415 research outputs found

    Simulation-based design study for the passive shielding of the COSINUS dark matter experiment

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    The COSINUS (Cryogenic Observatory for SIgnatures seen in Next-generation Underground Searches) experiment aims at the detection of dark matter-induced recoils in sodium iodide (NaI) crystals operated as scintillating cryogenic calorimeters. The detection of both scintillation light and phonons allows performing an event-by-event signal to background discrimination, thus enhancing the sensitivity of the experiment. The choice of using NaI crystals is motivated by the goal of probing the long-standing DAMA/LIBRA results using the same target material. The construction of the experimental facility is foreseen to start by 2021 at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in Italy. It consists of a cryostat housing the target crystals shielded from the external radioactivity by a water tank acting, at the same time, as an active veto against cosmic ray-induced events. Taking into account both environmental radioactivity and intrinsic contamination of materials used for cryostat, shielding and infrastructure, we performed a careful background budget estimation. The goal is to evaluate the number of events that could mimic or interfere with signal detection while optimising the geometry of the experimental setup. In this paper we present the results of the detailed Monte Carlo simulations we performed, together with the final design of the setup that minimises the residual amount of background particles reaching the detector volume.Peer reviewe

    Reflective, polarizing, and magnetically soft amorphous Fe/Si multilayer neutron optics with isotope-enriched 11B4C inducing atomically flat interfaces

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    The utilization of polarized neutrons is of great importance in scientific disciplines spanning materials science, physics, biology, and chemistry. Polarization analysis offers insights into otherwise unattainable sample information such as magnetic domains and structures, protein crystallography, composition, orientation, ion-diffusion mechanisms, and relative location of molecules in multicomponent biological systems. State-of-the-art multilayer polarizing neutron optics have limitations, particularly low specular reflectivity and polarization at higher scattering vectors/angles, and the requirement of high external magnetic fields to saturate the polarizer magnetization. Here, we show that by incorporating 11B4C into Fe/Si multilayers, amorphization and smooth interfaces can be achieved, yielding higher neutron reflectivity, less diffuse scattering and higher polarization. Magnetic coercivity is eliminated, and magnetic saturation can be reached at low external fields (>2 mT). This approach offers prospects for significant improvement in polarizing neutron optics, enabling; nonintrusive positioning of the polarizer, enhanced flux, increased data accuracy, and further polarizing/analyzing methods at neutron scattering facilities

    Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales-Review and development of nutrient metrics

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MNutrient availability influences virtually every aspect of an ecosystem, and is a critical modifier of ecosystem responses to global change. Although this crucial role of nutrient availability in regulating ecosystem structure and functioning has been widely acknowledged, nutrients are still often neglected in observational and experimental synthesis studies due to difficulties in comparing the nutrient status across sites. In the current study, we explain different nutrient-related concepts and discuss the potential of soil-, plant- and remote sensing-based metrics to compare the nutrient status across space. Based on our review and additional analyses on a dataset of European, managed temperate and boreal forests (ICP [International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests] Forests dataset), we conclude that the use of plant- and remote sensing-based metrics that rely on tissue stoichiometry is limited due to their strong dependence on species identity. The potential use of other plant-based metrics such as Ellenberg indicator values and plant-functional traits is also discussed. We conclude from our analyses and review that soil-based metrics have the highest potential for successful intersite comparison of the nutrient status. As an example, we used and adjusted a soil-based metric, previously developed for conifer forests across Sweden, against the same ICP Forests data. We suggest that this adjusted and further adaptable metric, which included the organic carbon concentration in the upper 20 cm of the soil (including the organic fermentation-humus [FH] layer), the C:N ratio and of the FH layer, can be used as a complementary tool along with other indicators of nutrient availability, to compare the background nutrient status across temperate and boreal forests dominated by spruce, pine or beech. Future collection and provision of harmonized soil data from observational and experimental sites is crucial for further testing and adjusting the metric

    Simulation-based design study for the passive shielding of the COSINUS dark matter experiment

