9 research outputs found

    Frühe bildmorphologische Veränderungen bei Patienten mit idiopathischer REM-Schlafverhaltensstörung als Frühform einer Alpha-Synukleopathie

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    Die ideopathische REM-Schlafverhaltensstörung ist eine seltene Schlafstörung, die einen Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung einer Alphasynukleopathie, insbesondere den Morbus Parkinson, darstellt. Entsprechend dem Braakschen Modell (Braak et al., 2003b) kann die REM-Schlafverhaltensstörung somit als eine prämotorische Erkrankungsstufe bei der Entwicklung eines Morbus Parkinson angesehen werden. Die cerebrale Magnetresonanztomografie wird derzeit standardmäßig einzig zum Ausschluss organischer Veränderungen in der Diagnostik von REMSchlafverhaltensstörung und neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen eingesetzt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, bei Patienten mit REM-Schlafverhaltensstörung mittels DTI im 3T-MRT mikrostrukturelle Veränderungen im Hirnstamm an einem größeren Patientenkollektiv zu untersuchen. Ergänzend wurde nach Veränderungen der Fläche der Substantia nigra und der Weite des III.Ventrikels gesucht. ..

    The role of neuromuscular ultrasound in diagnostics of peripheral neuropathies induced by cytostatic agents or immunotherapies

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    Abstract A relevant number of cancer patients who receive potentially neurotoxic cytostatic agents develop a chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy over time. Moreover, the increasing use of immunotherapies and targeted agents leads to a raising awareness of treatment-associated peripheral neurotoxicity, e.g., axonal and demyelinating neuropathies such as Guillain–Barré-like syndromes. To date, the differentiation of these phenomena from concurrent neurological co-morbidities or (para-)neoplastic nerve affection as well as their longitudinal monitoring remain challenging. Neuromuscular ultrasound (NMUS) is an established diagnostic tool for peripheral neuropathies. Performed by specialized neurologists, it completes clinical and neurophysiological diagnostics especially in differentiation of axonal and demyelinating neuropathies. No generally approved biomarkers of treatment-induced peripheral neurotoxicity have been established so far. NMUS might significantly extend the repertoire of diagnostic and neuromonitoring methods in this growing patient group in short term. In this article, we present enlargements of the dorsal roots both in cytostatic and in immunotherapy-induced neurotoxicity for the first time. We discuss related literature regarding new integrative applications of NMUS for cancer patients by reference to two representative case studies. Moreover, we demonstrate the integration of NMUS in a diagnostic algorithm for suspected peripheral neurotoxicity independently of a certain cancer treatment regimen emphasizing the emerging potential of NMUS for clinical routine in this interdisciplinary field and prospective clinical trials

    KP1019, A New Redox-Active Anticancer Agent - Preclinical Development and Results of a Clinical Phase I Study in Tumor Patients

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    A review. The promising drug candidate indazolium trans-[tetrachlorobis(1H-indazole)ruthenate(III)] (KP1019) is the second Ru-based anticancer agent to enter clin. trials. In this review, which is an update of a paper from 2006, the exptl. evidence for the proposed mode of action of this coordination compd. is discussed, including transport into the cell via the transferrin cycle and activation by redn. The results of the early clin. development of KP1019 are summarized in which 5 out of 6 evaluated patients experienced disease stabilization with no severe side effects

    Magnesium in dairy cattle nutrition: A meta-analysis on magnesium absorption in dairy cattle and assessment of simple solubility tests to predict magnesium availability from supplemental sources

