806 research outputs found

    The influence of laser relative intensity noise in the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

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    LISA is an upcoming ESA mission that will detect gravitational waves in spaceby interferometrically measuring the separation between free-falling testmasses at picometer precision. To reach the desired performance, LISA willemploy the noise reduction technique time-delay interferometry (TDI), in whichmultiple raw interferometric readouts are time shifted and combined into thefinal scientific observables. Evaluating the performance in terms of these TDIvariables requires careful tracking of how different noise sources propagatethrough TDI, as noise correlations might affect the performance in unexpectedways. One example of such potentially correlated noise is the relativeintensity noise (RIN) of the six lasers aboard the three LISA satellites, whichwill couple into the interferometric phase measurements. In this article, wecalculate the expected RIN levels based on the current mission architecture andthe envisaged mitigation strategies. We find that strict requirements on thetechnical design reduce the effect from approximately 8.7 pm/rtHz perinter-spacecraft interferometer to that of a much lower sub-1 pm/rtHz noise,with typical characteristics of an uncorrelated readout noise after TDI. Ourinvestigations underline the importance of sufficient balanced detection of theinterferometric measurements.<br

    SALT observations of the Chromospheric Activity of Transiting Planet Hosts: Mass Loss and Star Planet Interactions

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    We measured the chromospheric activity of the four hot Jupiter hosts WASP-43, WASP-51/HAT-P-30, WASP-72 & WASP-103 to search for anomalous values caused by the close-in companions. The Mount Wilson Ca II H&K S-index was calculated for each star using observations taken with the Robert Stobie Spectrograph at the Southern African Large Telescope. The activity level of WASP-43 is anomalously high relative to its age and falls among the highest values of all known main sequence stars. We found marginal evidence that the activity of WASP-103 is also higher than expected from the system age. We suggest that for WASP-43 and WASP-103 star-planet interactions (SPI) may enhance the Ca II H&K core emission. The activity levels of WASP-51/HAT-P-30 and WASP-72 are anomalously low, with the latter falling below the basal envelope for both main sequence and evolved stars. This can be attributed to circumstellar absorption due to planetary mass loss, though absorption in the ISM may contribute. A quarter of known short period planet hosts exhibit anomalously low activity levels, including systems with hot Jupiters and low mass companions. Since SPI can elevate and absorption can suppress the observed chromospheric activity of stars with close-in planets, their Ca II H&K activity levels are an unreliable age indicator. Systems where the activity is depressed by absorption from planetary mass loss are key targets for examining planet compositions through transmission spectroscopy

    Fixed Base Modal Testing Using the NASA GRC Mechanical Vibration Facility

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    The Space Power Facility at NASA's Plum Brook Station houses the world's largest and most powerful space environment simulation facilities, including the Mechanical Vibration Facility (MVF), which offers the world's highest-capacity multi-axis spacecraft shaker system. The MVF was designed to perform sine vibration testing of a Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)-class spacecraft with a total mass of 75,000 pounds, center of gravity (cg) height above the table of 284 inches, diameter of 18 feet, and capability of 1.25 gravity units peak acceleration in the vertical and 1.0 gravity units peak acceleration in the lateral directions. The MVF is a six-degree-of-freedom, servo-hydraulic, sinusoidal base-shake vibration system that has the advantage of being able to perform single-axis sine vibration testing of large structures in the vertical and two lateral axes without the need to reconfigure the test article for each axis. This paper discusses efforts to extend the MVF's capabilities so that it can also be used to determine fixed base modes of its test article without the need for an expensive test-correlated facility simulation

