9 research outputs found

    Body Mass Index (BMI), caries and erosion in 15 years Icelandic teenagers

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjectives: The Oral Health Survey in Iceland (2005) revealed a high prevalence of erosion in permanent teeth and increasing levels of caries in 15-year olds. Data from participants on consumption of soft drinks and measurement of Body-Mass Index (BMI) enabled a study of interaction of lifestyle factors in these two dental diseases. The aim was to investigate the interaction of aetiological factors in erosion and caries so that preventive policies could be developed. Methods: Erosion was recorded (modified scale of Lussi), and caries (D3MFT) determined using The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Detailed information on consumption of acidic drinks was obtained by questionnaire. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated following measurements at the clinical examination. Results: There was a linear relationship between the frequency of consumption of acidic drinks and the proportion of the sample with tooth erosion. Erosion was evident in 30%, significantly more often in boys. The average number of teeth with erosion increased steadily with increased frequency of consuming acidic drinks. There was a parallel increase in the D3MFT index and BMI whereas the number of teeth with erosion present declined with increasing BMI in boys. Conclusion: There are different associations between BMI and caries and BMI and erosion.Markmið: Upplýsingar liggja fyrir um tannheilsu og lífsstíl nemenda í 10. bekk íslenskra grunnskóla í rannsókn á munnheilsu íslendinga frá árinu 2005 (MUNNÍS). Gögn um tíðni á tannátu (caries) og glerungseyðingu (erosion), neyslu gosdrykkja ásamt mælingu á hæð og þyngd einstaklinga gáfu möguleika á að skoða tengsl þessara tveggja tannsjúkdóma við holdafar (BMI) einstaklinga og gosdrykkjaneyslu þeirra. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða tengsl tannátu og glerungseyðingar við holdafar með forvarnir í huga. Efniviður: Nemendur voru valdir með tilviljunarkenndu klasaúrtaki (random cluster sample) sem í voru um 20% nemenda í 10. bekk, 384 piltar og 366 stúlkur, samtals 750. Glerungseyðing var greind eftir staðsetningu og alvarleika (modified scale of Lussi). Tannáta var greind eftir D3MFT með The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Með spurningalista var aflað upplýsinga um neyslu á gosdrykkjum. Holdafar var mælt með skoðun á hæð og þyngd. Niðurstöður: Glerungseyðing greindist hjá 30% 15 ára unglinga, piltar voru með martækt meiri glerungseyðingu en stúlkur (38.3% pilta, 22.7 % stúlkna, p<0.001). Stúlkur og piltar voru að meðaltali með 4.24 tennur skemmdar (D3MFT). Tengsl eru á milli aukinnar neyslu gosdrykkja og meðalfjölda tanna með glerungseyðingu. Jákvæð fylgni er á milli tannátu (D3MFT) og líkamsþyngdar (BMI) en neikvæð fylgni á milli glerungseyðingar og holdafars. Ályktun: Mismunandi tengsl eru á milli holdafars og tannátu og holdafars og glerungseyðingu

    Dreifing tannátu og glerungseyðingar eftir búsetu meðal 1., 7. og 10. bekkinga á Íslandi : niðurstöður úr MUNNÍS 2005

