53 research outputs found

    Star clusters with dual red clumps

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    A few star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds exhibit composite structures in the red-clump region of their colour-magnitude diagrams. The most striking case is NGC419 in the SMC, where the red clump is composed of a main blob as well as a distinct secondary feature. This structure is demonstrated to be real and corresponds to the simultaneous presence of stars which passed through electron degeneracy after central-hydrogen exhaustion and those that did not. This rare occurrence in a single cluster allows us to set stringent constraints on its age and on the efficiency of convective-core overshooting during main-sequence evolution. We present a more detailed analysis of NGC419, together with a first look at other populous LMC clusters which are apparently in the same phase: NGC1751, NGC1783, NGC1806, NGC1846, NGC1852 and NGC1917. We also compare these Magellanic Cloud cases with their Galactic counterparts, NGC752 and NGC7789. We emphasise the extraordinary potential of these clusters as absolute calibration marks on the age scale of stellar populations.Comment: contributed talk at IAUS 266 'Star clusters: basic galactic building blocks', eds R. de Grijs and J. Lepine. A high resolution version of Fig. 1 is available in http://stev.oapd.inaf.it/~lgirardi/NGC419_hr.pd

    The VMC Survey. XXII. Hierarchical Star Formation in the 30 Doradus-N158-N159-N160 Star-forming Complex

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    We study the hierarchical stellar structures in a ∼1.5 deg2 area covering the 30 Doradus-N158-N159-N160 star-forming complex with the VISTA Survey of Magellanic Clouds. Based on the young upper main-sequence stars, we find that the surface densities cover a wide range of values, from log(pc2) ≲ -2.0 to log(pc2) ≳ 0.0. Their distributions are highly non-uniform, showing groups that frequently have subgroups inside. The sizes of the stellar groups do not exhibit characteristic values, and range continuously from several parsecs to more than 100 pc; the cumulative size distribution can be well described by a single power law, with the power-law index indicating a projected fractal dimension D2 = 1.6 ± 0.3. We suggest that the phenomena revealed here support a scenario of hierarchical star formation. Comparisons with other star-forming regions and galaxies are also discussed.Fil: Sun, Ning-Chen. Peking University; ChinaFil: Grijs, Richard De. Peking University; ChinaFil: Subramanian, Smitha. Peking University; ChinaFil: Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.. Universita Zu Berlin. Universita Postdam; AlemaniaFil: Rubele, Stefano. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Bekki, Kenji. University of Western Australia; AustraliaFil: Ivanov, Valentin D.. European Southern Observatory; ChileFil: Piatti, Andres Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Ripepi, Vincenzo. Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte; Itali

    Discovery of two distinct red clumps in NGC419: a rare snapshot of a cluster at the onset of degeneracy

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    Colour-magnitude diagrams (CMD) of the SMC star cluster NGC419, derived from HST/ACS data, reveal a well-delineated secondary clump located below the classical compact red clump typical of intermediate-age populations. We demonstrate that this feature belongs to the cluster itself, rather than to the underlying SMC field. Then, we use synthetic CMDs to show that it corresponds very well to the secondary clump predicted to appear as a result of He-ignition in stars just massive enough to avoid electron-degeneracy settling in their H-exhausted cores. The main red clump instead is made of the slightly less massive stars which passed through electron-degeneracy and ignited He at the tip of the RGB. In other words, NGC419 is the rare snapshot of a cluster while undergoing the fast transition from classical to degenerate H-exhausted cores. At this particular moment of a cluster's life, the colour distance between the main sequence turn-off and the red clump(s) depends sensitively on the amount of convective core overshooting, Lambda_c. By coupling measurements of this colour separation with fits to the red clump morphology, we are able to estimate simultaneously the cluster mean age (1.35(-0.04,+0.11) Gyr) and overshooting efficiency (Lambda_c=0.47(-0.04,+0.14)). Therefore, clusters like NGC419 may constitute important marks in the age scale of intermediate-age populations. After eye inspection of other CMDs derived from HST/ACS data, we suggest that the same secondary clump may also be present in the LMC clusters NGC1751, 1783, 1806, 1846, 1852, and 1917.Comment: To appear in MNRAS Letters (www.blackwell-synergy.com). Better printed in colou

    The star formation history of the Large Magellanic Cloud star cluster NGC1751

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    The HST/ACS colour-magnitude diagrams (CMD) of the populous LMC star cluster NGC1751 present both a broad main sequence turn-off and a dual clump of red giants. We show that the latter feature is real and associate it to the first appearance of electron-degeneracy in the H-exhausted cores of the cluster stars. We then apply to the NGC1751 data the classical method of star formation history (SFH) recovery via CMD reconstruction, for different radii corresponding to the cluster centre, the cluster outskirts, and the underlying LMC field. The mean SFH derived from the LMC field is taken into account during the stage of SFH-recovery in the cluster regions, in a novel approach which is shown to significantly improve the quality of the SFH results. For the cluster centre, we find a best-fitting solution corresponding to prolonged star formation for a for a timespan of 460 Myr, instead of the two peaks separated by 200 Myr favoured by a previous work based on isochrone fitting. Remarkably, our global best-fitting solution provides an excellent fit to the data - with chi^2 and residuals close to the theoretical minimum - reproducing all the CMD features including the dual red clump. The results for a larger ring region around the centre indicate even longer star formation, but in this case the results are of lower quality, probably because of the differential extinction detected in the area. Therefore, the presence of age gradients in NGC1751 could not be probed. Together with our previous findings for the SMC cluster NGC419, the present results for the NGC1751 centre argue in favour of multiple star formation episodes (or continued star formation) being at the origin of the multiple main sequence turn-offs in Magellanic Cloud clusters with ages around 1.5 Gyr.Comment: To appear soon in MNRAS. 12 pages, better printed in colou

