63 research outputs found

    Integrate, Adapt, Collaborate: Comecon Architecture in Socialist Mongolia

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    This paper conceptualizes the uneven dynamics of architectural mobilities between member states of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon) and socialist Mongolia, a member of the Comecon since 1962. These long, intense, multilateral, and coordinated exchanges decisively contributed to the development of the "material-technical base" for construction in Cold War Mongolia, including planning institutions as well as construction and construction-materials industries. Based on archival research and interviews in Mongolia, Russia, Germany, and Poland, we introduce the concept of "concern" and argue that the priorities, motivations, and aspirations of the professionals involved were informed by three concerns. They included, first, the concern for integrating Mongolian design and construction industries into a comprehensive network of organizations in charge of the urbanization processes; second, the concern for adapting foreign resources to the conditions on the ground; and, third, the concern for an increasing collaboration between Mongolian, Soviet, and Eastern European actors. We study how these actors followed, exploited, and sometimes challenged the political economy of the Comecon, and how they negotiated it with feedback from specific investments. We argue that the concept of the three concerns is useful for studying architectural mobilities in global socialism and across competing 20th-century developmental regimes

    Ocena efektywności wdrożenia systemu wspomagania zarządzania procesami biznesowymi BPM

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    This article describes the authors’ methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of business process management systems (Business Process Management Systems). The current methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of IT systems implementation is too general and ineffective to the specificity of BPM implementations. Literature analysis and research conducted by the authors indicate that the area related to the assessment of the effectiveness of BPM information systems is very complex but at the same time very attractive from a practical and applied point of view. The authors explain the organizational implications of BPM implementation and they point out what gives you the transition from a functionally oriented organization to a process approach. In terms of time, the scope of work covers the key achievements and publications from the BPM systems of the last 20 years. In spatial terms work includes evaluating BPMS implementations in the insurance and energy sectors. Case studies and practical information on implemented business process management systems are presented in the material to prove it’s value.W niniejszym artykule opisano autorską metodę oceniającą efektywność wdrożenia systemów zarządzania procesami biznesowymi (Business Process Management Systems) przedsiębiorstwa. Obecna metodyka, oceniająca efektywność wdrożeń systemów informatycznych, jest zbyt ogólna i nieefektywna w stosunku do specyfiki wdrożeń systemów BPM. Analiza literatury i przeprowadzone przez autorów badania wskazują, że obszar związany z oceną efektywności systemów informatycznych BPM jest bardzo złożony, ale zarazem bardzo atrakcyjny z praktycznego i aplikacyjnego punktu widzenia. Autorzy opracowania wyjaśniają implikacje organizacyjne związane z wdrożeniem systemu BPM oraz wskazują, co daje przejście z organizacji zorientowanej funkcjonalnie na podejście procesowe. W ujęciu czasowym zakres pracy obejmuje najważniejsze osiągnięcia oraz publikacje z obszaru systemów BPM z ostatnich 20 lat. W ujęciu przestrzennym praca obejmuje ewaluację wdrożeń BPMS w sektorze ubezpieczeniowym i energetycznym. Przedstawiono też studia przypadku oraz praktyczne informacje o zaimplementowanych systemach zarządzania procesami biznesowymi

    A Ugandan Architect on his Studies in Soviet Kyiv: Lessons of Equality, Environment, Race, and Friendship

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    Different expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in selected nonmelanocytic human cutaneous lesions

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    The aim of our study was to elucidate the possible involvement of COX-2 in the development and/or progression of nonmelanocytic skin lesions. To evaluate the usefulness of that enzyme as a potential molecular marker, we examined the intensity and spatial distribution of COX-2 expression in selected types of such tumors using the same immunohistochemical procedure as in our earlier studies of melanocytic cancers. We examined 20 benign epithelial lesions, 11 precancerous lesions, 21 basal cell carcinomas (BCC), 14 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and eight fibromas. The levels of COX-2 expression detected in benign lesions and in normal skin were comparable. Elevated expression of this protein may play a role in the development of SCC, as indicated by strong immunostaining both in SCCs and precancerous lesions. Significantly stronger staining in SCCs compared to BCCs may indicate a role of COX-2 in cancer malignancy and serve as an indicator useful for differential diagnostics of the two types of cancer. Strong staining in all skin layers of SCC may help in detecting cancer cells infiltrating surrounding skin layers. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 381–388

