95 research outputs found

    Methamphetamine abuse and “meth mouth” in Europe

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    With easy chemical synthesis from its precursor, methamphetamine (MA) is now widespread in many countries. The abuse of methamphetamine is associated with several negative effects on health, because MA is a neurotoxin and a dangerous central nervous system stimulant. It changes levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, releasing dopamine and inhibiting nor epinephrine uptake which increases sympathetic nervous system activity and can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension and tachypnea. The consequences of MA abuse are clearly manifested in oral diseases (like “meth mouth”) which is characterised by extensive caries, teeth grinding with ensuing dental wear and trismus. The present review was designed to fill the gap in knowledge about methamphetamine abuse in the European Union (EU) and to illustrate the main clinical effects of prolonged use. After describing the pharmacology and systemic effects of methamphetamine and concentrating on its effects on the mouth, the present review compares the epidemiology and incidence of abuse in the world, particularly the USA and the EU


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    Il più originale contributo portato dalla Scuola italiana allo studio della eziopatogenesi della carie è senza dubbio rappresentato dalla “teoria trofomicrobica” elaborata da Arturo Beretta, primo docente ufficiale di Odontoiatria nell’Università di Bologna nel 1918. Nel presente lavoro, dopo aver presentato alcuni cenni biografici e bibliografici sull’Autore (ch fu, tra l’altro Preside della Facoltà Medica di Bologna e giunse ad essere nominato Senatore per chiara fama) vengono illustrati i principi di tale teoria precorritrice basata sulla aggiunta alla teoria chimico-parassitaria di Miller del ruolo della predisposizione dello smalto e della saliva dell’ospite. Viene anche ricordata l’opera dei principali autori italiani e non italiani che hanno utilizzato o modificato l’idea di Beretta.Najizvorniji doprinos talijanske škole istraživanju nastanka karijesa svakako je “trofomikrobijska teorija” Artura Berette, prvog profesora stomatologije na Sveučilištu u Bologni 1918. Ovaj članak sažima biografske i bibliografske zapise o Beretti (koji je, između ostalog, bio i dekan Medicinskog fakulteta u Bologni te član talijanskog Senata), kao i načela njegove teorije, koja se nastavljaju na Millerovu “kemijsko-parazitsku” teoriju o svojstvima cakline i sline domaćina koja pogoduju nastanku karijesa. U članku se spominju i najvažniji radovi talijanskih i drugih znanstvenika koji su prihvatili i dopunili Berettinu zamisao.The most original contribution made by the Italian School to the study of caries aetiology is undoubtedly the “trophomicrobic theory” proposed by Arturo Beretta, the first teacher of dentistry at the University of Bologna in 1918. This article brings biographical and bibliographical notes about Beretta (who was, among other things, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Bologna and Senator), and summarises the principles of his theory, which adds to Miller’s “chemical-parasitic” theory of caries-predisposing properties of the enamel and host saliva. It also recalls the work of major Italian and non-Italian researchers who have used or modified Beretta’s idea

    Scanning electron microscopic analysis of the efficacy of acid etching on cat enamel

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    The effect of etching on cat enamel made with 40% orthophosphoric acid for different times was evaluated. Twenty-one cat teeth were selected and randomly divided into three groups of seven teeth each. They were subjected to etching on a circular area of the coronal enamel (diameter = 2 mm) for 30 s (group A), 45 s (group B) and 60 s (group C). The samples obtained were observed by a scanning electron microscope focusing on the border area between etched and unetched enamel, to highlight the differences. The micrographs were subjected to blind assessment of three experienced operators. The groups were statistically assessed with the Wilcoxon test. At 30, 45 and 60 s, the acid attack results only in the formation of an irregular enamel surface and without uncovering and attack of the prismatic organisation. Prismatic areas with preferential interprismatic action could be detected in few samples etched for 60 s. Analysis with ImageJ was also used to quantify the efficacy of acid etching in the conditions used for human enamel, by an evaluation of grey levels. In cat enamel the etching times considered are not as effective as in human enamel for the purpose of adhesion and the presence of a thick prismless layer could explain this result


