325 research outputs found

    Neutrino Signatures From Young Neutron Stars

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    After a successful core collapse supernova (CCSN) explosion, a hot dense proto-neutron star (PNS) is left as a remnant. Over a time of 20 or so seconds, this PNS emits the majority of the neutrinos that come from the CCSN, contracts, and loses most of its lepton number. This is the process by which all neutron stars in our galaxy are likely born. The emitted neutrinos were detected from supernova (SN) 1987A, and they will be detected in much greater numbers from any future galactic CCSN. These detections can provide a direct window into the properties of the dense matter encountered inside neutron stars, and they can affect nucleosynthesis in the material ejected during the CCSN. In this chapter, we review the basic physics of PNS cooling, including the basic equations of PNS structure and neutrino diffusion in dense matter. We then discuss how the nuclear equation of state, neutrino opacities in dense matter, and convection can shape the temporal behavior of the neutrino signal. We also discuss what was learned from the late-time SN 1987A neutrinos, the prospects for detection of these neutrinos from future galactic CCSNe, and the effects these neutrinos can have on nucleosynthesis

    A Systematic Review of the Effect of Cognitive Strategies on Strength Performance

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    Background Researchers have tested the beliefs of sportspeople and sports medicine specialists that cognitive strategies influence strength performance. Few investigators have synthesised the literature. Objectives The specific objectives were to review evidence regarding (a) the cognitive strategy–strength performance relationship; (b) participant skill level as a moderator; and (c) cognitive, motivational, biomechanical/physiological, and emotional mediators. Method Studies were sourced via electronic databases, reference lists of retrieved articles, and manual searches of relevant journals. Studies had to be randomised or counterbalanced experiments with a control group or condition, repeated measures, and a quality control score above 0.5 (out of 1). Cognitive strategies included goal setting, imagery, self-talk, preparatory arousal, and free choice. Dependent variables included maximal strength, local muscular endurance, or muscular power. Results Globally, cognitive strategies were reliability associated with increased strength performance (results ranged from 61 to 65 %). Results were mixed when examining the effects of specific strategies on particular dependent variables, although no intervention had an overall negative influence. Indeterminate relationships emerged regarding hypothesised mediators (except cognitive variables) and participant skill level as a moderator. Conclusions Although cognitive strategies influence strength performance, there are knowledge gaps regarding specific types of strength, especially muscular power. Cognitive variables, such as concentration, show promise as possible mediators

    Activation of the SMU.1882 Transcription by CovR in Streptococcus mutans

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    In Streptococcus mutans, the global response regulator CovR plays an important role in biofilm formation, stress-tolerance response, and caries production. We have previously shown that CovR acts as a transcriptional repressor by binding to the upstream promoter regions of its target genes. Here, we report that in vivo, CovR activates the transcription of SMU.1882, which encodes a small peptide containing a double-glycine motif. We also show that SMU.1882 is transcriptionally linked to comA that encodes a putative ABC transporter protein. Several genes from man gene clusters that encode mannose phosphotranferase system flank SMU.1882 -comA genes. Genomic comparison with other streptococci indicates that SMU.1882 is uniquely present in S. mutans, while the man operon is conserved among all streptococci, suggesting that a genetic rearrangement might have taken place at this locus. With the use of a transcriptional reporter system and semi-quantitative RT-PCR, we demonstrated the transcriptional regulation of SMU.1882 by CovR. In vitro gel shift and DNase I foot-printing analyses with purified CovR suggest that CovR binds to a large region surrounding the -10 region of the P1882. Using this information and comparing with other CovR regulated promoters, we have developed a putative consensus binding sequence for CovR. Although CovR binds to P1882, in vitro experiments using purified S. mutans RpoD, E. coli RNA polymerase, and CovR did not activate transcription from this promoter. Thus, we speculate that in vivo, CovR may interfere with the binding of a repressor or requires a cofactor

    Learning to Eat Vegetables in Early Life: The Role of Timing, Age and Individual Eating Traits