    The diversity of diatom assemblages developed on fallow soil in Pogórska Wola near Tarnów (southern Poland)

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the species diversity of diatoms growing on fallow fields on loose sand. The study site was located in the western part of Pogórska Wola near Tarnów (southern Poland). Samples were collected from fallow land once a month from April to December 2011. 57 diatom taxa from 19 different genera were found. The most numerous genera were Fragilaria (8) and Luticola (7). The highest species richness was observed in December, November and July, while the highest values of species diversity (Shannon–Wiener index) were recorded between August and October. Four taxa – Pinnularia borealis Ehrenb. var. borealis, Stauroneis borrichii (Petersen) Lund, Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow, and Luticola nivalis (Ehrenb.) D.G. Mann, were found to be the dominant species. Neutral species (a pH of about 7) dominated in all months (from April to December), reaching an over 90% share in the assemblage. In terms of nitrogen content, nitrogen-autotrophic taxa, tolerating an elevated concentration of organically bound nitrogen, occurred most abundantly, as was indicated by the low content of nitrogen in the soil

    The diversity of diatom assemblages developed on fallow soil in Pogórska Wola near Tarnów (southern Poland)

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the species diversity of diatoms growing on fallow fields on loose sand. The study site was located in the western part of Pogórska Wola near Tarnów (southern Poland). Samples were collected from fallow land once a month from April to December 2011. 57 diatom taxa from 19 different genera were found. The most numerous genera were Fragilaria (8) and Luticola (7). The highest species richness was observed in December, November and July, while the highest values of species diversity (Shannon–Wiener index) were recorded between August and October. Four taxa – Pinnularia borealis Ehrenb. var. borealis, Stauroneis borrichii (Petersen) Lund, Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow, and Luticola nivalis (Ehrenb.) D.G. Mann, were found to be the dominant species. Neutral species (a pH of about 7) dominated in all months (from April to December), reaching an over 90% share in the assemblage. In terms of nitrogen content, nitrogen-autotrophic taxa, tolerating an elevated concentration of organically bound nitrogen, occurred most abundantly, as was indicated by the low content of nitrogen in the soil

    Twelve-Month Evaluation of Temperature Effects of Radiotherapy in Patients after Mastectomy

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    The aim of this study was to verify the changes in the temperature distribution within the breast at twelve months after the end of radiotherapy for breast cancer. The study included twentyfour women. The first test group consisted of twelve women who underwent breast mastectomy and qualified for radiotherapy according to standard medical treatment procedures. The second group included twelve healthy women. The tests were conducted before treatment with radiation therapy and two months, six months, nine months, and one year after the end of treatment. The mean temperature values changed depending on the time that had elapsed since the end of treatment. The highest temperature increase in all patients was observed six months after the end of radiotherapy. This research has confirmed that the assessment of temperature changes in the breast area after radiotherapy can evaluate the severity and lesions in the time course of the radiation reaction

    Physical parameters in thermal imaging of basal cell cancer patients treated with high-dose-rate brachytherapy — first study

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    Background: The basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is often treated by surgery or radiotherapy using ionizing radiation. While there is an established diagnostic path before treatment and also for the follow-up there are no good noninvasive methods objectifying irradiated area evolution during treatment. The main goal of preliminary studies was to try to answer if there are any useful information that can be derived from temperature effects of high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy in treatment of BCC. Moreover, the temperature gradient was introduced as a physical parameter characterizing the thermal map of the lesion, its surroundings and reference area, which provided information about cancer tissue thermal reaction to brachytherapy. Materials and methods: Thirty-three patients suffering from BCC were monitored with thermovision during the brachytherapy treatment. All lesions were diagnosed as superficial and were confirmed with histopathology examination. Results: Results of the study showed two groups of patients characterized with two thermal maps and temperature gradient describing the lesion and surrounding area of BCC. The first group was characterized by higher temperature of the lesion than the surrounding tissue temperature (mean dT = 0,41°) whereas the other one, with lower lesion temperature (mean dT = –0.42°). It seems that the temperature changes observed in designated areas before and after therapy may provide physicians with additional information which could be useful in planning the treatment process, especially when considering temperature gradient changes during therapy. Conclusions:Although the data obtained indicate the possibilities of temperature distribution in pre-irradiation cases, further research is required for estimation of clinical effects of treatment