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    “Nell’anno 1562, essendomi accorto che nessuno tra i medici antichi o moderni aveva trattato della cura dei denti, scrissi questo primo libro sui denti”: inizia così il proemio ai cinque libri degli “Opuscula Medica Senilia” di Gerolamo Cardano, nel quale l’autore rivendica il primato temporale nella compilazione del primo testo organico di Odontoiatria nella storia. Esso si troverebbe in competizione col celebre “Libellus De dentibus” di Bartolomeo Eustachio, apparso nel 1563 (ma scritto anch’esso nel 1562); in questa sede, però, non abbiamo voluto dimostrare precedenze temporali ma riportare all’interesse generale l’opera di Cardano che possiede un’impostazione diversa e complementare a quella di Eustachio: quest’ultimo si è occupato essenzialmente di anatomia e fisiologia dei denti, il primo della loro patologia e terapia. In questo contributo vengono presentate: una biografia essenziale del Cardano, una breve rivista della letteratura sul “De dentibus” e la sua prima traduzione integrale dal latino in italiano.“Godine 1562., uočivši da se nijedan antički, a ni suvremeni liječnik nije bavio njegom zubi, napisah ovu prvu knjigu o zubima.” Tako Girolamo Cardano započinje proslov svojih pet knjiga iz zbirke Opuscula medica senilia kao prvoga sustavnog teksta o zubarstvu općenito. Premda se po prvenstvu natječe sa slavnim naslovom Libellus de dentibus Bartolomea Eustachija iz 1563. (iako je napisan 1562.), nije nam namjera utvrđivati tko je bio prvi, već svratiti pozornost čitatelja na Cardanovo djelo kao nadopunu Eustachievoj anatomiji i fiziologiji zuba s gledišta nastanka bolesti i liječenja. Članak donosi sažet Cardanov životopis i pregled literature o djelu De dentibus te o prvom cjelovitom prijevodu djelu s latinskog na talijanski.“In the year 1562, having noticed that none of the ancient or modern physicians had treated the subject of dental care, I wrote this first book on the teeth”. So begins the preface to the five books of the Opuscula medica senilia by Girolamo Cardano, the first organic text on dentistry in history. It competed with the famous Libellus de dentibus by Bartolomeo Eustachio that appeared in 1563 (but was written in 1562). However, our intention is not to establish precedence but bring to reader’s attention Cardano’s work that complemented Eustachio’s anatomy and physiology of the teeth with their pathology and therapy. This article summarises Cardano’s biography and gives a brief review of literature on the De dentibus and of his first complete translation from Latin into Italian. De dentibus is the first of the five books of the Opuscula and is divided into three chapters, as described below. Chapter one, De dentibus, recalls briefly the anatomy and embryology of human teeth as bones and compares them with the teeth of some animals. Follows a description of systemic and local procedures, to preserve, protect, and cure the teeth. Preservation and protection are related to diet, sleep, physical activity, systemic and local medicaments, and amulets., whereas therapy involves remedies taken over from the Ancient Greek and Roman medicine (Hippocrates, Archigenes, Galen, Scribonius, Pliny the Younger, Ezio, Marcellus Empiricus ) and Arabic medicine (Avicenna in particular). The chapter continues with guidelines and procedures for shedding teeth that are damaged beyond repair using a special saltpetre and alum distillate of Cardano’s own invention, which he finds very effective. The chapter concludes with tooth extraction tools and methods, especially the one by Scribonius Largo with red-hot iron. Chapter two, –De morbis dentium in specie, describes diseases that affect the teeth and that can cause ache, mobility, weakness, numbness, or deformity (dolor, commotio, imbecillitas, stupor, deformitas). All these conditions may interact, creating a wide range of situations. Ache has seven possible causes that include altered humour, a cavity, a nerve injury, an abscess, breath (flatus), worms, and cold, and Cardano describes the remedies at physician’s disposal that even include spells. The causes of mobility are the same as for the ache plus periodontal problems such as dry root or alveolar laxity, and the author discusses local and systemic treatment options. Weakness is considered the worst of the dental pathologies, as it can easily require extraction. Stupor is caused by the corruption of the tooth or a nerve injury, and Cardano refers to it as a life-threatening condition (quoad vitam) in older people if untreated, but also easy to remedy if detected early. Cardano then identifies a whole series of deformities: tooth colour, roughness, fracture, position, number, absence, length, calculus, bad smell, and porosity, and for each of them he offers a wide variety of remedies, in part original and in part borrowed from the ancients. In the last part, Cardano stresses the need to extract as few teeth as possible: “I’ve never seen anyone die from the diseases of the teeth, except for a tooth extracted inappropriately” To emphasize the dichotomy between medicine and surgery, he explains that tooth care is medical, but extraction requires an experienced surgeon. Chapter three, De fluxione, frequentissima causa morborum dentium, identifies gumboil as a frequent cause of dental disease, and describes the pathogenesis and therapy of gumboil-related diseases, gout in particular


