284 research outputs found

    The occurrence of Guillain-Barré syndrome within families (multiple letters)

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    We thank Drs. Korn-Lubetzki and Steiner for their interest in our article. They concluded that the 17p12 deletion responsible for HNPP was also present in a family in which three members had an IDP. Two members fulfilled the criteria for CIDP and the other for AIDP.This finding may indicate that CIDP and this deletion may also be present in our recently reported Dutch families in which two or more members had GBS. [...

    Magneto-elastic torsional oscillations of magnetars

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    We extend a general-relativistic ideal magneto-hydrodynamical code to include the effects of elasticity. Using this numerical tool we analyse the magneto-elastic oscillations of highly magnetised neutron stars (magnetars). In simulations without magnetic field we are able to recover the purely crustal shear oscillations within an accuracy of about a few per cent. For dipole magnetic fields between 5 x 10^13 and 10^15 G the Alfv\'en oscillations become modified substantially by the presence of the crust. Those quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) split into three families: Lower QPOs near the equator, Edge QPOs related to the last open field line and Upper QPOs at larger distance from the equator. Edge QPOs are called so because they are related to an edge in the corresponding Alfv\'en continuum. The Upper QPOs are of the same kind, while the Lower QPOs are turning-point QPOs, related to a turning point in the continuous spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, Proceedings of NEB14, to appear in J. Phys.: Conf. Se

    Magnetar Oscillations I: strongly coupled dynamics of the crust and the core

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    Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) observed during Soft Gamma Repeaters giant flares are commonly interpreted as the torsional oscillations of magnetars. The oscillatory motion is influenced by the strong interaction between the shear modes of the crust and Alfven-like modes in the core. We study the dynamics which arises through this interaction, and present several new results: (1) We show that global {\it edge modes} frequently reside near the edges of the core Alfven continuum. (2) We compute the magnetar's oscillatory motion for realistic axisymmetric magnetic field configurations and core density profiles, but with a simplified model of the elastic crust. We show that one may generically get multiple gaps in the Alfven continuum. One obtains discrete global {\it gap modes} if the crustal frequencies belong to the gaps. (3) We show that field tangling in the core enhances the role of the core discrete Alfven modes and reduces the role of the core Alfven continuum in the overall oscillatory dynamics of the magnetar. (4) We demonstrate that the system displays transient and/or drifting QPOs when parts of the spectrum of the core Alfven modes contain discrete modes which are densely and regularly spaced in frequency. (5) We show that if the neutrons are coupled into the core Alfven motion, then the post-flare crustal motion is strongly damped and has a very weak amplitude. Thus magnetar QPOs give evidence that the proton and neutron components in the core are dynamically decoupled and that at least one of them is a quantum fluid. (6) We show that it is difficult to identify the high-frequency 625 Hz QPO as being due to the physical oscillatory mode of the magnetar, if the latter's fluid core consists of the standard proton-neutron-electron mixture and is magnetised to the same extent as the crust. (Abstract abridged)Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Magnetar Oscillations II: spectral method

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    The seismological dynamics of magnetars is largely determined by a strong hydro-magnetic coupling between the solid crust and the fluid core. In this paper we set up a "spectral" computational framework in which the magnetar's motion is decomposed into a series of basis functions which are associated with the crust and core vibrational eigenmodes. A general-relativistic formalism is presented for evaluation of the core Alfven modes in the magnetic-flux coordinates, as well for eigenmode computation of a strongly magnetized crust of finite thickness. By considering coupling of the crustal modes to the continuum of Alfven modes in the core, we construct a fully relativistic dynamical model of the magnetar which allows: i) Fast and long simulations without numerical dissipation. ii) Very fine sampling of the stellar structure. We find that the presence of strong magnetic field in the crust results in localizing of some high-frequency crustal elasto-magnetic modes with the radial number n>1 to the regions of the crust where the field is nearly horizontal. While the hydro-magnetic coupling of these localized modes to the Alfven continuum in the core is reduced, their energy is drained on a time-scale much less than 1 second. Therefore the puzzle of the observed QPOs with frequencies larger than 600 Hz still stands.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Measuring the neutron star equation of state using X-ray timing

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    One of the primary science goals of the next generation of hard X-ray timing instruments is to determine the equation of state of the matter at supranuclear densities inside neutron stars, by measuring the radius of neutron stars with different masses to accuracies of a few percent. Three main techniques can be used to achieve this goal. The first involves waveform modelling. The flux we observe from a hotspot on the neutron star surface offset from the rotational pole will be modulated by the star's rotation, giving rise to a pulsation. Information about mass and radius is encoded into the pulse profile via relativistic effects, and tight constraints on mass and radius can be obtained. The second technique involves characterising the spin distribution of accreting neutron stars. The most rapidly rotating stars provide a very clean constraint, since the mass-shedding limit is a function of mass and radius. However the overall spin distribution also provides a guide to the torque mechanisms in operation and the moment of inertia, both of which can depend sensitively on dense matter physics. The third technique is to search for quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray flux associated with global seismic vibrations of magnetars (the most highly magnetized neutron stars), triggered by magnetic explosions. The vibrational frequencies depend on stellar parameters including the dense matter equation of state. We illustrate how these complementary X-ray timing techniques can be used to constrain the dense matter equation of state, and discuss the results that might be expected from a 10m2^2 instrument. We also discuss how the results from such a facility would compare to other astronomical investigations of neutron star properties. [Modified for arXiv]Comment: To appear in Reviews of Modern Physics as a Colloquium, 23 pages, 9 figure

    Upper limits on the observational effects of nuclear pasta in neutron stars

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    The effects of the existence of exotic nuclear shapes at the bottom of the neutron star inner crust - nuclear `pasta' - on observational phenomena are estimated by comparing the limiting cases that those phases have a vanishing shear modulus and that they have the shear modulus of a crystalline solid . We estimate the effect on torsional crustal vibrations and on the maximum quadrupole ellipticity sustainable by the crust. The crust composition and transition densities are calculated consistently with the global properties, using a liquid drop model with a bulk nuclear equation of state (EoS) which allows a systematic variation of the nuclear symmetry energy. The symmetry energy J and its density dependence L at nuclear saturation density are the dominant nuclear inputs which determine the thickness of the crust, the range of densities at which pasta might appear, as well as global properties such as the radius and moment of inertia. We show the importance of calculating the global neutron star properties on the same footing as the crust EoS, and demonstrate that in the range of experimentally acceptable values of L, the pasta phase can alter the crust frequencies by up to a factor of three, exceeding the effects of superfluidity on the crust modes, and decrease the maximum quadrupole ellipticity sustainable by the crust by up to an order of magnitude. The signature of the pasta phases and the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the potential observables highlights the possibility of constraining the EoS of dense, neutron-rich matter and the properties of the pasta phases using astrophysical observations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Models of hydrostatic magnetar atmospheres at high luminosities

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    We investigate the possibility of Photospheric Radius Expansion (PRE) during magnetar bursts. Identification of PRE would enable a determination of the magnetic Eddington limit (which depends on field strength and neutron star mass and radius), and shed light on the burst mechanism. To do this we model hydrostatic atmospheres in a strong radial magnetic field, determining both their maximum extent and photospheric temperatures. We find that spatially-extended atmospheres cannot exist in such a field configuration: typical maximum extent for magnetar-strength fields is ~10 m (as compared to 200 km in the non-magnetic case). Achieving balance of gravitational and radiative forces over a large range of radii, which is critical to the existence of extended atmospheres, is rendered impossible in strong fields due to the dependence of opacities on temperature and field strength. We conclude that high luminosity bursts in magnetars do not lead to expansion and cooling of the photosphere, as in the non-magnetic case. We also find the maximum luminosity that can propagate through a hydrostatic magnetar atmosphere to be lower than previous estimates. The proximity and small extent of the photospheres associated with the two different polarization modes also calls into question the interpretation of two blackbody fits to magnetar burst spectra as being due to extended photospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Two-fluid models of superfluid neutron star cores

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    Both relativistic and non-relativistic two-fluid models of neutron star cores are constructed, using the constrained variational formalism developed by Brandon Carter and co-workers. We consider a mixture of superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons at zero temperature, taking into account mutual entrainment effects. Leptons, which affect the interior composition of the neutron star and contribute to the pressure, are also included. We provide the analytic expression of the Lagrangian density of the system, the so-called master function, from which the dynamical equations can be obtained. All the microscopic parameters of the models are calculated consistently using the non-relativistic nuclear energy density functional theory. For comparison, we have also considered relativistic mean field models. The correspondence between relativistic and non-relativistic hydrodynamical models is discussed in the framework of the recently developed 4D covariant formalism of Newtonian multi-fluid hydrodynamics. We have shown that entrainment effects can be interpreted in terms of dynamical effective masses that are larger in the relativistic case than in the Newtonian case. With the nuclear models considered in this work, we have found that the neutron relativistic effective mass is even greater than the bare neutron mass in the liquid core of neutron stars.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraints on Pasta Structure of Neutron Stars from Oscillations in Giant Flares

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    We show that the shear modes in the neutron star crust are quite sensitive to the existence of nonuniform nuclear structures, so-called "pasta". Due to the existence of pasta phase, the frequencies of shear modes are reduced, where the dependence of fundamental frequency is different from that of overtones. Since the torsional shear frequencies depend strongly on the structure of pasta phase, through the observations of stellar oscillations, one can probe the pasta structure in the crust, although that is quite difficult via the other observations. Additionally, considering the effect of pasta phase, we show the possibility to explain the all observed frequencies in the SGR 1806-20 with using only crust torsional shear modes
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