801 research outputs found

    Systematics and evolution of the Australian Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    This thesis investigates the drivers of fruit fly speciation in Australia. Utilising genetic and fossil data, a dated phylogeny was produced and used to investigate trait evolution across the tribe. Morphological data was evaluated for its utility in phylogenetic reconstructions and found to have limited signal. Biogeographic analysis showed flies entered Australia from PNG, and into the Western Pacific from both PNG and Australia. Additionally, the study documented new fruit fly species, new distributions, and new lure records. The results help refine the taxonomy and systematics of the tribe and support future work in pest management

    A modern Don Quixote

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    La evolución de la política educativa en España ante el reto de la inmigración

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    This article focuses on the legislative measures adopted in the Spanish education system to educate migrants. In first place an overview of the evolution of the European framework is offered. After this brief introduction, this article analyses thoroughly the evolution of the three present guiding principles of the Spanish education system: equal opportunities; lifelong education and training; and diversity. It also provides with some particular difficulties of migrants to integrate into the school system. The study reveals a clear evolution of the legislation for the inclusion of the migrants in the education system in parallel to the massive arrival of them.Este artículo analiza la evolución de la normativa educativa española ante el reto de la inmigración. En primer lugar se ofrece una sintética evolución del marco europeo. A continuación el artículo se detiene en el estudio de la evolución de los tres principios rectores que ordenan el sistema educativo español vigente, a saber, el principio de igualdad de oportunidades, la educación y formación a 10 largo de la vida y la diversidad. En este sentido, se constata una clara evolución de la legislación española en paralelo a la llegada masiva de los inmigrantes a España

    Evolución de la política educativa francesa: de la igualdad a la diversidad.

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    This article provides a brief summary and a revision of the evolution of the idea of equality and its implementation in the French educational policy since the birth of the modern State until now-a-days. The starting point is the origin of the national educational system of a liberal nature characterised by the duality of the structures which were maintained until the mid of the XXth Century. After the approval of the 1958 Constitution the first educational reforms were introduced in order to implement the principle of equal of opportunities. This article emphasises the strategy of diversification of the structures and the recognition of the importance of the vocation element of learning as strategies that come along with the principle of equal of opportunities and the provision of a common learning. Finally the article refers to the fact that at the end of the XXth century the principle of diversity has become the motor of the French education policy

    Personalities of modern Spain

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    Isoform-specific tau antibodies and degrabodies to study 4R tau function in MAPT mutant iPSC-derived neurons

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    Hyperphosphorylated, insoluble aggregates of the microtubule-associated protein tau are a pathological hallmark of a group of clinically diverse diseases termed the tauopathies. There are six protein isoforms of tau protein separated into two groups; 3-repeat (3R) and 4-repeat (4R) tau, based on the number of repeats within the microtubule-binding region. Within neurons under normal healthy conditions, the ratio of expression of 3R and 4R tau is equal. However, in several tauopathies there is an imbalance of 3R and 4R tau, suggesting a disruption in tau splicing may be associated with disease. This is observed in Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome-17, where intronic and splice-site mutations in MAPT increase the relative amount of 4R tau and cause early-onset neurodegeneration. This altered tau splicing has been recapitulated in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived neurons, which recapitulate increased 4R tau levels along with other phenotypes including hyperpolarised mitochondrial membranes and an associated increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. This highly relevant to neurodegeneration as ROS-induced cell death is a key feature of many neurodegenerative diseases. The mechanisms by which increased 4R results in neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration are not fully understood, and progress has been limited in part by a lack of suitable tools to investigate tau isoform imbalance. In this project, I generated and characterised novel 3R and 4R tau specific antibodies. I then used these antibodies to develop a multiplexed flow cytometry assay to show a correlation between 4R tau levels and mitochondrial membrane polarisation in iPSC-derived neurons containing the 10+16 MAPT splice mutation. Finally, I generated a 4R tau specific degrabody (target degrading intracellular antibody). I demonstrated this causes the specific degradation of 4R tau to achieve phenotypic restoration of non-mutant levels of mitochondrial membrane polarisation within the mutant neurons

    Praktikum: primjer promjena u procesima podučavanja i učenja na europskome prostoru višeg obrazovanja

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    In this article I focus on changes in the roles of both students and teachers in the EHES. In particular, this article describes the experience at UNED, the largest university in Spain, of teaching the Practicum, a fl agship subject as a bridge between the present study plans and the future plans under the EHES. At UNED, the Practicum is organised on two levels: the first Practicum aims to develop the observation skills of education professionals; the second level aims to develop intervention skills. In this article I explain the features of the products that the student has to prepare for the fi rst level of the Practicum, such as the Practice Plan, the observation diary, the report, and the portfolio. The article includes an explanation of the sense, limits and possibilities of evaluating the students’ skills and learning processes through the Portfolio. This new evaluation tool has been used for training refl ective education professionals since the 1980s in the North American education system and has now arrived in our university context under the European Union education guidelines. I maintain that the Portfolio may fulfi l different functions and adopt different formats, but the essential element is that it refl ects the students’ learning processes as well as the skills that the students develop. In the last part of the article, I provide the reader with a description of the elements that a good portfolio should include for this fi rst level of the Practicum.Glavna su tema ovoga članka promjene u ulogama studenata i nastavnika u Europskome prostoru visokoga obrazovanja. Posebno se osvrćem na iskustvo podučavanja Praktikuma, glavnoga predmeta kao mosta između sadašnjih i budućih planova podučavanja u Europskome prostoru visokoga obrazovanja, na UNED, najvećem sveučilištu u Španjolskoj. Praktikum je na UNED organiziran u dva stupnja: prvi Praktikum ima za cilj razviti opažajne sposobnosti obrazovnih stručnjaka; na drugome stupnju potrebno je razviti sposobnosti posredovanja. U članku objašnjavam vrste radova koje student mora pripremiti za prvi stupanj Praktikuma, kao što je plan prakse, dnevnik praćenja, izvješće i portfelj. Nadalje su objašnjeni smisao, granice i mogućnosti procjene studentskih vještina i procesa učenja kroz portfelj. Ovaj novi instrument evaluacije korišten je od 1980-ih u sjevernoameričkom obrazovnom sustavu za izobrazbu refl ektivnih obrazovnih stručnjaka te je sada u ponudi našega sveučilišta pod obrazovnim smjernicama Europske Unije. Portfelj može ispunjavati različite funkcije i biti drugačijeg oblika, ali osnovna je njegova sastavnica da odražava procese učenja kao i vještine koje studenti razviju. U zadnjem dijelu članka navodim reader s opisom elemenata koje bi dobar portfelj za prvi stupanj Praktikuma trebao sadržavati

    Muco-membranous colitis

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    Under this title I propose to consider a morbid condition, which has for its essential outward manifestation the discharge per ann um of mucus in the form of membranes, casts, tubules mac., or as a a gla.iry jelly like substance,tlong with this, which I consider the one symptom, without which a diagno- sis of the complaint cannot be made, there are two others, which in well marked cases are almost in- variably present, viz., abdominal pain of a colicky type and constipation.The Occurrence of the above stated phenomena has long been recognised, hut it is within the lest twenty years that the condition has received much attention from physicians as a definite disorder of the colon.There does not appear to be any definite geo- graphical limitation of the disease. American writers have put numerous cases on record; on the Continent of Europe it has received probably more attention than in Great Britain, and there is plenty of evidence that it is to be met with in tropical countries. A most typical case --of which I propose to give notes later --was that of s gentleman who re- turned from India suffering from the disease.Both sexes ere affected, but statistics show that the female is more liable than the male