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    Vegetable intake is generally low among children, who appear to be especially fussy during the pre-school years. Repeated exposure is known to enhance intake of a novel vegetable in early life but individual differences in response to familiarisation have emerged from recent studies. In order to understand the factors which predict different responses to repeated exposure, data from the same experiment conducted in three groups of children from three countries (n = 332) aged 4–38 m (18.9±9.9 m) were combined and modelled. During the intervention period each child was given between 5 and 10 exposures to a novel vegetable (artichoke puree) in one of three versions (basic, sweet or added energy). Intake of basic artichoke puree was measured both before and after the exposure period. Overall, younger children consumed more artichoke than older children. Four distinct patterns of eating behaviour during the exposure period were defined. Most children were “learners” (40%) who increased intake over time. 21% consumed more than 75% of what was offered each time and were labelled “plate-clearers”. 16% were considered “non-eaters” eating less than 10 g by the 5th exposure and the remainder were classified as “others” (23%) since their pattern was highly variable. Age was a significant predictor of eating pattern, with older pre-school children more likely to be non-eaters. Plate-clearers had higher enjoyment of food and lower satiety responsiveness than non-eaters who scored highest on food fussiness. Children in the added energy condition showed the smallest change in intake over time, compared to those in the basic or sweetened artichoke condition. Clearly whilst repeated exposure familiarises children with a novel food, alternative strategies that focus on encouraging initial tastes of the target food might be needed for the fussier and older pre-school children

    Comparative molecular biological analysis of membrane transport genes in organisms

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    Comparative analyses of membrane transport genes revealed many differences in the features of transport homeostasis in eight diverse organisms, ranging from bacteria to animals and plants. In bacteria, membrane-transport systems depend mainly on single genes encoding proteins involved in an ATP-dependent pump and secondary transport proteins that use H+ as a co-transport molecule. Animals are especially divergent in their channel genes, and plants have larger numbers of P-type ATPase and secondary active transporters than do other organisms. The secondary transporter genes have diverged evolutionarily in both animals and plants for different co-transporter molecules. Animals use Na+ ions for the formation of concentration gradients across plasma membranes, dependent on secondary active transporters and on membrane voltages that in turn are dependent on ion transport regulation systems. Plants use H+ ions pooled in vacuoles and the apoplast to transport various substances; these proton gradients are also dependent on secondary active transporters. We also compared the numbers of membrane transporter genes in Arabidopsis and rice. Although many transporter genes are similar in these plants, Arabidopsis has a more diverse array of genes for multi-efflux transport and for response to stress signals, and rice has more secondary transporter genes for carbohydrate and nutrient transport

    S100B as a potential biomarker and therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology is characterized by neuroinflammation and demyelination. Recently, the inflammatory molecule S100B was identified in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum of MS patients. Although seen as an astrogliosis marker, lower/physiological levels of S100B are involved in oligodendrocyte differentiation/maturation. Nevertheless, increased S100B levels released upon injury may induce glial reactivity and oligodendrocyte demise, exacerbating tissue damage during an MS episode or delaying the following remyelination. Here, we aimed to unravel the functional role of S100B in the pathogenesis of MS. Elevated S100B levels were detected in the CSF of relapsing-remitting MS patients at diagnosis. Active demyelinating MS lesions showed increased expression of S100B and its receptor, the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), in the lesion area, while chronic active lesions displayed increased S100B in demyelinated areas with lower expression of RAGE in the rim. Interestingly, reactive astrocytes were identified as the predominant cellular source of S100B, whereas RAGE was expressed by activated microglia/macrophages. Using an ex vivo demyelinating model, cerebral organotypic slice cultures treated with lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), we observed a marked elevation of S100B upon demyelination, which co-localized mostly with astrocytes. Inhibition of S100B action using a directed antibody reduced LPC-induced demyelination, prevented astrocyte reactivity and abrogated the expression of inflammatory and inflammasome-related molecules. Overall, high S100B expression in MS patient samples suggests its usefulness as a diagnostic biomarker for MS, while the beneficial outcome of its inhibition in our demyelinating model indicates S100B as an emerging therapeutic target in MS.This work was supported by Medal of Honor L’Oréal for Women in Science (FCT, UNESCO, L’Óreal) and innovation grant (Ordem dos Farmacêuticos) to AF, a post-doctoral grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT-SFRH/BPD/96794/2013) and a DuPré Grant from the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) to AB, and by FCT-Pest- OE/SAU/UI4013 to iMed.ULisboa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio