12 research outputs found

    Sources of riverine mercury across the Mackenzie River Basin; inferences from a combined Hg\\C isotopes and optical properties approach

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    The Arctic environment harbors a complex mosaic of mercury (Hg) and carbon (C) reservoirs, some of which are rapidly destabilizing in response to climate warming. The sources of riverine Hg across the Mackenzie River basin (MRB) are uncertain, which leads to a poor understanding of potential future release. Measurements of dissolved and particulate mercury (DHg, PHg) and carbon (DOC, POC) concentration were performed, along with analyses of Hg stable isotope ratios (incl. Delta 199Hg, delta 202Hg), radiocarbon content (Delta 14C) and optical properties of DOC of river water. Isotopic ratios of Hg revealed a closer association to terrestrial Hg reservoirs for the particulate fraction, while the dissolved fraction was more closely associated with atmospheric deposition sources of shorter turnover time. There was a positive correlation between the Delta 14C-OC and riverine Hg concentration for both particulate and dissolved fractions, indicating that waters transporting older-OC (14C-depleted) also contained higher levels of Hg. In the dissolved fraction, older DOC was also associated with higher molecular weight, aromaticity and humic content, which are likely associated with higher Hg-binding potential. Riverine PHg concentration increased with turbidity and SO4 concentration. There were large contrasts in Hg concentration and OC age and quality among the mountain and lowland sectors of the MRB, which likely reflect the spatial distribution of various terrestrial Hg and OC reservoirs, including weathering of sulfate minerals, erosion and extraction of coal deposits, thawing permafrost, forest fires, peatlands, and forests. Results revealed major differences in the sources of particulate and dissolved riverine Hg, but nonetheless a common positive association with olde

    Opposing spatial trends in methylmercury and total mercury along a peatland chronosequence trophic gradient

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    Peatlands are abundant elements of boreal landscapes where inorganic mercury (IHg) can be transformed into bioaccumulating and highly toxic methylmercury (MeHg). We studied fifteen peatlands divided into three age lasses (young, intermediate and old) along a geographically constrained chronosequence to determine the role of biogeochemical factors and nutrient availability in controlling the formation of MeHg. In the 10 cm soil layer just below the average annual growing season water table, concentrations of MeHg and %MeHg (of total Hg) were higher in younger, more mesotrophic peatlands than in older, more oligotrophic peatlands. In contrast, total mercury (THg) concentrations were higher in the older peatlands. Partial least squares (PLS) analysis indicates that the net MeHg production was positively correlated to trophic demands of vegetation and an increased availability of potential electron acceptors and donors for Hg methylating microorganisms. An important question for further studies will be to elucidate why there is less THg in the younger peatlands compared to the older peatlands, even though the age of the superficial peat itself is similar for all sites. We hypothesize that ecosystem features which enhance microbial processes involved in Hg methylation also promote Hg reduction that makes previously deposited Hg more available for evasion back to the atmosphere. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Biogeochemical influences on net methylmercury formation proxies along a peatland chronosequence

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    A geographically constrained chronosequence of peatlands divided into three age classes (young, intermediate and old) was used to explore the role of biogeochemical influences, including electron donors and acceptors as well as chemical speciation of inorganic mercury (Hg(II)), on net formation of methylmercury (MeHg) as approximated by the fraction of MeHg to total mercury (THg) in the peat soil. We hypothesized that removing vascular plants would reduce availability of electron donors and thus net MeHg formation. However, we found no effect of the vascular plant removal. The sum of the potential electron donors (acetate, lactate, propionate and oxalate), the electron donation proxy organic C/Organic N, and the potential electron acceptors (Fe(III), Mn and sulfate) in porewater all showed significant correlations with the net MeHg formation proxies in peat soil (MeHg concentration and %MeHg of THg). Thus differences in both electron donor and acceptor availability may be contributing to the pattern of net MeHg formation along the chronosequence. In contrast, Hg(II) concentrations in peat porewater showed small differences along the gradient. A chemical speciation model successfully predicted the solubility of Hg and MeHg in the porewater. The modeling pointed to an enhanced concentration of Hg-polysulfide species in the younger peatlands as a potential factor behind increased Hg(II) solubility and methylation in the more nutrient-rich peatlands. This work contributes to the understanding of Hg and MeHg cycling in peatlands which can help guide mitigation measures to reduce aquatic MeHg biomagnification in peatland dominated landscapes. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    A toolbox for visualizing trends in large-scale environmental data

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    Generalized additive models are increasingly used to identify and describe environmental trends. A major advantage of these models, as compared to simpler statistical tools such as linear regression or Mann-Kendall tests, is that they provide estimates of prevailing levels and trend magnitudes at any given point in time instead of an overall measure. For multiple time series, this versatility has to be followed by flexible visualization methods that can summarize and visualize trend analysis results for many series simultaneously. Here, we propose several types of visualizations and illustrate the methods by showing trends in variables related to the recovery from acidification in Swedish riverine data over the period 1988-2017. By this, we show that generalized additive models, together with a small number of selected plots, can comprehensively illustrate prevailing trends and summarize complex information from multiple series

    From Wicked Problem to Governable Entity? : The Effects of Forestry on Mercury in Aquatic Ecosystems

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    In all Swedish lakes, the concentration of mercury (Hg) in fish exceeds the European Union threshold limit. While the ultimate source of Hg is primarily airborne emissions from fossil energy, forestry plays a small but important role because some forestry operations help mobilize and transform Hg, increasing Hg loads in downstream aquatic ecosystems. Simultaneously, climate change is placing additional demands on forests to provide biomass as a substitute for fossil fuel. Thus, decision-makers are facing a complex situation, a “wicked problem,” when it comes to how to handle the problem of forestry’s effects on Hg in aquatic ecosystems while at the same time securing other ecosystem services. In order to explore forestry’s degree of responsibility as well as possible solutions to this problem in Sweden, a transdisciplinary method has been used consisting of a structured dialogue with actors from relevant governmental agencies, forest companies, and forest associations. The analysis shows that while the issue can be addressed constructively, the complex character of the problem requires consideration of not only management practices for forestry but also current regulatory goals and environmental objectives. The Hg problem represents a class of difficult issues for forestry where stand- or property-based production has an impact on a greater spatial scale. This means that regulating the more direct impacts of forestry needs to be weighed against the implications this regulation may have on the overall issue of ecosystem services.Funding Agencies:Forestry Research Institute of Sweden (Skogforsk)  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)  UmeĂ„ University </p

    Does forest harvest increase the mercury concentrations in fish? : Evidence from Swedish lakes

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    A number of studies have evaluated the effects of forest harvest on mercury (Hg) concentrations and exports in surface waters, but few studies have tested the effect from forest harvest on the change in fish Hg concentrations over the course of several years after harvest. To address this question, mercury (Hg) concentrations in perch (Perca fluviatilis) muscle tissue from five lakes were analyzed for two years before (2010-2011) and three years after (2013-2015) forest harvest conducted in 2012. Fish Hg concentrations in the clear-cut catchments (n = 1373 fish specimens) were related to temporal changes of fish Hg in reference lakes (n = 1099 fish specimen) from 19 lakes in the Swedish National Environmental Monitoring Programme. Small (length &lt; 100 mm) and large perch (length &gt;= 100 mm) were analyzed separately, due to changing feeding habitats of fish over growing size. There was considerable year-to-year and lake-to-lake variation in fish Hg concentrations (-14%-121%) after forest harvest in the clearcut lakes, according to our first statistical model that count for fish Hg changes. While the effect ascribed to forest harvest varied between years, after three years (in 2015), a significant increase of 26% (p &lt; 0.0001) in Hg concentrations of large fish was identified in our second statistical model that pooled all 5 clearcut lakes. The large fish Hg concentrations in the 19 reference lakes also varied, and in 2015 had decreased by 7% (p = 0.03) relative to the concentrations in 2010-2011. The majority of the annual changes in fish Hg concentrations in the clearcut lakes after harvest were in the lower range of earlier predictions for high-latitude lakes extrapolated primarily from the effects of forest harvest operations on Hg concentrations in water. Since the risk of forest harvest impacts on Hg extends to fish and not just surface water concentrations, there is even more reason to consider Hg effects in forestry planning, alongside other ecosystem effects

    SIMKK, a Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Kinase, Is a Specific Activator of the Salt Stress–Induced MAPK, SIMK

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    In eukaryotes, mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) play key roles in the transmission of external signals, such as mitogens, hormones, and different stresses. MAPKs are activated by MAPK kinases through phosphorylation of MAPKs at both the threonine and tyrosine residues of the conserved TXY activation motif. In plants, several MAPKs are involved in signaling of hormones, stresses, cell cycle, and developmental cues. Recently, we showed that salt stress–induced MAPK (SIMK) is activated when alfalfa cells are exposed to hyperosmotic conditions. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of the alfalfa MAPK kinase SIMKK (SIMK kinase). SIMKK encodes an active protein kinase that interacts specifically with SIMK, but not with three other MAPKs, in the yeast two-hybrid system. Recombinant SIMKK specifically activates SIMK by phosphorylating both the threonine and tyrosine residues in the activation loop of SIMK. SIMKK contains a putative MAPK docking site at the N terminus that is conserved in mammalian MAPK kinases, transcription factors, and phosphatases. Removal of the MAPK docking site of SIMKK partially compromises but does not completely abolish interaction with SIMK, suggesting that other domains of SIMKK also are involved in MAPK binding. In transient expression assays, SIMKK specifically activates SIMK but not two other MAPKs. Moreover, SIMKK enhances the salt-induced activation of SIMK. These data suggest that the salt-induced activation of SIMK is mediated by the dual-specificity protein kinase SIMKK

    Opposing spatial trends in methylmercury and total mercury along a peatland chronosequence trophic gradient

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    9 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, supplementary material https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137306Peatlands are abundant elements of boreal landscapes where inorganic mercury (IHg) can be transformed into bioaccumulating and highly toxic methylmercury (MeHg). We studied fifteen peatlands divided into three age classes (young, intermediate and old) along a geographically constrained chronosequence to determine the role of biogeochemical factors and nutrient availability in controlling the formation of MeHg. In the 10 cm soil layer just below the average annual growing season water table, concentrations of MeHg and %MeHg (of total Hg) were higher in younger, more mesotrophic peatlands than in older, more oligotrophic peatlands. In contrast, total mercury (THg) concentrations were higher in the older peatlands. Partial least squares (PLS) analysis indicates that the net MeHg production was positively correlated to trophic demands of vegetation and an increased availability of potential electron acceptors and donors for Hg methylating microorganisms. An important question for further studies will be to elucidate why there is less THg in the younger peatlands compared to the older peatlands, even though the age of the superficial peat itself is similar for all sites. We hypothesize that ecosystem features which enhance microbial processes involved in Hg methylation also promote Hg reduction that makes previously deposited Hg more available for evasion back to the atmosphereThis work was supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC, 2015–2018), the Sino-Swedish Mercury Management Research Framework (SMaReF: VR2013-6978), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41573078 and 41303098) and the Swedish Research Council Formas (2106-00896)With the funding support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S), of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI