairy-rod supramolecules

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    Phase behavior and microstructure formation of rod and coil molecules, which can associate to form hairy-rod polymeric supramolecules, are addressed theoretically. Association induces considerable compatibility enhancement between the rod and coil molecules and various microscopically ordered structures can appear in the compatibility region. The equilibria between microphase-separated states, the coil-rich isotropic liquid and the rod-rich nematic are discussed in detail. In the regime where hairy-rod supramolecules with a high grafting density appear as a result of the association, three phase diagram types are possible depending on the value of the association energy. In the low grafting density regime only the lamellar microstructure is proven to be stable

    Culture, role and group work: A Social network analysis perspective on an online collaborative course

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    This paper discusses the patterns of network dynamics within a multicultural online collaborative learning environment. It analyses the interaction of participants (both students and facilitators) within a discussion board that was established as part of a 3-month online collaborative course. The study employs longitudinal probabilistic social network analysis (SNA) to identify the patterns and trends within the network. It conjectures and tests a set of hypotheses concerning the tendencies towards homophily/heterophily and preferential attachment. The paper presents identified interaction network patterns in relation to cultural differences. It also evaluates network dynamics by considering participant roles and group work in the course under study. Results of social network analyses are reported along with measures of statistical confidence in findings. The potential for extending exploratory SNA methods and visualisation techniques in educational research are discussed here

    Experimental Outlook for the Pentaquark

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    A critical look is taken at both positive and null evidence for the Θ+\Theta^+ pentaquark. Potential problems with experiments will be discussed and the question of what conclusion can be drawn from both the positive and the null results is examined. First the question of existence of the Θ+\Theta^+ pentaquark is considered, followed by a discussion of new experiments that are either planned or in progress to answer questions about its mass, width and isospin. Finally, indirect evidence for the parity of the Θ+\Theta^+ is examined, and suggestions for experiments to measure its parity directly are given.Comment: MESON2004 conference proceedings, 10 pages, 1 figur

    Effect of side-chain asymmetry on the intermolecular structure and order-disorder transition in alkyl-substituted polyfluorenes

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    We study relations among the side-chain asymmetry, structure, and order-disorder transition (ODT) in hairy-rod-type poly(9,9-dihexylfluorene) (PF6) with two identical side chains and atactic poly(9-octyl-9-methylfluorene) (PF1-8) with two different side chains per repeat. PF6 and PF1-8 organize into alternating side-chain and backbone layers that transform into an isotropic phase at T-ODT(PF6) and T-bi(ODT)(PF1-8). We interpret polymers in terms of monodisperse and bidisperse brushes and predict scenarios T-ODT <T-bi(ODT) and T-ODT similar to T-bi(ODT) for high and low grafting densities (the side-chain length above or below the average grafting distance). Calorimetry and x-ray scattering indicate the condition T-ODT(PF6) similar to T-bi(ODT)(PF1-8) following the low grafting prediction. PF6 side chains coming from the alternating backbone layers appear as two separate layers with thickness H(PF6), whereas PF1-8 side chains appear as an indistinguishable bilayer with a half thickness H-bilayer(PF1-8)/2 approximate to H(PF6). The low grafting density region is structurally possible but not certain for PF6 and confirmed for PF1-8.Peer reviewe

    Interpretation of the Theta+ as an isotensor pentaquark with weakly decaying partners

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    The Theta+(1540), recently observed at LEPS, DIANA and CLAS, is hypothesized to be an isotensor resonance. This implies the existence of a multiplet where the Theta++, Theta+ and Theta0 have isospin-violating strong decays, and the Theta+++ and Theta- have weak decays and so are long-lived. Production mechanisms for these states are discussed. The J^P assignment of the Theta is most likely 1/2^- or 3/2^-.Comment: references added, section on pentaquark model revised, 11 pages, LaTeX, accepted for publication in Physics Letters