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Tilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna dreifingu tannátu og glerungseyðingar hjá 1., 7. og 10. bekkingum á Íslandi eftir búsetu. Efniviður og aðferðir: Gögn úr rannsókn á munnheilsu Íslendinga – MUNNÍS voru notuð. MUNNÍS var framkvæmd að mestu á vorönn árið 2005 og náði til 2.251 barns í 1., 7. og 10. bekk víðsvegar um landið. Alls voru börn úr 31 skóla skoðuð. Úrtakið var slembið og lagskipt klasaúrtak 20% allra barna á landinu í 1., 7. og 10. bekk. Jafnt hlutfall barna af höfuðborgarsvæði og landsbyggð var í úrtakinu. Niðurstöðum var skipt í þrennt eftir búsetu: 1) höfuðborgarsvæði, 2) til sjávar og 3) til sveita. Tannátustuðull var reiknaður út fyrir s.k. bestu greiningu, þ.e. frá niðurstöðum sjónrænnar og röntgengreiningar fyrir byrjandi tannskemmdir D1MFT og lengra komnar tannskemmdir D3MFT fyrir 12 og 15 ára, en einungis sjónræna skoðun fyrir 6 ára börn. Ef glerungseyðing fannst á a.m.k. einni tönn var sá einstaklingur talinn með glerungseyðingu. Niðurstöðutölur voru vigtaðar samkvæmt úrtaksaðferð. Niðurstöður: Hjá 10. bekk mældist marktækur munur á tannskemmdum í fullorðinstönnum eftir búsetu á höfuðborgarsvæði eða til sjávar og sveita þar sem tannátustuðull var hæstur í sjávarbyggðum. Hjá 7. bekk var hærra hlutfall barna með tannátustuðul D3MFT=0 til sveita (p=0,008). Í hinum árgöngunum var einnig munur á tannátustuðli milli svæða en hann reyndist ekki tölfræðilega marktækur. Engin glerungseyðing fannst á fullorðinstönnum meðal 6 ára barna. Hlutfall unglinga með glerungseyðingu var marktækt lægra til sveita (3,9%) en annars staðar hjá 7. bekkingum. Í 10. bekk var ekki jafn mikill munur eftir búsetu en hlutfall unglinga með glerungseyðingu í 10. bekk var þó hærra á höfuðborgarsvæði en á landsbyggðinni að meðaltali. Unglingar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu voru með hæst hlutfall glerungseyðingar bæði í 7. og 10. bekk (18,8% og 33,8%). Ályktanir: Minni munur var á niðurstöðum eftir búsetu en í fyrri rannsóknum hvað tannátu snertir en umtalsverður munur var á glerungseyðingu eftir búsetu

    Challenges of using asthma admission rates as a measure of primary care quality in children : An international comparison

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    Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2021.Objectives: To demonstrate the challenges of interpreting cross-country comparisons of paediatric asthma hospital admission rates as an indicator of primary care quality. Methods: We used hospital administrative data from >10 million children aged 6–15 years, resident in Austria, England, Finland, Iceland, Ontario (Canada), Sweden or Victoria (Australia) between 2008 and 2015. Asthma hospital admission and emergency department (ED) attendance rates were compared between countries using Poisson regression models, adjusted for age and sex. Results: Hospital admission rates for asthma per 1000 child-years varied eight-fold across jurisdictions. Admission rates were 3.5 times higher when admissions with asthma recorded as any diagnosis were considered, compared with admissions with asthma as the primary diagnosis. Iceland had the lowest asthma admission rates; however, when ED attendance rates were considered, Sweden had the lowest rate of asthma hospital contacts. Conclusions: The large variations in childhood hospital admission rates for asthma based on the whole child population reflect differing definitions, admission thresholds and underlying disease prevalence rather than primary care quality. Asthma hospital admissions among children diagnosed with asthma is a more meaningful indicator for inter-country comparisons of primary care quality.Peer reviewe

