77 research outputs found

    Mokytojo profesijos įprasminimas kaip profesionalumo tobulinimo gairė

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    For the successful educational reform it is important to have an attentive ear to the teacher’s problems, their expectations, to respect them as well as give scientific assistance for mating their profession meaningful. We felt absence of the works, analysing the functioning of values in the teacher’s professional activity, their ties with the process of giving meaning to this profession. Referring to the analysis of scientific literature and the results of phenomenological investigation the principal components of giving sense to the teacher’s profession were revealed: concept of professional values, peculiarities of professional experiences tendencies of realization of professional values, self-esteem of teacher’s workmanship. Understanding of pedagogical work values and professional competence reveal the concept of professional values. The individuality of professional experiences is highlighted by the teacher’s satisfaction with their professional activity, by emotional evaluation of the teacher's profession and of pupils, by other feelings and emotions, dominating in pedagogical work. The teacher's pedagogical troubles and goals of pedagogical activity show the tendencies of realization of professional values. Self-esteem of teacher's workmanship manifests itself by the evaluation of the achieved professional level. The investigation revealed the teacher’s giving sense to their profession – their general system of values and professional perfection. The background of the general system of values is made up of humanistic and belief in God values.Straipsnyje keliama mokytojo profesijos įprasminimo problema, grindžiama išsamia filosofine, psichologine bei pedagogine analize. Mokytojo profesijos įprasminimas siejamas su aukščiausių vertybių supratimu ir įgyvendinimu pedagoginiame darbe. Straipsnyje pateikiamas ir mokytojo profesijos įprasminimo struktūrinis modelis

    Kaimo mokytojų vertybinės orientacijos

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    The present scientific article discusses the structure of value characteristics for village teachers from various agricultural schools and third-year students of the Lithuanian Agricultural Academy, who chose the specialization of vocational teacher. Both groups of subjects appeared to prefer such traditional terminal values as good health and a happy family life, whereas needs of self-actualization were less significant. The analysis of the hierarchy of instrumental values revealed the significance of self-actualization needs in both groups of respondents. These results may reflect the social passiveness of the subjects and their need to attain more conformist goals. Regardless of this the investigation of instrumental values showed that country-based teachers tend to be more socially active and prefer values of self-actualization. The analysis of the hierarchy of values showed that the education system needs to pay more attention to the stimulation of self-actualization values in order to meet the demands of today's social and economic situation.Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti profesijos mokytojų, dirbančių įvairių pakopų žemės ūkio mokyklose, ir LŽŪA trečio kurso studentų, pasirinkusių profesijos mokytojo specializaciją, vertybinių orientacijų struktūrą, rasti bendrus dėsningumus. Abiejų tiriamųjų grupių terminalinių vertybių analizė parodė, kad dominuoja materialiosios vertybės, hierarchijos viršūnėje - sveikata ir laimingas šeimyninis gyvenimas. Postmaterialiosios arba savęs aktualizavimo vertybės atsiduria hierarchijos apačioje. Profesijos mokytojų instrumentinių vertybių struktūroje saviraiškos vertybės užima šiek tiek aukštesnę vietą nei konformistinės. Ši tiriamųjų grupė atiduoda pirmenybę tokioms instrumentinėms vertybėms kaip išprūsimas, racionalumas, jautrumas, nepriklausomybė. Tuo tarpu studentų grupėje dominuoja racionalumas, jautrumas, savikontrolė, pakantumas. Gautus rezultatus galima aiškinti tuo, kad tiriamiesiems būdinga socialinė apatija, konformistinis, pasyvus prisitaikymas prie aplinkybių, užsisklendimas siaurame šeimos rate. Instrumentinių vertybių analizė teikia vilčių, kad inteligentijos atstovams kaime būdingas nedidelis poslinkis aktyvumo, saviraiškos link. Ugdymo sistemoje turėtų būti skiriama daugiau dėmesio saviraiškos ir savęs aktualizavimo vertybių formavimui, nes to reikalauja šiandieninė sudėtinga socialinė-ekonominė situacija