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    Supplemental Mg sources differ in bioavailability, and solubility is one of the determining factors. We explored whether and which in vitro solubility tests could reliably differentiate the quality of supplemental Mg sources. In experiment 1, we compared 3 chemical methods using an acetic acid solution (50 mL/L, termed vinegar test), a 1 M ammonium nitrate solution, and an artificial rumen buffer fluid without rumen microbiota. The Mg solubility results suggested the vinegar test was the best method due to its robustness, simplicity, and reproducibility. In experiment 2, we validated the reliability of the vinegar test using 4 MgO sources from experiment 1 and 12 new MgO sources plus a laboratory-grade MgO as a standard. Accordingly, we repeated the vinegar test with short (0.5 h) and long (3.0 h) incubation times on these sources and then conducted ruminal incubations in 24-h batch culture experiments. The repeated vinegar test resulted in similar results as in experiment 1. Linear regression across both experiments showed the soluble Mg content (g/kg) = 44.46 (±2.55) × pH − 142.9 (±14.9), root mean square error (RMSE) = 10.2, P slope 20 g/kg DM (RMSE = 2.19). This strategy improved the accuracy of prediction as compared with the existing prediction (CCC = 0.922 vs. 0.845). Still, over- or underestimations inherent to individual studies were evident and might be related to unaccountable factors, especially the quality of supplemental Mg sources. In conclusion, the vinegar test is a useful tool to rank inorganic Mg sources with alkaline properties. Including in vitro solubility data in Mg nutrition research could help to refine the prediction of bioavailable Mg contents and increase precision in feed formulation

    The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health

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    Climate change underpins all the social and environmental determinants of health but also has positive implications. The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change is an international, multi-disciplinary research collaboration between academic institutions following on from the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, which emphasised that the response to climate change could be “the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century”

    The representative COVID-19 cohort Munich (KoCo19): from the beginning of the pandemic to the Delta virus variant

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    Le Gleut R, Plank M, Pütz P, et al. The representative COVID-19 cohort Munich (KoCo19): from the beginning of the pandemic to the Delta virus variant. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2023;23(1): 466.**Background** Population-based serological studies allow to estimate prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections despite a substantial number of mild or asymptomatic disease courses. This became even more relevant for decision making after vaccination started. The KoCo19 cohort tracks the pandemic progress in the Munich general population for over two years, setting it apart in Europe. **Methods** Recruitment occurred during the initial pandemic wave, including 5313 participants above 13 years from private households in Munich. Four follow-ups were held at crucial times of the pandemic, with response rates of at least 70%. Participants filled questionnaires on socio-demographics and potential risk factors of infection. From Follow-up 2, information on SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was added. SARS-CoV-2 antibody status was measured using the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 anti-N assay (indicating previous infection) and the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 anti-S assay (indicating previous infection and/or vaccination). This allowed us to distinguish between sources of acquired antibodies. **Results** The SARS-CoV-2 estimated cumulative sero-prevalence increased from 1.6% (1.1-2.1%) in May 2020 to 14.5% (12.7-16.2%) in November 2021. Underreporting with respect to official numbers fluctuated with testing policies and capacities, becoming a factor of more than two during the second half of 2021. Simultaneously, the vaccination campaign against the SARS-CoV-2 virus increased the percentage of the Munich population having antibodies, with 86.8% (85.5-87.9%) having developed anti-S and/or anti-N in November 2021. Incidence rates for infections after (BTI) and without previous vaccination (INS) differed (ratio INS/BTI of 2.1, 0.7-3.6). However, the prevalence of infections was higher in the non-vaccinated population than in the vaccinated one. Considering the whole follow-up time, being born outside Germany, working in a high-risk job and living area per inhabitant were identified as risk factors for infection, while other socio-demographic and health-related variables were not. Although we obtained significant within-household clustering of SARS-CoV-2 cases, no further geospatial clustering was found. **Conclusions** Vaccination increased the coverage of the Munich population presenting SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, but breakthrough infections contribute to community spread. As underreporting stays relevant over time, infections can go undetected, so non-pharmaceutical measures are crucial, particularly for highly contagious strains like Omicron

    Studying temporal titre evolution of commercial SARS-CoV-2 assays reveals significant shortcomings of using BAU standardization for comparison

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