100 research outputs found

    The Greek bandit Fotios Giagoulas: An introduction to his mummified head and future conservation aims

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    This investigation presents the level of preservation and examination plan for a mummified head from the early 20th century. The head belongs to a legendary Greek bandit displayed at the Museum of Criminology, Athens. This investigation aimed to understand the mummification process employed, the conservation history of the head, record the current preservation status using photography, and to recognise evidence of biological deterioration. The suggested techniques include examination using X-ray radiography, CT scanning and the analysis of samples using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photographic documentation showed the head has recently started to deteriorate. The examination formed the basis for conservation, preservation and the ongoing study of the head

    Use of Oils for the Protection of Clay Mortars

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    In this study an effort has been made to find innovative and sustainable ways of increasing the hydrophobicity of clay-based mortars used in restoration by applying natural oils on the surface of selected samples. The concept was to find a new way of protecting the surface of these materials, but also to promote the idea of sustainability by using natural and recycled cooking oils. Thus, the oils applied for the surface protec­tion of the mortars were hemp oil, borage oil (natural) and recycled spent cooking oil. The tests conducted on the treated specimens were, a capillary absorption test, drying test, porosity, Karsten tube test, stereoscopic observation, color alteration using Mun­sell charts, water vapor test and absorption of water droplet test. The results indicate the protective role of all the oils, since they reduce porosity and water uptake. Borage and hemp oil tend to alter the color of the specimens, but offer increased hydropho­bicity, while the latter allowed the faster drying of the samples. The water vapor test indicates again the low level of water loss from the surface of the treated specimens, while for the specific test a sample with an admixture of recycled cooking oil inside the clay mass was created.Lo studio riguarda modi innovativi e sostenibili per aumentare l’idrofobicità delle malte a base di argilla utilizzate nel restauro, applicando oli naturali sulla superficie di campioni selezionati. Il fine è trovare un nuovo modo per proteggere la superficie di questi materiali, ma anche di promuovere l’idea di sostenibilità utilizzando oli da cucina naturali e riciclati. Pertanto, gli oli applicati per la protezione superficiale delle malte erano olio di canapa, olio di borragine (naturale) e olio di cottura esausto riciclato. I test condotti sui campioni trattati sono stati: test di assorbimento capillare, test di essic­cazione, porosità, test del tubo di Karsten, osservazione stereoscopica, alterazione del colore con cartografia Munsell, test del vapore acqueo e assorbimento del test delle gocce d’acqua. I risultati indicano il ruolo protettivo di tutti gli oli poiché riducono la po­rosità e l’assorbimento di acqua. La borragine e l’olio di canapa tendono ad alterare il colore dei campioni ma offrono una maggiore idrofobicità. L’olio di canapa ha permes­so l’essiccazione più rapida dei campioni. Il test del vapore acqueo indica nuovamente il basso livello di perdita d’acqua dalla superficie dei campioni trattati, mentre per il test specifico è stato creato un campione con una miscela di olio di cottura riciclato all’interno della massa argillosa

    Decompression sickness related to breath-hold diving: A case report

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    Despite the increasing diving activity, the risk of suffering from decompression sickness after breath-hold diving is often not acknowledged.This case shows that repetitive breath-hold dives, particularly the deep ones with short time of surface intervals, may trigger the appearance of decompression sickness that usually involves the central nervous system

    «Αξιολόγηση της Ενδο-Προσωπικής και Δια-Προσωπικής Προσαρμογής και της Ψυχικής Υγείας Παιδιών Νηπιακής Ηλικίας. »