    The VMC survey - XV : The Small Magellanic Cloud-Bridge connection history as traced by their star cluster populations

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    Date of Acceptance: 19/03/2015We present results based on YJKs photometry of star clusters located in the outermost, eastern region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We analysed a total of 51 catalogued clusters whose colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), having been cleaned from field-star contamination, were used to assess the clusters' reality and estimate ages of the genuine systems. Based on CMD analysis, 15 catalogued clusters were found to be possible non-genuine aggregates. We investigated the properties of 80 per cent of the catalogued clusters in this part of the SMC by enlarging our sample with previously obtained cluster ages, adopting a homogeneous scale for all. Their spatial distribution suggests that the oldest clusters, log(t/yr) ≥ 9.6, are in general located at greater distances to the galaxy's centre than their younger counterparts - 9.0 ≤ log(t/yr) ≤ 9.4 - while two excesses of clusters are seen at log(t/yr) ~9.2 and log(t yr-1) ˜ 9.7. We found a trail of younger clusters which follow the wing/bridge components. This long spatial sequence does not only harbour very young clusters, log(t yr-1) ~7.3, but it also hosts some of intermediate ages, log(t/yr) ~9.1. The derived cluster and field-star formation frequencies as a function of age are different. The most surprising feature is an observed excess of clusters with ages of log(t/yr) < 9.0, which could have been induced by interactions with the LMC.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The VMC Survey - XXI. New star cluster candidates discovered from infrared photometry in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © : 2016 A. E. Piatti, et al., published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. To access the final edited and published version see DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw1000We report the first search for new star clusters performed using the VISTA near-infrared YJKs Magellanic Clouds survey (VMC) data sets. We chose a pilot field of ~0.4 deg2 located in the South-west of the Small Magelllanic Cloud bar, where the star field is among the densest and highest reddened region in the galaxy. In order to devise an appropriate automatic procedure we made use of dimensions and stellar densities observed in the VMC data sets of the known clusters in this area. We executed different kernel density estimations over a sample of more than 358 000 stars with magnitudes measured in the three YJKs filters. We analysed the new cluster candidates whose colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), cleaned from field star contamination, were used to assess the clusters' reality and estimate reddenings and ages of the genuine systems. As a result 38 objects (≈ a 55 per cent increase in the known star clusters located in the surveyed field) of 0.15-0.40 arcmin (2.6-7.0 pc) in radius resulted to have near-infrared CMD features which resemble those of star clusters of young to moderate intermediate age (log(t yr-1) ~7.5-9.0). Most of the new star cluster candidates are hardly recognizable in optical images without the help of a sound star field decontaminated CMD analysis. For highly reddened star cluster candidates (E(B-V) ≥ 0.6 mag) the VMC data sets were necessary in order to recognize them.Peer reviewe

    The mass-loss, expansion velocities, and dust production rates of carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds

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    The properties of carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) and their total dust production rates are predicted by fitting their spectral energy distributions (SED) over pre-computed grids of spectra reprocessed by dust. The grids are calculated as a function of the stellar parameters by consistently following the growth for several dust species in their circumstellar envelopes, coupled with a stationary wind. Dust radiative transfer is computed taking as input the results of the dust growth calculations. The optical constants for amorphous carbon are selected in order to reproduce different observations in the infrared and optical bands of Gaia Data Release 2. We find a tail of extreme mass-losing carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with low gas-to-dust ratios that is not present in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Typical gas-to-dust ratios are around 700 for the extreme stars, but they can be down to similar to 160-200 and similar to 100 for a few sources in the SMC and in the LMC, respectively. The total dust production rate for the carbon star population is similar to 1.77 +/- 0.45 x 10(-5) M-circle dot yr(-1), for the LMC, and similar to 2.52 +/- 0.96 x 10(-6) M-circle dot yr(-1), for the SMC. The extreme carbon stars observed with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and their wind speed are studied in detail. For the most dust-obscured star in this sample the estimated mass-loss rate is similar to 6.3 x 10(-5) M-circle dot yr(-1). The grids of spectra are available at:(1) and included in the SED-fitting python package for fitting evolved stars.(2

    New near-infrared period-luminosity-metallicity relations for RR Lyrae stars and the outlook for Gaia

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    We present results of the analysis of 70 RR Lyrae stars located in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Combining the spectroscopically determined metallicity of these stars from the literature with precise periods from the OGLE III catalog and multi-epoch Ks photometry from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system, we derive a new near-infrared period-luminosity-metallicity (PLZ Ks ) relation for RR Lyrae variables. In order to fit the relation we use a fitting method developed specifically for this study. The zero-point of the relation is estimated two different ways: by assuming the value of the distance to the LMC and by using Hubble Space Telescope parallaxes of five RR Lyrae stars in the Milky Way (MW). The difference in distance moduli derived by applying these two approaches is ∼0.2mag. To investigate this point further we derive the PLZ Ks relation based on 23 MW RR Lyrae stars that had been analyzed in Baade-Wesselink studies. We compared the derived PLZ Ks relations for RR Lyrae stars in the MW and LMC. Slopes and zero-points are different, but still consistent within the errors. The shallow slope of the metallicity term is confirmed by both LMC and MW variables. The astrometric space mission Gaia is expected to provide a huge contribution to the determination of the RR Lyrae PLZ Ks relation; however, calculating an absolute magnitude from the trigonometric parallax of each star and fitting a PLZ Ks relation directly to period and absolute magnitude leads to biased results. We present a tool to achieve an unbiased solution by modeling the data and inferring the slope and zero-point of the relation via statistical methods