880 research outputs found

    Controversies in fluid therapy

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    Trust and Civic Engagement in the Italian COVID-19 Lockdown

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    The paper presents considerations on the possible consequences associated with the lockdown condition that ensued on the coronavirus pandemic. On the one hand, the infection brought about a notable intensification of primary relationships, in particular within the family and the domestic space in general, while, on the other hand and especially at the start, it generated strong symbolic integration, shown for example by events such as flashmobs and other forms of the grassroot involvement of individuals. Through empirical research data, we will attempt to understand to what extent the cultural climate prevalent in Italy through March and April influenced the attitudes of the Italians in terms of general interpersonal trust or trust in the institutions, as well as in terms of culture and civic engagement. For this purpose, the paper uses data taken from two empirical research on a sample of about 1,000 cases among the Italian population. It will be compared the evidence resulting from a first survey realized at the end of 2017 and the data collected in a second survey carried out on a sample of the same size (that presents a panel quota of 700 cases) ending on April 30 2020, i.e., at the end of the lockdown period. The variables to be analysed are relative to general interpersonal trust, trust in the institutions and civic engagement activities. Such items will function as dependent variables and will be analysed in a diachronic perspective comparing the two panel samples. Furthermore, they will be observed in relation to their distribution throughout Italy, to the age of the interviewees and to their civil status, in an attempt to discover any connection between family life and the attitude towards civil society, keeping in mind the dynamics triggered in everyday life by the pandemic

    "Come Si Dice in Italiano?": A Case Study of L1 Attrition

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    This paper describes a case study of Italian Ll attrition. Several areas of the participant's Ll are examined, with a focus on lexical attrition and the consequent use of communication strategies to prevent communication breakdowns. Particular attention is given to the manner in which the redundancy reduction, markedness, and salience principles may affect production. The participant's Ll competence is tested as well to examine whether certain areas of it are at all affected by attrition. From the data collected, there are reasons to believe that attrition affects mainly production, in the form of diminished accessibilitY

    The Concept of Mind and its Relationship with the Body and Consciousness: a Perspective from Severino's Indication

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    Science conceives the mind as any object of reality to be studied and characterized and hence the ageold problem of the relationship with the body: the bodymind problem. According to a Severinian philosophical perspective, the mind is instead a meaning that appears and not only appears but constitutes itself the dimension in which things appear. Thepaper aims to clarify the bodymnd relationship in the light of Severino’s indication

    Le toucher thérapeutique dans la gestion des symptômes psycho-comportementaux de la démence:: travail de Bachelor

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    Problématique : La population âgée augmentant, la société voit émerger de plus en plus de personnes atteintes de démences ou de troubles cognitifs, que ce soit à domicile ou en institution. Tout au long de l'évolution de la maladie démentielle, des troubles du comportement peuvent apparaitre et la prise en soin infirmière auprès de ces résidents devient alors difficile et nécessite une approche spécifique. Dès lors, l’utilisation des thérapies alternatives amène une nouvelle perspective. Le but de ce travail est de s’intéresser plus spécifiquement à l’une d’entre elle : le toucher thérapeutique. Méthode : Une recherche d’articles a été effectuée avec des mots-clés au travers de deux bases de données CIHNAL et Pubmed. Les mots-clés « démence/ maladie d’Alzheimer » et « toucher thérapeutique » ont été utilisés afin de construire les équations de recherche. Six articles ont été sélectionnés selon des critères spécifiques. Une lecture et une analyse approfondie ont été menées pour chaque étude afin de pouvoir répondre à la question de recherche

    A química do tempo: uma oficina temática para o ensino de datação por carbono 14

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014A ciência e a tecnologia desempenham um papel fundamental e essencial na sociedade atual, por isso a grande importância em promover a cultura científica, aproximando o saber científico aos cidadãos. Nesta perspectiva, é fundamental desenvolver estratégias que permitam a aproximação entre o cidadão comum e a informação científica produzida pelos cientistas. Nessa perspectiva este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de Oficina Temática que aborda os conhecimentos de forma inter-relacionada e contextualizada. Diante do exposto, buscamos desenvolver, a partir do tema ‘Modelos quânticos e propriedades químicas’, uma Oficina Temática que propiciasse aos estudantes o envolvimento em um processo ativo de construção de seu próprio conhecimento, promovendo um ambiente de reflexão que vise contribuir para a formação de um cidadão crític

    Specificities of the Third Sector: the Relational Approach

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    The paper considers the recent critical and sceptical perspectives of social sciences on the Third sector. Above all, it reflects on the difficulty in identifying specificities of this supposed sector of contemporary society. Starting from this scenario, the author introduces the perspective of relational sociology as a possible way of defining a specificity of the sector, on the basis of the different \u2018semantics of social relation\u2019. In the second part of the work, a review of ten years of empirical research on the third sector, conducted in Italy, by a team of relational sociologists, puts the theory to the test finding both confirmations and disconfirmations