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    Hill-forts are visually distinct archaeological monuments of the Lithuanian landscape; despite excavations that have recently become more intensive, more often than not we still make judgments of hill-forts on the basis of their surviving image, which is assumed to reflect the final stage of their existence. Usually our knowledge about the size of the settlement at its foot, its planigraphy, and of course chronology, is too slender to make any conclusions. By employing complex non-destructive research methods (palynological, geochemical, lithological and geomagnetic analysis, as well as 14C and thermoluminescence dating), the article discusses the time of the rise and the abandonment of Skomantai hill-fort and settlements, the hierarchical relations with the hill-fort as an object forming the settlement structure of the neighbouring area, both settlements at the foot of the hill, and the surrounding burial grounds and monuments, all of which make up a micro-region. As the economic model of the community and the social structure of society changed, the relations between the hill-fort and the settlements changed, as did the purpose of the hill-fort.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ab.v17i0.55 Key words: western Lithuania, Skomantai, hill-fort, settlements, micro-region, human activity, non-destructive research methods, 14C dating, thermoluminescence dating

    Изменения окружающей среды в позднеледниковье и голоцене на юго-востоке Беларуси

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    Communicated by Academician Aleksey V. MatveevThe reconstruction of environmental changes in the southeast of Belarus during the last 14700 cal. BP is based on the results of palynological, radiocarbon, isotope and lithological studies of Lake Staroje deposits. Climatic fluctuations, fires and human activities played a significant role in the transformation of the vegetation cover. The beginning of the lacustrine sedimentation was dated circa 16000 cal. BP. The intensification of erosion processes on the water catchment area was marked by an increase in the mineral material flow into the lake. These events have a positive correlation with the climate cooling and humidity phases in the Late Glacial and Early Holocene, and in the Late Holocene with anthropogenic impact stages. The traces of the episodic human activity were dated to 5800 cal. BP, while the expansion of farming and pasturing areas began at 3000 cal. BP Currently the consequences of human activities (including drainage of bogs) are reflected in the treeless landscapes adjacent to the lake.Представлено академиком А. В. МатвеевымРеконструкция изменений окружающей среды на юго-востоке Беларуси в течение последних 14,7 тыс. кал. л. н. основана на результатах палинологических, радиоуглеродных, изотопных и литологических исследований отложений оз. Старое. Климатические колебания, пожары и деятельность человека играли значительную роль в преобразовании растительного покрова. Начало озерного седиментогенеза датируется около 16,0 тыс. кал. л. н. Усиление эрозионных процессов на водосборе было отмечено повышенным поступлением минерального материала в озеро. Эти события в позднеледниковье и раннем голоцене имеют положительную корреляцию с фазами похолодания и увлажнения климата, а в позднем голоцене с этапами антропогенного воздействия. Следы эпизодической деятельности человека установлены с ~5,8 тыс. кал. л. н., а начало земледелия и расширение пастбищных площадей с 3,0 тыс. кал. л. н. В настоящее время последствия хозяйственной деятельности человека (включая осушение болот) иллюстрируют безлесные ландшафты, прилегающие к озеру

    Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe

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    Fire is a natural component of global biogeochemical cycles and closely related to changes in human land use. Whereas climate-fuel relationships seem to drive both global and subcontinental fire regimes, human-induced fires are prominent mainly on a local scale. Furthermore, the basic assumption that relates humans and fire regimes in terms of population densities, suggesting that few human-induced fires should occur in periods and areas of low population density, is currently debated. Here, we analyze human-fire relationships throughout the Holocene and discuss how and to what extent human driven fires affected the landscape transformation in the Central European Lowlands (CEL). We present sedimentary charcoal composites on three spatial scales and compare them with climate model output and land cover reconstructions from pollen records. Our findings indicate that widespread natural fires only occurred during the early Holocene. Natural conditions (climate and vegetation) limited the extent of wildfires beginning 8500 cal. BP, and diverging subregional charcoal composites suggest that Mesolithic hunter-gatherers maintained a culturally diverse use of fire. Divergence in regional charcoal composites marks the spread of sedentary cultures in the western and eastern CEL The intensification of human land use during the last millennium drove an increase in fire activity to early-Holocene levels across the CEL Hence, humans have significantly affected natural fire regimes beyond the local scale - even in periods of low population densities - depending on diverse cultural land-use strategies. We find that humans have strongly affected land-cover- and biogeochemical cycles since Mesolithic times