    The prevalence of sexual abuse and sexual assault against icelandic adolescents

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Inngangur: Kynferðisleg áreitni og ofbeldi gagnvart börnum og unglingum er ein alvarlegasta ógn við heilbrigði þeirra. Markmiðið var að rannsaka algengi og áhrif þess á íslenska unglinga í 10. bekk. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin byggir á gögnum úr íslenska hluta HBSC-rannsóknarinnar á heilsu og lífskjörum skólabarna. Alls tóku 3618 íslenskir nemendur þátt í alþjóðlegri spurningalistarannsókn sem lögð var fyrir alla nemendur í 10. bekk í öllum skólum landsins að einum undanskildum. Reynsla nemenda af kynferðislegri áreitni og ofbeldi var metin með því að spyrja hversu oft þau hefðu gegn sínum vilja verið: a) snert með kynferðislegum hætti, b) verið látin snerta annan einstakling með kynferðislegum hætti, c) verið reynt að hafa við þau samfarir eða munnmök eða d) einhverjum hefði tekist að hafa við þau samfarir eða munnmök. Niðurstöður: Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að 14,6% (527) þátttakenda höfðu orðið fyrir einhvers konar kynferðislegri áreitni eða ofbeldi. Af þeim höfðu 4,5% (162) orðið fyrir slíku einu sinni en 10,1% (365) höfðu annaðhvort orðið oftar fyrir ákveðinni gerð ofbeldis eða því hafði verið beitt gegn þeim á margvíslegri hátt. Um 1% þátttakenda, eða 35 einstaklingar, sögð- ust hafa orðið mjög oft fyrir nær öllum gerðum ofbeldis og áreitni. Tíðni vanlíðunar og áhættuhegðunar var mun hærri hjá þeim sem höfðu orðið fyrir kynferðislegri áreitni eða ofbeldi. Ályktun: Þó niðurstöðurnar sýni að algengi kynferðislegrar áreitni og ofbeldis gegn unglingum sé svipað og í öðrum vestrænum löndum er það nokkuð hærra en sambærileg rannsókn á Íslandi leiddi í ljós fyrir áratug.Introduction: Sexual abuse and sexual assaults against children and adolescents is one of the most significant threats to their health. The aim of the current study was to investigate its prevalence and effects on Icelandic teenagers in the 10th grade. Material and methods: The study is based on data collected for the Icelandic part of the HBSC-project (Health and behaviour of schoolaged children). Standardized questionnaires were sent to all students in 10th grade in Iceland of which 3,618 participated. The students experience of sexual abuse or assaults was assessed by asking them how often they had been against their will a) touched in a sexual way, b) made to touch someone else in a sexual way, c) the subject of an attempted rape or d) subjected to rape. Results: The results showed that 14.6% (527) participants had experienced sexual abuse or assault. Of these, 4.5% (162) had one such experience but 10.1% had either suffered certain type of abuse or assault more than once, or had experienced more than one kind. About 1% of participants (35) said that they had suffered many times from many forms of abuse and assaults. The prevalence of poor mental well-being and risk behaviour was much higher amongst those that had experienced sexual abuse or assault. Conclusion: Although the results show that the prevalence of sexual abuse and assault against Icelandic adolescents is similar to other Western countries, we find it to be higher than a previous study a decade ago

    Does neighbourhood social capital aid in levelling the social gradient in the health and well-being of children and adolescents? A literature review

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    Abstract Background Although most countries in the European Union are richer and healthier than ever, health inequalities remain an important public health challenge. Health-related problems and premature death have disproportionately been reported in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood social capital is believed to influence the association between neighbourhood deprivation and health in children and adolescents, making it a potentially interesting concept for policymakers. Methods This study aims to review the role of social capital in health inequalities and the social gradient in health and well-being of children and adolescents. A systematic review of published quantitative literature was conducted, focussing on (1) the mediating role of neighbourhood social capital in the relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and health-related outcomes in children and adolescents and (2) the interaction between neighbourhood social capital and socio-economic characteristics in relation to health-related outcomes in children and adolescents. Three electronic databases were searched. Studies executed between 1 January 1990 and 1 September 2011 in Western countries (USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe) that included a health-related outcome in children or adolescents and a variable that measured neighbourhood social capital were included. Results Eight studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. The findings are mixed. Only two of five studies confirmed that neighbourhood social capital mediates the association between neighbourhood deprivation and health and well-being in adolescents. Furthermore, two studies found a significant interaction between neighbourhood socio-economic factors and neighbourhood social capital, which indicates that neighbourhood social capital is especially beneficial for children who reside in deprived neighbourhoods. However, two other studies did not find a significant interaction between SES and neighbourhood social capital. Due to the broad range of studied health-related outcomes, the different operationalisations of neighbourhood social capital and the conceptual overlap between measures of SES and social capital in some studies, the factors that explain these differences in findings remain unclear. Conclusions Although the findings of this study should be interpreted with caution, the results suggest that neighbourhood social capital might play a role in the health gradient among children and adolescents. However, only two of the included studies were conducted in Europe. Furthermore, some studies focussed on specific populations and minority groups. To formulate relevant European policy recommendations, further European-focussed research on this issue is needed.</p