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    “Nell’anno 1562, essendomi accorto che nessuno tra i medici antichi o moderni aveva trattato della cura dei denti, scrissi questo primo libro sui denti”: inizia così il proemio ai cinque libri degli “Opuscula Medica Senilia” di Gerolamo Cardano, nel quale l’autore rivendica il primato temporale nella compilazione del primo testo organico di Odontoiatria nella storia. Esso si troverebbe in competizione col celebre “Libellus De dentibus” di Bartolomeo Eustachio, apparso nel 1563 (ma scritto anch’esso nel 1562); in questa sede, però, non abbiamo voluto dimostrare precedenze temporali ma riportare all’interesse generale l’opera di Cardano che possiede un’impostazione diversa e complementare a quella di Eustachio: quest’ultimo si è occupato essenzialmente di anatomia e fisiologia dei denti, il primo della loro patologia e terapia. In questo contributo vengono presentate: una biografia essenziale del Cardano, una breve rivista della letteratura sul “De dentibus” e la sua prima traduzione integrale dal latino in italiano.“Godine 1562., uočivši da se nijedan antički, a ni suvremeni liječnik nije bavio njegom zubi, napisah ovu prvu knjigu o zubima.” Tako Girolamo Cardano započinje proslov svojih pet knjiga iz zbirke Opuscula medica senilia kao prvoga sustavnog teksta o zubarstvu općenito. Premda se po prvenstvu natječe sa slavnim naslovom Libellus de dentibus Bartolomea Eustachija iz 1563. (iako je napisan 1562.), nije nam namjera utvrđivati tko je bio prvi, već svratiti pozornost čitatelja na Cardanovo djelo kao nadopunu Eustachievoj anatomiji i fiziologiji zuba s gledišta nastanka bolesti i liječenja. Članak donosi sažet Cardanov životopis i pregled literature o djelu De dentibus te o prvom cjelovitom prijevodu djelu s latinskog na talijanski.“In the year 1562, having noticed that none of the ancient or modern physicians had treated the subject of dental care, I wrote this first book on the teeth”. So begins the preface to the five books of the Opuscula medica senilia by Girolamo Cardano, the first organic text on dentistry in history. It competed with the famous Libellus de dentibus by Bartolomeo Eustachio that appeared in 1563 (but was written in 1562). However, our intention is not to establish precedence but bring to reader’s attention Cardano’s work that complemented Eustachio’s anatomy and physiology of the teeth with their pathology and therapy. This article summarises Cardano’s biography and gives a brief review of literature on the De dentibus and of his first complete translation from Latin into Italian. De dentibus is the first of the five books of the Opuscula and is divided into three chapters, as described below. Chapter one, De dentibus, recalls briefly the anatomy and embryology of human teeth as bones and compares them with the teeth of some animals. Follows a description of systemic and local procedures, to preserve, protect, and cure the teeth. Preservation and protection are related to diet, sleep, physical activity, systemic and local medicaments, and amulets., whereas therapy involves remedies taken over from the Ancient Greek and Roman medicine (Hippocrates, Archigenes, Galen, Scribonius, Pliny the Younger, Ezio, Marcellus Empiricus ) and Arabic medicine (Avicenna in particular). The chapter continues with guidelines and procedures for shedding teeth that are damaged beyond repair using a special saltpetre and alum distillate of Cardano’s own invention, which he finds very effective. The chapter concludes with tooth extraction tools and methods, especially the one by Scribonius Largo with red-hot iron. Chapter two, –De morbis dentium in specie, describes diseases that affect the teeth and that can cause ache, mobility, weakness, numbness, or deformity (dolor, commotio, imbecillitas, stupor, deformitas). All these conditions may interact, creating a wide range of situations. Ache has seven possible causes that include altered humour, a cavity, a nerve injury, an abscess, breath (flatus), worms, and cold, and Cardano describes the remedies at physician’s disposal that even include spells. The causes of mobility are the same as for the ache plus periodontal problems such as dry root or alveolar laxity, and the author discusses local and systemic treatment options. Weakness is considered the worst of the dental pathologies, as it can easily require extraction. Stupor is caused by the corruption of the tooth or a nerve injury, and Cardano refers to it as a life-threatening condition (quoad vitam) in older people if untreated, but also easy to remedy if detected early. Cardano then identifies a whole series of deformities: tooth colour, roughness, fracture, position, number, absence, length, calculus, bad smell, and porosity, and for each of them he offers a wide variety of remedies, in part original and in part borrowed from the ancients. In the last part, Cardano stresses the need to extract as few teeth as possible: “I’ve never seen anyone die from the diseases of the teeth, except for a tooth extracted inappropriately” To emphasize the dichotomy between medicine and surgery, he explains that tooth care is medical, but extraction requires an experienced surgeon. Chapter three, De fluxione, frequentissima causa morborum dentium, identifies gumboil as a frequent cause of dental disease, and describes the pathogenesis and therapy of gumboil-related diseases, gout in particular