    Vėlyvojo ledynmečio gamtinės aplinkos raida Lietuvoje

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    A detailed description of the Late Glacial environment was attempted through an interpretation of pollen data and lithologi-cal records in the sequences with 14C chronologies. Pollen data suggests that during the pre-Allerod time (>11.9I4C kyr. BP) tree-less vegetation flourished in the area where sedimentation in freshwater bodies with a high water level was dominant. The formation of Betu/a and Pimis predominating forest (11.9-11.8'4C kyr. BP) coincides with the increasing representation of the organic constituent in investigated sequences. Palaeobotanical records show some improvement of the climatic conditions since the middle of the Younger Dryas cold event (10.5-10.414C kyr. BP). Sedimentation in oligo-mesotrophic nutrient-rich lakes with a rather high water level was typical for the end of the Late Glacial

    Advertising solutions for place branding towards sustainable brand

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    Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – suformuoti teoriškai pagrįstą ir empiriškai patikrintą reklamos sprendimų darniam vietos prekės ženklo plėtrai modelį pateikiant įgyvendinimo pasiūlymus. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariama reklamos ir darnaus vietos prekės ženklo ir jo plėtros sampratos bei reklamos ir jos sprendimų, kaip sėkmingos reklamos veiksmų, vaidmuo darnaus vietos prekės ženklo plėtros procese, sukonstruojant teoriškai pagrįstą reklamos sprendimų darnaus vietos prekės ženklo plėtrai modelį. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje analizuojami darnaus Molėtų prekės ženklo reklamos sprendimų tyrimo rezultatai. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo metodais (kokybine turinio analize, interviu, žvalgybiniu tyrimu) surinkta informacija – Molėtų rajono prekės ženklas vartotojų atžvilgiu suvokiamas kaip nepakankamai darnus bei neunikalus, dominuojant vienai aplinkosaugos dimensijai. Skirtingos auditorijos tai suvokia kaip mažo konkurencinio išskirtinumo kraštą, turintį potencialo pilnai tapti darniu prekės ženklu. Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuoti sprendimai pritaikyti skirtingoms tikslinėms auditorijoms, siūlant remtis aktualiausiais reklamos sprendimais – vietos kultūra, jos ištekliais, teikiamomis vertėmis bei vietos unikalumu, integruojant esmines darnos dimensijas.The aim of diploma paper – to form a theoretically based and empirically verified model of advertising solutions for place branding towards sustainable brand by giving proposals for implementation. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the concept of advertising, it solutions and sustainable place branding. There is constructed a theoretically based model of advertising solutions for sustainable place branding. The second part of this paper presents and analyzes the results of the research of place brand of Molėtai district and its advertising solutions. The research is based on qualitative methods – qualitative content analysis, interviews, exploratory research. Molėtai district is perceived as brand that has all the potential to become a sustainable brand. The third part proposes solutions adapted to different target audiences. Advertising message should rely on local culture, its resources, values and local uniqueness. It is very important to integrate key dimensions of sustainability while creating and advertising message.Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetasMarketingo katedr

    Vėlyvojo ledynmečio gamtinės aplinkos raida Lietuvoje

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    A detailed description of the Late Glacial environment was attempted through an interpretation of pollen data and lithologi-cal records in the sequences with 14C chronologies. Pollen data suggests that during the pre-Allerod time (>11.9I4C kyr. BP) tree-less vegetation flourished in the area where sedimentation in freshwater bodies with a high water level was dominant. The formation of Betu/a and Pimis predominating forest (11.9-11.8'4C kyr. BP) coincides with the increasing representation of the organic constituent in investigated sequences. Palaeobotanical records show some improvement of the climatic conditions since the middle of the Younger Dryas cold event (10.5-10.414C kyr. BP). Sedimentation in oligo-mesotrophic nutrient-rich lakes with a rather high water level was typical for the end of the Late Glacial