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    The COSINUS (Cryogenic Observatory for SIgnatures seen in Next-generation Underground Searches) experiment aims at the detection of dark matter-induced recoils in sodium iodide (NaI) crystals operated as scintillating cryogenic calorimeters. The detection of both scintillation light and phonons allows performing an event-by-event signal to background discrimination, thus enhancing the sensitivity of the experiment. The construction of the experimental facility is foreseen to start by 2021 at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in Italy. It consists of a cryostat housing the target crystals shielded from the external radioactivity by a water tank acting, at the same time, as an active veto against cosmic ray-induced events. Taking into account both environmental radioactivity and intrinsic contamination of materials used for cryostat, shielding and infrastructure, we performed a careful background budget estimation. The goal is to evaluate the number of events that could mimic or interfere with signal detection while optimising the geometry of the experimental setup. In this paper we present the results of the detailed Monte Carlo simulations we performed, together with the final design of the setup that minimises the residual amount of background particles reaching the detector volume.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Gene products of chromosome 11q and their association with CCND1 gene amplification and tamoxifen resistance in premenopausal breast cancer

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    Introduction: The amplification event occurring at chromosome locus 11q13, reported in several different cancers, includes a number of potential oncogenes. We have previously reported amplification of one such oncogene, namely CCND1, to be correlated with an adverse effect of tamoxifen in premenopausal breast cancer patients. Over-expression of cyclin D-1 protein, however, confers tamoxifen resistance but not a tamoxifen-induced adverse effect. Potentially, co-amplification of an additional 11q13 gene, with a resulting protein over-expression, is required to cause an agonistic effect. Moreover, during 11q13 amplification a deletion of the distal 11q region has been described. In order to assess the potential impact of the deletion we examined a selected marker for this event. Method: Array comparative genomic hybridization analysis was employed to identify and confirm changes in the gene expression of a number of different genes mapping to the 11q chromosomal region, associated with CCND1 amplification. The subsequent protein expression of these candidate genes was then examined in a clinical material of 500 primary breast cancers from premenopausal patients who were randomly assigned to either tamoxifen or no adjuvant treatment. The protein expression was also compared with gene expression data in a subset of 56 breast cancer samples. Results: Cortactin and FADD (Fas-associated death domain) over-expression was linked to CCND1 amplification, determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization, but was not associated with a diminished effect of tamoxifen. However, deletion of distal chromosome 11q, defined as downregulation of the marker Chk1 (checkpoint kinase 1), was associated with an impaired tamoxifen response, and interestingly with low proliferative breast cancer of low grade. For Pak1 (p21-activated kinase 1) and cyclin D-1 the protein expression corresponded to the gene expression data. Conclusions: The results indicate that many 11q13 associated gene products are over-expressed in conjunction with cyclin D-1 but not linked to an agonistic effect of tamoxifen. Finally, the deletion of distal 11q, linked to 11q13 amplification, might be an important event affecting breast cancer outcome and tamoxifen response

    Increasing numbers and improved overall survival of patients on kidney replacement therapy over the last decade in Europe : an ERA Registry study

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    Background The aim of this study was to describe the trends in the incidence, prevalence and survival of patients on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) across Europe from 2008 to 2017. Methods Data from renal registries in 9 countries and 16 regions that provided individual patient data to the ERA Registry from 2008 to 2017 were included. These registries cover 34% of the general population in Europe. Crude and standardized incidence and prevalence per million population (pmp) were determined. Trends over time were studied using Joinpoint regression. Survival probabilities were estimated using Kaplan-Meier analysis and hazard ratios (HRs) using Cox regression analysis. Results The standardized incidence of KRT was stable [annual percentage change (APC): -1.48 (-3.15; 0.21)] from 2008 (146.0 pmp) to 2011 (141.6 pmp), followed by a slight increase [APC: 1.01 (0.43; 1.60)] to 148.0 pmp in 2017, although trends in incidence varied across countries. This increase was primarily due to a rise in the incidence of KRT in men older than 65 years. Moreover, as a cause of kidney failure, diabetes mellitus is increasing. The standardized prevalence increased from 2008 (990.0 pmp) to 2017 (1166.8 pmp) [APC: 1.82 (1.75; 1.89)]. Patient survival on KRT improved in the time period 2011-13 compared with 2008-[adjusted HR: 0.94 (0.93; 0.95)]. Conclusion This study showed an overall increase in the incidence and prevalence of KRT for ESKD as well as an increase in the KRT patient survival over the last decade in Europe.Peer reviewe