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    Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία διερευνώνται τα προβλήματα ενδο-προσωπικής και διαπροσωπικής προσαρμογής και η ψυχική υγεία παιδιών νηπιακής ηλικίας. Το εργαλείο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν το Ερωτηματολόγιο Δια-Προσωπικής και Ενδο-Προσωπικής Προσαρμογής (ΕΔΕΠ). Το δείγμα αποτέλεσαν 239 παιδιά ηλικίας 2 έως 6 ετών και συμπληρώθηκαν 128 ερωτηματολόγια από γονείς και 111 από εκπαιδευτικούς. Στο θεωρητικό μέρος της εργασίας, αρχικά παρατίθενται βασικές ψυχολογικές, κοινωνιολογικές και γνωστικές θεωρίες μάθησης και προσαρμογής (Freud, Erickson, Piaget),μέσα από τις οποίες απεικονίζονται τα στάδια ψυχοσυναισθηματικής και κοινωνικής ανάπτυξης του παιδιού μέχρι και τη νηπιακή ηλικία. Η μελέτη επικεντρώνεται στη συνέχεια στην καθοριστική σημασία των πρωταρχικών σχέσεων (παιδιού-γονέα/φροντιστή), της έννοιας της γονεϊκότητας, των ασφαλών δεσμών προσκόλλησης και άλλων προστατευτικών παραγόντων σε αντιδιαστολή με τις δυσμενείς εμπειρίες στην πρώιμη ηλικία (ACEs), το τοξικό άγχος και άλλους παράγοντες κινδύνου εμφάνισης προβληματικής συμπεριφοράς. Παράλληλα, αναλύεται η έννοια της προβληματικής συμπεριφοράς σύμφωνα με τις διάφορες κατηγοριοποιήσεις οργανισμών και ερευνητών και αποδομείται η έννοια της ενδο-προσωπικής και διαπροσωπικής προσαρμογής και νοημοσύνης. Στη συνέχεια, εξετάζεται η πολυπλοκότητα των αιτιολογικών θεωριών και οι γενετικοί, περιβαλλοντικοί παράγοντες εμφάνισης προβληματικής συμπεριφοράς, καθώς και η επίδραση της ιδιοσυγκρασίας, της αντιδραστικότητας και της αυτορρύθμισης σε αυτήν. Ολοκληρώνοντας το βιβλιογραφικό μέρος, τονίζεται η σημασία της πρώιμης παρέμβασης και αναφέρονται ενδεικτικά κάποια προγράμματα. Από την έρευνα βρέθηκε ότι ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό παιδιών 64,9% παρουσιάζουν προβλήματα συμπεριφοράς σε μικρό ή μεγάλο βαθμό και τα αγόρια σε σχέση με τα κορίτσια εμφανίζουν περισσότερα συμπτώματα προβληματικής συμπεριφοράς. Ειδικότερα η μεγαλύτερη διαφορά στα αγόρια παρατηρήθηκε στην όψη της διαπροσωπικής προσαρμογής στα σύνδρομα «Επιθετικότητα» και «Παραβατικότητα» καθώς και στα «Αταξινόμητα σύνδρομα» που περιλαμβάνουν συμπτώματα Υπερκινητικότητας και Ανωριμότητας. Σε συγκριτική ανάλυση των απαντήσεων γονέων και εκπαιδευτικών,οι πρώτοι φάνηκε να εντοπίζουν συνολικά περισσότερα προβλήματα προσαρμογής στα παιδιά (συγκεκριμένα στα σύνδρομα «Άγχος-Δυσθυμία-Ψυχαναγκασμός», «Παραβατικότητα» και τα «Αταξινόμητα σύνδρομα»), ενώ οι εκπαιδευτικοί ανέφεραν περισσότερα προβλήματα «Μοναχικότητας-Βραδυψυχισμού» στα παιδιά. Τέλος, παρατηρήθηκαν στατιστικά σημαντικές συσχετίσεις μεταξύ όλων των συνδρόμων γεγονός που επιβεβαιώνει την πολυπλοκότητα των προβληματικών συμπεριφορών και την συννοσυρότητα, αλληλεπίδραση και αλληλοεπικάλυψη των συμπτωμάτων τους.This diploma thesis explores the problems of intrapersonal and interpersonal adaptation and the mental health in toddlerhood and early childhood. The tool used was the Intra-Personnel and Inter-Personalized Adaptation Questionnaire (EDEP). The sample consisted of 239 children aged 2 to 6 years and 128 questionnaires were filled out by parents and 111 by teachers. In the theoretical part of the thesis, basic psychological, sociological and cognitive theories of learning and adaptation (Freud, Erickson, Piaget) are presented to illustrate the stages of psycho-emotional and social development of the child up to infancy. The study focuses on the crucial importance of primary relationships (child-parent / caregiver), parenting concept, safe attachment bonds and other protective agents as opposed to early-life adverse experiences (ACEs), toxic stress and other risk factors for problematic behavior. At the same time, the concept of problematic behavior is analyzed according to the various categorizations of organizations and researchers and the concept of intrapersonal and interpersonal adaptation and intelligence is degraded. Then, the complexity of causal theories and genetic, environmental factors of problematic behavior, as well as the influence of temperament, reactivity and self-regulation on it are examined. Completing the bibliographic part the importance of early intervention is emphasized and some programs are indicated. The survey found that a large proportion of 64.9% of children have behavioral problems of low or great intensity and boys compared to girls have more symptoms of problematic behavior. In particular, the greatest difference in boys was observed in the aspect of interpersonal adjustment in the syndromes "Aggression" and “Delinquency" as well as in "Unclassified syndromes" that include symptoms of hyperactivity and immaturity. In a comparative analysis of the responses of parents and teachers, the former seemed to identify more adaptation problems in children (in particular at the syndromes "Stress- Moroseness- Compulsive ", "Delinquency" and "Unclassified syndromes"), while teachers reported more problems of “Loneliness- Freezing "in children. Finally, statistically significant correlations were observed between all syndromes, which confirms the complexity of problematic behaviors and coexistence, interaction and overlapping of their symptoms

