74 research outputs found

    Le niveau d’exigences intellectuelles des formations professionnelles initiales en Suisse. Classement des annĂ©es 1999­-2005

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    Aktualisierung und Erweiterung des Ratings aus dem Jahr 2002; Stand 200

    Apprentices’ Resources at Work and School in Switzerland: A Person-Centred Approach

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    Context: Providing learners with quality resources at work and school is a key element of apprenticeships and is essential for developing vocational competencies and successful vocational careers. Drawing on previous research on situational and personal resources, we first explored work-related and school-related resource profiles of apprentices’ learning environments. We further analysed how core self-evaluations are linked to resource profiles and examined whether learners’ apprenticeship satisfaction and occupational commitment varied according to the resource profiles. Approach: We used latent profile analysis and multinomial logistic regressions, applying an integrative, person-centred approach. Our data came from the Swiss longitudinal study "Transition from Education to Employment" (TREE). The sample consisted of 1,185 apprentices enrolled in the second year of their apprenticeship. Findings: We found four profiles of situational resources (e.g., instruction quality, climate, learning opportunities, autonomy, and demands) at the two learning locations. The profiles embodied different patterns and levels of situational resources. Two profiles were characterised by overall high or average levels of situational resources at both learning locations; the other two illustrated a stark contrast between the resources provided in the workplace and at school. Learners with higher core self-evaluations were more likely to be in profiles with higher situational resources. Apprentices in more beneficial profiles were more satisfied with their apprenticeships and more committed to their occupations than those in profiles with lower resources. Conclusion: The results confirm the importance of providing apprentices with challenging, empowering, and supportive learning environments in the workplace and at vocational schools. To support learning and positive career development in apprenticeships, educators should strengthen learners’ core self-evaluations to empower them to shape their learning according to their needs

    Scoping Review on Research at the Boundary Between Learning and Working: A Bibliometric Mapping Analysis of the Last Decade

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    Context: The research field at the boundary between learning and working is multidimensional, fuzzy, dynamic, and characterized by high growth. A study that comprehensively maps and aggregates this research field is missing. Approach: Using tools of bibliometric analysis (bibliographic coupling, co-citation analysis and co-occurrence analysis), we map the research at the boundary between learning and working in a scoping review study. Our study considers peer-reviewed articles published between 2011 and 2020 and recorded in Scopus. In total, 5,474 articles are included in our analysis. Findings: Focusing on the intellectual structure of the research field, we identified the most publishing and most cited countries, journals, and authors, as well as latent collaborative networks among countries, journals, and authors. Furthermore, we used references and keywords to identify the conceptual structure of the research field and distinguished four types of conceptual clusters: motor clusters, highly developed and isolated clusters, emerging or declining clusters, and basic and transversal clusters.Conclusions: Research at the boundary between learning and working is highly parcelled out internationally. This scientific parcelling represents a disadvantage for exchanging ideas and accumulating knowledge. In addition to forming a parcelled field, a dividing line runs between centre, periphery and excluded countries and scientists. Especially scientists from developing countries and nations, economies in transition and those from post-conflict situations are excluded from the international discourse. This situation is more than just a disadvantage for the exchange of ideas and the accumulation of knowledge. Instead, there is a systematic bias in the research landscape here.

    Support from teachers and trainers in vocational education and training: the pathways to career aspirations and further career development

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    Transition from school to work is a challenging period for young people with learning difficulties. In the dual vocational system of Switzerland, teachers at vocational educational and training (VET)-schools, as well as trainers at VETcompanies,provide important support. We were interested in the different pathways from this support to apprentice’s career aspirations and further training. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse data from a longitudinal study in four occupational sectors. Results show that VET-teacher support is directly and indirectly related to career aspirations at the end of the apprenticeship, whereas VET-trainer support influences career aspirations only indirectly. Domain specific constructs (ability self-concept at VET-school, skill variety at the VET-company)and self-esteem are important as intermediary variables. Ability self-concept at VET-school had a strong influence on further education three years after the apprenticeship

    IMG/PR: a database of plasmids from genomes and metagenomes with rich annotations and metadata.

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    Plasmids are mobile genetic elements found in many clades of Archaea and Bacteria. They drive horizontal gene transfer, impacting ecological and evolutionary processes within microbial communities, and hold substantial importance in human health and biotechnology. To support plasmid research and provide scientists with data of an unprecedented diversity of plasmid sequences, we introduce the IMG/PR database, a new resource encompassing 699 973 plasmid sequences derived from genomes, metagenomes and metatranscriptomes. IMG/PR is the first database to provide data of plasmid that were systematically identified from diverse microbiome samples. IMG/PR plasmids are associated with rich metadata that includes geographical and ecosystem information, host taxonomy, similarity to other plasmids, functional annotation, presence of genes involved in conjugation and antibiotic resistance. The database offers diverse methods for exploring its extensive plasmid collection, enabling users to navigate plasmids through metadata-centric queries, plasmid comparisons and BLAST searches. The web interface for IMG/PR is accessible at https://img.jgi.doe.gov/pr. Plasmid metadata and sequences can be downloaded from https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/portal/IMG_PR

    TREE project documentation 2000-2008

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    Kritische Transitionen in der beruflichen Grundbildung: Wenn Ausbildungswege nicht der Norm entsprechen

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    In diesem Artikel werden die PrÀvalenz sowie mögliche Entstehungsbedingungen nicht-linearer BerufsbildungsverlÀufe in der Schweiz diskutiert. Differenziert rur vier kritische Transitionen (Repetition/Abstieg, Ausbildungswechsel, Betriebswechsel und Lehrabbruch ohne unmittelbare Anschlusslösung) wird untersucht, wie sich nicht-lineare von linearen AusbildungsverlÀufen unterscheiden und welche Konsequenzen kritische Transitionen auf den spÀteren Sekundarstufe-lI-Abschluss haben

    The Intellectual Demands of Initial Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland. Ratings for the period 1999‐2005

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    Aktualisierung und Erweiterung des Ratings aus dem Jahr 2002; Stand 200