    Visual Dependency and Dizziness after Vestibular Neuritis

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    Symptomatic recovery after acute vestibular neuritis (VN) is variable, with around 50% of patients reporting long term vestibular symptoms; hence, it is essential to identify factors related to poor clinical outcome. Here we investigated whether excessive reliance on visual input for spatial orientation (visual dependence) was associated with long term vestibular symptoms following acute VN. Twenty-eight patients with VN and 25 normal control subjects were included. Patients were enrolled at least 6 months after acute illness. Recovery status was not a criterion for study entry, allowing recruitment of patients with a full range of persistent symptoms. We measured visual dependence with a laptop-based Rod-and-Disk Test and severity of symptoms with the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). The third of patients showing the worst clinical outcomes (mean DHI score 36–80) had significantly greater visual dependence than normal subjects (6.35° error vs. 3.39° respectively, p = 0.03). Asymptomatic patients and those with minor residual symptoms did not differ from controls. Visual dependence was associated with high levels of persistent vestibular symptoms after acute VN. Over-reliance on visual information for spatial orientation is one characteristic of poorly recovered vestibular neuritis patients. The finding may be clinically useful given that visual dependence may be modified through rehabilitation desensitization techniques

    Common variable immunodeficiency, impaired neurological development and reduced numbers of T regulatory cells in a 10-year-old boy with a STAT1 gain-of-function mutation

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    Recently, gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in the gene encoding signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) have been associated with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC). This case report describes a 10-year-old boy presenting with signs of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), failure to thrive, impaired neurological development, and a history of recurrent mucocutaneous Candida infections. Sequencing of the STAT1 gene identified a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 7 encoding the STAT1 coiled-coil domain (c.514T > C, p.Phe172Leu). In addition to hypogammaglobulinemia with B-cell deficiency, and a low percentage of Th17 cells, immunological analysis of the patient revealed a marked depletion of forkhead-box P3+-expressing regulatory T cells (Tregs). In vitro stimulation of T cells from the patient with interferon-α (IFNα) and/or IFNɣ resulted in a significantly increased expression of STAT1-regulated target genes such as MIG1, IRF1, MX1, MCP1/CCL2, IFI-56K, and CXCL10 as compared to IFN-treated cells from a healthy control, while no IFNα/ɣ-mediated up-regulation of the FOXP3 gene was found. These data demonstrate that the STAT1 GOF mutation F172L, which results in impaired stability of the antiparallel STAT1 dimer conformation, is associated with inhibited Treg cell development and neurological symptoms

    TNFα-mediated Hsd11b1 binding of NF-κB p65 is associated with suppression of 11β-HSD1 in muscle

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    The activity of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1), which converts inactive cortisone (11-dehydrocorticosterone (11-DHC)) (in mice) into the active glucocorticoid (GC) cortisol (corticosterone in mice), can amplify tissue GC exposure. Elevated TNFα is a common feature in a range of inflammatory disorders and is detrimental to muscle function in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.We have previously demonstrated that 11β-HSD1 activity is increased in the mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) by TNFα treatment and suggested that this is an autoregulatory anti-inflammatory mechanism. This upregulation was mediated by the P2 promoter of the Hsd11β1 gene and was dependent on the NF-kB signalling pathway. In this study, we show that in contrast to MSCs, in differentiated C2C12 and primary murine myotubes, TNFα suppresses Hsd11β1 mRNA expression and activity through the utilization of the alternative P1 promoter. As with MSCs, in response to TNFα treatment, NF-κB p65 was translocated to the nucleus. However, ChIP analysis demonstrated that the direct binding was seen at positionK218 toK245 bp of the Hsd11β1 gene's P1 promoter but not at the P2 promoter. These studies demonstrate the existence of differential regulation of 11β-HSD1 expression in muscle cells through TNFα/p65 signalling and the P1 promoter, further enhancing our understanding of the role of 11β-HSD1 in the context of inflammatory disease

    The Pudding of Trust

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    Trust - "reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing" - is pervasive in social systems. We constantly apply it in interactions between people, organizations, animals, and even artifacts. We use it instinctively and implicitly in closed and static systems, or consciously and explicitly in open or dynamic systems. An epitome for the former case is a small village, where everybody knows everybody, and the villagers instinctively use their knowledge or stereotypes to trust or distrust their neighbors. A big city exemplifies the latter case, where people use explicit rules of behavior in diverse trust relationships. We already use trust in computing systems extensively, although usually subconsciously. The challenge for exploiting trust in computing lies in extending the use of trust-based solutions, first to artificial entities such as software agents or subsystems, then to human users' subconscious choices