    The Role of Sand in Mortar’s Properties

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    Mortars are diachronic composite materials used in masonry construction to serve multiple roles. Their durability and esthetic harmonization in constructions of the different eras were the reasons why numerous research works have been realized over recent decades. Each time, the role of the mortars’ components revealed significant pieces of information on the technology used. Despite the indisputable role of the binders on the mortar’s quality, aggregates of different characteristics had a significant role in the behavior of mortars. The addition of aggregates to a binding system in mortars technology has proved to confer technical advantages as they contribute to volume stability, durability, and structural performance. Apart from the different types of aggregates, as their mineralogy and origin are concerned, the volume content in the mixture, the maximum size, and their gradation influences the structure of a binder—aggregate mixture and the performance of mortars overall. In the present article, the diachronic presence of mortars is presented. The role of aggregates is emphasized to understand their impact on the longevity and durability of the mortars

    The Use of Virtual Reality in the Science of Psychology

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    With the evolution of technology, digital gaming became a more holistic and realistic experience that engages all senses. This novel capacity was seized by Psychological Science. The aim of this literature review was to describe some of the usages of Virtual Reality (VR), specifically in the domains of Developmental, Clinical, Social, Organizational, Athletic Psychology and Neuropsychology. Some of the findings were that VR can promote children’s socialization and self-control in the case of Developmental Psychology. Research on Clinical Psychology has shown that VRT contributes to phobia treatment and can help analyze negative self-image in individuals with eating disorders. In the area of Social Psychology, it can reduce prejudice and enhance prosocial behavior, by providing the ability to manipulate variables and achieving high experimental control and ecological validity. Furthermore, it can enhance employees’ productivity and help them cope with stress in Organizational Psychology and boost athletes’ motivation and decision making in Athletic Psychology. In Neuropsychology, VR gives the potential of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of neuropsychological complications of Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease and facilitates the reduction of Autism Index. Overall, psychological research, diagnosis and treatment via VR seems so far to be a rich and promising field for further investigation that will possibly improve different people’s quality of life

    Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of intractable ulcers in a systemic sclerosis patient

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    Development of ischemic ulcers is a major clinical manifestation of systemic sclerosis (SSc). The management of these ulcers is often difficult despite the variety of the therapeutic approaches that are used.This report presents a case of intractable ulcers in a patient with SSc, successfully treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

    Variability and Community Composition of Marine Unicellular Eukaryote Assemblages in a Eutrophic Mediterranean Urban Coastal Area with Marked Plankton Blooms and Red Tides

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    The Thessaloniki Bay is a eutrophic coastal area which has been characterized in recent years by frequent and intense phytoplankton blooms and red tides. The aim of the study was to investigate the underexplored diversity of marine unicellular eukaryotes in four different sampling sites in Thessaloniki Bay during a year of plankton blooms, red tides, and mucilage aggregates. High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) was applied in extracted DNA from weekly water samples targeting the 18S rRNA gene. In almost all samples, phytoplankton blooms and/or red tides and mucilage aggregates were observed. The metabarcoding analysis has detected the known unicellular eukaryotic groups frequently observed in the Bay, dominated by Bacillariophyta and Dinoflagellata, and revealed taxonomic groups previously undetected in the study area (MALVs, MAST, and Cercozoa). The dominant OTUs were closely related to species known to participate in red tides, harmful blooms, and mucilage aggregates. Other OTUs, present also during the blooms in low abundance (number of reads), were closely related to known harmful species, suggesting the occurrence of rare taxa with potential negative impacts on human health not detectable with classical microscopy. Overall, the unicellular eukaryote assemblages showed temporal patterns rather than small-scale spatial separation responding to the variability of physical and chemical factors

    Use of by-products for partial replacement of 3D printed concrete constituents; rheology, strength and shrinkage performance

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    In this paper, fly ash, ladle furnace slag and limestone filler were utilized in concrete used as material for additive manufacturing (3D printing). Fly ash and ladle furnace slag were used as a replacement of cement (30% wt.) and limestone filler as a replacement of siliceous aggregates (50% wt.). Work­ability of fresh concretes that contained these by-products was measured 0, 15 and 30 minutes after mixing. Three different workability tests were conducted and compared: flow table, ICAR rheometer and an experimental method that measures the electric power consumption of the motor that rotates the screw extruder. Workability parameters that were measured were evaluated regarding printability of mixtures. Density, ultrasonic pulse velocity, compressive and flexural strength were measured on hardened concrete. Additionally, relative like­­li­hood of cracking of different concrete mixtures was estimated by per­forming restrained shrinkage test (ASTM C1581). Results showed that use of fly ash or ladle furnace slag as binder, and limestone filler as aggregate decreases slightly the mechanical properties of concrete but improve its durability re­garding cracking potential. Monitoring of electric power consumption of screw extruder motor was found to be an effective method for measuring easily real-time workability and define if a mixture is printable or not

    Haematococcus: a successful air-dispersed colonist in ephemeral waters is rarelyfound in phytoplankton communities

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    In a literature search, the presence of Haematococcus in phytoplankton communities and its biogeography were investigated. Haematococcus, although showing a wide biogeographical distribution, has been rarely found in phytoplankton communities. Simultaneously, the colonization potential of air-dispersed Haematococcus in ephemeral waters and its interactions with coexisting phytoplankton taxa were examined by microscopy and molecular methods. Haematococcus was a successful colonist, appearing among the first taxa in the experimental containers. According to principal component analysis, Haematococcus growth rate was negatively correlated with the abundance and species richness of the other autotrophs. Furthermore, a negative correlation between Haematococcus and Chlamydomonas and a positive one between Haematococcus and Chlorella were found. Overall, Haematococcus appears to be an effective air-dispersed alga that can successfully colonize and establish populations in small ephemeral water bodies. However, its absence from phytoplankton in larger permanent water bodies could be related to its high light requirements, its competitive disadvantages against other algae, and the grazing pressures from predators. The results of our study suggest a life strategy based on adaptation to higher light intensities in very shallow waters compared with optical dense lakes. Therefore, ephemeral waters are the regular habitat for Haematococcus instead of being “stepping stones” for the colonization of lake phytoplankton