    Putative role of circulating human papillomavirus DNA in the development of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the middle rectum: a case report

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    Here we present the case of a patient affected by rectal squamous cell carcinoma in which we demonstrated the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) by a variety of techniques. Collectively, the virus was detected not only in the tumor but also in some regional lymph nodes and in non-neoplastic mucosa of the upper tract of large bowel. By contrast, it was not identifiable in its common sites of entry, namely oral and ano-genital region. We also found HPV DNA in the plasma-derived exosome. Next, by in vitro studies, we confirmed the capability of HPV DNA-positive exosomes, isolated from the supernatant of a HPV DNA positive cell line (CaSki), to transfer its DNA to human colon cancer and normal cell lines. In the stroma nearby the tumor mass we were able to demonstrate the presence of virus DNA in the stromal compartment, supporting its potential to be transferred from epithelial cells to the stromal ones. Thus, this case report favors the notion that human papillomavirus DNA can be vehiculated by exosomes in the blood of neoplastic patients and that it can be transferred, at least in vitro, to normal and neoplastic cells. Furthermore, we showed the presence of viral DNA and RNA in pluripotent stem cells of non-tumor tissue, suggesting that after viral integration (as demonstrated by p16 and RNA in situ hybridization positivity), stem cells might have been activated into cancer stem cells inducing neoplastic transformation of normal tissue through the inactivation of p53, p21, and Rb. It is conceivable that the virus has elicited its oncogenic effect in this specific site and not elsewhere, despite its wide anatomical distribution in the patient, for a local condition of immune suppression, as demonstrated by the increase of T-regulatory (CD4/CD25/FOXP3 positive) and T-exhausted (CD8/PD-1positive) lymphocytes and the M2 polarization (high CD163/CD68 ratio) of macrophages in the neoplastic microenvironment. It is noteworthy that our findings depicted a static picture of a long-lasting dynamic process that might evolve in the development of tumors in other anatomical sites. Copyright © 2019 Ambrosio, Vernillo, De Carolis, Carducci, Mundo, Ginori, Rocca, Nardone, Lucenti Fei, Carfagno, Lazzi, Cricca and Tosi

    Ripensare la condivisione delle risorse: riflessioni sulla realtĂ  italiana - Rethinking Resource Sharing: Reflections on the Italian situation.

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    La comunicazione descrive l'attività del Comitato Biblioteche Nilde per la gestione della crescita del Network e l'integrazione con altri sistemi e servizi nazionali ed internazionali. Il CBN si è sforzato di far propri i suggerimenti e le indicazioni del Manifesto Rethinking Resource Sharing, elaborato da un gruppo di bibliotecari statunitensi, partner commerciali e specialisti in automazione per le biblioteche. L'attività si è sostanziata con la partecipazione all'11° Convegno Interlending and Document Supply Conference di Hannover nell'autunno 2009, al quale è stata presentata l'esperienza di NILDE che applica i punti del Manifesto. Nel confronto con queste diverse realtà emerge la necessità di esprimere ancora un rilevante lavoro di indirizzo per colmare le lacune del sistema bibliotecario italiano. Viene espressa infine l’intenzione di giungere alla creazione di un Manifesto Italiano per la condivisione delle risorse che recepisca i valori e le proposte provenienti dal mondo delle biblioteche italiane

    Is Two Better Than One? The Impact of Doubling Training Volume in Severe COPD: A Randomized Controlled Study

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    Patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are unable to exercise at high intensities for sufficiently long periods of time to obtain true physiological training effects. It therefore appears sensible to increase training duration at sub-maximal exercise intensities to optimize the benefit of exercise training. We compared the effects on exercise tolerance of two endurance cycloergometer submaximal exercise protocols with different cumulative training loads (one (G1) versus two (G2) daily 40 min training sessions) both implemented over 20 consecutive days in 149 patients with COPD (forced expiratory volume at first second (FEV1): 39% predicted) admitted to an inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program. Patients in G2 exhibited greater improvement (p = 0.011) in submaximal endurance time (from 258 (197) to 741 (662) sec) compared to G1 (from 303 (237) to 530 (555) sec). Clinically meaningful improvements in health-related quality of life, 6MWT, and chronic dyspnea were not different between groups. Doubling the volume of endurance training is feasible and can lead to an additional benefit on exercise tolerance. Future studies may investigate the applicability and benefits of this training strategy in the outpatient or community-based pulmonary rehabilitation settings to amplify the benefits of exercise interventions

    Strategies and Alliances into Action to Improve National Collaboration

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    The Italian NILDE network of libraries continues to grow through the use of the NILDE system and currently comprises more than 600 Italian librarians and about 10.000 registered end-users.The system allows to daily manage and to record all the Inter-Library-Loan (ILL) operations, with a high national coverage. This paper presents the NILDE network governance and evolution and the strategies that have been put into action to improve collaboration in resource sharing among the participants. These strategies include: − release of best practices and worst practices; − activities to promote the knowledge about the network; − cooperation with the Italian national catalogs and consortia; − data analysis about ILL and its performance, related to: turn around time, reciprocity factor, requested/supplied documents imbalance analysis, analysis of ILL requested serial titles and their relationship with consortial e-only acquisitions. The availability of such a high volume of ILL data has allowed for the first time to analyze the trends and gaps of ILL and to help future cooperative acquisitions planning

    The Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative: the NILDE case study in the frame of Italian experiences

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    NILDE (Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange) is born at the CNR Bologna Research Area Library to provide an effective answer to the needs of libraries in order to guarantee information accessibility, sharing resources through Inter Library Loan (ILL) of returnable and non-returnable items (books and journal articles)
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