100 research outputs found

    Потрійні системи Lu-V-{Ge, Sn}

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    The isothermal sections of the phase diagrams of the Lu–V–Ge and Lu-V-Sn ternary systems were constructed at 870 K over the whole concentration range using X-ray diffraction and EPM analyses. In the Lu-V-Ge system a formation of the substitutional solid solution Lu5Ge3-xVx based on the Lu5Ge3binary compound (Mn5Si3 structure type) was found up to 6 at. % V. Insertion of the V atoms in the structure of the LuGe2 binary germanide (ZrSi2structure type, up to 5 aт. % V) results in the formation of the LuV0,15Ge2 ternary phase (CeNiSi2 structure type, space group Cmcm, a=0.40210(4),b=1.5661(1), c=0.38876(3) nm), which corresponds to the limit composition of the interstitial solid solution LuVxGe2. The interaction between the elements in the Lu-V-Sn system results in the formation of one ternary compound LuV6Sn6 (SmMn6Sn6-type, space group P6/mmm, a=0.5503(2), c=0.9171(4) nm) at investigated temperature.Ізотермічні перерізи діаграм стану потрійних систем Lu–V–Ge і Lu-V-Sn побудовані за температури 870 K в повному концентраційному інтервалі методами рентгенофазового, рентгеноструктурного і мікроструктурного аналізів. В системі Lu-V-Ge на основі бінарної сполуки Lu5Ge3(структурний тип Mn5Si3) встановлено утворення твердого розчину заміщення Lu5Ge3-xVx до вмісту 6 aт. % V. Включення атомів V в структуру бінарного германіду LuGe2 (структурний тип ZrSi2, до вмісту 5 aт. % V) приводить до утворення тернарної фази LuV0,15Ge2 (структурний тип CeNiSi2, просторова група Cmcm, a=0,40210(4), b=1,5661(1), c=0,38876(3) нм), яка відповідає граничному складу твердого розчину включення LuVxGe2. Взаємодія компонентів у системі Lu-V-Sn за температури дослідження характеризується утворенням тернарної сполуки LuV6Sn6(структурний тип SmMn6Sn6, просторова група P6/mmm, a=0,5503(2), c=0,9171(4) нм)

    Потрійна система Er-Cr-Ge

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    The isothermal section of the phase diagram of the Er–Cr–Ge ternary system was constructed at 1070 K over the whole concentration range using X-ray diffractometry, metallography and electron microprobe (EPM) analysis. The interaction between the elements in the Er−Cr−Ge system results in the formation of two ternary compounds: ErCr6Ge6 (MgFe6Ge6-type, space group P6/mmm, Pearson symbol hP13; a = 5.15149(3), c = 8.26250(7) Ǻ; RBragg = 0.0493, RF = 0.0574) and ErCr1-хGe2 (CeNiSi2-type, space group Cmcm, Pearson symbol oS16, a = 4.10271(5), b = 15.66525(17), c = 3.99017(4) Ǻ; RBragg = 0.0473, RF = 0.0433) at investigated temperature. For the ErCr1-xGe2 compound, the homogeneity region was determined (ErCr0.28-0.38Ge2; a = 4.10271(5)-4.1418(9), b = 15.6652(1)-15.7581(4), c = 3.99017(4)-3.9291(1) Ǻ).Ізотермічний переріз діаграми стану потрійної системи Er–Cr–Ge побудований за температури 1070 K в повному концентраційному інтервалі методами рентгенофазового, рентгеноструктурного і мікроструктурного аналізів. Взаємодія компонентів у системі Er–Cr–Ge за температури дослідження характеризується утворенням двох тернарних сполук ErCr6Ge6 (структурний тип MgFe6Ge6, просторова група P6/mmm, символ Пірсона hP13; a = 5,15149(3), c = 8,26250(7) Ǻ; RBragg = 0,0493, RF = 0,0574) іErCr1-хGe2 (структурний тип CeNiSi2, просторова група Cmcm, символ Пірсона oS16, a = 4,10271(5), b = 15,6652(1), c = 3,99017(4) Ǻ; RBragg = 0,0473, RF = 0,0433). Для сполуки ErCr1-хGe2 визначена область гомогенності (ErСr0,28-0,38Ge2; a = 4,10271(5)-4,1418(9), b = 15,6652(1)-15,7581(4), c = 3,99017(4)-3,9291(1) Ǻ)

    Взаємодія компонентів у потрійній системі Gd-Mn-Sn при 873 і 673 K

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    The interaction of the components in the Gd-Mn-Sn ternary system was studied using the methods of X-ray and microstructure analyses, in the whole concentration range. The phase diagrams of the Gd-Mn-Sn system were constructed at 873 and 673 K. At both temperature of investigation the Gd-Mn-Sn system is characterized by existence of two ternary compounds: GdMn6Sn6 (MgFe6Ge6 structure type, space group P6/mmm) and Gd4Mn4Sn7 (Zr4Co4Ge7 structure type, space group I4/mmm). The formation of the interstitial solid solution GdMnхSn2 based on GdSn2 (ZrSi2-type) binary compound was found up to 10 at. % Mn at 873 K and 673 K. The existence of the substitutional solid solution based on GdMn2 (MgCu2-type) was observed up to 5 at.% Sn and 3 at. % Sn at 873 K and 673 K, respectively.Методами рентгенофазового і мікроструктурного аналізів досліджено взаємодію компонентів у потрійній системі Gd-Mn-Sn у повному концентраційному інтервалі та побудовані діаграми фазових рівноваг за температур 873 K і 673 K. За обох температур дослідження в системi утворюються дві тернарні сполуки GdMn6Sn6(структурний тип MgFe6Ge6, просторова група P6/mmm) і Gd4Mn4Sn7 (структурний тип Zr4Co4Ge7, просторова група I4/mmm). На основi бiнарного станiду GdSn2зі структурою типу ZrSi2 встановлено існування твердого розчину включення GdMnхSn2 до вмісту 10 ат. % Mn за температур 873 K і 673 K. На основі бінарної сполуки GdMn2 (структурний тип MgCu2) утворюється твердий розчин заміщення до вмісту 5 ат. % Sn при 873 K і до вмісту 3 ат. % Sn при 673 K

    Дослідження напівпровідникового твердого розчину V1-xTixFeSb. I. Особливості електрокінетичних характеристик

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    The peculiarities of the temperature and concentration characteristics of resistivity and thermopower of V1-xTixFeSb semiconductor solid solution were investigated in the temperature and concentration ranges of T = 4.2 -400 K and Ті  ≈ 9.5·1019–3.6·1021 см-3 (х = 0.005 - 0.20), respectively. The existence of previously unknown mechanism for the generation of structural defects with donor nature which determined the conduction of n-VFeSb and V1-xTixFeSb was established. The acceptor type of structural defects generated in V1-xTixFeSb by substitution of V atoms by Ti ones was confirmed.Досліджено особливості температурних та концентраційних характеристик питомого електроопору та коефіцієнта термо-ерс напівпровідникового твердого розчину V1-xTixFeSb у діапазонах температур та концентрацій: Т = 4,2 – 400 К та Ті  ≈ 9.5·1019–3,6·1021 см-3 (х = 0,005–0,20). Встановлено існування невідомого раніше механізму генерування структурних дефектів донорної природи, які визначають провідність n-VFeSb та V1-xTixFeSb. Підтверджено акцепторну природу структурних дефектів, генерованих у V1-xTixFeSb, при заміщенні V атомами Ті

    Factors that impact on access to water and sanitation for older adults and people with disability in rural South Africa: An occupational justice perspective

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    Limited access to water and sanitation is a risk to health, dignity, and ability to engage in occupations. This article aims to: 1) discuss the current and historical factors affecting access to water and sanitation in rural South Africa, and 2) explore the occupational implications of water access, particularly for older adults and people with disability in rural South Africa. A literature review was carried out through searching JSTOR, Scopus, and MEDLINE databases and using framework analysis to interpret the retrieved documents. This paper also reports a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews, conducted in 2012 in a rural area of South Africa. Environmental, political, social-economic and attitudinal factors were identified as impacting water access and occupation, in both the documentary analysis and the semi-structured interviews. Due to South Africa’s history, injustice has occurred in the forms of occupational apartheid and occupational deprivation. We argue that supply systems must enable people to easily access more water than is essential for survival, so that people can participate in meaningful and productive occupations. Therefore, access to water should be considered part of an occupational right. Recognising this right will be an integral step in ensuring that water supplies are improved to support better livelihoods, and to achieve economic and social empowerment, and quality of life for all, in line with many of the United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals

    Isotopic signals (18O, 2H, 3H) of six major rivers draining the pan-Arctic watershed

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26 (2012): GB1027, doi:10.1029/2011GB004159.We present the results of a 4-year collaborative sampling effort that measured δ18O, δ2H values and 3H activities in the six largest Arctic rivers (the Ob, Yenisey, Lena, Kolyma, Yukon and Mackenzie). Using consistent sampling and data processing protocols, these isotopic measurements provide the best available δ2H and 3H estimates for freshwater fluxes from the pan-Arctic watershed to the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, which complements previous efforts with δ18O and other tracers. Flow-weighted annual δ2H values vary from −113.3‰ to −171.4‰ among rivers. Annual 3H fluxes vary from 0.68 g to 4.12 g among basins. The integration of conventional hydrological and landscape observations with stable water isotope signals, and estimation of areal yield of 3H provide useful insights for understanding water sources, mixing and evaporation losses in these river basins. For example, an inverse correlation between the slope of the δ18O-δ2H relation and wetland extent indicates that wetlands play comparatively important roles affecting evaporation losses in the Yukon and Mackenzie basins. Tritium areal yields (ranging from 0.760 to 1.695 10−6 g/km2 per year) are found to be positively correlated with permafrost coverage within the studied drainage basins. Isotope-discharge relationships demonstrate both linear and nonlinear response patterns, which highlights the complexity of hydrological processes in large Arctic river basins. These isotope observations and their relationship to discharge and landscape features indicate that basin-specific characteristics significantly influence hydrological processes in the pan-Arctic watershed.Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (OPP-0229302), the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Discovery grant to JJG and IRD fellowship to YY), the U.S. Geological Survey and the Water Resources Division in the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Canada.2012-09-2

    An occupational justice perspective on playing football and living with mental distress

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Physical inactivity is a global public health priority, yet people living with a disability or long-term health condition, such as those who experience mental distress, continue to face inequalities and barriers to participation in sport and physical activity. These inequalities are considered an occupational injustice, in terms of participation in health enhancing occupations being restricted for these groups of people, despite them wanting to be more active. This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the nature and value of participating in a UK based community football project, for people with experience of mental distress. Twenty-three people took part in this first strand of a larger participatory action research study, which used the World Café as a method for structuring and recording conversations. Data from the three World Café events were analysed collectively and thematically. The study’s findings reveal tensions, nuances, and subtleties that exist in relation to the reciprocal relationship between playing football and people’s health and well-being. The complexity of enabling participation in sport and physical activity amongst marginalised groups, such as people with experience of mental distress, is highlighted.Elizabeth Casson Trus

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки