24,831 research outputs found

    Radon gas, useful for medical purposes, safely fixed in quartz

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    Radon gas is enclosed in quartz or glass ampules by subjecting the gas sealed at a low pressure in the ampules to an ionization process. This process is useful for preparing fixed radon sources for radiological treatment of malignancies, without the danger of releasing radioactive gases

    STOP - A computer program for supersonic transport trajectory optimization

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    IBM 7094 digital program using steepest ascent technique for optimizing flight path of supersonic transport aircraf

    Relationships Between the Performance of Time/Frequency Standards and Navigation/Communication Systems

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    The relationship between system performance and clock or oscillator performance is discussed. Tradeoffs discussed include: short term stability versus bandwidth requirements; frequency accuracy versus signal acquisition time; flicker of frequency and drift versus resynchronization time; frequency precision versus communications traffic volume; spectral purity versus bit error rate, and frequency standard stability versus frequency selection and adjustability. The benefits and tradeoffs of using precise frequency and time signals are various levels of precision and accuracy are emphasized

    Scanner observations of selected cool stars

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    Photoelectric spectral scans at 30-A resolution of 9 dwarfs, 10 giants and 6 supergiants with spectral types GO to M5 were presented. All stars were observed every 4 A from wavelength 3300 to wavelength 7000. Absorption features at this resolution coincide with: strong atomic lines of Fe 1,11, Ca 1,11, Mg 1, and Na 1; vibrational bands of the electronic transitions of TiO, MgH, CaH, SiH, AlH, Cn, Ch, C2, OH, and NH. The dependence of the wavelength 3740 Fe 1 blend and the wavelength 3440 depression on temperature is discussed

    Practical Bayesian Modeling and Inference for Massive Spatial Datasets On Modest Computing Environments

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    With continued advances in Geographic Information Systems and related computational technologies, statisticians are often required to analyze very large spatial datasets. This has generated substantial interest over the last decade, already too vast to be summarized here, in scalable methodologies for analyzing large spatial datasets. Scalable spatial process models have been found especially attractive due to their richness and flexibility and, particularly so in the Bayesian paradigm, due to their presence in hierarchical model settings. However, the vast majority of research articles present in this domain have been geared toward innovative theory or more complex model development. Very limited attention has been accorded to approaches for easily implementable scalable hierarchical models for the practicing scientist or spatial analyst. This article is submitted to the Practice section of the journal with the aim of developing massively scalable Bayesian approaches that can rapidly deliver Bayesian inference on spatial process that are practically indistinguishable from inference obtained using more expensive alternatives. A key emphasis is on implementation within very standard (modest) computing environments (e.g., a standard desktop or laptop) using easily available statistical software packages without requiring message-parsing interfaces or parallel programming paradigms. Key insights are offered regarding assumptions and approximations concerning practical efficiency.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Comparative genomics between rice and Arabidopsis shows scant collinearity in gene order

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    We have investigated possible collinearity between the genomes of rice and Arabidopsis by comparing 126 annotated and mapped rice BAC Sequences (similar to 20 Mb of sequence) with the annotated and complete Arabidopsis genome (similar to 115 Mb). Although we were able to identify several re.-ions in which gene order is preserved, they are relatively small, and are interrupted by noncollinear genes. Computer simulation showed that these microscale collinearities are above the expectation for a random process. Oil the other hand, the order of exons within homolo.-ous.-enes (<2.5 kb) was preserved, as expected

    Computing automorphic forms on Shimura curves over fields with arbitrary class number

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    We extend methods of Greenberg and the author to compute in the cohomology of a Shimura curve defined over a totally real field with arbitrary class number. Via the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, we thereby compute systems of Hecke eigenvalues associated to Hilbert modular forms of arbitrary level over a totally real field of odd degree. We conclude with two examples which illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.Comment: 15 pages; final submission to ANTS I

    On the Fourier transform of the characteristic functions of domains with C1C^1 -smooth boundary

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    We consider domains D⊆RnD\subseteq\mathbb R^n with C1C^1 -smooth boundary and study the following question: when the Fourier transform 1D^\hat{1_D} of the characteristic function 1D1_D belongs to Lp(Rn)L^p(\mathbb R^n)?Comment: added two references; added footnotes on pages 6 and 1

    On Singularity formation for the L^2-critical Boson star equation

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    We prove a general, non-perturbative result about finite-time blowup solutions for the L2L^2-critical boson star equation i∂tu=−Δ+m2 u−(∣x∣−1∗∣u∣2)ui\partial_t u = \sqrt{-\Delta+m^2} \, u - (|x|^{-1} \ast |u|^2) u in 3 space dimensions. Under the sole assumption that the solution blows up in H1/2H^{1/2} at finite time, we show that u(t)u(t) has a unique weak limit in L2L^2 and that ∣u(t)∣2|u(t)|^2 has a unique weak limit in the sense of measures. Moreover, we prove that the limiting measure exhibits minimal mass concentration. A central ingredient used in the proof is a "finite speed of propagation" property, which puts a strong rigidity on the blowup behavior of uu. As the second main result, we prove that any radial finite-time blowup solution uu converges strongly in L2L^2 away from the origin. For radial solutions, this result establishes a large data blowup conjecture for the L2L^2-critical boson star equation, similar to a conjecture which was originally formulated by F. Merle and P. Raphael for the L2L^2-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in [CMP 253 (2005), 675-704]. We also discuss some extensions of our results to other L2L^2-critical theories of gravitational collapse, in particular to critical Hartree-type equations.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted in Nonlinearit

    Network of recurrent events for the Olami-Feder-Christensen model

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    We numerically study the dynamics of a discrete spring-block model introduced by Olami, Feder and Christensen (OFC) to mimic earthquakes and investigate to which extent this simple model is able to reproduce the observed spatiotemporal clustering of seismicty. Following a recently proposed method to characterize such clustering by networks of recurrent events [Geophys. Res. Lett. {\bf 33}, L1304, 2006], we find that for synthetic catalogs generated by the OFC model these networks have many non-trivial statistical properties. This includes characteristic degree distributions -- very similar to what has been observed for real seismicity. There are, however, also significant differences between the OFC model and earthquake catalogs indicating that this simple model is insufficient to account for certain aspects of the spatiotemporal clustering of seismicity.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure
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