    High youth access to movies that contain smoking in Europe compared with the USA

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    Background: Based on evidence that exposure to smoking in movies is associated with adolescent smoking, the WHO has called on countries to assign a rating that restricts youth access to such movies. Objective: To evaluate youth access to movies that portray smoking in European countries and compare with that in the USA. Methods: The authors identified the most commercially successful movies screened in six European countries (Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and UK) and the USA between 2004 and 2009. The authors coded the 464 movies that were screened in both Europe and the USA according to whether or not they portrayed smoking. Results: 87% of the movies were ‘youth’ rated in Europe (ratings board classification as suitable for those younger than 16 years) compared to only 67% in the USA (suitable for those younger than 17 years). Smoking was portrayed in 319 (69%) movies. 85% of the movies that portrayed smoking were ‘youth’ rated in Europe compared with only 59% in the USA (p&lt;0.001). Conclusions: Tobacco imagery is still common in popular films shown in European countries and the USA. None of the seven countries examined followed the WHO recommendations on restricting youth access to movies that portray smoking. Compared to the USA, European youths have access to substantially more movies in general, and this gives them access to more movies that portray smoking in particular

    Does neighbourhood social capital aid in levelling the social gradient in the health and well-being of children and adolescents? : A literature review

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    The research leading to these results was performed within the framework of the ‘Gradient’ project (www.health-gradient.eu), coordinated by EuroHealthNet, and has received funding from the European Community (FP7 2007–2013) under grant agreement no 223252.Background: Although most countries in the European Union are richer and healthier than ever, health inequalities remain an important public health challenge. Health-related problems and premature death have disproportionately been reported in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood social capital is believed to influence the association between neighbourhood deprivation and health in children and adolescents, making it a potentially interesting concept for policymakers. Methods: This study aims to review the role of social capital in health inequalities and the social gradient in health and well-being of children and adolescents. A systematic review of published quantitative literature was conducted, focussing on (1) the mediating role of neighbourhood social capital in the relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and health-related outcomes in children and adolescents and (2) the interaction between neighbourhood social capital and socio-economic characteristics in relation to health-related outcomes in children and adolescents. Three electronic databases were searched. Studies executed between 1 January 1990 and 1 September 2011 in Western countries (USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe) that included a health-related outcome in children or adolescents and a variable that measured neighbourhood social capital were included. Results: Eight studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. The findings are mixed. Only two of five studies confirmed that neighbourhood social capital mediates the association between neighbourhood deprivation and health and well-being in adolescents. Furthermore, two studies found a significant interaction between neighbourhood socio-economic factors and neighbourhood social capital, which indicates that neighbourhood social capital is especially beneficial for children who reside in deprived neighbourhoods. However, two other studies did not find a significant interaction between SES and neighbourhood social capital. Due to the broad range of studied health-related outcomes, the different operationalisations of neighbourhood social capital and the conceptual overlap between measures of SES and social capital in some studies, the factors that explain these differences in findings remain unclear. Conclusions: Although the findings of this study should be interpreted with caution, the results suggest that neighbourhood social capital might play a role in the health gradient among children and adolescents. However, only two of the included studies were conducted in Europe. Furthermore, some studies focussed on specific populations and minority groups. To formulate relevant European policy recommendations, further European-focussed research on this issue is needed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe