31 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the choice of friends : analysis of bulgarian friendship networks = Factores que influyen en la elección de amigos : análisis de redes de amistad búlgara

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tiene lugar en 2006 usando un análisis sobre la red de amigos. Se estudian las relaciones de 223 pares de amigos. Había reciprocidad en las nociones de los que respondieron sobre el hecho de cómo percibían a sus amigos y cómo estos les percibían a ellos —como hombres o mujeres, como jóvenes, como habitantes de una ciudad, como vecinos, familiares, a través de características personales dominantes, como extranjeros, como europeos. Usualmente los amigos tenían la misma ocupación y el mismo estatus social. La identidad étnica, territorial Europea y de género influenciaban la elección de amigos y el desarrollo de la amistad. Los miembros de la mayoría étnica en Bulgaria mantenían amigos principalmente con los miembros del grupo étnico y con gente que declaró la misma religión, mientras que la gente de minorías étnicas mantuvo más frecuentemente amigos con miembros de los grupos étnicos externos y con gente de diferentes religiones. La identidad europea unificó a los miembros a encontrar cosas más comunes entre ellos cuando tenían diferentes identidades étnicas. La identidad territorial y la identidad de género dominaban más en las amistades de la gente joven que de los mayores.________________________________This paper presents the results from a research carried out in 2006 in Bulgaria by using the analysis of friendship network. The studied relationships were between 223 couples of friends. There was reciprocity in the respondents' notions about the fact how they perceived their friends and how their friends perceived them — as men/women, as young people, as inhabitants of a city, as neighbours, as relatives, through dominant personal qualities, as foreigners, as Europeans. Usually the friends had the same occupation and the same social status. The ethnic, territorial, European and gender identity influenced the choice of friends and the development of the friendship. The members of the ethnic majority in Bulgaria maintained friendships mainly with the members of the ethnic in-group and with people

    Specifics of the distribution policy of Sopharma Trading AD

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    The distribution solutions, which are part of the distribution and logistics policy of Sopharma Trading AD, play a key role for the overall success of the company. Distribution in itself is important element that takes time to build and represents a strong corporate linking with multiple intermediaries. Creating effective distribution channels is so crucial that it can predetermine the outcome of competition between companies. In this article are presented the distribution services and solutions, as well as the market position of Sopharma Trading AD

    Study of the opportunities of kinesitherapy to tackle obesity in school-age

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    Obesity is a disease associated with excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity in children is not only aesthetic, but also one of the most serious medical and social problems of our time, which is constantly growing. Its great medical and social importance is determined by the fact that it favors the development of many diseases - type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Bulgaria ranks fifth in Europe in obese children.Objective: This study examines the possibilities of kinesitherapy as a means to tackle obesity in school age.The study was conducted within three months at the Medical Center for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine „Prostor` - Varna. It involves 32 children with overweight and obesity between the ages of 7 and 15 years. Before and after the kinesitherapeutic program every child goes through a clinical medical examination including measurements of height and weight, calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and laboratory tests.After analyzing the obtained data, we report reduction in weight, depending on to what extent the recommendations for balanced nutrition and physical activity are followed for the rest of the day.Nutrition and physical activity are crucial to the health and prerequisite for ensuring optimal growth and development of children and adolescents.tudy of the opportunities of kinesitherapy to tackle obesity in school-age

    Development of an inkjet calibration phantom for x-ray imaging studies

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    Introduction: 3D anthropomorphic models of human tissues have become a requirement for conducting realistic virtual studies. One of the current directions in the research of X-ray imaging is the development of physical models with 3D printing techniques using specific materials aiming to obtain replica of the human body tissues with similar radiological characteristics.Aim: The aim of this study is to create a calibration phantom for establishing the X-ray properties of different cartridge infills and their suitability to represent the X-ray properties of different breast types.Materials and Methods: A physical calibration model consisting of 22 objects was designed and printed by using an inkjet printer. A mixture was obtained from 5 mL printer ink and 3 g of potassium iodide (KI), which was used to fill the printer’s cartridge and to print the model on a set of plain office paper. Experimental X-ray images of the physical model were acquired on radiographic system SEDECAL X PLUS LP+. The obtained attenuation coefficient of the printing mixture was evaluated and compared to the breast tissue coefficients corresponding to the used X-ray energy.Results and Discussion: The physical model was printed on ten office sheets and stacked above one another. The obtained attenuation coefficient of the printing mixture was found very similar to that of the glandular tissue of the breast for the used X-ray energy.Conclusion: The obtained printer ink-KI mixture is suitable for representing the glandular part of breast tissue. The method has the potential to be used for creation of a realistic physical breast model

    Automated Breast Ultrasound (Abus) – A Contemporary Overview

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    Ракът на гърдата е заболяване с особено голямо социално значение. Поради високата му честота и потенциала за радикално излекуване при откриване в ранен стадий се отделя огромен ресурс за усъвършенстването на ранното му диагностициране. В последните години в чужбина започва да навлиза автоматизираната ехоскопия на гърда (automated breast ultrasound, ABUS, също така познато под наименованието сономамотомография) – модификация на стандартната мануална ехоскопия, целяща създаване на стандартизирано, възпроизводимо скринингово и диагностично изследване, което също така да позволява анализ на млечни жлези с висока рентгенова плътност – едновременно рисков контингент за развитие на мамерен карцином и диагностично предизвикателство пред конвенционалната рентгенова мамография. Базиран на механичните звукови вълни и пиезоелектричния ефект, методът е лишен от йонизираща радиация. ABUS използва автоматично придвижващ се трансдюсер, монтиран в конформиращ се към гърдата апликатор, за да сканира цялата млечна жлеза неколкократно в различни проекции. Изображенията се обработват от компютър, подобно на тези, добити от рентгеновата компютърна томография, позволявайки мултипланарен анализ на всяка една потенциална лезия. Понастоящем сономамотомографията в България е в зората на своето развитие – методът бива въведен в единични лечебни заведения, като УМБАЛ „Света Марина“ във Варна е сред първите успешно интегрирали го в диагностичния си и скринингов алгоритъм.Breast cancer is a disease of exceptional social significance. Because of its high incidence and its potential for radical treatment in the early stages, a substantial amount of resources is being dedicated yearly to improve early detection. In recent years Western countries have begun implementing automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) machines – a modification of the standard manual ultrasonography device, aimed at creating a standardized, reproducible examination for screening and diagnosis, which would also allow for characterization of radiographically dense breasts – simultaneously a risk contingent for mammary cancer and a diagnostic challenge for standard x-ray mammography. Based on mechanical sound waves and the piezoelectric effect, the method is devoid of ionizing radiation. ABUS uses a transducer that automatically moves along an applicator, which is made to conform to the shape of the breast – scanning it in several planes. The images are processed by a computer, similarly to x-ray computed tomography, allowing for multiplanar analysis of each potential lesion. Currently ABUS is at its initial stages of development in Bulgaria – one of the very few hospitals to implement it successfully is St. Marina University Hospital in Varna, having successfully incorporated it into its diagnostic and screening algorithm


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    Background: Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) are emerging pathogens causing opportunistic infections in humans and animals. Their distribution in the waters and caves of Bulgaria is poorly studied. Climatic changes are associated with changes in the amplitudes of ambient and water temperature, as well as changes in the amount of precipitation which play an essential role in the creation of reservoirs of some types of NTM in the environment. Material and Methods: We optimized the methods for successful isolation of environmental NTM and then used molecular genetic methods for identification. Results: A total of 235 samples (karst water, sediments, soil, bat guano) were collected in some caves of the following karst regions: 203 in Vratsa Karst area, 204 in Ponor Karst area, 205 in Bezdenski area and 303 in Karst and caves of Bosnek region. Primary isolation of mycobacteria by Löwenstein–Jensen at room temperature was more successful than on liquid media at 37°C. We identified NTM in 10% (n=24) from these materials. Diverse NTM included: M. chelonae (n=3), M. gordonae (n=2), M. intermedium (n=3), M. scrofulaceum (n=1), M. szulgai (n=4), M. fortuitum group (n=4), NTM mix culture (n=5), M. terrae complex (n=1), Mycobacterium sp. (n=1). Rapidly growing NTM (M. chelonae, M. fortuitum group) were the most common. The isolates belonged to group of environmental saprophytes (Risk group 1) and potential pathogens (Risk group 2). Conclusions: We successfully implemented a procedure for decontamination and isolation of NTM from the environment. For the first time in the country, NTM species were identified in biofilms, karst waters, soil and bat guano within caves. The presence of NTM in cave ecosystems represents a potential source for human infection

    Reasons for facebook usage: Data from 46 countries

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    Seventy-nine percent of internet users use Facebook, and on average they access Facebook eight times a day (Greenwood et al., 2016). To put these numbers into perspective, according to Clement (2019), around 30% of the world\u2019s population uses this Online Social Network (OSN) site. Despite the constantly growing body of academic research on Facebook (Chou et al., 2009; Back et al., 2010; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; McAndrew and Jeong, 2012; Wilson et al., 2012; Krasnova et al., 2017), there remains limited research regarding the motivation behind Facebook use across different cultures. Our main goal was to collect data from a large cross-cultural sample of Facebook users to examine the roles of sex, age, and, most importantly, cultural differences underlying Facebook use

    Cost-effectiveness of treatment intervention in prediabetic patients in Bulgaria

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    Introduction: The study aims to evaluate the cost-effectiveness (CE) of an early intervention in prediabetes (metformin) in order to prevent or slow down the onset of diabetes in those at high risk compared with the current "do nothing" approach. Materials and methods: An Excel-based model was developed. The results of the CE and cost-utility analyses are presented as an ICER (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) and ICUR (incremental cost-utility ratio), respectively. Markov model of the cost or potential savings from the perspective of the National Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria was performed. Results: The ICER of the metformin intervention in prediabetes patients compared with "do nothing" routine shows that metformin treatment produced more health benefits (number of prevented diabetes cases) on a lower cost for the public payer. The ICER calculated is -7,122.32 BGN per number of prevented diabetes cases and it confirms cost-savings are possible when metformin is applied compared with the "do nothing" approach. The ICUR per quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained also shows the metformin preventive intervention as a dominant and cost-saving alternative. The Markov model simulation confirms the intervention with metformin is less costly in a long-term and leads to higher QALYs. Conclusion: The investment in a preventive intervention with metformin offers an excellent value for money. The ICER of the metformin intervention in prediabetes patients compared with "do nothing" routine shows that metformin preventive intervention produced more health benefits on a lower cost for the public payer in Bulgaria